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Thread: Changes to this forum

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Changes to this forum

    So, we all agree that this forum needs to change and that we have far too many issues and dramas here, correct?

    I am asking for suggestion, your top 3.

    Remember this is a thread started by a moderator and a sure fire way to get your ass banned will be to start drama and try to highjack THIS thread, understood?

    Now, the EASY way would be to lay down the moderator hammer on this forum and apply zero tolerance to every and any thread based on the sole discretion of the moderating staff BUT I think that all here will agree that is not the best way and deep down I know you guys want this forum to be a great one so I am giving you guys the benefit of the doubt and allowing you to tell US what you think needs to be done.

    Fair enough?
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Rockville, MD
    First and foremost.....require people to post in a respectful manner. No taunting and baiting. No name-calling. No lineage bashing. All of that simply leads to long drawn-out "b!tchfest" threads. We've seen it over and over. When someone is being rude and inappropriate, call them on it and point out that it is NOT acceptable behavior! If they continue to repeat that behavior after several warnings, then ban them for a short period. It doesn't have to be a permanent ban. Just enough to get their attention. People should be expected to interact here just as they would in a face to face encounter in a public place where a certain level of politeness is expected.

    Second....delete posts that are off-topic and are simply aimed at taunting or making fun at someone else and contribute nothing to the actual discussion.

    Third...and I realize this one is a stretch and not likely to happen....but I would require everyone to use a real name so it is harder to hide behind the anonymity of a keyboard and just say anything you want. I think it seems more like a real conversation when you have a real named person to talk to and not a collection of letters or numbers, etc.
    Last edited by KPM; 07-08-2014 at 07:30 AM.

  3. #3
    Only two from me:

    1. Clean up and/or delete multiple threads about the same topic (e.g. Hendrik posting about 7 bows, etc, in hundreds of different threads )
    2. Ban people who persistently resort to Sifu-insulting comments if an argument doesn't go their way, or any name-calling that isn't obviously meant in jest

  4. #4
    Ban only two groups:

    1) people who CONSISTENTLY(a majority of their posts) post insulting or inflammatory posts, whether or not those posts include content.

    2) people who consistently spam

    The forum rules have always included respect, it's not that hard.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I say ban anyone who doesn't have anything or questions that's a productive contribution to the conversation of the thread. I agree with Keith as well "No taunting and baiting. No name-calling" ban anyone who consistently post insulting or inflammatory posts.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Let me be clear that hurting another's feelings and being an ass does NOT get you banned.
    Banning offences:
    Racist remarks
    Accusations of slander
    Menacing words and posts ( threats): I will kill you, Gonna kick your ass, etc..
    Posting private conversations without permission.
    Coming back after being banned under another name/ISP without staff permission.
    We tend to give a warning first ( except for the last one) because sometimes things are misunderstood but after that, the hammer goes down.
    Now, what I am going to start to do is give ONE warning when a post is made insulting another poster PERSONALLY ( not his views but him/her) and after that if the thread is not edited by the poster, I will delete it.
    Of course time is finite so if I miss a post be patient.
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
    Let me be clear that hurting another's feelings and being an ass does NOT get you banned.
    Banning offences:
    Racist remarks
    Accusations of slander
    Menacing words and posts ( threats): I will kill you, Gonna kick your ass, etc..
    Posting private conversations without permission.
    Coming back after being banned under another name/ISP without staff permission.
    We tend to give a warning first ( except for the last one) because sometimes things are misunderstood but after that, the hammer goes down.
    Now, what I am going to start to do is give ONE warning when a post is made insulting another poster PERSONALLY ( not his views but him/her) and after that if the thread is not edited by the poster, I will delete it.
    Of course time is finite so if I miss a post be patient.
    If a member insults with every post, and there is more than one, the issue isn't hurting another's feelings, it is that they carry it everywhere, and detract from real conversation, and pretty much stalk around the forum doing so.

    There is a reasonable amount of trolling and flaming. If you can find anyone on the forums who thinks that the wing chun forum is not way out of hand in that context, I'd have a ****ing heart attack.

    Everyone likes to say "have a thick skin", but afterwards, when that doesn't solve it, people sure do seem to get banned. Just sayin'.

  8. #8
    Stalking members should be bannable, shouldn't it?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    one warning

    WC has been very active lately. Although I must say that I've not received the amount of complaints that I'd expect given the number of flame wars (and no, that's not an invitation to register complaints with me). I'm okay with some verbal jousting of course, and if complaints are minimal, I'm not overly concerned. It does reflect very poorly upon the WC community here although anyone who wants to read through the flames can suss out the trolls from the genuine enthusiasts. The issue is, who really wants to read through all that?

    That being said, I support sanjuro_ronin in his undertaking to get things sorted here. If, after being issued a warning, defiance continues, we're always happy to ban.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  10. #10
    I've modded on a few forums, when we couldn't ban people due to forum rules we went with an infraction system.

    1. Trolling in an obvious way to get insulting replies or just repeating the same annoying thing over and over again to rile people up gives an infraction
    2. Personal attacks and name calling gives an infraction
    3. 3 infractions means loss of posting privileges for 1 month, 4 infractions for 3 months, 5 infractions 6 months

    It was really rare that anyone would get a 3 month time-out, people who troll would generally phase out somewhere else since they just need attention and wouldn't be able to get it anymore, and people who use personal attacks are usually very involved with the board (a little too much emotionally) and one month off was usually enough to convince them that their attitude needed to change if they wanted to continue being a part of a community they already liked very much. The other thing that happened was the boards would slowly get calmer when agitators were out for a month, and it got everyone used to the new status quo being a friendlier forum overall. By the time trouble-makers came back they found their attitudes were a lot less appreciated than back when everyone was used to seeing their name-calling on a daily basis. Just my 2 cents...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Faux Newbie View Post
    If a member insults with every post, and there is more than one, the issue isn't hurting another's feelings, it is that they carry it everywhere, and detract from real conversation, and pretty much stalk around the forum doing so.

    There is a reasonable amount of trolling and flaming. If you can find anyone on the forums who thinks that the wing chun forum is not way out of hand in that context, I'd have a ****ing heart attack.

    Everyone likes to say "have a thick skin", but afterwards, when that doesn't solve it, people sure do seem to get banned. Just sayin'.
    If ther eis a pattern of insult and trolling and very little contributing then yes, that will be dealt with.
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Faux Newbie View Post
    Stalking members should be bannable, shouldn't it?
    Very much so.
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  13. #13
    Dunno, reading through this it seems like everyone needs to spend a week to create their "fursonas" and then this forum will transcend into the bliss of everyone making purring noises and petting each other.

    Anthropomorphic animal characters created by furry fans, known as fursonas,[18] are used for role-playing in MUDs,[19] on internet forums, or on electronic mailing lists

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I understand that this is probably not realistic mut my wish would be to only allow deletion of threads to happen by a moderator. If someone wants to delete a thread they started (most of the time because it's not going a way that makes them look good - poor excuse IMO), they should have to contact a moderator to do it. Then, if the mod sees there is nothing wrong with the thread, leave it up. And, if the mod sees the same few people continuously creating/deleting threads, then they'll see the real issue.
    I say this because IMO, too many good posts and discussions get removed by those playing self-appointed forum mods with creating/deleting numerous threads.

    That said, I feel heavy handed mod'g should be done with warnings and banning. I don't think it's necessary to go thru the hassle of continuous monitoring & deleting of every individual post on every single thread - that's asking too much of the mods. And frankly, if people need that level of baby sitting, then the subforum should simply just be shut down. A warning (or two) to the guilty party followed by banning if it keeps up will clean things up in a few weeks. Same goes for spamming.
    Last edited by JPinAZ; 07-08-2014 at 09:57 AM.
    What chi sau is, or isn't, or is, or wait, what is it..:

  15. #15
    Whining by people about expecting members who agreed to forum rules that allow for some respectful debate to actually live up to that agreement is still just whining.

    Ban them and me for the same length of time, Sanjuro, just to be fair. It won't hurt me, I won't even post nasty messages on your facebook page!

    Do it! You know you want to!

    Are ya chicken?
    Last edited by Faux Newbie; 07-08-2014 at 10:10 AM.

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