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Thread: Eating bitter in China

  1. #61
    Well, I guess you could say that about anything that is bad. "Oh your parents were murdered? Must have really brought the fam together. How nice that you guys could get together!"

    "Oh there was a devastating earthquake? Must be nice to see such community spirit in cleaning up the bodies and rubble."

  2. #62
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    If you liked that, Syn7, check this out

    This will surely fix the problem....

    Photos: Primary students learn special 'anti-haze' martial arts to combat smog

    A primary school in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province has started to teach children a special set of martial arts so that they can protect themselves from the choking smog and haze present during the winter months, according to

    The special martial art has 23 actions and is believed to enhance physical fitness and strengthen tendons in the body and the lungs, according to the report.

    Children and the elderly were asked to stay inside during the past couple of weeks when some cities' air quality index reached off-the-chart levels. Students in Hongzhou even resorted to performing their daily flag-raising ceremonies indoors, thanks to the vision-crippling smog.

    On the plus side, heightened physical fitness awareness among China's youth can now be added to the government's absurd and far-reaching list naming benefits of China's smog problem.

    At the very least, it brings this OT thread on topic for KFM.

    Smog is only going to get worse worldwide. Be prepared.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  3. #63
    You're right, I did like that! I wonder if the guys who made this are crazy pants and believe in it or if it's just a way to calm people down? Sometimes it's hard to tell.

  4. #64
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    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Never mind eating bitter...

    ...worry about eating clenbuterol.

    Professional bicyclist blames Chinese food for positive doping test

    Australian bicyclist Michael Rogers said that the consumption of contaminated Chinese food is the reason he tested positive for the banned substance clenbuterol, a sympathomimetic drug that athletes use to drop body fat quickly.

    "I would like to make it very clear, in the strongest terms possible that I have never knowingly or deliberately ingested clenbuterol," the rider said in a statement on Friday. Rogers, a three-time World Time-Trial Champion and rider for Team Saxo-Tinkoff, failed the test at the Japan Cup in October.

    "I can advise that during the period 8th-17th of October, before arriving in Japan, I was present in China for the World Tour race, Tour of Beijing," he said.

    "I understand that it has been acknowledged by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) as well as other anti-doping bodies, that food contaminated with clenbuterol is a serious problem in China."

    Certainly enough, China was hit with a huge food scandal in 2011 when Clenbuterol-tainted pork began circulating in markets. The illegal additive was found in products distributed by the country's largest meat processors, according to authority reports.

    Products marketed under Shuanghui Group's Shineway brand were produced from pigs that were fed clenbuterol, an additive that can speed up muscle building and fat burning to produce leaner pork, the reports said.

    The additive, known among farmers as “lean meat powder,” is banned in China because if eaten by humans it can lead to dizziness, heart palpitations and profuse sweating…

    The industry association's spokesman told the Global Times in 2011 that the tainted pork was an isolated case only found in one Shuanghui company.

    Still, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has told athletes to "exercise extreme caution with regards to eating meat when travelling to competitions in China and Mexico."

    'It's hard to believe that high performance athletes in Australia, in any sport, could travel to China and Mexico and be unaware of the risk involved in eating meat in those countries and the strategies they need to take on board to eliminate that risk,'' Australian Institute of Sport head of medicine Dr. David Hughes said in a Canberra Times report.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  5. #65
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    Aug 2004
    That one was already debunked today. Turns out it was just a Shandong tourism video with some ironic timing.
    Simon McNeil

    Be on the lookout for the Black Trillium, a post-apocalyptic wuxia novel released by Brain Lag Publishing available in all major online booksellers now.
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  6. #66
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by SimonM View Post
    That one was already debunked today. Turns out it was just a Shandong tourism video with some ironic timing.
    I think there's just a lot of rabble rousing going on about China these days as we get nearer and nearer to the pivot point of Asian Economic supremecy and American Empire and British and European Empire fading in glory.
    It's as if Western News orgs have never been to Houston, which is a smog hole supreme, no offense Houstonites, but dayum!

    Smog deaths occur across North American major cities and just the other day there were reports in Toronto regarding a particular area of the city that was especially toxic in it's air quality. That's Toronto Canada folks and yes, we have crap air here too especially in the summer when people start dropping dead from smog.

    This kind of journalism has become all too common. Lacks integrity and serves only to generate negative opinions of entire nation as if some sort of nationalistic bent where we are is any better. It's a dang mechanism of fascism for pete's sake.

    Don't believe what you read. Don't believe everything you think that you've formed in your mind based on the experiences of others lest you at least share that experience.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  7. #67
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.


    How about a mug of live pig's blood?
    Health Tip: Drinking live pig’s blood may lead to worms in your brain

    Master Blaster

    I’m sure we can all agree that at the end of a long workday there’s nothing better than enjoying a nice glass of pig’s blood. I don’t mean that bottled crap you buy in the supermarket, chocked full of additives and high fructose corn syrup. I’m talking about the real-deal piping hot blood straight from a live pig.

    However, before you go ahead and take a nice drink, take heed. As one young man from Guangxi, China learned, drinking too much live pig’s blood (i.e. any) can actually be bad for your health.

    According to the Guiyang Evening News, on 18 February a young man checked into an area hospital complaining of a variety of symptoms including weakness, dizziness, and loss of vision.

    Medical staff performed a CT scan on the man’s brain and found the presence of 19 parasites in it. The culprits are known as Taenia solium, a type of pork tapeworm that can infect humans who ingest improperly cooked pork.

    This tapeworm can be found in the blood and flesh of pigs. If consumed by humans its larva can enter the bloodstream and make its way to the brain. The good news is that this condition called neurocysticercosis is easily treatable by medication if detected in the early stages.

    However, if left untreated it can result in severe brain and nerve damage leading to complications such as epilepsy and blindness. It can even be fatal in extreme cases. Unfortunately, this young man’s case is slightly advanced and it isn’t clear if he will pull through completely in the end.

    The cause of this infection was the man’s fondness of drinking blood from a live pig made into a sweet soup reportedly called tian tang xue. However, the doctor who treated him took the opportunity to remind people to simply “never eat uncooked pork” and “do not drink the blood of a live pig.”

    The thought of having worms in my brain is making the conversion to Islam a more and more appealing thought. However, if you’re one of those hardcore pork lovers who can’t go without the meat’s sweet and salty taste please remember to cook it thoroughly. And next time you find yourself sneaking up on a pig with a spigot, consider having something healthier like Coca-Cola or feces wine.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  8. #68
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    Where ever I Am; today, West Virginia, US of A, NA, N of EUdMexico
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    Recognized Some of the 23 Action Form from the Chinanews Story

    White Crane Spreads it's Wings--longevity, Tiger-Bones+ and Striking Snake-chi and breath...the 23 move form looks to have potential if anything can help combat the bad air in the environment.

    There are four lights...¼ impulse...all donations can be sent at to;

  9. #69
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    Western MA
    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    How about a mug of live pig's blood?
    I talked to a (western) doctor I met in China who was studying these worms. According to her, it's not just pigs' blood. Farmers who have contracted the worms often use improperly processed humanure...she thought it was VERY important to peel, cook, or wash in iodine solution ALL vegetables in China. Unfortunately I had already eaten a bunch of raw stuff by the time I met her. Still, it's not that odds are pretty good.

  10. #70
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Even more dead pigs

    170 dead pigs discovered in Qinghai's Yellow River

    Wee. At least 170 dead pigs were pulled out of Qinghai province's Yellow River, China's second-longest waterway, Xinhua reported today. This marks the latest in a string of similar incidents from the past two months, and with the images of last year's Great Huangpu Hog Pile still fresh on our minds, it's one too many to bear for mainland residents whose fears over food safety are steadily rising.

    According to the Xinhua report, the source of the dead pigs has not yet been confirmed, although industry experts say that the corpses are often dumped by farmers trying to avoid disposal costs.

    This was the case with last year's hogwash that saw over 10,000 dead pigs being fished out of the Huangpu river after they were dumped by farmers in Jiaxing and Zhejiang province.

    Around 500 dead pigs are recovered every month from a reservoir in Sichuan, according to AFP. Last month, 131 of the things were found in a river in Jiangxi province and in February, a collection of dead pigs yet again surfaced in our precious Huangpu River, a main source of Shanghai's water supply.
    Would it be tactless to move all the dead pig posts on this thread to our Bacon!!!!!! thread?
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  11. #71
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    I'm speechless at this one.

    Customers find condom in fish dish, restaurant manager eats it to avoid paying fine

    In a story that's got hundreds of millions of netizens talking/retching, diners at an Anhui restaurant were about to enjoy a nice fish meal when they discovered a surprise on their plate: a condom. When they threatened to fine the establishment more than 100,000RMB, the manager allegedly refused, instead agreeing to eat the condom as compensation:

    The patron, surnamed Liang, said she was dining with two other women when they turned over their shared catch of the day to find a condom.

    The report failed to mention if the prophylactic was used.

    Shocked and disgusted, Liang and her friends demanded compensation from the manager: an ambulance, reimbursed medical expenses and 100,000 yuan ($16,039).

    "They suspected us of putting the condom there ourselves," said Liang.

    Despite the manager arguing that the condom would have melted after being roasted, Liang and friends disagreed and eventually proposed their sadistic solution.

    "I was on duty so I had to eat it to get the problem settled," said the manager.

    Someone please give this guy the "Employee of the Century Award"/ a part in ******* 4.

    While this is (hopefully) the the first time a restaurant manager has agreed to eat a prophylactic found in food, this isn't the first time a lucky customer has found one in their food. The other case involved a group who found a condom in their yogurt. We pray they also didn't find "yogurt" in that condom.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  12. #72
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    Tying up the mentally disabled...

    ... is actually quite common in many rural areas of China

    26-year-old Shaanxi woman has been tied to a tree for more than 20 years

    Zhang Yanrong, a 26-year-old woman in Shaanxi has been strapped to a tree outside her home for more than 20 years. Her parents tied her there when she was little to prevent her injuring herself after a childhood accident rendered her mentally disabled, Oriental Daily reports.

    She became mentally handicapped after the injury, and could not recognize the way home. Her parents took her to many doctors, but couldn't afford the medical fees. And so it was decided that tying her to a tree was the only solution.

    Her neighbor stated that Zhang wasn't violent or unstable, just slow. "She has been lost several times and roping her up is the only way," says her neighbor.

    Her 60-year-old mother said that her daughter never resisted being tied up. She was worried no one would take care of her daughter if she and her husband passed away.

    Tying up the mentally disabled is actually quite common in many rural areas of China, where they can't afford medical care, and attitudes towards the handicapped seem medieval at best.

    [Image Via]

    By Christy Lau
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  13. #73
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    They could at least get her a comfy chair to sit on. Maybe make a day bed out of straw or something. Or, better yet, the village could work together and take care of their fellow humans by creating a nice place to safely house her and others with special needs while not in direct care of the family. Sad...really sad.

  14. #74
    It seems to be more of a practical decision than one of outright insensitivity. If it's a small village and everyone is working all the time, when can you take the time to watch somebody like a hawk? If you aren't working it's cause you're old or sick, so those not working at all wouldn't be able to chase her around. Still, you would think they could find a way to pass her around to those on break or whatever so she doesn't have to sit tethered to a tree. To us it's cruel, but would she be better off locked in a room? It wasn't that long ago that many cultures would never have let someone like that live to become such a burden. So at least there's that. I'm not trying to seem insensitive, I just don't know what I would do if I was a poor farmer working 24/7, like everyone else in my small village. Ya know. I have friends with special needs children, and maaaan, that is like 3 full time jobs. We're lucky here to have the wealth and infrastructure to help with these sorts of things.

  15. #75
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    Jan 2013
    I agree with you completely Syn. I'm not exactly miffed by the fact that she's tied up. I mean that's bad enough, but as you point out they really might not have another option. My point was that she is tied to a tree which has a rubble pile and a large stone looking thing next to it. Surely they could clean up the area a little bit and give her a chair or something nicer to sit on. Maybe add a water jug nearby, and possibly a tarp in case it rains. It just seems like minimal effort has been made to make her comfortable.

    Good thing she doesn't live in Texas, because there would be some animal gnawing on her leg by the time the family returned.

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