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Thread: HFY History

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  1. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Hung Fa Yi Club of Gilbert
    If we were to look at some technical comparisons of the art, as Sifu Lau also posted here, all Wing Chun has Bong Sau. Here are the two paragraphs from his post (emphasis/formatting added):

    ”1. In the HFY system we primarily have 3 Bong Sao's within the 3 timezones in Time and Space. From my perspective the TWC Bong Sao uses a straight wrist, and if you compare it to the HFY Ying Bong Sao it looks similar in terms of looks in nature of shape. So if you say we look similar yes we do look similar in this way, but I also can see a big big difference when I apply the 3 timezones of time and space interaction.

    2. From the other Wing Chun systems they consist of a Bong Sao with a bent wrist and if you compare it to the HFY Crane (Hok) Bong Sao it also looks similar in terms of looks in nature of shape, but again I see a big big difference after learning HFY Wing Chun's Time Space and Energey in the 3 timezones interaction. So in a way, we also look like the other Wing Chun Systems in the HFY Crane (Hok) Bong Sao in terms of so called similarities, but at the same time there are major varying differences that I see.

    3. However, in the HFY system we also have a Lan Bong Sao (which is different than Lan Sao).

    When a different lineage Wing Chun System doesn't matter if it's TWC or all other WCK system, some do the bong sao "this way", or do it "that way", but in HFY we do not look at the technical standpoint of how to do the bong sao, but instead we must identify which time zone in time and space before we apply the 3 different Bong Sao's.

    The nature of the application and execution in the HFY 3 timezones is very different. In the past posts, you only mention the similarities when you see TWC and HFY, but based on my personal experience interacting with TWC people, YM Wing Chun and all other lineages I basically can identify not only the similarities, but I can also see the big big "differences" after studying the HFY System in 3 timezone approach.”
    Essentially, we use the straight wrist Bong Sao, bent wrist Bong Sao, and Lan Bong Sao – each one having a different purpose and nature yet all three maintaining technological consistency in relation to HFY’s 3 Connecting Bridges, Heaven Human Earth, and Time Space Energy formulaic parameters. The focus goes beyond the shapes of techniques to understand why the differences outweigh superficial similarities.

    Beyond the reality of this forum, many martial artists have agreed with this reasoning after genuine exchanges of kung fu that the “meat and potatoes” is really where the truth of the matters exist. One Sifu from Chu Shon Tin lineage recognized this truth and sought to learn Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun Kuen instead. Dale Vits of TWC now studies Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun as well. My first Wing Chun Sifu was a certified Senior Level Instructor of the VTAA and came to HFY. There are many more martial artists with prior kung fu backgrounds that come to learn HFY and testify to the art. There are a LOT more differences to be understood and more importantly why there are differences – which can be explained, experienced, and validated, on a technical level.
    Last edited by Savi; 04-19-2014 at 11:06 AM.
    World Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun Kung Fu Association

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