Quote Originally Posted by Charles S View Post
I think if the lady wants to have relations or try a relationship with the man, then that is ok. He is trying to complete the action. Some would say that's not right. It's different if she isn't interested if he keeps pursuing. If she is enjoying her life with the relation to the instructor, then I think it's fine. He will initiate some, other times the lady will know immediately if she wants to sleep with him. If both come to an agreement, don't let your own sexual hangups or morality keep two people from enjoying themselves and each other.
Well morality I think is wrong all respect brother- the sifu sleeping with all de female students an then dumping dem is very disrespectful in my book. An apoarently the sifu has clubs all ariund de globe so its international taggin. Also sound like he break a lot ogpf hearts along de way - this cannot be a good ting