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Thread: China's Pollution problem

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    Do you think it's because of the dam? I'm too lazy to google what was there before and what condition it was in.
    I believe there where three rivers which they damed hence the three rivers gorge name. So, if it is the dam that's collecting all that trash then that means a whole lot of it was floating out that river to who knows where in the world. There were several villages and numerous homes relocated from the rivers during construction so there must have been even more trash before the dam.

    One thing is for sure, WE as a WORLD need to get a handle on this trash thing. This kind of behavior is not sustainable and looks nasty.

  2. #47
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    Three Gorges Dam.

    Reservoir at Hubei's Three Gorges Dam is a garbage-strewn pool of hell

    Visitors to Hubei's Three Gorges Dam over the National Day holiday were greeted by a heinously large layer of filth and garbage floating along the reservoir, according to photos taken at the scenic spot earlier this week.

    The Three Gorges Dam, once dubbed "one of China's biggest environmental nightmares", is the world's largest power station in terms of installed capacity. The project also sets a record for displacing over 1.4 million residents, submerging 13 cities, 140 towns and over 1,300 villages throughout its construction.

    Environmentalists have blamed the submergence of factories, mines and waste dumps as well as the presence of huge industrial centers upstream as the source of the rubbish and pollutants floating on the reservoir.

    Sadly, little effect is made by these hapless workers, who maneuver through the festering pit equipped with tiny nets that make but a small dent in the swath of plastics and pollutants floating dubiously ahead.

    The project is still a hit among tourists in China. The dam saw a record number of visitors over the National Day holiday, with over 40,000 tourists visiting (the upper limit for a single day) last Thursday. Each year, around 1.8 million tourists come to observe the dam and all the unholiness that flows through it.

    Contact the author of this article or email with further questions, comments or tips.
    By Katie Nelson in News on Oct 7, 2014 11:00 AM
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  3. #48
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    Pollution art

    I wonder if there's matching lingerie for the honeymoon.

    Look: Beijing artist shows off her wedding dress made of nearly 1,000 white face masks

    Beijing's worsening air quality has spawned a new wave of anti-pollution based art projects created to increase awareness of the situation. The latest of these projects is a wedding dress made of gauze masks (you know, the ones you should technically be wearing almost every day in major cities) created by Beijing-based artist, Kong Ning.

    The wedding dress is made from 999 masks and has an elegant ten meter long train. It was modeled in the city by Kong on Monday, reports NetEase. It should be ready just in time for winter haze season.

    By Robert Ridley
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  4. #49
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    More mask fashion

    Look: Face mask fashion hits the runaway in Beijing

    With all the smog suffocating Beijing lately, face masks have become all the rage. Everybody is wearing them! For China Fashion Week, one designer has capitalized on this fashion/health craze and unveiled a line of sports wear that allows you to exercise in hazardous conditions and, if anyone can actually see you, look really good doing it.

    The Qiaodan Yin Peng Sports Wear Collection seems to envision a post-apocalyptic world where we are still concerned about how we dress. The collection joins other smog-inspired creations, like the wedding dress made of 999 face masks and the "facekini," that should come to define fashion in China with the way things are going.

    by Alex Linder
    Kinda cool, but I'd be hankering for something a little more Darth Vader-ish.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  5. #50
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    Wax on

    Mask on too.

    Look: Wax celebrities equipped with face masks in smoggy Shanxi

    A wax museum in Taiyuan, Shanxi province held an environmental performance art show yesterday wherein all the visitors as well as more than 10 wax statues of celebrities, including PSY, Kim Jong-un, Barack Obama, Mr. Bean and Michael Jackson, were "required" to wear anti-dust masks, NetEase News reports.

    The organizer aimed to remind people to protect the environment, travel with low carbon and fight against the smoggy weather.

    The Air Quality Index read 127, considered unhealthy, in some Shanxi cities today. The National Meteorological Center yesterday warned that a blanket of smog was headed towards Beijing and Tianjin as well as some parts of Hebei and Henan. Monitoring data also observed that more northeastern and northwestern regions in China, as well as areas south of the Yangtze River, were experiencing worse haze than usual

    By Dina Li
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  6. #51
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    Smog Journeys: a short film by Jia Zhangke

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  7. #52
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    Chai Jing's review: Under the Dome – Investigating China’s Smog 柴静雾霾调查:穹顶之下

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  8. #53
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    A public health issue whereby there are no regulations in force to make sure public disposal of garbage goes to the required facilities. Better yet, no enforcement of regulations so haulers dispose of stuff wherever they want. I would hate to think of where hospital waste and other materials end up!

  9. #54
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    New Mexico
    Last undoctored picture I saw of China, the water was mud brown and so was the air that blocked out buildings.
    Surprising they don't have more pollution related health issues.
    The same mindless, rapacious destruction that will continue going on here too. The more we hear about environment, the more of it gets destroyed.
    "The perfect way to do, is to be" ~ Lao Tzu

  10. #55
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    Pound Town
    Quote Originally Posted by curenado View Post
    Last undoctored picture I saw of China, the water was mud brown and so was the air that blocked out buildings.
    Surprising they don't have more pollution related health issues.
    The same mindless, rapacious destruction that will continue going on here too. The more we hear about environment, the more of it gets destroyed.
    either you industrialize and be exploited by gringos and heavy pollution, or u turn into narco infestetd sh1thole. its a tough world.

    Honorary African American
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  11. #56
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    Red Dawn

    That can't be the real color, can it? That's crazy.

    Red skies and mud rain in China as apocalypse begins earlier than expected
    2 days ago

    Listen guys. I have some bad news. You might want to sit down for this.

    The apocalypse is clearly happening right now, and if you’re in China, Mongolia or that general region, you may want to go ahead and kiss your loved ones goodbye, because Cthulhu himself, or some other terrible dark deity, is already sending warning of the end times in the form of blood-red skies and freaking black stuff raining from the heavens. Sorry, guys, but we’re clearly all doomed.

    The below photographs come from a city in Inner Mongolia (which is, confusingly, actually part of China) called Aershan, where, on April 16, the sky – apparently out of the, er… blue – turned such an unnaturally vibrant shade of red that many residents reportedly for realsies thought the end-times were nigh.

    And who can blame them? I mean, look at it. That’s the kind of red only seen by those who have gazed into the mouth of madness and lived to tell the tale. We should know.

    Of course, there’s also the mud rain, which we are suspicious isn’t mud at all but actually petrified pieces of unicorn soul being regurgitated by Dark Lord Cthulhu, whom you should probably repent to immediately just to be safe. In fact, you should go ahead and repent to whatever deities you can think of in a long, stream-of-consciousness ramble, preferably while wearing a sandwich board about the end times and a tinfoil hat. People will understand because, look at this!

    Adding to the craziness is the fact that Beijing apparently experienced a bizarre sandstorm of Biblical proportions on the same day as Aershan’s apocalyptic mud rain. You might want to get started on bucket list of yours sometime soon.

    ▼ “We’re doomed.”

    Source: Byoukan Sunday
    Photos: Xinhuaxia News Rugrats image via Buzzfeed

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  12. #57
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    a two-fer today

    a blood red two-fer no less.

    What pollution? Toxic emissions turn Shenzhen canals blood-red

    In today's installment of heavily-polluted rivers turning unnatural colors in China, an ink-production company is believed to be responsible for turning these Shenzhen canals an unsettling shade of red.

    Dumping of noxious pollutants has already been to blame for a Wenzhou waterway being coated with a revolting mustard-yellow slime and a Luoyang river looking as if it were subject to a biblical plague; and now it has caused this Shenzhen reservoir to turn blood-red.

    The appearance of bio-hazard suits and gas masks is normally a pretty reliable indicator that some environmentally-unfriendly contamination is afoot, so local residents had good reason to worry when this foul-colored water spilled over the catchment.

    The Central Water Bureau announced that an official investigation will begin shorty, while in the meantime, the ink company responsible for pumping their tainted waste water into the sewerage has been ordered to shut down indefinitely, reports NetEase News.

    Its unlikely the ink company bosses will have the audacity to dispute the fact that their chemicals caused just a tiny bit of pollution, but if they do, we've already seen the best way to deal with those in pollution-denial in China. A Hubei official was given a serving of humble contaminated-fruit pie when she was asked to eat a deformed fruit spoiled by pollution from a nearby cement plant on live TV.

    Previously in shocking pollution horror stories:
    100,000 kg of fish die in Guangdong fish farm
    Three Gorges Dam becomes pool of garbage wasteland
    Zhejiang landfill contaminates water supply

    By Liam Bourke
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  13. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    a blood red two-fer no less.
    Is chi kung practice safe there?

  14. #59
    Join Date
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    CA, USA
    Forget chi kung/qigong; I'd be more concerned about simply eating, drinking and breathing over there...

  15. #60
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    Pollution saves a life

    Talk about your epiphanies when you reach the very bottom...

    Man rethinks suicide after jumping into 'filthy' Zhejiang river

    Who would've thought water pollution could actually save a life? A 48-year-old man who'd attempted to commit suicide by drowning himself in a Zhejiang river last week decided that the water was "too filthy" and swam several meters back to shore.

    The man, surnamed Liu, comes from the Pujiang county of Zhejiang province. He explained to police that he had lost quite a lot of money from business this year, and impulsively decided to end his life on Wednesday, according to Finance Gucheng.

    So, at around 7:00 that evening, he jumped into the Yiwu River. As soon as he hit the water, however, he regretted his decision.

    "The water is so filthy and smelly that it's too disgusting to be swallowed," he said.

    The current of the river, accelerated by the rain, made it difficult for Liu to swim back to shore, but he managed to keep himself afloat and drifted downstream all the way from Dongyang city to Yiwu city, where he found a protruding spot of land and waited for help.

    Yiwu police arrived at the scene after receiving call from passers-by. They threw a buoy ring to the man and pulled him ashore. Medical staff said he sustained no serious injuries.

    Liu said he is grateful to still be alive.

    "I will never again try to kill myself," he said.

    [Images via Finance Gucheng]
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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