Good post Chris,
I experinced two bar fights in which two different guys were clocked real good.In both instances the attacker did not telegraph and did not use a fist and he did not know any martial arts. In both instances though the attacker, was an experience fighter (biker).
In the first instance the attacker swung the inside of his right forearm (boney part)from a relaxed position on his side to connect with the underside of the guys left jaw. He totally connected, the guy dropped instantly, the attacker went back to drinking.
In the second occassion one guy was siting down while a beligerant kept mouthing off to the guy sitting, as he came closer to the table and in range, the sitting guy, swung out his open palm in a cupped position and cranked the side of the head at the ear. WHOP! Everyone heard the sound! The guy who was hit was a large mother who stumbled away and passed out near his table, which was nearby.