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Thread: Ninjas!

  1. #196
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    continued from previos post

    As another ad shows, even just buying the game in the first place can be a bit dicey. Between Senran Kagura Burst’s foreign name, and the unspoken understanding of how many fans are likely to use the game, our gamer is reduced to a stuttering mess while asking the clerk for a copy.

    Can he man up and enunciate, or is he doomed to winding up empty handed?

    Considering how many boring, dishonest commercials there are on TV, we’re happy to see such a nice pair, combining honesty with a few laughs. Remember, Senran Kagura Burst purchasers, what you do with your 3DS in the privacy of your own room is no one’s business but your own. Just remember to clean said room up yourself, instead of leaving your mom with the chore (plus an unwanted insight into the exact nature of your sexual fetishes).
    The forum didn't let me post two vids in on post.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #197
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    Grand Rapids, MI

    Senran Kagura Burst is the titillating Japanese brawler coming to Nintendo 3DS in Europe this week. Dave Cook discusses the culture of sexualisation in Japan with Kenichirō Takaki, and looks at key examples of exploitation with the industry...

    ...It stars the girls of Hanzō Academy; a band of trainee ninjas charged with battling rival clans. The more damage they take during fights, the more their clothes rip off. Special moves trigger cut-scenes complete with close-up shots of their exposed, jiggling bodies. The girls look ashamed as they become stripped, and their most-private parts are concealed beneath chibi faces. Some of these girls are supposed to be between 15-18 years...

    ...After seeing the art I felt that with all of the debate surrounding the treatment of women – not just within titles, but those working on games across the globe – that Senran Kagura is coming to our shores at a most unfortunate time. We’ve seen great discussion on the role of female protagonists from writers such as Tomb Raider scribe Rhianna Pratchett, along with the rising prominence of developers such as 343′s Kiki Wolfkill, the VR tinkering of former Valve employee Jeri Ellsworth and the continuing work of Jade Raymond, to name just a few...

    ...It’s all too easy to look at this and say, ‘Well it’s a Japanese game; they have a different culture to ours,’ or to pass Senran Kagura off as a bit of laddish fun. Do we ignore such exploitation because it’s intended as a joke, or is this another case of Eastern studios importing a slice of ingrained sexism to our shores? For this critic, it’s counter-productive, and that’s not a comment I’m solely aiming at Senran Kagura either. It’s a wider issue...

    ...I wanted to hear what Senran Kagura’s game producer Kenichiro Takaki had to say regarding the game’s depiction of woman and how the attitude towards females differs between Japanese and Western culture. I arranged to speak with him over email, via publisher MarvelousAQL. I explained that throughout 2013 western game development saw great advancement in the treatment of women characters, and asked if he could see the same happening in Japan any time soon.

    “It’s important to note that a high amount of sexualisation is not the primary way of depicting female characters in Japan. What are considered positive traits stem from each region’s own cultural values, so direct comparisons between the two will probably remain difficult.”

    Takaki replied, “I think it’s important to note that a high amount of sexualisation is not the primary way of depicting female characters in Japan, either. That said, though what we feel contributes to a character’s ‘depth’ may differ between cultures, I think there are many positively portrayed female characters in Japanese entertainment, and new ones continue to be created every day. What are considered positive traits, however, stem from each region’s own cultural values, so direct comparisons between the two will probably remain difficult.”

    I explained that from the outside looking in, it’s not hard to see why people believe that over-sexualisation is just the culture in Japan, and something that won’t be going away any time soon. Takaki countered, “If we look into the past we can see a lot of change throughout Japan’s history, with the influence of Western culture being a major recent contributor.

    “And while I don’t know what the future holds, cultures that refuse to change with time simply disappear, so I’m sure Japan will continue to evolve. But I do hope the fun that the small community of fans of games like Senran Kagura enjoy doesn’t have to be sacrificed along the way.”

    Takaki’s response felt counter to Goichi Suda’s view on Killer is Dead’s Gigolo scenes, which saw players wooing busty females and staring at their body to fill up their ‘guts’ meter. Once full, protagonist Mondo propositions his target before triggering a sex scene. The women giggle, act ashamed when they catch you ogling them and talk about submitting themselves to you entirely. I found it disgusting and I penned a blog to that effect here.

    Suda responded to the issue by saying, “Any kind of artistic value, anything you create, there’s always some kind of criticism behind it. Which means we’re making an impression and an impact. So I think we’ll stay with what we’re thinking and just keep going with that way of thinking … And when I say that, sexuality is a touchy subject. We don’t want to make people offended, but we’re trying to create something that makes people laugh a bit because we’re [dealing with] that topic.”

    I’d reply to that by asking how, exactly, presenting women as dullards that can be won over with flowers and perfume – before having the hero bed them repeatedly – deals with the issue of over-sexualisation. Short answer; it doesn’t. At all.

    I suggested to Takaki that Western gamers might not respond the same way to that sub-set of Japanese culture, given the vast differences and views on gender between both territories. Takaki agreed, and added, “Sometimes when I travel abroad I do get the sense that Japan’s attitudes may seem unusual when viewed from other countries. However, such attitudes are not limited to portrayals of females – there is entertainment for women that focuses on male sexuality, too.

    “But the goal of such entertainment isn’t to degrade the opposite sex; it’s simply about men and women enjoying each other’s sexuality. The reality may seem less equal than it is because the forms of entertainment made for women aren’t as well known. But I don’t want to generalize about all of Japan with my answer, and I don’t mean to claim that no objectionable content exists at all, either.”

    To Takaki’s credit he was both balanced, reasonable and open about what Senran Kagura entails throughout our exchange, even going so far as welcoming opinions post-launch so he could learn from them. He never once pretended that the game was anything else. “Negative reactions aren’t unique to games like Senran Kagura,” he stressed, “you’re bound to get them for anything you do.

    “For creators like myself, the most frightening scenario would be to release a work and receive absolutely no reaction to it at all.”

    “But we’re already receiving a lot of positive reactions, too, and I’m going to keep making my games for the people who want to play them. I won’t try to change the minds of those who don’t. And for creators like myself, the most frightening scenario would be to release a work and receive absolutely no reaction to it at all.”

    On the game’s outfit-shredding damage mechanic, Takaki explained, “The characters lose clothing as they take damage. So it works as an interesting representation of something that’s otherwise just a numerical value, while playing with the suspense you get from revealing something a little bit at a time.

    “That’s important because it speaks directly to instinct. Sexual desire is an innate part of human nature, and much like with common themes of violence, video games provide us with a safe environment to explore that part of ourselves. These may be things that we would never consider expressing in real life, but escapism is something that games excel at, right?”

    In the end Takaki feels he is making a game for a minority that we all know still exists, rather than trying to push taboos or controversial subjects on to the widespread gaming audience. To that end, it could be argued that his games are specialist or ‘to-hand’ should you be inclined to seek them out. “Senran Kagura is essentially a niche title,” he stressed, “in an industry where the available products have been gradually consolidating around a smaller number of major AAA titles. My intentions for this game were never to create a huge worldwide hit.

    “I just wanted to make a game starring attractive girl characters, for the small but dedicated audience that enjoys that type of game here in Japan – so I was completely focused on making what I wanted, and what those fans would want, from such a game. At the time, Western perceptions were not something I was considering at all. Now, it’s easy to imagine that in the West there may be many people who feel the game is inappropriate. But that is true in Japan as well.

    “When I first announced Senran Kagura, I wrote the following comment on my production blog: ‘There’s room for this type of game, too!’ My feeling is that just as there are many different opinions throughout the world, there ought to be many forms of entertainment as well.”

    It’s clear that Senran Kagura has not been designed to directly inflame or court controversy, and if you feel you’d like to play those games for a laugh then that is entirely at your discretion. I cannot and will not try to stop you, because I respect the opinions of our readership and gamers everywhere. However, I for one simply can’t overlook the game’s flagrant depiction of females given the culture of positive change I see during my work every day.

    I want women to be respected individuals in the games industry. I will never know how it feels to be discriminated against for being a woman. That’s simply impossible, so I won’t even begin to try or pretend and understand how it feels. To do that would be an insult to women, so it’s not something I’ll do here.

    What I will say is that there are probably plenty of men and women out there who see no problem with what Senran Kagura is doing, and that – again – is their decision. But to outwardly deny that the game indirectly conflicts with the positive advancements we’ve seen through 2013 in the way women are depicted and written into games, as well as the healthy conversations taking place regarding women in the workplace, is to lose sight of everything we’ve achieved in this area so far.

    I sincerely hope I’m not alone in this.
    "The true meaning of a given movement in a form is not its application, but rather the unlimited potential of the mind to provide muscular and skeletal support for that movement." Gregory Fong

  3. #198
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Ninjas on Castle

    Castle is one of my guilty tv pleasures. The ninja episode was amusing, but I was hoping Beckett would get into a swordfight.

    ‘Castle’: Everybody Was Kung-Fu Fighting
    Published 2 days ago by Heather Donmoyer

    [This is a review of Castle Season 6, Episode 18. There will be SPOILERS.]


    Coming off of last week’s nail-biter, ‘The Way of the Ninja’ is fairly tame and even a little on the kitschy side, but that’s not a bad thing. In fact, given all of the stress the characters have been put through this season, more of a lighthearted Castle seems well-timed.

    Right off the bat, this episode is full of theatrics both onscreen as well as on the orchestral side. Asian costumes, sets, and music set the mood with big, broad strokes that never make you feel mortal peril is imminent. This plays right to the motif of Castle (Nathan Fillion) as little more than a tall boy. From the first puff of smoke to the last gag with the throwing star, Castle is all in and enjoying every second of it.

    Of course this gives the writers great excuses to play up the more serious-minded Kate (Stana Katic). She’s definitely still the one who keeps his feet – and their investigations – anchored to solid ground, but it’s still fun to watch the interplay. While she might worry what marriage might do to the pair of them, viewers – and Castle – know that their lives will be far from boring.

    The case details play out on the grand theatrical side as well. A lone girl with a mysterious past turns out to have survived a family massacre only to die in an alley by the same blade that killed the rest of her family. But wait, there’s an evil, Asian Bane chasing our heroes and making ominous threats! And there’s a second, secret sister who also survived and is now on-hand to avenge them all! And the Green Dragon is really a white dude who killed his son’s girlfriend!

    Again, nothing wrong with this kind of a romp after the level of stress the writers have been apt to cause this season. And they do a great job here mixing things up without going completely overboard. There’s just the right touch to make it feel like any other Castle episode, while allowing for some laughs and fun too. The geisha night-club scene with the boys is a textbook example.

    If last week highlighted the star’s brilliance, than this week’s belongs to the stunt crew and the fight coordinators. They open with some smooth moves and a cool puff of smoke. Then graduate to give us a great ‘cop vs. ninja’ scene in the alley. The climax of the final fight between Jade’s sister and the Green Dragon is spectacular and just plain fun to watch.

    What did you think?
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #199
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.


    26 March 2014| last updated at 12:41AM
    Burger King goes Ninja!
    By Farhana Syed Nokman

    PETALING JAYA: Good news for burger lovers -- Burger King is now offering its Ninja! promotion with black charcoal bun burgers and jumbo franks.

    The Ninja! burgers are sandwiched between four-inch charcoal buns sprinkled with crisp sesame seeds.

    Between the buns lie mouthwatering layers of taste and texture of grilled beef or chicken patties topped with signature teriyaki sauce and heaped with fresh lettuce and grilled onions.

    Customers will be able to choose from four scrumptious choices; regular patties in chicken or beef, and deluxe, which packs in flame-grilled whopper patty or the popular tender grilled patty.

    The Ninja! burger meals come with a refreshing grape star drink and medium fries.

    Burger King also introduced the new Burger King Ninja! Jumbo Frank. Nestled between two pieces of smoked chicken slices, the jumbo chicken sausage is drizzled with tasty teriyaki sauce and loaded with crispy lettuce and juicy grilled onions tucked in warm soft bun.

    The new offers start from RM5.95.

    Burger King chief operating officer Ahmad Fariz Hassan (left) with Burger King director of marketing Keith Loh (Right) during the launch of the new Ninja! promotion at One Utama recently. Pic by Asman Ibrahim

    I would NOT eat one of these. I'd be too scared that I would choke on a shuriken.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  5. #200
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    Tree ninja?

    "Never been attacked by a tree." Mr. Miyagi
    "Boards don't hit back." Bruce Lee

    He’s Back: ‘The Brighton Tree Ninja is Escalating’
    Last year a man allegedly went on a tree-cutting rampage. Now, he’s returned in full-force, according to officials.

    By Steve Annear | Boston Daily | May 2, 2014 10:10 am

    Described by locals as a “master of evasion,” lurking in the Brighton-area and blistering trees—often fatally—with blows to their trunks using his weapon of choice, the alleged “Tree Ninja” has returned once again, and police want residents to be on the lookout.

    According to Universal Hub, police officers from District-14 updated locals on a problem that has plagued the neighborhood for years during a Brighton Allston Improvement Association meeting Thursday night. A man described as “mentally unstable,” who goes around in costume and hacks at the city’s trees with a blade, has resumed the attacks after a brief hiatus, they said.

    An ominous notice posted prior to Thursday night’s meeting that alerted residents of the continued attacks on shrubbery and even saplings, said:

    Thousands of dollars has been spent by homeowners for tree removal. A few winters ago, a damaged tree came down in a storm, narrowly missing people, power lines, and cars. Two years ago, nearly every newly planted tree along Winship Street was destroyed. We now live in a barren neighborhood with any remaining tree on public or private property at risk of being destroyed.

    Police confirmed as much as they detailed recent attacks on trees in Brighton. Officers also said that the city has refused to plant new trees in certain areas because the risk of them being destroyed is too high.

    Last year, Greg Mosman, the city’s chief arborist in charge of making sure all of the trees that line the streets are in tip-top condition, told Boston that in his entire career—he’s been around for nearly a decade—he’s had the same issues crop up with the alleged “Tree Ninja” for eight of them. “He is known to police—he has been caught in the act and has been charged for it and locked up for it,” says Mosman. “Every few years [the issue] seems to pop up … tree vandalism is unusual. And for one person to be known and caught and to keep doing it is kind of unique,” he says. “We sort of just took away public trees. Once we figured out [what was going on], and when we met with police, they asked us not to put them back.”

    As for handling the vandalism this time around, officers are asking residents to pick up the phone and dial 911, and urging them not to approach the alleged assailant.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  6. #201
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    Jul 2004
    Grand Rapids, MI

    Thumbs up Most amazing ninja warrior contestant ever!

    Watch the men cheer for this 5 ft. 100 lb machine!

    Name:  image.jpg
Views: 495
Size:  37.0 KB
    "The true meaning of a given movement in a form is not its application, but rather the unlimited potential of the mind to provide muscular and skeletal support for that movement." Gregory Fong

  7. #202
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    Where my ninjettes at?

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  8. #203
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    Do you really want food from a ninja?

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  9. #204
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    Random parody

    Ninjas Vote To Change Outfit Colour

    Black Outfits News: Members of the highly secret and barely visible Council of Ninjas have voted to change the colour of their trademark all-black outfit, following concerns that they could be mistaken for members of Islamic State.

    “No one is happy about this,” said one ninja, who asked not to be named. Or seen.

    “Ninjas have been wearing black for centuries. It’s a very practical colour for an assassin. You never know when you’re next going to be near a washing machine with 45 minutes to spare.”

    “But since Isis turned up – I mean who wants to look like one of those sick ****s?”

    Sources say the vote to change from black was unanimous, but the decision about what colour to change to has been riven by in-fighting. Including in-fighting with nunchuks.

    “Khaki’s gay,” said another ninja.

    “Black’s the only thing that suits every occasion, everyone knows that. Basically now we’re going to have to change outfit every time we go out. It’s like being Lady-****ing-Gaga.”
    Y'all know what 'colour' we'd vote for, right?
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  10. #205
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    Slightly OT

    Random ninja-ish news
    The ninja’s daughter: Child star of Kill Bill will play Steve Jobs’ kid
    Luke Dormehl (5:00 am PDT, Jan 6th)

    “And today I took out the head of Samsung with the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique.” Photo: Miramax

    The role of Steve Jobs’ eldest daughter Lisa Jobs in the upcoming Universal movie biopic was previously described by screenwriter Aaron Sorkin as the story’s “heroine.”

    Given some of the A-list names that have been associated with the project, it’s therefore something of a surprise to hear that the role has apparently been awarded to 17-year-old actress Perla Haney-Jardine.

    If your reaction to that news is “who?,” you’re most likely not alone. Up until she won this part, the Brazilian-born American actress is best known for playing the four-year-old daughter of Beatrix “The Bride” Kiddo and Bill in 2004’s Kill Bill Vol. 2.

    Not exactly bad training for playing the daughter of the often steely tech-ninja Steve Jobs, perhaps!

    Steve Jobs famously denied being Lisa’a father for years, despite naming a pre-Macintosh computer after her at Apple. He finally admitted paternity when Lisa was in her teens. She didn’t participate in Walter Isaacson’s gazillion-copy-selling 2011 biography because her father was alive at the time, but agreed to talk with Aaron Sorkin when he was working on the screenplay.

    Comparing the upcoming movie to his previous Silicon Valley movie, The Social Network, Sorkin previously told British newspaper The Independent that:

    “Both films are much more about the people than the technology they invented. With The Social Network, I was interested in the psychology of the world’s most successful social networking system being invented by the world’s most anti-social guy. And in the case of Steve Jobs, it’s the relationships he had – particularly with his daughter, Lisa – that drew me to it.”

    Other actors supposed to appear in the movie include Seth Rogen as Steve Wozniak, Michael Stuhlbarg as Andy Hertzfeld, Jeff Daniels as John Sculley, and Kate Winslet.
    Wait...Rogen as Woz? That so doesn't work for me.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  11. #206
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    Date like a Ninja: 75 Kick-Awesome Date Ideas

    Wednesday Jan. 7th, 2015
    Date Like a Ninja
    local author’s date ideas oughta spice things up
    by Bailey Berg photos by Andrea Paulseth

    SURPRISE COOKIE ATTACK! Eau Claire writer Claire Wilson and her husband, Glenn, demonstrate the “Formal Oreo Tasting” from her new book Date like a Ninja.

    Ninjas might not be as debonair as Cary Grant or as suave as James Bond – although, like 007, they too are usually clad in black. Ninjas’ proclivity to wield fists of fury and samurai swords might negate any air of gallantry, but one Eau Claire author thinks they know a thing or two about spicing up your dating life.

    Claire Wilson said her new book, titled Date like a Ninja: 75 Kick-Awesome Date Ideas, will help people get out of the dinner-and-a-movie dating rut.

    Divided into four sections – cheap dates, last-minute dates, double dates, and out-of-the-ordinary dates – the book showcases 75 dates that span all seasons, work for any age group, and apply to both married and unmarried daters.

    “I think it’s easy to get into a routine and get lazy about the relationship, but then you look around five or 10 years later and realize you’re just roommates. For a strong marriage, you need to pursue each other, intentionally, every day.” – Claire Wilson, author of Date Like a Ninja

    “Although this is a book for people who aren’t married, I also wanted to stress to married couples how important it is to keep dating after marriage,” Wilson said. “I think it’s easy to get into a routine and get lazy about the relationship, but then you look around five or 10 years later and realize you’re just roommates. For a strong marriage, you need to pursue each other, intentionally, every day.”

    What launched the book was a double date that Wilson planned for her husband and two friends. The date had each person buy objects that fit into the different categories: something that makes the other person laugh; something that reminds you of your childhood; something that reminds you of an inside joke you share; something that reminds you of the other person; and something that the other person will have to use as a utensil at dinner. At the end, they swapped with their sweethearts.

    “Our friends thought it was hilarious and asked me where I got the idea from,” Wilson said. “They told me I should write a book of date ideas, and that’s what got me started.”

    Some of the other date ideas include: a romantic evening of becoming Oreo savants and taste-testing myriad varieties of America’s Favorite Cookie; a competition in which you MacGyver whatever you have in your car to make the most romantic gift; a double date dubbed “Russian Roulette Date,” where daters put three good date ideas and one terrible date idea in separate envelopes, draw one and do whatever it is; and another double date where couples devise three categories to compete in – like board games, chugging root beer, trivia – and losers buy the other team dessert.

    Wilson said her dating manual tends to follow a theory that is similar to a fitness principle called “muscle confusion.” “The idea is that if you do the same exercise over and over, your body acclimates to it, and it becomes ineffective,” Wilson said. “I think dating works the same way. If you’re constantly doing the same date routine, your relationship gets used to it, and it becomes ineffective.”

    For now, the book is available on, though Wilson is working on getting it into bookstores in the near future.

    chugging root beer a ninja date? srsly?
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  12. #207
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Dave Callan

    I have no idea who this is.

    This thread is getting so random.

    14 January, 2015 11:42AM AEDT
    Comedian is training to be a ninja
    By Simon Leo Brown He's done radio, television and stand-up. Now Dave Callan is becoming a ninja.

    Dave Callan's current live show features pop songs and back-up dancers. (Publicity still - Supplied)

    It may seem an unlikely fit, but comedian Dave Callan is training to be a ninja.
    "I want to do this show, which is going to be called 'A Little More Action' which is going to be all fight choreography," he told 774 ABC Melbourne's George McEncroe.
    The show will follow on from his dance-filled 'A Little Less Conversation', which he is performing at this year's Melbourne International Comedy Festival.
    The Melbourne-based comedian, known to ABC audiences from Triple J and ABC2's Good Game, said the training is letting him indulge in a long-held fantasy.
    "I've always loved pirates and wizards and Vikings, and you can't actually be any of them anymore, but you can become a ninja," he said.
    "If you seek them out, there are ninjas who will teach you to also be a ninja."
    The 40-year-old comedian said it was a 'joy to discover a new passion' and he hoped to continue training beyond the show.
    He said training with a short staff, called a hanbo, could come in particularly handy when he's older.
    "When you're an elderly person... you can use those techniques with your walking stick if any young whippersnapper comes to attack you," he said.
    Along with the hanbo, Mr Callan has been learning to use swords and shuriken, or ninja throwing stars.
    "We just have rubber ones, because the spiky ones can be a bit dangerous," said Mr Callan.
    He said he respects all martial arts, however ninjitsu has a cool-factor that other disciplines don't.
    "With karate, at the end when you get a black belt, you're like 'I've got a black belt in karate', or if you're a kung fu person you go 'I've got a golden sash in kung fu'.
    "When you get to the top of ninjitsu you can just go 'I'm a ninja'."

    Ninja mind techniques

    Dave Callan is interested in learning 'ninja mind techniques', where one learns to be aware of one's surroundings through 'a sensitivity to motion, sound, vibrations through the floor'.
    "There's a black belt test later on where you sit down on your knees, and you close your eyes and you just sit there for ages, and then a senior-belt comes up behind you with a wooden sword and hits you on the head."
    Being hit on the head, of course, means the candidate has failed the test, with the aim being to sense the attacker and roll out of the way before being struck.
    It's an attractive skill for Mr Callan, who practises meditation.
    "The more meditation I do, the more momentum I build up with it, the better I feel," he said.
    "It opens up the flow of your conscious mind and you can think of things a lot easier, you feel more creative and vibrant."
    He said it can be hard to be creative if your mind is filled with everyday worries.
    "If you meditate and clear all that out you can focus on the creation of stuff," he said.

    Ninjas are cats

    With a history dating back to feudal Japan, Dave Callan describes ninjas as "a cross between amazing Bruce Lee style martial arts, and the mafia".
    Also known as shinobi, ninjas were covert agents who carried out operations that samurai, with their strict rules, were forbidden to take part in.
    "Samurais had this code of conduct, and ninjas had this code of sneakiness," said Mr Callan.
    "Samurai are dogs, and ninjas are cats."
    The large-statured comedian admits that ninjitsu is a hard martial art for 'a big lumbering man like myself' to learn.
    "Ninjas are tiny and generally quite stealthy, I don't think I'd be able to run up walls very easily."
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  13. #208
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Arteval Duarte - Ninja of Serpents

    A two-fer today!

    Like I said, random.

    You must follow the link to see the embedded vid, but the photo really says it all.

    Video: Brazil's 'Ninja of Serpents' places four tarantulas in his mouth to save rainforests

    Daredevil Arteval Duarte says he has been training poisonous animals for more than 15 years
    JACK SIMPSON Tuesday 13 January 2015

    If you are afraid of spiders, look away now.

    A man in Brazil has released a video that shows him placing four tarantulas in his mouth in a bid to raise awareness of the deforestation of the Amazon.

    Daredevil Arteval Duarte released the video on Monday. It shows him put four of the hairy arachnids in his mouth on a farm near Jacundá in the north of Brazil.

    In what would be any arachnophobe's nightmare, Duarte then reopens his mouth to allow the spiders to gruesomely crawl out one by one.

    According to Duarte, the spiders can cause irritation to the skin but are not lethal.

    This is not the first stunt of its kind that Duarte has performed in recent times. Earlier this month, Duarte caught the attention of internet users when a video of him placing three tarantulas in his mouth went viral.

    This followed a similar video in December that saw Duarte wrap a tarantula with a banded cat-eyed snake and place the two animals in his mouth.

    Duarte, who is also known as the ‘Ninja of Serpents’, says the reasoning behind these bizarre videos is to bring attention to the harmful logging that occurs in the Amazon and the impact this is having on the Amazon’s wildlife and villages.

    Duarte has said in the past that he has been training poisonous and exotic animals for over 15 years.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  14. #209
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    Patricia Arquette

    Jan 11, 2015, 10:18 PM ET
    By The Associated Press

    Patricia Arquette poses in the press room with the award for best supporting actress in a motion picture for “Boyhood” at the 72nd annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 11, 2015, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP) The Associated Press

    Patricia Arquette isn't afraid to take on a challenge, whether it's spending 12 years making the film "Boyhood" or snatching an errant microphone that was headed straight for her head.

    Arquette was in the backstage pressroom to talk about the Golden Globe for supporting actress in a motion picture that she had just won for "Boyhood" when a production staffer accidentally bumped her microphone's long pole. That sent it flying toward her face.

    But no worries: Arquette reached out and grabbed it with her free hand.

    "Did you see my ninja skills?" she exclaimed.

    Make that a three-fer. A totally random three-fer. Friggin ninjas.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  15. #210
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Ninja Run in TN

    Ninja 5k
    Friday June 19, 2015
    Oak Ridge, TN US 37830

    5k run
    Start Time: 8:00pm EDT
    Price: $30.00 Race Fee + $2.50 SignUp Fee +
    Price increases to $35.00 after April 30, 2015 @ 11:59pm EDT.
    Paper Registration Form
    Novus Dr.
    Oak Ridge, TN US 37830

    The Ninja 5k is a timed fun run with designed to be purely about fun and exercise. You can jab-step, kick-walk, tiger-trot, or be fast as lightning if you choose. All ages ae invited to join us in this event and yes, you should dress for success. Ninja costumes are highly encouraged and almost required.
    Our Tiger Claw East Coast office is in TN.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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