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Thread: Chinese toilets

  1. #46
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    What the???

    There's a Shanxi interior decorator that should be punished.

    Look: In this Shanxi restaurant's bathroom, sexy mannequins watch you pee

    Images published online yesterday of a men's bathroom in a Taiyuan city restaurant feature some of the most unique urinals we've yet witnessed. (And we've witnessed many.)

    Male patrons who approach the toilet bowls to drain the main vein are greeted by a line of scantily-clad mannequins gazing at them from behind a glass wall.

    Apparently male customers have repeatedly had to double-check that they're in the right place after walking into the bathroom to see what could be an art installation but may just as well be catering to some weird form of fetishism we've yet to catch on to.

    Unfortunately for the more bladder-shy patrons, it looks like they're gonna have to hold it in for a while.

    Previously on Shanghaiist: Shanxi ****-themed restaurant looks even ****tier than the rest

    By Tanto Chen

    [Images via:]

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  2. #47
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    Slightly OT

    What a horrible way to die. Such a tragedy.

    Missing Henan boy found drowned in sewerage treatment plant after falling down construction site manhole

    Tragedy has struck in Zhengzhou, Henan province, where a seven-year-old boy's body has been recovered 42 hours after he fell down an uncovered construction site manhole, reports China Daily.

    The boy was reported missing after he plunged into a manhole around 5:00 p.m. on Saturday. The five-year-old girl who witnessed the accident told of how the boy fell through a dusty white cloth which cloaked the manhole and landed in the fast-flowing water. The water had already swept him out of sight by the time rescuers arrived.

    Emergency personnel attempted rescue, with fully equipped divers descending into the sewers to search for the boy. However, at 11:30 a.m. today, the boy's drowned body was salvaged at a sewerage treatment plant.

    In the video below (warning: contains graphic content), the boy's uncle recounts fishing his body out from under the grate, describing it as "too horrible to look at".

    In the wake of this tragedy, there will no doubt be questions as to why the manhole was left uncovered and how the child was allowed to encounter it, especially after the shocking death of a two-year-old who also drowned after falling down an exposed manhole in Hunan.

    By Liam Bourke
    follow the link for the vid...
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  3. #48
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    how not to use this toilet

    The reason those “how not to use this toilet” signs exist in Asia…
    Meg Murphy
    2 days ago

    Did you ever hear stories about people in horribly embarrassing or awkward situations and thank whatever deity you believe in that it didn’t happen to you? Well you can say your thanks again that you weren’t the man who had to be taken to the hospital for injuries sustained after the toilet he decided to stand on as he… did his business… collapsed underneath him.

    The incident happened in a bathroom at Hefei Xinquiao International Airport in Anhui Province, China, the morning of April 16. The injured man reported he was, for some reason, squatting on top of the toilet, taking a poo, when the toilet collapsed. The toilet apparently became unsteady and tipped over, breaking apart when it fell.

    The traveler was taken to the hospital and treated for the injuries he sustained to his buttocks.

    While studies show that relieving your bowels in the squatting position is actually better for you (squat-style toilets can even be found in some eastern countries, including China and Japan), you might want to learn a lesson from this man and refrain from trying to squat atop toilets meant for sitting.

    After all, you wouldn’t want to become the butt of all toilet-humor now, now would you?

    Source: Yahoo!Japan News via Toychan Net
    Images: Ifeng Talk via Toychan Net
    That sign is AWESOME.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    New Mexico

    I just reported this post?!?

    Sorry Gene - I thought the reply looked weird and when I hit the button....sorry

    I only wanted to say I had never looked at this thread and except for that great sign, which I snatch, I'm otherwise glad I haven't. I did not need to know
    Name:  download (9).jpg
Views: 1170
Size:  7.0 KB

    Terrible about the poor kids.
    "The perfect way to do, is to be" ~ Lao Tzu

  5. #50
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    somewhere in China...

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  6. #51
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    somewhere else in China...

    ...this is really messed up.

    This public toilet in China may be haunted… by a love doll?
    15 hours ago

    Even in relatively clean Japan, public toilets are a special kind of gross. The kind of place where people go to, obviously, relieve themselves, but all too often to show off their artistic skills (or lack thereof) with graffiti, wipe snot on the wall, and have the occasional illicit encounter.

    But in one particular public toilet in China, something especially nefarious must have happened, because this Zengzhou, Henan Province bathroom appears to be haunted by the discarded remains of a partially deflated sex doll.

    The dead-eyed harlot, which appears to be of the – and we use this term loosely – “realistic” variety, with moving, doll-like eyelids, was found abandoned next to a red bag (we’ll get to that shortly) in a small, unisex, private bathroom built on what appears to be some kind of park grounds.

    Eventually the deflated doll was discovered by a steel-willed cameraman, who stuck around to film – instead of doing the rational thing and running away from the noxious sex fumes and possible lost souls of sex dolls past floating in the air.

    While the cameraman filmed, several others attempted to use the restroom to hilarious results. Eventually, the police or park services appear to show up, and an especially brave official just wades in with bare hands to clean up the mess – appropriately burning the haunted doll so it couldn’t rise again, before reaching into that red bag we mentioned earlier and finding… a bunch of other sex toys including a giant, floppy *****, which the same official just manhandles bare-handed like he does this all the time.

    We presume the rookie on the team is just off-camera, vomiting from the horror of it all.

    Screen captures:
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  7. #52
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    The Yangren Street Theme Park toilet

    I was really torn about whether to post this here or here. This thread needed more luv.

    Games and thrones: Chinese theme park sees surge in visitors after its giant 'castle' public toilet becomes attraction in its own right

    The 'Great Reception Hall' claims to have capacity for 2,000 people
    Located at Yangren or 'Foreign' Street Theme Park in Chongqing
    Have become a popular place to stop for wedding photographs

    By Kate Pickles and Edward Chow For Mailonline

    Published: 09:40 EST, 29 April 2015 | Updated: 10:44 EST, 29 April 2015

    A Chinese theme park is attracting more visitors than ever after people got wind of its giant public toilets.

    The Yangren Street Theme Park, which already boasts a miniature New York City and a replica of Brazil's Christ the Redeemer, has now added Chongqing's 'most incredible toilets' to its list of attractions.

    'The Golden Reception Hall' which covers an incredible 40,000 square metres and has a capacity for 2,000 people, has become a talking point after it was picked up by internet users, the People's Daily Online reports.

    Games and thrones: A theme park has become an online hit after word got out about its giant public convenience

    Its castle-like appearance has even led to it becoming a popular backdrop for wedding photography.

    The facility has no windows, although park bosses claim it has lots of space and is naturally well ventilated.

    It sits on the edge of the Yangren or 'Foreigner' Street theme park, which is spread over 3.5 square kilometres and opened in 2006.

    The park, which is free to enter with people paying for individual rides, was inspired by the growing foreign population in Chongqing.

    No queues: There are so many loos at this theme park, people never need queue to use the toilet

    Light and airy: The toilets, which are said to have a capacity for 2,000 people, are said to be naturally airy

    In addition to the replicas of famous landmarks, there are bumper cars, a haunted house and a number of theme park rides and restaurants.

    One person said he was relieved to discover it was a public loo and would have thought it was a castle otherwise.

    Grand designs: A visitor stops to take a photograph of The Golden Reception Hall at the theme park in China

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  8. #53
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Man, this thread is just all kinds of wrong

    But like checking out a car accident, I just cannot resist.

    Holy crap! Guy caught eating poop in ladies’ toilet

    Hold on to your lunch, guys, this story is pretty nauseating. A young man in Guangdong Province was caught in the act of eating feces out of a toilet in a public restroom.

    According to Chinese media reports, a female reporter was informed by a local citizen that there was a man in a particular public toilet who “ate poop.” When the reporter went to investigate, she indeed found a young man with his head in the bowl of a toilet vigorously munching on something.

    Freaked out, the reporter ran outside, but waited to speak with the man when he emerged. She asked him what he had been doing, and he replied, “I was eating poop.” He further claimed that women’s poop was “more delicious” than men’s.

    ▼ Anybody else think this looks suspiciously like Taylor Lautner?

    Locals say that the man had recently moved to the neighborhood, but had been caught doing the same thing at a public toilet near his previous residence too. They said the man was known in the area and that the locals and people who used the public toilet were all afraid of him.

    It’s not known what happened to the man after his encounter with the reporter, but mental health experts have pointed out that his strange behavior may be due to some untreated mental or emotional issue.

    Hmm. I believe the appropriate expression is “No ****, Sherlock.”
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  9. #54
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    CA, USA
    Don't they flush their ****?

  10. #55
    Join Date
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    A lot of Chinese toilets aren't flushable, Jimbo

    A lot of the public restrooms are just outhouses - honey pot style - and woe to anyone who happens to pass by the cleaning wagons.

    Meanwhile, here's this:
    Chinese man dresses up as woman to spy in bathrooms, has no idea what women look like
    Scott Wilson
    3 days ago

    It’s getting harder and harder to be a Peeping Tom. With anti-chikan policies and people becoming more vigilant at younger ages, they have to get creative if they’re going to get their illegal jollies.

    But sometimes it’s possible to get a little too creative. One man in China dressed up as a woman so he could sneak peeks in women’s restrooms. But based on the costume he chose, it’s not entirely clear if he’s ever actually seen a woman before in his life.

    The incident occurred at Tengzhou City in Shandong Province, eastern China. Someone called the police reporting “a strange ‘woman’ who was inside local library’s toilet in very strange clothes and looking at others in a small mirror.”

    The police responded, entering the women’s restroom and catching the dressed-up man in the act. This, it is reported, is who they found:

    ▼ Well, I mean, that’s certainly a little off but not so bad for a-

    ▼ All right, I spoke too soon. He probably based his costume on the horrible angles of women he’s spied on in his mirror.

    According to police reports, the suspect was wearing “thick makeup, a pearl necklace, long, white gloves, and red high heels.” He was taken to the police station where he admitted to spying on women in the bathroom not only this most recent time, but also several other times during the past five months.

    Japanese netizens had a lot to comment on this, with many admitting to being impressed by the man despite the vulgar nature of his crime:

    “His costume actually isn’t bad. If he’d been a bit more modest with the chest, it might’ve worked.”
    “Yeah, but instead he ended up as the definition of trying too hard.”
    “He tried so hard he came back around full circle.”
    “What’s under the shirt anyway? Actual watermelons?”
    “It’s like he just pieced together things that he’s seen on different women before.”
    “I’m impressed, China. I would’ve expected this level of mania from Japan only.”
    “The perfect embodiment of a pervert. We salute you!”

    Well, at least we’ve come out of this having learned something: bonding over peeping in bathrooms is the solution to international conflicts in Asia. Who knew?

    Source: Xinhuaxia News via Kinisoku
    Images: Xinhuaxia News
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  11. #56
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    What an odd thing to boast about

    Beijing Boasts More Public Toilets than Other Chinese Cities
    2015-05-27 18:02:00 Xinhua Web Editor: Wang Wei

    A logo for public toilets. [Photo:]

    Beijing boasts more public toilets than any other city in China, with facilities no more than a five-minute walk away within the capital's fourth ring road.

    Beijing has more than 20,000 public toilets, the most among Chinese cities, said Ji Yang, an official with the Beijing Municipal Commission of City Administration and Environment.

    There are 20 public toilets per square kilometer within the fourth ring road and a public toilet every 500 meters inside the fifth ring road, said Ji.

    The proportion of male to female public toilets in the city is 4 to 6. The public toilets have facilities for hand-washing, mirrors and special amenities for the disabled and children.

    Several "toilet revolutions" have taken place in Beijing, according to the official. In 1949, Beijing had only 500 non-flush public toilets. In the 1960s, these toilets began to be converted into flush toilets.

    "I have been to many cities, where it is troublesome to find a public toilet. But public toilets can be found anywhere in Beijing. It is very convenient and they are clean," said Jiang Hong, a tourist from Anhui Province.

    Beijing will improve the distribution of toilet facilities and rebuild public toilets in areas where residents are displaced for construction projects, according to the commission.

    Public toilets are an important symbol of advanced urban management, said Xu Wei, a professor in public policy and management at Minzu University of China.
    Clean? It's been over a decade since I've been in Beijing. Things must have improved dramatically.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  12. #57
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    Shanghai is a very unique place, especially for China.

    LOOK: Toilet encrusted with 72,000 Swarovski crystals on display at Shanghai expo

    Oh. Dear. Lord. A toilet covered in 72,000 pieces of Swarovski crystals was showcased at the China International Kitchen & Bathroom Expo 2015 this past Wednesday in Shanghai, attracting crowds of visitors who've likely never seen a fancier ****ter in their sad, porcelain toilet-filled existence.

    This bedazzled toilet was created by Ginza Tanaka, a Japanese designer with an obvious taste for the finer things in life.

    The blinged-out bathroom throne reportedly took over a month to make and cost a grand 128,390 USD. It was specially created for those who are looking to view something "dazzling" in their washrooms.

    According to a saleswoman from the event, the toilet seat costs 388,000 RMB to purchase.

    By Lucy Liu

    [Images via Tencent News]
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  13. #58
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    Who is going to eat those veggies?

    Shandong man grows veggie garden in toilets, using feces as fertilizer

    A man in Shandong has raised eyebrows for his somewhat unconventional rooftop garden, which consists of vegetables potted in old toilets and fertilized with human feces.

    The very eco-friendly scene was spotted recently on the rooftop of building No. 21 of the Central Residence District in Heze city.

    According to NetEase, the man has made use of dozens of discarded toilets to grow various types of vegetables. He even raised some ducks in a shed that he made out of old sofas.

    Residents of the building said the owner of the garden usually uses feces straight from his own toilet as fertilizer, and the smell has become unbearable for neighbors as the weather has heated up.

    In response to complaints, building maintenance employees said the rooftop is a public space, but they've had problems communicating with the garden tender, who reportedly lives with mental illness.

    One of the residents clarified that the gardener was his mentally-disabled younger brother, and said he was willing to clean up any mess on the rooftop.

    By Joyce Ng
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  14. #59
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    Extremely OT

    But here's a 'WTF Japan?' for ya.

    “Poo curry” restaurant now hiring interns, award-winning Tokyo University grad student applies
    Master Blaster
    33 minutes ago

    It’s been about two weeks since Curry Shop Shimizu opened for business in the Chitose-Funabashi area of Tokyo. Considering the only dish they sell is a curry which mimics the taste of human feces, you might expect sales to have been slow.

    However, not only is business booming, the demand has become too much for owner and adult film star Shimiken to keep up. As a result he put out an ad for interns to help take his poopy curry to the next level. On top of that, if you thought Curry Shop Shimizu’s fortunes couldn’t get any better, they are attracting top-tier applicants on par with the nation’s leading corporations.

    Since opening, Shimiken has consistently sold out of toilet bowls filled with his bitter brown cream as customers continue to flock to Curry Shop Shimizu. This is of course great news for the shop’s owner, but having been open for just two weeks, Shimiken must focus on paying off his initial investors before expanding, so requires the free-labor of interns rather than regular employees for the time being.

    Don’t misunderstand the situation, however; although this restaurant is very much an enormous practical joke, these internships are not. Shimiken is looking for help in Curry Shop Shimizu’s Management and PR Strategy Departments, while he continues to run the day-to-day operations and serve up his special recipe.

    Whoever is accepted into the Management Department will have to monitor the shop’s fixed costs, expected sales, and number of visitors and find a way to maximize sales. In addition, they will be involved in the creation of projects to increase customer numbers, develop new products, and (perhaps most difficult for poop-curry) ensure repeat customers.

    The intern assigned to the new PR Strategy Department, meanwhile, will have to take a good look at this marketing survey conducted prior to the opening of Curry Shop Shimizu.

    Their task, if they choose to accept it, is to change the minds of the 85 percent who said they would never set foot anywhere near a place that serves feces-flavored curry. By taking advantage of social networks and mass media, they must make Curry Shop Shimizu appear like a happening place that offers exciting events and a side of fun with what would surely be the worst thing they have ever eaten.

    ▼ Moreover, it’ll be pretty hard not to have to scrub toilets at some point during this particular internship.

    These are challenging tasks but these internships promise to be very hands-on and allow the interns to become deeply involvement in management and PR. Perhaps that’s why their recruitment page on Japanese recruitment site Wantedly has already attracted applicants from Japan’s top universities such as Waseda and the University of Tokyo.

    One would-be poo-PR man states that as well as graduating from the University of Tokyo, he was a recipient of the school’s prestigious President Award. They also said that if given the choice between Curry Shop Shimizu and a leading brokerage to which they also applied, they’d go for the challenge and experience of marketing pooh-flavored curry.

    And so, with their dark brown curry flowing into porcelain bowls like…(naw, let’s not go down that road), and Japan’s finest coming out to join the effort, it appears that the **** has truly hit the fan at Curry Shop Shimizu, and that we’ll be hearing a lot more about this place in the months to come.

    Restaurant Information
    Curry Shop Shimizu
    B1-A Joy Park Chitose Funabashi, 1-1-17 Funabashi, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
    東京都世田谷区船橋1-1-17 ジョイパーク千歳船橋B1-A
    Lunch: 11:30am – 2:30pm
    Dinner: 6:00pm – 11:00pm
    Holidays: Fridays and any day that the curry accidentally tastes good
    Phone Number: Unlisted
    Twitter: @unkocurryshop

    Source: Wantedly via Niconico News (Japanese)
    Images: Wantedly, xfs (Edited by RocketNews24)
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    CA, USA
    Why, oh why?!?!

    This gives another meaning to poo-poo platter.

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