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Thread: Earth Day

  1. #46
    I make sure to burn all my plastic and man made stuff and I throw away all my recyclables.

    Just kidding. But I do sometimes chuck recyclables. Aluminum cans and plastic soda/water bottles. Almost always when I am out and garbage cans are present. I've thought about just chucking those on the street. Figure the can guys that dig through cans looking for that stuff would appreciate it but I don't think the police would consider that a legitimate reason and ticket me more than the nickel I am throwing on the ground. But, I have reasoned that.

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    New Mexico
    We always do everything we can but not always perfect. Most of our activity tho is bio cooperative. We live by the environment others disregard and mock. Not very gong fu, but look at china? The same people will still be trying to make the same excuses for their selves through masks.
    It is interesting to note in a klattu sort of way that this winter, in the acres here that were given to cotton have been planted in winter wheat - I don't think just for the fertilizer either. But it's certainly not enough so hm. It's just a bit raw that people who gave their whole career to right use are served the same as the oblivious trogs you steer with donuts and boobs.
    "The perfect way to do, is to be" ~ Lao Tzu

  3. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by curenado View Post
    We always do everything we can but not always perfect. Most of our activity tho is bio cooperative. We live by the environment others disregard and mock. Not very gong fu, but look at china? The same people will still be trying to make the same excuses for their selves through masks.
    It is interesting to note in a klattu sort of way that this winter, in the acres here that were given to cotton have been planted in winter wheat - I don't think just for the fertilizer either. But it's certainly not enough so hm. It's just a bit raw that people who gave their whole career to right use are served the same as the oblivious trogs you steer with donuts and boobs.

    Personally to me, this is pretty low on the we need to fix right now stuff. It is smoke and mirrors to cover the minds to deeper shi-t. It is like idiots screaming about a family of 4 on da welfare when they say jack shi-t about the same and more being spent on one freaking prisoner often up on marijuana charges yet, the guy that raped and killed is free in 7-10 and sometimes sooner because of over crowding but the pot dealer stays full term? I'll pass on corporate welfare other than to say, hmm. Or closer to the topic, complain about global heating and smog and ozone yet still drive because they can. We all pick and choose. So, I tend to choose John Coleman. I think he knows a thing or 2.

    I also think that they are doing wonders with the trash digester methane plants. But, please anyone go and try and save (store) AC electricity. Oh you'll save on your bill but then it is just power being pushed around the lines at cost until it can be used. Which you will still be billed for another way. It is a joke.

  4. #49
    Earth Day should really be about who has the most money to buy the best and most lobbyists.

  5. #50
    It really fires me up to read ignorant shi-t. It is one thing to say one does not know and to ask questions. Basically recycling is a waste of time and energy. It causes more of the so called harm than just land filling the crap. Yet is generates billions in support and trade.
    We are not running out of land to use.

    At least those green peace people can be happy that the paper waste, a much bigger problem than plastic will ever become, has dropped thanks to computers. But we traded one evil for another. Computers come with their very own environment problems and **** it they need power. I bet most use AC. Dang it. I bet most leave theirs own 24/7. Oh man. The world is going to hell no matter what we try to do to fix our waste. I know, lets go back to the olden times!

    Scarpe all dairy farms. All beef farms.All sheep farms and all that meat fur industry shi-t because that is the second largest methane gas polluter we have. ****ed if you do damed if you don't. But, one could pat themselves on the back believing they are better than another because that don't eat beef. Of course that same person my never ever do a **** thing to really help and often just parrots shi-t.

  6. #51
    All these wasted cows. Sounds YUM though to eat organic. Costs more. Taste worse. Often filled with really bad things that go undetected until, opps, to late.Same as the good tasting store bought trash food that cause cancer, lmfao. Oh and the so called organic fertilizers some organic farmers use is can be more toxic to humans and the enviorment than the so called man made stuff. The more I look into any of these the more I realize it is all just a big joke. Tell me who are you going to believe? I guess it depends on what you read and got sold on. And that's it really. MONEY!

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    New Mexico
    Da welfare doesn't need fixing. We just going to not have all the people needing it.

    Maybe since we won't save earth we should change the name to rid of stupid day?
    "The perfect way to do, is to be" ~ Lao Tzu

  8. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by curenado View Post
    Da welfare doesn't need fixing. We just going to not have all the people needing it.

    Maybe since we won't save earth we should change the name to rid of stupid day?
    ****ed if you do ****ed if you don't. Fukushima was accidental. And when accidents happen on that magnitude we are never prepared. Sad but true. We can't control nature even though some think we can. Regardless, you turning off your light is not going to shut down a plant. It will not suddenly cause them to make less power. It does not work like that. What it may do is give them surplus they can move down the line and sell to another municipality at a premium. So unless you want to save some cash it is pointless!

    Some people really believe they could actually survive being tossed back into the dark ages. Truth is most will perish if that ever happened. Those that do survive will likely not be the so called survivalists, homesteaders and such. And aside from catastrophies such as Fukushima what we do probably has such little impact it becomes pointless to worry about it. I don't think most people understand how big the earth really is.

    But you are right. If we somehow do something that causes world shut down, well every living thing will just about will die. The world will heal it self and start over. I just don't think it will be caused by anything we do. It will most likely be something like a meteor causing this but as we wait for it to come into our atmosphere knowing we are all dead. We can feel good we cleaned up our minute area we occupy.

  9. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by boxerbilly View Post
    We are not running out of land to use.
    Running out of land to use is not an issue, we have plenty of it. The issue is, historically, we have used the land and resources just about as poorly as we possibly could. Most places are deciding to change for the better since they realized dealing with the damage is more expensive than doing things right to begin with, some others are still trying to see how long they can get away with it.
    Quote Originally Posted by YouKnowWho View Post
    This is 100% TCMA principle. It may be used in non-TCMA also. Since I did learn it from TCMA, I have to say it's TCMA principle.
    Quote Originally Posted by YouKnowWho View Post
    We should not use "TCMA is more than combat" as excuse for not "evolving".

    You can have Kung Fu in cooking, it really has nothing to do with fighting!

  10. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Kellen Bassette View Post
    Running out of land to use is not an issue, we have plenty of it. The issue is, historically, we have used the land and resources just about as poorly as we possibly could. Most places are deciding to change for the better since they realized dealing with the damage is more expensive than doing things right to begin with, some others are still trying to see how long they can get away with it.

    There is no doubt we have essentially ruined areas for use for a long time. We won't live to see the regrowth of those areas. I am all for finding alternative energy but the more one looks into it the more one finds even that stuff is not all that great. Our need for petroleum based products even runs into most of the alternative methods. At best we can change the direction of the need for petroleum products possibly needing them less and less as a fuel source. But the powers that be will do everything possible to prevent viable alternates unless they own them in which case the generally shelves that stuff for use at a later time. Lets not stop the wheels of fortune on the commodity still producing returns.

    And in highly populated cities air and water quality really suck. Trash disposal is a major problem because they only have so much land the municipality owns. As a whole no one works together. It just does not seem to work that way. Great in theory but essentially non existant in practice.

    But the guy shaking his fist at the problem is doing **** all to resolve ****. He is no better a person than the guy) me in this case) saying it really does not matter in the grand scheme of things. One is useless to any real cause because he does nothing but parrot. The other just does not care enough because he believes we are being conned for the most part. And it all resolves around money distribution that none of us get anyway. Why help make someone rich if you do not agree with their finding?

    At least some guys go out of their way to clean up man made disasters. No pay and at potential risk to their health. Same people will often show up to clean up nature made disasters as well. Those generally being far larger in scope than anything we cause. They deserve any real recognition. Not the chest thumpers that do f-uck all but complain and blue box their glass and plastic. Geez, thanks for the help. Or is it the fine that really persuades one to do so?
    Last edited by boxerbilly; 04-23-2015 at 09:47 AM.

  11. #56
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    well now...that ttt went well.

    Maybe next year will go better.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  12. #57
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    ttt 4 2019!

    Well, we missed the last 4 years, but not because 2015 got so sidetracked. It was just neglect.

    Earth Day: How to be more eco-friendly in everyday life
    By Imran Rahman-Jones
    Newsbeat reporter
    8 hours ago


    We've been hearing so much about climate change recently, and the facts don't look good.

    The evidence shows that, thanks to human activity, global temperatures are rising at a level which isn't sustainable for the environment to be able to survive.

    That's partly why there are people taking their clothes off in parliament and school kids going on strike.

    (Plus, when the nation's grandad David Attenborough starts talking, it's probably worth listening.)

    But it's difficult. We're being bombarded with scary stories and told that we must change our ways - and soon.

    So what can we actually do? How can we make a difference when it seems like everything has a bad impact on the climate?

    Well, Radio 1 Newsbeat has been chatting to sustainable bloggers for tips on easy changes we can make to help reduce our impact.

    Shia Su - AKA the Wasteland Rebel

    The first is not to beat yourself up if you forget your bag for life or your reusable cup - it will probably just add to your eco-anxiety.

    "I never had the notion that I had to be perfect," says Shia Su from zero-waste blog Wasteland Rebel.

    "I had no intention of going zero-waste. I read about it and I just thought it was cuckoo and unrealistic," she says.

    But one day she decided to take a jar to her local coffee shop instead of asking for a takeaway one - and she grew greener from there.


    So how did Shia get to the point where she now says she can fit her entire year's waste into a litre-sized jar?

    Her second tip - shared by most of the bloggers we spoke to - is about turning your good intentions into good habits.

    Do whatever you can, and after a while it will become a habit," she says.

    "Normally, when you leave the house you grab your phone, you grab your wallet, you grab your keys.

    "After a while you'll grab your bottle, your food container and then you're good to go - it will become a habit."

    Keep it minimal

    And the third tip that all our bloggers share is probably the one which involves the biggest change.

    It's about living a minimal lifestyle - cutting out needless buys.

    "Living a sustainable lifestyle is about consuming less in general," Shia says. "I only buy a new piece of clothing if another one needs replacing."

    Shia says it's not as hard as it sounds: "A lot of things have already been done - we're just going back to them.

    "Ask your grandparents, they can teach you a lot about how to not create trash.

    "It's a really nice bonding experience as well. I think it makes them smile when I get out my hanky to blow my nose [instead of a disposable tissue]."

    What else can I do to help me live a greener life?

    We got other eco-bloggers and Instagrammers to give us their top tips on different areas of life.


    Tolmeia Gregory blogs about ethical fashion under the name TollyDollyPosh.

    Tolmeia Gregory

    Go vintage: "Do things like shopping second-hand and vintage, going to your local charity shop. You can also buy on sites like eBay and Depop."

    Buy less: "If you can, just not shopping at all is a really great way to do it. Embracing what you already own and what's already in your wardrobe. There's a great phrase you hear a lot: 'Loved clothes last'".

    Look for eco-friendly materials: "Look out for more natural fibres - go for cotton over polyester. Not only do they feel a lot nicer when you wear them, but don't contain things like microfibres that go into our water and into marine life when we wash our clothes."

    Learn to DIY: "It doesn't take much to learn how to hand-sew and stitch up a hole. Or if you have a pair of ripped jeans that are becoming a bit too ripped, you could always cut them and keep them as shorts."


    Immy Lucas is a blogger and YouTuber who goes under the name Sustainably Vegan.

    Immy Lucas

    Consider a more plant-based diet: "I don't think everyone has to go vegan to make a huge change. The more realistic thing is for the majority of people cutting down meat consumption to a couple of days a week."

    Eat as locally as possible: "If you're eating soy beans that are shipped from China or bananas that have been shipped from Colombia, that's not as sustainable as if you're eating apples grown in Kent. If you support your local farmers' market, you're also supporting more low-scale food agriculture which tends to be more kind to the Earth. "

    Eat as seasonally as possible: "If you're eating tomatoes from the UK that aren't in season, then you know they've been grown in some huge greenhouse that uses a massive amount of resources to basically fake the weather. So you're using a massive amount of heat energy to grow the tomatoes out of season."

    Think about packaging: "There are zero-waste shops where you buy unpackaged food. But you can also go to the supermarket, and make better choices by buying unpackaged fruit and vegetables, or opting for cans and cardboard that are widely recycled instead of plastic. So there are better choices that you can make in regular shops."


    Nicole Whittle - AKA VeganBeautyGirl - blogs about living a vegan life.

    Nicole Whittle

    Ditch the face wipes: "Just use a good old flannel like your nan's got in her bathroom, and a nice oil-based cleanser to help break down make-up at the end of the day. If you've got a baby and you need that on-the-go reliability, then you can find biodegradable wipes."

    Buy package-free: "You can get shampoo, conditioner and body wash bars - they might cost a bit more but they last much longer. So the cost-per-use is a lot lower."

    Think about your menstrual products: "Tampons and pads are single-use items, and not everyone disposes of them properly. The big change you can make is going to a menstrual cup, which is a silicone cup that catches all the blood and can be reused each month - they're not as scary as they sound. There's also menstrual underwear these days which is a lot more sustainable."

    Big brands can also be eco-friendly: "A lot of the big beauty brands are really taking inspiration from the vegan environmental movement. It's great to see these changes happening. It's taken them a while but these brands have seen that there's future in these sorts of products."


    Florine Hofmann runs The Wasted Blog, where she tries to find eco-friendly alternatives to everyday habits.

    Florine Hofmann

    Think about your journey: "We're so fortunate here in Europe - I usually try to take the train whenever I can. I'm conscious of trying to fly as little as possible."

    Pack sustainably: "I recently bought a second-hand suitcase because it was already something that was made, and it was cheaper. I try to pack as minimally as possible - for instance my toiletries I try to reduce to soap and a shampoo bar, stainless steel razor and toothbrush. I don't want that much plastic trash in another country. I try to leave as little behind as possible."

    Plan where you eat: "I usually do some research beforehand. I'm a massive foodie, so it's very important in my everyday life. But also because I want to support restaurants for instance that do think about their waste or whether they compost or not."

    Local knowledge is best: "I love renting a bike in a new city and just exploring new areas. You find the best spots through talking to people and getting all the hidden gems."
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  13. #58
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    Lightbulb Hello

    in any event World Tai Chi day represents something and isnt some politically persuaded , imbecilic influence and cash snatch.
    Visit my site here.

  14. #59
    Join Date
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Welcome Desiree

    We have another thread devoted to World Tai Chi and Qigong Day.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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