Quote Originally Posted by BPWT. View Post
Yes, I'd agree that Kevin keeps structure to the point where he is moving as a unit. And because Obasi is a big guy who is strong and heavy, that can't be an easy thing to do.

But... ... Kevin talks about PBVT and (in addition to saying how other Wing Chunners are "confused", training with a "misinterpretation" and "misunderstanding of the system", etc) he says that PBVT is about:

"Displacing contact so we can hit" - Didn't see this in his Gor Sau with Obasi
"Lead and rear cycling" - Didn't see this in his Gor Sau with Obasi
"Not maintaining contact" - at times he was doing this with Obasi
"Not chasing hands" - at times he was doing this with Obasi
"'lin sil di da" - Didn't see this in his Gor Sau with Obasi
"Using Bong Sau to clear a path if an arm comes over the arm" - Didn't see this in his Gor Sau with Obasi
"Angling to strike" - Didn't see this in his Gor Sau with Obasi
"LLHS, LSJC - Delivered like lightning from a mountain" - Didn't see this in his Gor Sau with Obasi

In the clips we've seen of PB, and some recent clips from people like Michael Kurth, we see drills that are clearly focusing on instilling the above points (among other points, too). In this clip with Kevin and Obasi, I don't see any of the above ideas in what Kevin was doing.

Again, full credit to Kevin for having the balls to meet with Obasi after they'd argued online, and to be willing to test with control (neither guy was looking to kill the other, no hard blows were landed to the face, etc). But as I see it, when faced with a large, strong guy - even within a particular and controlled environment (Chi Sau/Gor Sau) - Kevin's PBVT didn't live up to the forum hype.
Thing is all wing chun guys suffer same fate. Most CMA look great on paper but in reality fail. Kevins stance and shapes are pure WSL stuff. Obassi just letting it go. Very difficult to deal with or apply fixed drill responses under that pressure.

For me Wing Chun is just an element of a fight. Like a good spag bowl needs an onion. Some of my students ask me "why are you not using Wing Chun". Reason is there is a time and a place. Wing chun is just a part of the pie.