Quote Originally Posted by hulkout View Post
I haven't posted anything for a long time. I figured I'd go onto the forum and put something up. Why not. Then I was taken right back to the usual crap. You try to have an intelligent conversation, debate, or whatever, and there's always someone who has to make some smartass comment with no useful input. Before long the whole thread is hijacked with smartass posts. If you have a problem with the points, then address them. I don't mind debating. I do mind smartasses. This will be my final post on this forum. I'm done. To the other guys who actually make intelligent posts, keep training and best of luck to you. You guys have more patience than I do. I just can't stand these smartasses anymore and I won't waste anymore of my time. I have no doubt that there will be some smartass posts and disrepectful comments put up about this post which will only prove my point.
Wow! Just skimmed the last couple of pages here. Ali was just agreeing with you! I didn't take that as him being a "smartass" at all. Your post here definitely sounds like a case of taking your ball and going home crying from the schoolyard like JP described. Sometimes its good to have someone agree with you. I've written long posts on a topic on the past and wondered if anyone was bothering to read them since I got little response either positive or negative. Sometimes its nice to have someone validate what you say by a simple "you noticed that too?" comment.

John: as far as taking something down after a few weeks.....what about the person that missed it the first time and hadn't checked in here in awhile...like Hulkout? If you think people would benefit from your post when you first put it up, why wouldn't people benefit from it later on?

Kevin: you take the cake man! You complain about people taking your threads off topic and so delete them, when you do the same things to others! We would like to see topics stay pure and focused, but that just doesn't happen. Its like having a conversation over beers. Its going to eb and flow and change like any conversation. That's just the nature of the beast. Deleting a thread because you didn't like the way the conversation shifted is like slamming your beer down on the table and huffing off because someone changed the topic or commented on the what the juke box was playing!

JP, you nailed it. I agree with everything you said.