That's a pun - wuLIN - get it?

Nanjing lines streets with trees ahead of Youth Olympic Games, all die

In an effort to spruce (heh) up the city for the Nanjing 2014 Summer Youth Olympic Games, trees were planted along the roadside near the Olympic Village in Nanjing's Jianye district before the opening of the event in August.

The Summer Youth Olympic Games is an international sports, education and cultural festival for teens featuring everything from archery to Taekwondo. The event kicked off on August 16 and ran until the 28th. Sadly, the trees wouldn't live to see many days after that.

Empty plots spaced out along the side of the road are now the only visible trace of evidence that any trees existed at all, still fresh with upturned soil piled around glaring pits from where the roots had been pulled.

The roadside trees simply withered up, according to reports. Local garden workers blamed counter-season planting as the major cause of the trees' deaths, but we suspect something more sinister.