Quote Originally Posted by KPM View Post
Looks a whole lot like the Chi Sao done in Pin Sun WCK!
Wah! All these labels

Pin Sun Wing Chun as we all have seen through the years has a flavour of mainland interactive training, as does the Vietnamese clip here. Call it Chisau or whatever you like, it is a far stretch from the common Ip Man chisau we commonly see, and fwiw very few even do that justice.

2 arms against 2 arms has a set of variations which people here with basic experience should be able to share, and I would suggest if you don't know what I am talking about then you need to revisit your Sifu and ask some hard and fast questions... Ip Man revised this type of mainland interaction to get to where we were at in the 1960s and then after the boom of the 70s everything changed.

There is value to everything if you understand the objectives.