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Thread: Abbot scandals

  1. #136
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    In defense of the abbot

    This is a long article so I will post it, plus the googtranslation, in chunks.
    2015-09-17 枣庄佛光山法云寺 悟在当下

    如果你是一个喜欢刷屏看新闻的人,肯定有印象最近俩月上头条最频繁的一定是释永信,先是“释正义”的几波有 节奏的爆料,准确的让每次爆料都上了头条;然后“释正义”匿迹,曾经的弟子释延鲁联合多人上京实名举报,再 掀波澜。

    此事的复杂性和迷惑性,让公众对答案相当期待。从少林寺所在地登封市政府到河南省委,从登封市宗教局到国家 宗教局,从登封市公安局到最高检;各级政府部门、宗教部门、佛教协会、最高检的这些名词都会引起公众侧目, 举报者对公众阅读喜好的精准把握让很多跨国组织都难以企及,不排除幕后有利益相关的专业策划团 队操盘。



    9月2日,70周年阅兵式前夕,新华社刊发了俄罗斯总统普京的专访文章《俄中两国共同致力于捍卫二战历史真 相——访俄罗斯总统普京》,由于阅兵式大环境,媒体把这篇文章的关注点放在了阅兵式主题上,重点传播了普京 总统关于“有人企图篡改二战历史,挑衅性地要改变纽伦堡审判和东京审判的决定”的观点。

    殊不知,这篇文章其实大有来头,据知情人士透露,文章并非新华社主动采访稿件,而是阅兵式前夕,高层领导通 过中共中央办公厅和外交部委托新华社对俄罗斯总统普京进行的独家采访,这也是来华参与阅兵式的各国领导中唯 一的专访稿件,政治意味值得琢磨。

    中共中央办公厅和外交部主导的专访稿件,根据相关规定都需要中办领导乃至更高层领导进行审阅,俄罗斯作为中 国最重要的战略伙伴之一,而文章里的观点都代表着中央高层的意志和态度,这其中既有中俄外交关系的具体阐述 ,也有国际问题的一致看法,更巧妙的传达了有关于中央领导对少林寺事件判断的微妙态度。

    普京在专访中指出,中国继续珍视文化和历史传统,每一位来到中国的人简直是每走一步都会感受到这一点。他说 ,那些反映中国古老文明全貌的文化遗产具有特殊意义,2006年访华期间少林寺给他留下了难忘 印象。

    通过上述内容,我们可以明白,少林寺是作为“反映中国古老文明全貌的文化遗产”的代表出现的,这一文化联想 的逻辑其实很容易理解——中国功夫被外国人看做是开启中国传统文化的钥匙,而提到中国功夫必然离不开少林寺 ,多数外国人真正直观地感受到少林武术的魅力,是从李小龙、成龙和李连杰主演的功夫电影开始的,上世纪80 年代那部著名的武侠电影《少林寺》更是使少林武术普遍深入人心,少林寺成为中国文化的一张名片而深入人心, 而这一中国文化的发扬和传播自然离不开近期备受关注的人物——释永信。

    据了解,自释永信主持少林寺以来,少林在海外设置了6大分院,在柏林、伦敦等地直接办了40多家公司,另外 还间接办了一些公司,在50多个国家和地区建有专门研学少林功夫的学校和团体,海外弟子多达300万以上。 在某些方面,这些机构与孔子学院发挥着同样的作用——通过文化和语言弘扬中国的软实力,而且宣扬精神健康的 少林文化中心越来越受欢迎。这样的成就也得到了来自国家的认可和支持,而此次的举报事件也得到了世界媒体的 舆论关注。

    毋庸置疑,巨大的成就也不能成为腐败和违法的护身符,但是我们单撇开少林寺及释永信的巨大成就,就目前公开 的举报材料和观点来分析这个事件,也许能一窥究竟。
    Goog translation:
    Shi events, survey results so the truth gradually surfaced!
    2015-09-17 Zaozhuang Wu Guang Shan Temple in the moment Fayun

    If you are a scraper like watching the news, it will certainly have the impression that the recent two months the most frequent headlines must be Shi, first "interpretation of justice" several waves broke rhythmic and accurate so that every time the leaks headlines; then "Release justice" has disappeared, once a disciple of Shi Yan Lu to Beijing joint multiplayer real name, Waves.

    The complexity of the matter and confusing for the public to answer quite looking forward to. From the Shaolin Temple in Dengfeng municipal government seat to the Henan provincial Religious Affairs from Dengfeng City, to the State Bureau of Religious Affairs, from Dengfeng City Public Security Bureau to the Supreme Procuratorate; all levels of government, religious authorities, Buddhist Association, Supreme Procuratorate of these terms will causing public eyebrows, whistleblowers public reading preferences accurate grasp so many multinational organizations are difficult to match, does not exclude the stakeholders behind the scenes manipulator of professional planning team.

    Today, the truth may, in contrast, the attitude of the central gradually clear, naturally give the public a responsible findings.

    An article revealed significant signal

    September 2, the 70th anniversary of the parade on the eve of the Xinhua News Agency published an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin's article "Russia and China work together to defend the historical truth of World War II - An Interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin", due to parade the environment, the media the focus of this article on the parade theme, focusing on the dissemination of views on President Vladimir Putin's "World War II was an attempt to tamper with history, provocative decision to change the Nuremberg and Tokyo trials," the.

    As everyone knows, this article is in fact a great background, according to informed sources, the article does not take the initiative to Xinhua News Agency interview manuscript, but the parade on the eve of an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency commissioned by the senior leadership of Russian President Vladimir Putin made by the CPC Central Committee and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs The leaders, which is unique to China to participate in the parade interview manuscript, political meaning is worth pondering.

    CPC Central Committee General Office and the Foreign Ministry-led interview manuscript, in accordance with the relevant provisions need to do even more senior leadership leadership for review, Russia, as one of the most important strategic partner of China, and the article's point of view represents the will of the central level and attitude, both of which specifically addressed the Sino-Russian diplomatic relations, but also consensus on international issues, and more subtly convey the central leadership of the Shaolin Temple about the event determining the subtle attitude.

    In the interview, Putin pointed out that China continues to cherish cultural and historical tradition, every person is simply came to China every step feel it. He said that those that reflect the cultural heritage of the whole picture of Chinese ancient civilization has a special significance, the temple has left a memorable impression during the 2006 visit.

    Through the above, we can understand that, as a representative of Shaolin "reflect the whole picture of China's ancient civilization and cultural heritage," the emergence of this cultural association logic is actually very easy to understand - Chinese martial arts are seen as foreigners turned traditional Chinese culture key, and mentioned that China can not be separated Shaolin kung fu, most foreigners Shaolin martial arts really intuitively feel the charm, from Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Jet Li kung fu movie starring the beginning of the 1980s that the Department of the famous martial arts movie "Shaolin Temple" is so widespread popular Shaolin martial arts, Shaolin Temple has become a business card of Chinese culture and deeply rooted, and carry forward the Chinese culture and the spread of the natural person is inseparable from the recent concern - Shi Yongxin.

    It is understood that since the auspices of the Shaolin Temple Shi Yongxin, the Shaolin set up six large overseas branch, in Berlin, London and other places to do more than 40 companies directly, and also indirectly do a number of companies, built in more than 50 countries and regions There are specialized research study Shaolin kung fu schools and groups, as many as 300 million more overseas disciples. In some ways, these agencies and the Confucius Institute plays the same role - to carry forward China's soft power through culture and language, and to promote mental health center Shaolin culture increasingly popular. This success has also been recognized and support from the state, and this incident has also been reports of public opinion worldwide media attention.

    Needless to say, great achievements can not become corrupt and illegal talisman, but we put aside the great achievements single and Shi Yongxin of Shaolin Temple, the current public reporting materials and perspectives to analyze this event, may be able to see what.
    continued next post
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #137
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    continued from previous


    7月25日以来,关于释永信的问题归纳起来集中在以下几点,举报材料看似证据确凿,但终究是一家之言,而且 从法律层面看举报材料的获取多有违法违规之处,真实性更待考证:


    举报人“释正义”表示“少林寺方丈 释永信 违反佛教戒律、玩弄女人” ,并表示 释永信 有两个身份证,且有情妇,并与多名女性育有儿女。“释正义”向有关媒体提交了证据,并称“如不实愿负法律责 任”。

    但有一名熟悉释延洁的僧人表示,释延洁多年前因为生病,做过手术,早已经丧失了生育能力,释延洁手里有当年 在郑州就医的病历,因此说她生孩子纯属造谣。


    举报人“释正义”提供的数份复印件材料显示:1987年5月10日,释永信的师父、当时还健在的行正方丈在 给中国佛教协会的一封信中,曾历数释永信的不轨之处:“偷拿法卷”“对外接受采访时自称方丈”“出差虚报假 单据”“以二当家的身份到流通处拿东西”;1988年2月,中国佛教协会公函对少林寺相关事件做出回复,当 时行正已圆寂,当年4月23日,释永信的师叔祖、名誉方丈德禅做出释永信迁单的决定:“为了禅宗祖庭的荣誉 ,根据行正方丈的遗嘱,和现在永信的所作所为,对永信作出迁单的处理。”“释正义”展示的该文件复印件图片 上,还盖有“少林寺佛教管理委员会”的印章。

    但是,无论释永信是否被迁单过,最后的方丈更迭中他继任了住持。1987年行正圆寂后,少林寺首座素喜继任 少林寺住持,1998年自住持位退居,由释永信继任住持。此后,释永信逐渐以少林寺方丈身份出任河南佛教协 会的会长, 中国佛教协会 的副会长,第九、十、十一、十二届全国人大代表等官方身份,说明释永信的少林寺方丈身份得到了国家认可,身 份来源具有合法性。


    抛开上述问题,本次举报最需要厘清的其实是少林寺的财产纠纷。2015年8月,媒体报道称中国嵩山少林寺方 丈释永信持河南少林无形资产管理有限公司80%股份,引发公众对释永信“侵吞少林寺资产”的质 疑。

    8月11日,澎湃新闻获得的两份文件显示,因少林寺不具备法人资格,无法成为公司股东,所以由少林寺内部人 员代持(少林无形)股份。少林寺相关负责人称,两份文件是真实的。少林寺相关负责人称,少林寺没有法人资格 ,无法成为股东,但因释印松遗嘱指定受让人为少林寺,工商部门“没有办法”,才同意股权变更。

    同时,各方记者在前往释永信原籍家庭中也没有发现亲属通过释永信获得直接利益的证据,其父母和兄弟在当地从 事普通职业,住房也为普通2层民宅,与当地居民并无相异。


    迄今为止,我们看到的举报材料似乎是证据凿凿,但仍然疑点重重、没有公信力。而另一方面,以“释正义”和释 延鲁为代表的举报方,却遭受越来越多的质疑,举报方利益关系逐渐浮出水面。
    goog trans:
    Shi Report event: a 关公战秦琼 spared from war

    Since July 25, Shi Yongxin questions about summed up focused on the following points, to report material seemingly conclusive evidence, but in the end is one of the words, but also from a legal perspective to obtain more illegal irregularities, the authenticity of the report material More to be verified:

    1, in violation of the precepts of the problem: no fertility Shi Yan Jie, womanizer no conclusive evidence

    Whistleblower "Release justice" means "Shaolin Temple abbot Shi Yongxin violation Buddhist precepts, playing a woman," and said Shi Yongxin has two identity cards, and there is a mistress and fathered children with several women. "Interpretation of justice" has submitted evidence to the media, saying, "If you do not wish to bear the legal responsibility real."

    But there is a familiar monk Shi Yan Jie, said Shi Yan Jie years ago because of illness, had surgery, had already lost the ability to reproduce, hand Shi Yan Jie Zhengzhou medical treatment in those years in medical records, so that she is purely a child disinformation.

    2, moved to a single Supremacy: whether to be moved to a single, Shi presided over the identity of legitimate

    Number of copies material whistleblower "interpretation of justice" provided by: May 10, 1987, Master Shi Yongxin, was still alive in a letter to the Bank is abbot of the Buddhist Association of China, Zeng Yong enumerate release misconduct place the letter: "stole Act volume" "when claiming in an interview outside the abbot," "false false travel documents," the "underboss of identity to get something at the Circulation"; February 1988, the Buddhist Association of China-related letters to the Shaolin Temple Event respond, then the line being has passed away on April 23 that year, Shi Yongxin Shishu ancestors, honorary abbot Shi De Chan moved to make a single decision: "To honor Zen Buddhism, according to the Bank is the abbot wills, and is now doing the letter Wing, Wing letter to move to a single process. "On" interpretation of justice "shows a copy of the document image, but also the seal of" Shaolin Temple Buddhist management committee ".

    However, regardless of whether the move monopersulfuric Shi Yongxin, abbot of the change in the final he succeeded the abbot. After the 1987 line being died, the Shaolin Temple abbot's first prime hi successor, Abbot bit relegated since 1998 by his successor abbot Shi Yongxin. Since then, gradually to Shaolin Temple abbot Shi Yongxin capacity as president of the Buddhist Association of Henan, the official as vice chairman of the China Buddhist Association, ninth, tenth, eleventh and 12th National People's Congress, etc., indicating Shi Yongxin of Shaolin Temple Abbot identity recognized by the State, the identity of the source of legitimacy.

    3, the occupation of the temple property: Shi behalf of the holders of 80% of the shares, can not qualify because people Shaolin Temple

    Despite these problems, this report need to clarify the fact that most property disputes Shaolin Temple. August 2015, the media reported that China Songshan Shaolin Temple abbot Shi Yongxin, Henan Shaolin intangible asset Management Ltd. holds 80% stake, triggering public Shi "plunder Shaolin assets" of the question.

    August 11, two documents obtained by surging news show, because the temple does not have legal personality, can not become a shareholder of the company, so hold (Shaolin intangible) owned by internal staff on behalf of the Shaolin Temple. Shaolin responsible person, two documents are real. Shaolin responsible person, Shaolin Temple has no legal personality, can not become a shareholder, but the release will specify the transferee is a printed loose Shaolin Temple, the business sector "no way", had agreed to change of equity.

    At the same time, the parties Reporter Shi went home in the family also found no evidence of relatives by Shi directly benefit their parents and brothers engaged in local general employment, housing also two layers of ordinary homes, not with local residents different.

    Thus, the report Shi illegal occupation of property have use of the Shaolin Temple property particularity confuse the suspect.

    So far, we have seen evidence Zaozao report material seems to be, but still many doubts, no credibility. On the other hand, to "release justice" and Shi Yan Lu as the representative of the reporting party, has suffered increasingly questioned, reported Fangli Yi relations gradually surfaced.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  3. #138
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    continued from previous


    自举报事件以来,诸多举报合法性问题被指出。“释正义”名为实名举报,实则是匿名举报,举报材料中公布了疑 似释永信与人通奸的公安笔录。

    如果这份疑似笔录是假的,“释正义”造谣诽谤的罪名是逃不掉的,此外还涉嫌伪造公文等罪名,这份疑似笔录早 已有N个500转了,应该缉拿“释正义”归案。倘使有公务人员参与了伪造,应该开除公职并移交 司法。

    如果这份疑似笔录是真的,问题就更严重了。大和尚有没有犯了淫戒,说到底与一般人也没什么关系,也不犯法。 但是公安机关的笔录信息被发布到网上,就违反了公安机关的法定义务:刑事诉讼法规定“对涉及个人隐私的证据 ,应当保密”。“释正义”公布的疑似释永信户籍信息,显示为阜阳市公安人口信息查询系统,这也是公安机关应 该保密的个人信息。

      因此,不管释永信最后有没有问题,“释正义”公布疑似笔录与疑似释永信户籍信息的行为,都需要公安部门 展开调查。应该由上级公安部门或公安部介入调查。

    此外,“释正义”与释延鲁的关系并没有表面上的那么简单,当日释延鲁在被怀疑是“释正义”时矢口否认,并表 示敬佩。同时已有迹象显示,“释正义”与释延鲁具有直接利益相关性,据新浪微博用户爆料, “释正义”是释延鲁的亲外甥蔡亮亮。

    @何处惹尘埃:已经有媒体根据电话采访“释正义”的录音比对,高度怀疑“释正义”即释延鲁姐夫的儿子蔡亮亮 ,通过电话采访录音与蔡亮亮本人的录音比对,匹配度高达99%。如果“释正义”即释延鲁亲外甥,那就不难理 解为什么释正义与释延鲁的举报材料和内容高度一致,同时释延鲁上京举报后,“释正义”便消失匿 迹。

    如果这一信息最终被证实为真,那释延鲁的举报材料的真实性就可疑了。更精彩的在于,释延鲁以个人名义到北京 实名举报释永信后,剧情却出现了大逆转。

    自称释延鲁大徒弟的释恒英向成都商报记者出示了一份写给师父释延鲁的信,所谓的“不光彩的历史”是指释延鲁 有两个老婆的事。但这件事释延鲁并未向少林坦白,后来释延鲁和原配离婚,把第二个女人接到武术学校,至今仍 在一起。记者也注意到,此前指向释延鲁的“少林三十人声明”称,释延鲁是1993年到少林,之后离婚又再婚 ,并因婚姻问题被少林寺迁单。

    此外,一封名为“关于少林武僧团培训基地的情况反映”举报信也反映少林武僧团培训基地及释延鲁违法占地、消 防隐患、偷税漏税、涉黑滋事等多宗罪。

    举报材料称,2005年,释延鲁以少林武僧团培训基地名义,在登封市禅武大道以西,少林大道以北置地八百余 亩扩建武校,然而事隔十余年,该地块至今荒草丛生,迟迟不见动工,大片土地撂荒严重,周边群众及单位怨声载 道。

    反映材料还表示,释延鲁打着少林寺的名义成立少林寺武僧团培训基地,实际该校与少林寺没有任何关系。同时, 释延鲁已还俗早已不是僧人,他却在接待外宾及重要客人的时候,身着僧袍,自诩少林僧人,严重损毁了少林寺及 佛教的名誉和形象,同时也深深伤害了出家僧众及在家信徒的宗教感情。

    而后,一位自称释延鲁师兄弟的知情人也爆料,释延鲁是登封一霸,不少师兄弟都因办武校分流其生源受他威胁过 ,只能回老家办校,不敢留在登封。释延鲁的举报正义性受到越来越多的质疑,其个人的利益关系网渐渐浮出水面 ,事件逐渐明朗化。

    上述关于公安机关笔录和户籍信息的泄露问题,当地公安部门难辞其咎。南都记者从河南省公安厅处采访得知,登 封市公安局副局长范建伟因涉嫌收受释延鲁贿赂二十万已经遭双规,涉嫌偷出笔录供释延鲁等人使用。同时据当地 人透露,登封市长乔耸与释延鲁关系密切,被称“走得很近且称兄道弟”。

    同时,举报人王永华也开始进入公众视野,记者采访到一位熟悉释永信、释延鲁及王永华的河南本地人,他说策划 此事的极有可能是王永华,其是北京人,混迹于政府机关及三教九流,极具蛊惑能力。

    网上资料显示,王永华曾因盗抢行为被刑事立案,其曾于2012年6月28日盗抢巴如意凌志越野470吉普( 价值147万),以及车上名人字画13幅(价值300万元)等情况。

    "Interpretation of justice" program is not justice,
    Shi Yan Lu greedy crazy poisoning

    Since the reported incident, the problem has been pointed out many report legality. "Interpretation of justice" called real name, but in reality is anonymous, report material published suspected Shi adultery police transcript.

    If this record is a suspected fake, "Release justice" slander charges of escape, in addition to charges of alleged forged documents, this record has long been suspected of N 500 turn, you should catch the "interpretation of justice" to justice . It would help if there are public servants involved in the forgery should be dismissed and handed over to justice.

    If this record is really suspected, the problem is even more serious. Japan still is not guilty of the Yin Jie, after all and most people have no relationship, nor break the law. But the record information to be released to the public security organs online, breach of statutory duty public security organs: the Criminal Procedure Code provides that "evidence related to personal privacy, shall be kept confidential." "Interpretation of justice" published suspected Shi household registration information, personal information displayed Fuyang City Police population information system, which is the public security organs should be confidential.

    Therefore, regardless of Shi finally there is no problem, "Release justice" published transcripts of suspected acts of suspected Shi household registration information, the public security departments are required to investigate. Should be involved in the investigation by the police department or the higher MPS.

    In addition, the "Release justice" relationship with Shi Yan Lu is not so simple on the surface, the day Shi Yan Lu is suspected to be in when "Release justice" denied, and expressed admiration. At the same time there are signs that the "interpretation of justice" and the Shi Yan Lu has a direct correlation between interest, according to Sina microblogging users broke the news, "interpretation of justice" is the pro-nephew Shi Yan Lu Cai bright.

    @ First.where: have the media based on telephone interviews with recording "interpretation justice" than the right, a high degree of suspicion "interpretation of justice" that Shi Yan Lu brother's son Cai shiny, through telephone interviews with recording and Cai shiny own recordings comparison, Match up to 99%. If the "Release justice" that the pro-nephew Shi Yan Lu, it is not difficult to understand why the release of Justice Shi Yan Lu highly consistent with the material and content of the report, while Yan Lu to Beijing after release the report, "Release justice" disappeared into hiding.

    If this information is eventually proved to be true, the truth that Shi Yan Lu reports on suspicious material. More exciting is that the Shi Yan Lu in his own name to Beijing to report real name after Shi Yongxin, the story has appeared reversal.

    Self-proclaimed disciple of Shi Yan Lu large release Hengying to the Chengdu Chinese Commercial News reporters Chu Shi and Le Yifen Master Shi Yan Lu wrote a letter, called "disgraceful history" refers Shi Yan Lu has two wives do. But this thing Shi Yan Lu did not confess to Shaolin, Shi Yan Lu and later divorced his first wife, the second woman received a martial arts school, is still together. Reporters also noted that, after the point of Shi Yan Lu "Shaolin thirty people declare," said Shi Yan Lu is 1993 to Shaolin, divorce and remarriage, and the temple was moved because of marital problems alone.

    In addition, one called "Shaolin Monks group training base on the case reflected" reported the letter also reflects the Shaolin Monks group training base and Shi Yan Lu law covering, fire hazard, tax evasion, and other crimes involving the Mafia trouble.

    To report material, said in 2005, Shi Yan Lu Shaolin Monks group training base in the name, in the west of Dengfeng City Zen Wu Avenue, north of Avenue Landmark eight hundred acres of Shaolin Martial Arts School expansion, but a lapse of more than ten years, the land Block has overgrown weeds, still have not seen commence serious large tracts of land fallow, and the people around the unit complaining.

    Reflecting material also said that the name of the name of Shaolin Temple Shi Yan Lu founded Shaolin Monks group training base, the actual school and Shaolin Temple does not have any relationship. Meanwhile, Shi Yan Lu had not been disrobed monk, he was at the time of receiving foreign dignitaries and important guests, dressed in robes, boasted Shaolin monks, seriously damaged the reputation and image of the Shaolin Temple and Buddhism, but also deeply hurt the monk monks and religious feelings of believers at home.

    Thereafter, one claiming Shi Yan Lu fellow insider also broke the news, Shi Yan Lu is a tyrant Dengfeng, are due to do a lot of fellow military school students split their threatened by him, only to return home to do school, not stay in Dengfeng. Shi Yan Lu justice of reports questioned by more and more, their personal interests networks gradually surfaced, the event gradually become clear.

    It said the public security authorities on leak transcripts and household registration information, the local public security departments to blame. Southern reporters learned from the Public Security Department of Henan Province, Dengfeng City Public Security Bureau deputy director 范建伟 Shi Yan Lu on suspicion of accepting bribes has been detained for interrogation two hundred thousand, suspected of stealing a record for Shi Yan Lu et al use. Meanwhile, according to local sources, Dengfeng Mayor Joe Song and Shi Yan Lu close to being called "very close and fraternizing."

    Meanwhile, Wang Yonghua informants have begun to enter the public eye, the reporter interviewed a familiar Shi, Shi Yan Wang Yonghua Lu and Henan native, he said the matter of planning is very likely that Wang Yonghua, it is from Beijing, it was removed in government agencies and everyday, great ability to confuse.

    Online information, Wang Yonghua Zengyin robbery acts are criminal case which had June 28, 2012 robbery Pakistan wishful Lexus Jeep off-road 470 (worth 1.47 million), and the car celebrity pictures 13 ($ 300 million) and so on.
    continued next post
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  4. #139
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    continued from previous


    综上所述,目前信息纷纷扰扰、利益关系异常复杂,但并无确凿证据判断释永信触犯法律和佛教戒律,但举报者通 过把私人利益问题、佛教、法律问题与当下中国反腐问题混淆在一起,“成功”的引起了关注,并对少林寺的声誉 造成了巨大影响。

    其实,最核心的困难是即使这些证据都是真的,但释永信方丈是否触犯国家法律还不能确定,因为这些举报材料涉 及的核心是其是否触犯了佛教戒律,与中国法律和中央反腐似乎并没有多大的关系。

    举报者公开举报的这些材料需要官方和法律做出最后的裁决;举报者自身的利益纠纷问题和程序正义问题也需要进 行彻查,而与少林寺利益瓜葛太深的登封地方政府显然不适合担任调查职责。

    释永信被举报后,其财务、个人生活等各方面已引起中国媒体的极大关注。外媒认为,在中共最高领导层大举清理 官场贪腐问题,希望以此整肃社会风气,树立清风正气形象的同时,事关少林寺这一中华文化符号的任何负面新闻 ,应该都会受到当局的高度重视。

    释延鲁举报看似占尽上风,实则作茧自缚;释永信“不辩解脱”策略高明,以不变应万变。真应了二战期间,日本 大举进攻中国,来势汹汹,但战略失误,终要品尝失败的苦果。

    事件爆发以来,河南省委成立了以省委书记郭庚茂牵头、省公安厅厅长许甘露等为成员的高规格调查组。众所周知 ,郭庚茂与许甘露都有与中央高层领导共事经历,在十八大后被委以重任,符合中央的施政价值观和执政理念。相 信调查组会破除地方、部门利益纠纷,从全国宗教界统战思维、维护中国文化符号正面形象的大局观出发,给海内 外公众一个真实的、负责任的调查结果。


    作者:霍兆祥,澳大利亚华侨,作家,著名时事评论员。曾在中国人民解放军总政治部服役,从事新闻工作;退役 后曾在电台、报社任记者、主编;目前主要从事文学创作、时评写作,对中国传统文化有深刻的洞察 。

    Contamination of Chinese cultural symbols,
    Tit for Tat

    In summary, the current information chaos, interest is very complex, but there is no conclusive evidence to determine Shi violated the law and the Buddhist precepts, but the whistleblower by private interests, Buddhism, Chinese anti-corruption legal problems with the current problems confusion Together, "success" caused concern, and the reputation of the Shaolin Temple caused a huge impact.

    In fact, the core of the problem is that even if the evidence is true, but whether abbot Shi Yongxin violated state law can not be determined, because the core material relates to these reports is that it is an offense under the Buddhist precepts, it seems China anti-corruption laws and central and there is not much relationship.

    Whistleblower public reporting of these materials require official and legal to make a final decision; whistleblower own interests disputes and procedural justice also needs to be a thorough investigation, and deep connection with the Shaolin Temple in Dengfeng interests of local governments is clearly unfit investigation duties.

    Shi is the report, in all aspects of its finances, personal life, etc., have caused great concern to the Chinese media. Foreign media that the Chinese Communist Party's top leadership to clean up the massive corruption in officialdom, hoping to purge the social values, establish breeze upright image, while any negative news related to the temple symbol of the Chinese culture, will be highly valued by the authorities .

    Shi Yan Lu reported seemingly gained the upper hand, but in reality cocoon; Shi "no excuse off" policy wise, maintaining the status quo. During World War II really should, Japanese large-scale attack China, menacing, but strategic mistakes, and finally to taste the bitterness of failure.

    Since the outbreak, the Henan Provincial Committee set up by the provincial party secretary Guo Geng Mao led the provincial Public Security Minister Xu mannose as the members of the high-profile investigation team. As we all know, Guo Geng Mao and Xu manna has worked with the Central senior leadership experience, at eighteen after being entrusted with the task, in line with the policy of the central values ​​and governing philosophy. I believe the investigation team would get rid of local, departmental interests disputes, united front from all religious thinking, maintain a positive image of Chinese cultural symbols of the bigger picture view, to the public at home and abroad a real, accountable findings.

    Original title: "Central disclose Shi event signal," No excuse off the "smart strategy"

    Author: Huozhao Xiang, Australia Overseas, writer, well-known commentator. People's Liberation Army General Political Department was in service, in journalism; after retirement worked in radio, newspaper as a reporter, editor; now mainly engaged in literature, writing commentary on the Chinese traditional culture has a profound insight.
    I suspect this isn't the end of it, but it does give a sense how this particular scandal might end.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  5. #140
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    Only one 'T' in Abbot...

    Shaolin abbott absent from public sphere after gov't probe rumors
    Staff Reporter 2015-09-28 10:22 (GMT+8)

    Shaolin Temple abbot, Shi Yongxin. (Photo/CNS)

    Shaolin Temple abbot Shi Yongxin, who is rumored to be under investigation after one of his disciples, Shi Yanlu, accused him of fathering several children out of wedlock and embezzling money, was absent from the Shaolin Temple's public activities in Henan, reports online Buddhist news portal

    Shi Yongxin did not appear at a the temple's graduation ceremony for a 3-month summer course given to African students learning martial arts and Chinese culture, a course organized by China's Ministry of Culture. An insider claimed that the abbott is in Beijing for a health check and was unable to deliver his speech.

    Shi Yanlu is also in Beijing, according to the report. His spokesman said that Shi Yanlu will not return to the Shaolin Temple in Henan province until the official investigation into the abbott is released.

    An analyst said that Shi Yongxin is one of the most important figures in the Shaolin Temple and that he usually celebrates important occassions with public appearances. His appearance during Mid-Autumn festivities, a Chinese holiday that lands on Sept. 27, will be an important signal as to the progress of the ongoing investigation.


    Shi Yongxin  釋永信

    Shi Yanlu  釋延魯
    The The 4th Shaolin Cultural Festival starts next week. I will be very excited to see if the Abbot shows.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  6. #141

    Abbot's honour

    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    The The 4th Shaolin Cultural Festival starts next week. I will be very excited to see if the Abbot shows.
    .... and it might be even more exciting, if Shi Yanjie again is among the abbot's "entourage". It seems, that she still didn't return to China. Maybe she is still at the "Shaolin Kungfu Meditation Temple of Australia" in Cabramatta (althought the pictures that showed her there during a public ceremony together with the abbot, suddenly disappeared from the institution's homepage).

    The easiest way for Shi Yongxin to proof, that he is not the father of Han Jiaen, would be a DNA-test, but he refuses to do one. According to his spokesman Zheng Shumin, this would be against the abbot's honour. Of course, a buddhist abbot as a "quasi-Buddha" is beyond any worldly proof. Ancient arguments.


    Gene, thanks for the reference of the Xinhua-Putin-interview, it was very interesting!

  7. #142
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    I just scan the newsfeeds for all of you here, breeze. It fills out our archive.

    Word is he is not coming to the festival. We'll know for sure by the end of this week.

    Shaolin abbot Shi Yongxin resurfaces at Chinese temple, months after claims of misconduct
    PUBLISHED : Sunday, 04 October, 2015, 11:04pm
    UPDATED : Sunday, 04 October, 2015, 11:04pm
    Li Jing

    Shaolin Temple abbot Shi Yongxin has been followed by controversy. Photo: AFP

    Scandal-plagued Shaolin Temple abbot Shi Yongxin made his first public appearance in months on Saturday, addressing 30 pilgrims at the temple in Henan province amid allegations of fraud and sexual misconduct.

    Shi told the pilgrims to focus more on spiritual development and less on physical indulgence because "human bodies are temporary but the spirit is immortal", China News Service reported on Sunday.

    "Those who have faith are the happiest," he was quoted as saying.

    In July, Shi, the "CEO monk" who heads the famed temple, was accused by a former disciple of fathering several children out of wedlock and embezzling money.

    Under the pseudonym of "Shi Zhengyi", the accuser claimed the abbot was kicked out of the temple in the late 1980s, had multiple identities, had sexual relations with several women and even fathered their children, offering copies of documents as evidence.

    A week later, the State Administration for Religious Affairs ordered its Henan bureau to conduct "checks" into the matter.

    Young monks offer prayers outside the Shaolin Temple in Dengfeng, Henan province. Photo: AP

    The Buddhist Association of China, of which Shi is a vice-chairman, said the matter "had affected the image and reputation of Chinese Buddhism".

    Speculation over Shi's fate mounted in late July when he failed to turn up at a religious gathering in Thailand, but the temple's public relations officer denied Shi was ever under investigation.

    News portal reported that Shi Yongxin was in Beijing for physical exam late last month and returned to the temple on September 30.

    Shi Yongxin, who has a master's degree in business administration and is often spotted using an iPhone, is no stranger to controversy. The delegate to the National People's Congress has previously been accused of turning the temple into a cash cow at the expense of the integrity of religious instruction, such as renting the venue to filmmakers.

    In 2006, Shi came under public scrutiny for accepting a luxury car from the local government for his contribution to tourism.

    In March this year, he and the temple came under fire again for a plan to build a US$297 million hotel complex in Australia that would include a temple, a live-in kung fu academy and a golf course.

    This article appeared in the South China Morning Post print edition as Scandal-dogged Shaolin abbot reappears in public
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  8. #143
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    Statement of Shaolin Europe Association

    This is from Shaolin Temple's official website.

    Statement of Shaolin Europe Association
    Release Date:2015-08-03

    In view of the negative reports on Shi Yongxin, abbot of China Songshan Shaolin Temple, on the Internet recently, Shaolin Europe Association, on behalf of all of its members, now issues the following statements:

    1.Many negative reports on Master Shi Yongxin, such as he has the alleged mistresses, illegitimate children in Germany and private accounts, are totally baseless.

    2.Master Shi Yongxin has spared no efforts to visit Europe with Shaolin delegation for spreading Shaolin culture for years, and he was beloved by European disciples for his great contributions in disseminating Shaolin culture.

    3.Without Master Shi Yongxin's efforts, Chinese traditional culture, represented by Shaolin culture, can not develop so fast and get accepted by the mainstream society in Europe.

    Shaolin Europe Association hopes that Chinese authorities can make a fair investigation into the relevant issues to ensure the positive development of Shaolin culture abroad.

    Shaolin Europe Association
    August 3, 2015
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  9. #144
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    The plot thickens

    Shaolin temple accuser resurfaces as graft probe continues
    Staff Reporter 2015-10-07 15:09 (GMT+8)

    Shi Yongxin prays for world peace, Aug. 24, 2015. (Photo/CNS)

    The former Shaolin Temple employee who demanded a corruption probe into the temple's abbot, Shi Yongxin, has resurfaced after nearly two months in hiding.

    Shi Yanlu, who has taken precepts but is not a monk, recently sought out Shanghai-based news outlet the Paper for an interview after "disappearing" in early August, shortly after he and five other monks or employees from the famous kung fu temple in central China's Henan province headed to Beijing to provide authorities with evidence of Shi Yongxin's alleged misdeeds.

    Though Shi Yanlu has repeatedly denied that he is "Shi Zhengyi" — literally "Justice Shi" — the mysterious whistleblower who first leveled allegations of corruption against Shi Yongxin, their accusations are largely similar. These include that the abbot had embezzled money from the temple, holds multiple identities, fathered children with at least two women, owns at least a dozen luxury cars with custom license plates, and was actually disrobed as a monk back in the 1980s.

    In the interview released on Oct. 4, Shi Yanlu said he remains in Beijing has been cooperating with the investigative team looking into the Shi Yongxin case, but refused to divulge the department and leading officials in charge of the probe.

    Shi Yanlu said he has been under great pressure since he decided to speak out against the Shi Yongxin, noting that he has been subject to numerous threats and attacks, including rumors that he himself has two wives.

    Due to the large amount of allegations, it is not unusual for the investigation to take more than two months, Shi Yanlu said, adding that he believes the government will act in accordance with the law and deal with the allegations in a fair and equitable manner.

    Meanwhile, Shi Yongxin, who denies all the allegations against him, has continued to take part in temple life as usual. Though he also "disappeared" after attending the Sept. 3 military parade in Beijing to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, Shi Yongxin reappeared on Oct. 3 to meet with a delegation of about 30 disciplines at the temple. A temple spokesperson said the abbot had been in Beijing over the past month for health checks.

    Last month, Zhang Lebin, a senior official at the State Administration for Religious Affairs, was placed under a probe by anti-graft authorities. Zhang is said to have been regularly involved in Shaolin Temple activities and allegedly has close links to Shi Yongxin.


    Shi Yongxin  釋永信

    Shi Yanlu  釋延魯

    Shi Zhengyi  釋正義

    Zhang Lebin  張樂斌
    This is getting really weird.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  10. #145
    Seems like it's Beijing, where the lawyers and the most important "guanxi" are - for both parties.

  11. #146
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    The return of the Abbot

    2015年10月26日22:22 新京报

      10月24日,第四届世界佛教论坛在江苏无锡开幕。今年7月遭遇“举报门”的少林寺方丈释永信,身穿一 身黄色僧袍现身会场。

      “政事儿”(微信ID:gcxxjgzh)初步统计,这是7月25日遭遇“举报门”93天来,释永信第 9次公开亮相。

      7 月25日,一则《少林寺方丈释永信这只大老虎,谁来监督?》网贴,令释永信陷入举报风波。“政事儿”(微信 ID:gcxxjgzh)注意到,自此至今93 天来,释永信本人在“举报门”事件初期,有3次非正式亮相。然后9次在法会等活动中公开亮相,有媒体报道称 ,公开亮相的释永信“像什么事也没发生,谈笑风 生”。


      “政事儿”(微信ID:gcxxjgzh)注意到,“举报门”发生后,自7月25日至8月2日,释永信 在媒体报道中有3次非正式亮相,作出“自己经得起考验”等回应。


      7月25日,一位自称少林寺弟子“释正义”的人发网贴《少林寺方丈释永信这只大老虎,谁来 监督?》。

      “政事儿”(微信ID:gcxxjgzh)注意到,公开报道显示,7月27日接受采访时,释永信首次对 举报作出回应表示:不做亏心事,不怕鬼敲门,自己经得起考验,少林寺已经报警,他本人不愿意再说什么,期待 公安机关的调查结论。


      继7月25日的网贴之后,“释正义”连日接力举报爆料。7月31日,少林寺外联办相关负责人接受采访时 回应称:面对各种所谓的举报和质疑,要让法律说话,方丈也表示:这次一定做个了断,给社会各界人士方方面面 都有个交代。


      8月2日,释永信未能按照既定日程,出席泰国的“少林丝路行”活动。少林无形资产管理有限公司总经理钱 大梁接受“政事儿”(微信ID:gcxxjgzh)采访时说,释永信缺席泰国活动是因为宗教部门调查组进驻 少林寺,释永信接待调查组。

      “政事儿”(微信ID:gcxxjgzh)注意到,8月2日这一天,在媒体的报道中,释永信有一次非正 式亮相。当天清早,对于有弟子问“师父怎么没去泰国参加展演”一事,释永信告诉弟子们,事务缠身,临时决定 不去了。针对举报风波,释永信和几位高僧一起向众弟子释疑。据释永信的弟子讲述,释永信称:“少林寺没有问 题,我释永信本人也没有问题,请众弟子相信。”


      “政事儿”(微信ID:gcxxjgzh)统计,自8月2日至今,释永信至少有9次公开亮相,在法会等 活动中现身。8月和10月较为密集,8月公开亮相5次,10月到今天为止已有3次。而9月仅1次,“隐身” 20余天。


      “政事儿”(微信ID:gcxxjgzh)注意到,8月11日,释永信出席了海外弟子的归山朝拜仪式。 初步统计,此系“释正义”遭遇“举报门”后,释永信的首次公开亮相。

      当天,归山朝拜少林寺的近百“洋弟子”,以中国传统礼仪顶礼跪拜了释永信,双手合十恭请释 永信开示。

      少林寺常驻僧人接受新京报记者采访时表示:师傅(释永信)近期一直在寺内主持日常工作,每天也会接待外 来访客,也会参与早晨的诵经,但拒绝接受媒体采访,“围绕少林寺的舆论很多,但师傅还在寺院里,寺院工作一 切如常,不会像外界猜测的有多乱。”


      8 ·12天津港爆炸事故发生后,释永信两次主持法会,为死伤者诵经祈福。

      据少林寺官方消息:8月13日下午,少林寺为近日事故的罹难者举行了超荐法会。8月14日凌晨,在方丈 释永信法师的率领下,少林寺僧俗两众齐聚,为近日事故的受伤者举行了消灾祈福法会。

      据南方周末报道,就在8月14日祈福早课后,释永信去往斋堂用餐。记者上前问他,“你现在还反对上市吗 ?”他面无表情地从鼻腔吐出一声,“哼”。


      8月17日上午,河南少林寺山门外,河南卫视举办了《少林英雄》节目新闻发布会。发布会后,《少林英雄 》栏目组走入少林寺方丈室,参加“剧组和释永信恳谈会”。

      据参加恳谈会的媒体记者报道,释永信介绍了自己的近况,工作一直很忙:一是来访的外宾较多,与中西方专 家探讨中西文化交流。二是,正在策划海峡两岸佛教文化论坛。三是,他正在筹划少林寺办一所学校的事宜,筹划 如何通过少林寺办学,好好把传统民族文化传承下去。

      报道称:30多分钟的恳谈会,释永信气色很好,心静平和。面对近期的“举报”谣传,释永信像什么事也沒 发生,谈笑风生。


      出席“剧组和释永信恳谈会”3天后,释永信再次在首届海峡两岸青年佛教论坛上现身,身披袈裟为在少林寺 落成的世界和平吉祥塔揭幕,并与来自海峡两岸多家寺院高僧一起为世界和平祈福。

      这次论坛,经过了河南省宗教局的批准,批准函被印刷在活动手册的内页里。河南省宗教局副局长郭国志也坐 在了开幕式的嘉宾席上。在活动现场,释永信还发表了简短讲话。


      出席首届海峡两岸青年佛教论坛次日,也就是8月21日,最高检受理了对释永信的举报。“政事儿”(微信 ID:gcxxjgzh)注意到,释永信8月24日出现在第十届“少林问禅之机锋·辨·禅”开幕式 上。

      据佛教在线消息,活动开始前,首先举行了祈福法会,由释永信主法。开幕式上,释永信致辞。此外,由释永 信主编的《禅宗大典》发布会在开幕式上举行,释永信和绍云长老为《禅宗大典》揭幕。



      据少林寺官网消息:9月3日凌晨五点,释永信率寺院两序大众在大雄宝殿隆重举行“纪念中国人民抗日战争 暨世界反法西斯战争胜利七十周年祈福法会。”


      “政事儿”(微信ID:gcxxjgzh)发现,9月3日后,释永信“隐身”了29天,缺席了嵩山论坛 2015年年会、“文化部第三届少林功夫非洲学员班”结业典礼等重要活动。对此,坊间传闻不断,少林寺相关 人士接受媒体采访时表示:释永信还在北京检查身体。


      据少林寺官网消息,自2014年少林寺都市禅堂发起“重走达摩路”、“行脚朝圣,路在当下”活动,至今 已举办四届。国庆期间,少林寺都市禅堂朝圣团一行30人,经中岳庙、启母阙、嵩阳书院,“徒步行脚”至少林 寺。少林寺官网称:10月2日,上完早课,行脚朝圣团一行与释永信在少林寺课堂进行交流。


      10月2日公开亮相后,释永信再度“隐身”了18天,之后于10月20日上午,在少林寺方丈室会见了由 世峰大师率领的韩国通度寺(曹溪宗)少林寻根团。世峰大师赠送少林寺“百济金铜大香炉”,释永信则回赠世峰 大师“达摩像”。



      “政事儿”(微信ID:gcxxjgzh)注意到,10月24日的第四届世界佛教论坛,规格很高:中共 中央政治局常委、全国政协主席俞正声发来贺信;中共中央政治局委员、中央统战部部长孙春兰出席论坛开幕式并 致辞;江苏省委书记罗志军致欢迎辞。


      据 媒体报道:10月24日7点30分左右,释永信一身黄色僧袍出现在梵宫前,面色显得凝重,步入妙音堂后,先 后与中国佛教协会副会长宗性法师等人打了简短招 呼。入座后,释永信将红色袈裟套上身,在长达近4个小时的开幕式上,释永信并没有与周围人有太多交流。活动 结束后,释永信将红色袈裟脱去,走出妙音堂,一 路与多名僧侣进行简短的交流。

      这次论坛为期两天,释永信没有在开闭幕上进行公开发言,也没有在14场分论坛有公开发言。论坛闭幕式结 束后,有记者上前追问关于“举报门”的问题,释永信连用了两个“不行”、“不行”,匆匆离开。

      “政事儿”(微信ID:gcxxjgzh)撰稿:新京报记者 王姝

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    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  12. #147
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    continued from previous

    the googtrans version:

    Shi was reported after 93 days nine public appearance (Figure)
    At 22:22 on October 26, 2015 Beijing News

    October 24, the Fourth World Buddhist Forum in Wuxi, Jiangsu opened. July this year, suffered a "report gate" Shaolin Temple abbot Shi Yongxin, wearing a yellow robes appeared venue.

    "Political thing" (Micro-letter ID: gcxxjgzh) preliminary statistics, which is July 25 encounter the "Disclosure" 93 days, the Shi 9th public.

    July 25, a "Shaolin Temple abbot Shi Yongxin this big tiger, who is watching? "Internet postings, so Shi report into the storm. "Political thing" (Micro-letter ID: gcxxjgzh) noted that, since so far to 93 days, Shi himself at the beginning of the "report" incident, three informal appearance. Then nine times in France and other activities in public appearances, media reports said Shi Yongxin public appearance of "like nothing had happened, laughing."

    3 non-public appearance, in response to the "Report storm"

    "Political thing" (Micro-letter ID: gcxxjgzh) noted that after the "Disclosure" occurred, from July 25 to August 2, Shi Yongxin has three informal appearances in the media reports, to make "themselves by too From test "and other responses.

    "I do not do good conscience, afraid of ghosts knocking at the door."

    July 25, a self-proclaimed disciple of Shaolin "interpretation of justice" who hairnet paste "Shaolin Temple abbot Shi Yongxin this big tiger, who is watching? . "

    "Political thing" (Micro-letter ID: gcxxjgzh) noted, public reports indicate that when the July 27 interview, Shi Yongxin first responded to reports, said: do not do good conscience, afraid of ghosts knocking at the door, stand the test of their own Shaolin Temple had been reported, he do not want to say anything, expect the findings of the public security organs.

    "This must be a break."

    Following the network posted July 25, the "Release justice" Relay Report broke the news the past few days. July 31, the Shaolin Temple outside the Liaison Office of the relevant person in charge of an interview, responded that: the face of a variety of so-called report and questioned, let the law speak, the abbot said: this must be a break, to all aspects of the community good show.

    "Shaolin is no problem, I have no problem myself Shi"

    August 2, according to the established schedule Shi failed to attend Thailand's "Shaolin Silk Road" activities. Shaolin, general manager of the money management of intangible assets beams Ltd. accepted "political thing" (Micro-letter ID: gcxxjgzh) interview, said Shi Yongxin, Thailand activities are absent because of religious department investigation team stationed in the Shaolin Temple, Shi received the investigation team.

    "Political thing" (Micro-letter ID: gcxxjgzh) noted that on August 2 this day, in media reports, Shi Yongxin has an informal appearance. Early in the morning the same day, for a disciple to ask "how master did not go to Thailand to attend performances," the issue, Shi told his disciples, many affairs, provisional decision not to go. Report for the storm, and several monks together Shi doubts to his disciples. According to Shi told disciples, Shi said: "Shaolin Temple is no problem, I myself have no problem Shi, please disciples to believe."

    Nine public appearances, appeared in France and other activities in

    "Political thing" (Micro-letter ID: gcxxjgzh) statistics, from August 2 to date, at least nine times Shi public appearances, appeared in France in other activities. August and October more intensive, August 5th public appearances, so far in October has three times today. And only once in September, "stealth" more than 20 days.

    Public appearances 1: to return to the mountain to worship "foreign disciple" Disclosure

    "Political thing" (Micro-letter ID: gcxxjgzh) noted that on August 11, Shi Yongxin attended overseas disciples return to the mountain worship ceremony. Preliminary statistics, after this line "Release justice" encounter "reported the door", Shi Yongxin's first public appearance.

    The same day, back to the mountain to worship Shaolin hundred "foreign disciple" to the Chinese traditional etiquette bow bow Shi Yongxin, hands clasped respectfully Shi disclosure.

    Permanent Shaolin monks to accept Beijing News reporter, said: Master (Shi) has recently presided over the daily work in the temple, also received foreign visitors a day, will also participate in the morning prayers, but declined an interview, "around Shaolin Temple's opinion a lot, but the master is still the monastery, temple work as usual, I do not like the speculation of how the chaos. "

    Public appearance 2: Tianjin Port explosion casualties were chanting and praying

    After 8-12 Tianjin Port explosion occurred, Shi presided over the two puja, chanting and praying for the dead and wounded.

    According to the Shaolin Temple official: August 13 afternoon, the temple of the recent accident victims will be held over the recommended method. August 14 morning, under the leadership of Master Shi Yongxin, abbot of the Shaolin Temple monks gathered in both the public and held as recently Prayer puja accident injured.

    According to the Southern Weekend reported that, on August 14 morning to pray after school, go to the dining hall dining Shi. Reporter approached and asked him, "Are you still opposed to the listing?" He deadpanned soon discharged from the nasal cavity, "Well."

    Debuted 3: Attended "crew and Shi Conference"

    August 17 morning, Henan Shaolin Temple outside, Henan TV organized the "Shaolin Heroes" show news conference. After the conference, "Shaolin Heroes" column group into the Shaolin Temple abbot room, participate in the "Shi crew and the association."

    According to participate in the association's media correspondent reports, Shi introduced his situation, work has been busy: first, many foreign guests visiting to explore the cultural exchange between the Chinese and Western experts. The second is being planned Strait Buddhist Culture Forum. Third, he is planning to do matters a Shaolin school, planning how the Shaolin school, a good pass down the traditional culture.

    Reported: more than 30 minutes of the association, Shi color is very good, calm and peaceful. Faced with the recent "report" rumor, Shi Yongxin like nothing had happened, laughing.

    Debuted 4: wearing robes auspicious tower opening

    Attend "cast and Shi Conference" Three days later, Shi again on the first cross-strait youth Buddhist Forum appeared, wearing robes of the temple completed in world peace auspicious tower opened, and a number of monasteries and from across the Taiwan Strait monks pray together for world peace.

    The Forum, through the approval of Henan Province Bureau of Religious Affairs, the approval letter is printed on the inside pages of the activities in the manual. Henan Province Guo Zhi, deputy director of Religious Affairs sat the opening ceremony of the guest gallery. In the event, Shi also spoke briefly.

    Public appearances 5: coming Shaolin "asked Zen" Activities

    Attended the first cross-strait youth Buddhist Forum the next day, which is August 21, Supreme Procuratorate accepted the report of Shi Yongxin. "Political thing" (Micro-letter ID: gcxxjgzh) noted Shi August 24 sunrise now 10th "Zen Shaolin ask Eloquent · identified · Zen," the opening ceremony.

    According to Buddhism, online news, before the event, first held a Prayer by Shi Principal Act. The opening ceremony, Shi Yongxin speech. In addition, at the opening ceremony held by the "Zen ceremony" conference Shi editor, Shi and Shao cloud elders as "Zen ceremony," unveiled.

    Public appearances 6: will be held to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the war law

    3 September to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the war that day, the temple held a large-scale Prayer.

    According to the Shaolin Temple official website news: at 5:00 on September 3, Shi rate monastic order two mass was held in the Main Hall "to commemorate the seventieth anniversary of the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese War and the World Anti-Fascist War Prayer."
    continued next post
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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    continued from previous

    Debuted 7: "Stealth" 29 days after coming out "re-take the Dharma Road" campaign

    "Political thing" (Micro-letter ID: gcxxjgzh) found that after September 3, Shi Yongxin "stealth" the 29 days, the absence of the Songshan Forum Annual Meeting 2015, "the Ministry of Culture of Shaolin kung fu African participants in the Third Class" graduation ceremony and other important events. In this regard, anecdotal constantly, Shaolin stakeholders in an interview, said: Shi in Beijing physical examination.

    Due rumors Sheng Xiao dust on time, Shi sunrise on October 2 now "Dharma re-take the road" campaign site.

    According to the official website news Shaolin Temple, Shaolin Temple in the city since 2014 meditation hall launched the "re-take the Dharma Road", "line foot pilgrimage route in the moment" campaign, it has been held fourth. During the National Day, the temple city meditation pilgrimage delegation of 30 people, after YueMiao Kai Que mother, Songyang Academy, "hiking pin" to the Shaolin Temple. Shaolin Temple official website said: October 2, the complete early lessons, line foot pilgrimage delegation in the Shaolin Temple and Shi classroom exchanges.

    Debuted 8: Meets ROK Tongdosa Shaolin roots group

    After public appearance on October 2, Shi Yongxin once again "stealth" the 18 days, later on the morning of October 20, met at the Shaolin Temple abbot room, led by the Bank of Korea peak master Tongdosa (caoxi cases) Shaolin roots group . Get a Shaolin Master Shi Feng "Baekje gilt-bronze incense burner," Shi Shi Feng master the rebate "Dharma like."

    The meeting with the pictures taken show, Shi wearing yellow robes, smiling, as usual.

    Public appearances 9: Fourth World Buddhist Forum Jutan the "Disclosure"

    "Political thing" (Micro-letter ID: gcxxjgzh) noted that the Fourth World Buddhist Forum on October 24, the specification is high: the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee Chairman Yu sent a congratulatory message; the CPC Central Committee, Central Sun Chunlan United Front Work Department attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech; the Jiangsu Provincial Party Secretary Luo Zhijun welcome speech.

    Officials attending the forum also former vice chairman of the NPC Standing Committee Xu Jialu, director of the State Bureau of Religious Affairs Wang Zuoan like.

    According to media reports: at 7:30 on October 24 around, Shi Yongxin one yellow robes appeared in the Vatican Palace before, looking dignified look, into the hall after a wonderful sound, met with the vice president of the Buddhist Association of China, who were of the Master He fought a brief greeting. Seated, Shi red robe sets the upper body, for nearly four hours at the opening ceremony, Shi did not communicate with the people around there are too many. After the event, Shi red robe off, out of the wonderful sound together, along with a number of monks were brief exchange.

    The two-day forum, Shi no public statements on the opening and closing, and no points in 14 games've had to speak publicly. After the closing ceremony, a reporter approached to ask about the "Disclosure" problem, Shi once every two "No", "No", left in a hurry.

    "Political thing" (Micro-letter ID: gcxxjgzh) Written by: Beijing News reporter WANG Shu

    More irreparably! Welcome to scan the next Fanger Wei code concern Sina news official micro letter (xinlang-xinwen).
    There's more to come.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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    More on the return of the Abbot

    世界佛教论坛开幕 释永信面带微笑出席(图)
    2015年10月24日16:59 中国新闻网




      10月24日,释永信出席第四届世界佛教论坛。当日,以“同愿同行,交流互鉴”为主题的第四届世界佛教 论坛在江苏无锡开幕,来自世界各地的高僧大德齐聚一堂,共襄世界级佛教界盛举。 中新社记者 泱波 摄

    googtrans below (although this is fairly obvious)

    World Buddhist Forum opening Shi smiling attendance (Figure)
    At 16:59 on October 24, 2015 China News Network

    October 24, Shi attend the Fourth World Buddhist Forum.

    October 24, Shi attend the Fourth World Buddhist Forum.

    Zhongseng photo

    October 24, Shi attend the Fourth World Buddhist Forum. On that day, in order to "with willing counterparts, exchanges and mutual learning" as the theme of the Fourth World Buddhist Forum in Wuxi, Jiangsu opening, senior monks from around the world gathered in a grand Buddhist community of world-class setting effort. China news agency reporter Yang Boshe

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    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  15. #150
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    Some xplainin'

    2015年10月24日22:15 环球时报


      “在佛教当中,我们对自己的一言一行要有一个正确的认识,更多地要观察和倾听。面临苦难,解决的最好途 径是静心。佛教对人与人的沟通,佛法就强调慈悲,能够修正社会道德品行,找到内心的平和。”

      10月24日,第四届世界佛教论坛在无锡灵山开幕。世界佛教徒联谊会秘书长攀洛·泰阿利先生在大会发言 上表示,两千年前,佛教就开始在中国传播。佛教教义宣扬的不只是幸福快乐,还要关心社会,解决日常生活中的 一些问题。



      24日清早,与会者们陆续赶到开幕式所在地。通往梵宫的百米红地毯上,千名僧侣两侧排开,气势恢宏。当 天上午8时30分,论坛开幕式准时在无锡灵山梵宫妙音堂举行。

      中共中央政治局委员、中央统战部部长孙春兰在开幕式致辞中表示,本届论坛以“同愿同行、交流互鉴”为主 题,是对前三届论坛成果的拓展和深化,体现了佛教对当今时代的回应与关照,反映了对人类和谐共处美好未来的 期待,蕴含着对不同文明携手共建地球家园的真诚呼吁。

      孙春兰表示,宗教的感召力在于宗教界人士的积极引领作用。古今中外,很多佛教高僧大德以深厚的宗教造诣 、高尚的道德情操,赢得了广大信教群众的尊重和爱戴;以“报国土恩,报众生恩”的情怀,引导广大信教群众爱 国爱教、护国利民。希望佛教界人士弘扬优良传统,努力在学识上有造诣、品德上能服众,自觉维护国家统一、促 进社会和谐;德行并举、引领正信,在团结广大信教群众中利益人群;坚守本真、潜心修行,在努力对宗教教义作 出适应时代进步要求的阐释中精进有为。

      据了解,世界佛教论坛是中国奉献给全球佛弟子的又一盛会。首届世界佛教论坛于2006年在杭州和舟山举 行,第二届于2009年在无锡和台北举行,第三届于2012年在香港举行。

      中国佛教协会会长学诚在论坛开幕上致辞说,世界佛教论坛,是中国佛教界为全世界佛教徒及一切护持佛教、 慈念众生的有识有为之士,搭建的一个平等、多元、开放的高层次对话、交流、合作平台。

      自2006年至今,已成功举办三届,逐渐成为全世界佛教徒三年一度的盛会。论坛始终致力于促进世界佛教 徒之间的交流合作,深入探讨关系佛教发展和人类福祉的重大问题,为促进人心净化、增进众生福祉 不懈努力。

      北京大学宗教文化研究院名誉院长、中国佛教文化研究所所长楼宇烈在大会发言时表示,佛教认为,人类的苦 难是一切恶性的根源,因此应要勤学,熄灭贪憎心,以博大的胸怀,来维护人类生存环境的和谐,这对世界的持久 和平有深远意义。

      中国佛教协会副会长、江苏省佛教协会会长心澄法师在大会发言上指出,今天的世界仍不安宁,生态环境恶化 ,贫富差距仍旧很大,今天应该用道德、教净化人心,不应为自己求安乐。


      开幕式当天,遭遇举报门风波的少林寺方丈释永信出席了当天的活动。据了解,释永信已连续参加了三届佛教 论坛。

      上午7点30分左右,释永信一身黄色僧袍出现在梵宫前,面色显得凝重,步入妙音堂后,先后与中国佛教协 会副会长宗性法师等人打了简短的招呼,一路上并没有记者上前采访。

      澎湃新闻记者注意到,开幕式上,释永信的座位被安排在正对主席台的第三排,左右两边分别是凤凰卫视董事 局主席兼行政总裁刘长乐与性门法师。入座后,释永信将红色袈裟套上身,在长达近4个小时的开幕式上,释永信 并没有与周围人有太多交流。活动结束后,释永信将红色袈裟脱去,走出妙音堂,一路与多名僧侣进行简短的交流 。

      据了解,在第三届佛教论坛,释永信出席了“南北传佛教的交流与展望”的分论坛,曾发表《法 门南北八万四 真修实证得菩提》的演讲。

      澎湃新闻记者注意到,在今年的佛教论坛上,有大会发言、8场分论坛和3场电视论坛及3场新媒体论坛,释 永信并没有在这14场分论坛上进行发言。

      中国佛教协会副会长宗性法师在新闻发布会上表示,本届论坛特别创设了紧扣时代与社会热点的三个新媒体分 论坛,议题分别为“佛教与互联网”、“佛教与企业管理”、“丝绸之路上的佛教文明”,让佛教高僧大德与新媒 体前沿的精英和各领域专家跨界争鸣,撞击出智慧的火花。比如,“佛教与互联网”论坛,佛教代表和嘉宾们将探 讨“互联网+”如何助力佛教事业的发展,佛教在信息时代怎样能够更加积极地融入现代社会生活之中,更好地发 挥其净化人心、服务社会的作用。(来源:长三角政商)
    Su Shi installed at the opening ceremony of the World Buddhist Forum
    At 22:15 on October 24, 2015 Global Times

    At 8:30 on October 24, the Fourth World Buddhist Forum in Wuxi Lingshan altar Vatican palace grand opening.

    "In Buddhism among our own words and deeds have a correct understanding, more to observe and listen. Faced with suffering, the best way to solve the meditation. Buddhism on interpersonal communication, Dharma emphasize compassion , social and moral behavior can be corrected, find inner peace. "

    October 24, the Fourth World Buddhist Forum in Wuxi Mountain opened. Mr. Secretary-General, World Fellowship of Buddhists climb Lockheed Tai Ali addressed the Assembly on the said two thousand years ago, Buddhism began to spread in China. Buddhist teachings preached not only happiness, but also care about the community, to solve some of the problems in daily life.

    Surging News ( site was informed that the opening day, there are more than 50 countries from senior monks, religious leaders, experts and scholars from the coast, nearly 1,000 community leaders and media professionals 余人云 set of Taihu Lake, the Vatican Palace altar . Earlier, reports had suffered storm door Shaolin monk Shi Yongxin, abbot of the day also attended the opening ceremony activities.

    Thousands of people involved in the Buddhist community's Spirit

    On the 24th morning, the participants have arrived at the opening ceremony of the seat. Leading to the Vatican Palace of hundred meters of red carpet, thousands of monks, spread out on both sides, magnificent. 8:30 the same day, the opening ceremony was held on time in Wuxi Lingshan Vatican Palace Miu Church.

    Minister of the CPC Central Committee, the Central United Front Work Department Sun Chunlan said at the opening ceremony, the forum of "with willing counterparts, exchanges and mutual learning" as the theme, is the outcome of the first three forums to expand and deepen, reflecting the Buddhist response to and care of our times, reflecting the expectations of a better future for humanity in harmony, contains different civilizations together to build a planet's sincere appeal.

    Sun Chunlan said the appeal lies in an active leading role religion religious circles. All times, many Buddhist monks monks with deep religious knowledge, high moral character, won the majority of religious people respect and affection; the "newspaper of Homeland Well, newspaper beings grace," the feelings, guide the broad masses of believers patriotism, protect the country and benefit the people. Hope to carry forward the fine tradition of Buddhist circles, efforts in knowledge accomplished, the character can convince the public, and consciously safeguard national unity and promote social harmony; virtue simultaneously, leading faith, in the interests of the vast majority of believers unite people; adhere to the true, great concentration practice in the interpretation of religious doctrine made efforts to adapt to the requirements of the times and promising sophistication.

    It is understood that the World Buddhist Forum is dedicated to the global Chinese Buddhist disciples another event. The first World Buddhist Forum in 2006, held in Hangzhou and Zhoushan, the second was held in 2009 in Wuxi and Taipei, the third in 2012 in Hong Kong.

    President of the Buddhist Association of China Xue Cheng said in his opening speech at the forum, the World Buddhist Forum, the Chinese Buddhist community and all Buddhists around the world mostly from Buddhism, Tsz read beings have consciousness was something disabilities, build an egalitarian, pluralistic, open high-level dialogue, exchange and cooperation platform.

    Since 2006, it has successfully held three, becoming the world's Buddhists triennial event. Forum is committed to promoting exchanges and cooperation between the world's Buddhists, depth discussions on major issues between Buddhism development and human well-being, to promote people purify, and make unremitting efforts to enhance the welfare of all beings.

    Honorary president of Peking University Institute of cultural religion, Buddhism, director of the Institute of Chinese Culture building strong General Assembly in his speech said that Buddhists believe that human suffering is the root of all malignant, and therefore should be studious, extinguish hate greedy heart, with a broad mind to maintain harmonious human environment, which has far-reaching implications for lasting world peace.

    Vice president of the Buddhist Association of China, president of the Buddhist Association of Jiangsu Province, the heart of Master Cheng pointed out in the statement of the General Assembly, today's world is still tranquil, the deterioration of ecological environment, the wealth gap is still big, and today should be moral, teach purify the mind, not We should seek peace for themselves.

    Shi attended the opening ceremony, no public statement

    Opening day, suffered report storm door Shaolin abbot Shi Yongxin attended the day's activities. It is understood that Shi has continuously participated in the three Buddhist Forum.

    7:30 or so, Shi Yongxin one yellow robes appeared in front of the Vatican Palace, looking dignified look, walk Nada hall after, met with Vice President of the Buddhist Association of China were of the Master, who fought a brief greeting, a road and no reporters came to interview.

    Surging News reporter noted that the opening ceremony, Shi Yongxin's seat is on the podium was placed in the third row, left and right sides, respectively, chairman of Phoenix Satellite Television Liu Changle, the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of the door and the Master. Seated, Shi red robe sets the upper body, for nearly four hours at the opening ceremony, Shi did not communicate with the people around there are too many. After the event, Shi red robe off, out of the wonderful sound together, along with a number of monks were brief exchange.

    It is understood that in the Third Buddhist Forum, Shi Yongxin attended the "North-South exchanges and Buddhism Outlook" sub-forum, has published "the key to true north and south eighty-four thousand empirical get repair Bodhi" speech.

    Surging News reporter noted that in this year's Buddhist Forum, there is the statement of the General Assembly, eight sub-forums and three games 3 games Television Forum and new media forum, Shi did not speak on the 14 sub-forum.

    Vice president of the Buddhist Association of China were of the Master at a news conference, said the creation of the forum especially closely three times and social hot new media sub-forums, topics are "Buddhism and the Internet", "Buddhism and Enterprise Management "" Buddhist civilization "on the Silk Road, so Buddhist monks monks and new media frontier elites and experts in various fields of cross-border contend, striking sparks of wisdom. For example, "Buddhism and the Internet," Forum, the Buddhist delegates and guests will explore the "Internet +" How to help the development of the cause of Buddhism, Buddhism in the information age how to more actively integrate into the modern social life, better play its purify people's hearts social services role. (Source: Yangtze political and business)
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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