Quote Originally Posted by KPM View Post
then I'm out of here and never coming back.
Well,that would solve one problem. Participation in this forum is voluntary. You leave me no choice but to post a pop song video.

Ok, that's not directed at you in particular, KPM. It's more of a comment to everyone here. You like it. You all like it. Or you'd just leave. You wouldn't post about leaving. Been there, done that, so many times here. You'd just leave. The real problem is you like it. We're all allegedly martial artists here, and that means we all like to fight. It's just the battleground that is the forum here is unique, still unregulated for the most part. Despite being an "antiquated bulletin board technology" we actually do quite well here still. We still get plenty of views. The advantage forums have over social networks is that they are searchable databases, which means we come up on web searches for all sorts of odd martial topics here and that keeps our audience.

Clearly, our little WC forum has escalated a lot lately. Is it ban time now? Do I need to draw a line in the sand for future-banned to cross? Or are some of you taking the 'noble' path and just walking away? It won't be a complicated line in the sand - no accruing infractions, nothing like that. It'll be plain and simple, just like in draconian nursery schools. Any sass and your ass is grass...or banned at least.