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Thread: Pride & Prejudice and Zombies

  1. #1
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    Pride & Prejudice and Zombies

    OK, I've heard of this book, of course, but can anyone validate the Shaolin training? Or do they just mean Lizzy is a martial artist (which would be cool too, kind of like the SyFy Alice).

    Natalie Portman Takes Tea With 'Pride & Prejudice and Zombies'
    by Elisabeth Rappe Dec 11th 2009 // 10:32AM

    Filed under: Action, Classics, Comedy, Romance, Casting, Deals, Lionsgate Films, DIY/Filmmaking, Newsstand
    It is a truth universally acknowledged that a Jane Austen book in possession of zombies must be in want of a cinematic adaptation. After months whispering about big names and studios, Seth Grahame-Smith's Pride and Prejudice and Zombies finally has its A-List attached. Variety reports that Natalie Portman has signed on produce and star in the big-screen adaptation of Zombies. She'll be joined behind the scenes with Richard Kelly and his Darko Films shingle, and Lionsgate will distribute.

    Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is the classic Austen romance with a few extra pages that reveal the "hidden" story of England's zombie invasion. Elizabeth Bennet is reimagined as a zombie huntress of great skill, renown, and Shaolin training. The bloodthirstiest of the Bennet sisters, she catches Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy's eye, despite that he is proud and favors the Japanese school of martial arts. I reviewed the book back in February and thought it might be more amusing on the big screen than on the page. I hope that holds true. I've since cooled on the concept, mostly because it's such a forced trend. The publishers hire a writer, hand them a work of classic literature, and tell them to put monsters in it. Even Zombies was created this way, which explains its quick-and-dirty zombie additions.

    Portman's involvement makes it promising, if only because of how much she resembles Keira Knightley. With Portman as Elizabeth Bennet, it'll actually play out like a horror remake of Joe Wright's Pride and Prejudice. That's exactly what I wanted. So maybe this will be as delightful as a brisk walk to Netherfield, and the wet shirt of Colin Firth.
    I was bummed when Portman dropped out of Snow and the Seven.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #2

    Oh Natalie, when's the sequel to THE PROFESSIONAL going to be made?

    Didn't bother with picking this up... nor did I bother with the Sherlock Holmes vs Zombies comic Victorian Undead

    however Wikipedia says...
    Elizabeth Bennet and her four sisters live on a countryside estate with their parents. Mr. Bennet guides his daughters in martial arts and weapons training, molding them into a fearsome zombie-fighting army; meanwhile, Mrs. Bennet endeavours to marry the girls off to wealthy suitors. When the wealthy and single Mr. Bingley purchases a nearby house, Mrs. Bennet spies an opportunity and sends the girls to the first ball where Bingley is expected to appear. The girls defend the party from a zombie attack, and attraction sparks between Mr. Bingley and the eldest daughter Jane Bennet. Elizabeth, however, clashes with Bingley's friend, the haughty monster-hunter Fitzwilliam Darcy.
    Just look at her technique...

    Is she using her lect hand for balance? And why is she pointing her dagger to her head?

  3. #3
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Frankly, Scarlett...

    Not Natalie.


    Scarlett Johansson will star in the film adaptation of Pride And Prejudice And Zombies
    Sunday November 21,2010
    By Henry Fitzherbert

    SCARLETT JOHANSSON is set to play Jane Austen heroine *Elizabeth Bennet ... but not as we know it.

    Her Bennet is a zombie-slayer in the film adaptation of Pride And Prejudice And Zombies, the *bestselling novel by Seth *Grahame-Smith.

    “Natalie Portman was going to be playing the part but has left the project and now Scarlett is in talks,” said a Hollywood insider.

    The story imagines Elizabeth and the four Bennet sisters as zombie slayers trained in kung fu during a trip to China. This version’s Mr Darcy, *meanwhile, boasts socially superior ninja skills picked up in Japan.

    Elizabeth and Darcy must overcome their differences to see off a zombie invasion of the villages of Longbourn and Meryton.

    “The business of Mr Bennet’s life is to keep his daughters alive,” explained Grahame-Smith, a TV comedy writer turned novelist, while “the business of Mrs Bennet is to get them married”.

    This aspect alone bears a *resemblance to Austen’s original. The film will be directed by Mike White, who wrote the hit film School Of Rock.

    Grahame-Smith’s book has sold more than 50,000 copies in Britain and 600,000-plus in the US.

    It has sparked a trend for “literary monster mash-up” novels.

    Its publisher, Quirk Books, has also released Sense And *Sensibility And Sea Monsters, while *Grahame-Smith’s follow-up is *Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter. A film version is being *developed by director Tim Burton.

    Johansson, 26, was last seen in Iron Man 2.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #4
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    I just bought the hardcover edition of Pride & Prejudice & Zombies, and the illustrations are better than the ones in the softcover edition. Instead of the cartoonish drawings, the hardcover's art looks more like Victorian-era painted illustrations, which gives them a more striking effect.

  5. #5
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    Not Natalie, not ScarJo...

    Lily James plays Elizabeth Bennet.

    Must copy to Sword Hotties now.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  6. #6
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    Opens next Friday

    Lily James Goes From Prim and Proper to Badass in ‘Pride and Prejudice and Zombies’

    Maarten de Boer/Getty Images By Ned Ehrbar • January 27, 2016

    ‘Downton Abbey’ star makes her action debut in the gory adaptation of Jane Austen’s classic.

    Downton Abbey may be behind her, but Lily James isn't done just yet with period costumes, country estates or the staid British social structure of yesteryear. Only with her latest effort, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, there's an extra undead element to add some excitement. And James is a big fan of excitement. She stars as Jane Austen's classic heroine Elizabeth Bennet, only with some deadly Shaolin training—which is just what a young lady of good standing needs during a zombie apocalypse. Myspace chatted with James about the film, learning fight choreography and how she would fare in a real zombie apocalypse.

    When you thought about someday doing a Jane Austen film, I take it this was not exactly what you had in mind?

    No, it was not. [laughs] But I have to say, I would rather do it like this. It's been done so well so many times, so I think the only way to do it now is definitely with zombies.

    This project had been around for a bit. How familiar with it were you?

    Yeah, the project had been around for a long time. I think Natalie Portman, who is producing now, was originally going to do it. I'd never heard of it, weirdly. I don't know if I live in a bubble, but I'd never heard of it. But I love Jane Austen's book, and I think English people, we learn that at school before we can even speak. Yeah, but I read the script first and just thought, How is this good? How is this so brilliant? And then I read the book and was equally drawn in. He somehow manages to keep the wit and the crucial parts of the story so alive and really true to Jane Austen, and then he adds this alternate universe, which somehow enriches it.

    What other literary classics do you think could be improved with some sort of supernatural element?

    I think Downton Abbey could do with some zombies. [laughs] I just filmed a BBC adaptation of War and Peace and played Natasha, which was pretty full-on. I don't know if that story can take any more violence, though. I think it's got enough. There's enough war going on. That would be maybe one step too many.

    For Downton Abbey, do you think the upstairs or the downstairs should get the zombification?

    Oh, let's get the upstairs zombies, man. Seriously, enough already. [laughs]

    How did you find you took to the fight choreography?

    It was really challenging but we did months of training, all the girls together. I had this trainer who was amazing, and he really put me through my paces. I'd come from a place where I really hadn't done much exercise in a long time, so I basically was brutalized and sore. [laughs] But I did a lot of boxing and a lot of getting my arm strength up so I could believably wield an ax and a sword. My fighting style was very fluid, a lot of that sort of martial arts influence. In a way it was quite balletic, and I love dancing. I loved doing the action, and the stunt coordinator was absolutely amazing. This isn't a huge-budget film, but still I think they've managed to pull off these fights with such gusto. There's an amazing fight scene between Wickham and Darcy that's just incredible.

    Did that inspire you to keep up with any exercise? Are you now kicking ass on a regular basis?

    I'm kicking ass on a regular basis, but not so much through fighting. Maybe just shouting. [laughs] I have to say, I'm pretty lazy. I think it's because I work out so intensely for a certain role, and then I stop and I just feel like sitting down and just doing absolutely nothing for a while. So I'm in that phase, at the moment.

    Are you looking for more roles that would challenge you in that way?

    Yeah, I would actually—and I never knew this starting out, but I would love to do action films. I find that it helps me with my acting, too, because you're not concentrating on how you sound or what you're saying. You've got something to distract you, and I find that really liberating. And I actually think I'm quite good at it. I can learn the fights, and I'm quite physical. So I would love to play a superhero or do some sort of action movie.

    So how do you think you'd actually fare in a zombie-filled environment?

    Well, I mean, I think I would do really well now. Right now I'd take off my shoe, my Louboutin, and I'd get the heel right in the zombie's eye. That would go right through to the brain and I'd be good. That would be my plan. Or I'd hide under the table and let someone else deal with it. [laughs]
    I am invited to a screener for this and I'm sorely tempted as I love Jane Austen, Downton Abbey and of course, sword hotties, but I'm so over zombies, and with the Superbowl next week, my schedule is really tight.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  7. #7
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    I dunno...should I see this?

    I do enjoy Jane Austen. What can I say? I'm a writer of English and Austen's elocution is so refined. My wife got me into her work. Does this invalidate my man card?

    But I'm done with zombie flicks. Our office is right next to a major shopping mall. I see zombies there all the time for realz...

    The 'Pride and Prejudice and Zombies' actress talks about blending Austen and action, and loves kicking ass.
    Witney Seibold by Witney Seibold Feb 3rd, 2016

    Interview | Bella Heathcote on Cussing, Kung-Fu, and Jane Austen

    Burr Steers' Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (due in theaters on February 5th), is a pretty straightforward version of the well-studied Jane Austen classic, but with a few daffy interjections of zombie violence to ensure that kids with short attention spans are watching. The film will be merrily chugging along with the usual romantic misunderstandings, and then occasionally explode into well-choreographed kung-fu scenes; the Bennets are well-trained in Chinese martial arts in this universe.

    Australian actress Bella Heathcote, from Dark Shadows, plays Jane Bennet in P+P+Z, and she was kind enough to sit with Crave, offer up a few choice cuss words, and tell us about her affection for the original novel, the importance of Jane Bennet to the story, and how much she enjoyed doing the extensive kung-fu training that is so often required for a Jane Austen production.

    Screen Gems

    Also: Burr Steers Says Killing Zombies is Like Sex in 'Pride and Prejudice and Zombies'

    Crave: Feel free to cuss. But only if the urge strikes you.

    Bella Heathcote: [Laugh.] **** ****!

    And with that, to Jane Austen. Did you read the book for the tenth time before shooting began, or were your encouraged to stay away from the book in fear that it would corrupt the zombie parts?

    I think both things are true. I'm really familiar with the book; I love the book. I also absolutely love the BBC version. Colin Firth.

    The wet shirt. Of course.

    I mean, come on! But at the same time, the fact that there was the zombie element kind of liberated me. Because otherwise, I think I would have been really nervous. Because I do love the book so much, and I do want to do it justice. But something about that zombie aspect made me feel, like, free. And also, the fact that the stakes are so much higher in their lives. Because things were a little bit heightened it was liberating.

    When did you first read Pride and Prejudice? I was late to the game on that one. My 30s.

    Because you're American? Wow. I reckon I read it before 15 for the first time. Early on.

    Screen Gems

    Did you have any attachment to Jane Bennet, going in, or where you a Lizzie girl?

    There's something very flattering about playing Jane Bennet. She's always described as being very beautiful [laughs], which is nice. I was very happy to play Jane. There's an aspect to her... Well, Liz is excellent, but there's things about Jane where she's the most level-headed. She's the most sane of all the sisters. I think she's the one that also sees people, or is more open to seeing people as they are. She wants to see the best in people, but isn't blind to their faults, whereas Lizzie immediately jumps on them. And I she has a great burden of responsibility. For the family, as the eldest sister. And in the zombie version, to protect her sisters as well.

    And the plot, in the zombie version and the non, hinges on her ultimate happiness.

    That's the thing I love the most about the books. Because they're about the relationships between Liz and Darcy, and Jane and Bingley. This is what makes the film work. Because the focus is on the relationships, and the zombies are just a bonus. But, yeah, the plot does hinge on that. Because Lizzie would never be with Darcy if he didn't apologize or make amends for the hurt he caused Jane. You just want Jane and Bingley to end up together, because you know she's heartbroken. Even if the boys don't know it at the time.

    Dumb boys.

    Guys, right? Always so slow.

    Was there an on-set divide between the Austen stuff and the zombie stuff? In the movie, they're pretty clearly delineated.

    Yeah, yeah, it was really odd. Because some days... You go for a whole week or two thinking “I'm doing Pride and Prejudice,” and then you'd go into the fight scenes and say to yourself “Oh wait, this is not that, this is a different film.” So there was a divide at the time. Some days you could feel both. Particularly with the fight sequences because you're still in the costumes. Because you're still in a period film in a sense. They were kind of married, but, yeah, there were definitely days that felt like straight Austen.

    Screen Gems

    Did the director have to remind you during the straight Austen scenes that there were still zombies lurking in this world?

    I think Burr kind of... His focus was that our performances be straight, and the zombies, well, the fact that they're there shouldn't affect our performances. Only in the sense that it's life-and-death. Everything we're feeling and experiencing is exactly the same, it's just that the stakes are just a bit higher. But it's not like we're sitting there the whole time thinking “zombie zombie zombie zombie zombie.” Thank goodness he didn't [highlight the gore].

    The Bennets are on the outs with polite society in this universe because they studied martial arts in China as opposed to the preferred Japan. Did you have to study Chinese martial arts? Both Chinese and Japanese?

    I got really into it. I wasn't working directly prior to the job, so I probably did about three months of kung-fu training in L.A. with grandmaster Don Baird. And I really like it. Because I tend to get really anxious before a job, and to be able to channel that energy into something productive as opposed to just spinning at home, that was good. So I did about three months of that, and I've always done boxing and kickboxing – not always, the last five years – and when I went to London, I guess I went about a month ahead of shooting, and did training with the girls. That part was more specific choreography-based, but also weapons training and a bit of horseback riding. I really got into it.

    Screen Gems

    Who was the best fighter?

    Me! [Laughs.] No, I think Lily was pretty impressive. I was pretty impressed with Lily. I was good at a high kick. There were things I could do very well, but I think Lily was my #1.

    This is an odd time for actors. Time was you had to know how to sing and dance. Now you get more jobs if you know how to fight kung-fu.

    I did do singing and dancing. I think if you're lucky you get to learn all the steps AND do all the fight stuff. I think not many girls necessarily get to do these roles. And I love it. I loved stunts. I love falling. I did some in Dark Shadows, and I was on set for a long time, so we did stunt training in between, and I loved it. Any of that kind of stuff, that adrenaline rush of it all. I think that's a bonus.

    What was the first record you bought with your own money?

    It was Michael Jackson. “Dangerous.” I remember the album cover. With the eyes!

    Top Image: Screen Gems

    Witney Seibold is a contributor to the CraveOnline Film Channel, and the co-host of The B-Movies Podcast. He also contributes to Legion of Leia and to Blumhouse. You can follow him on "The Twitter" at @WitneySeibold, where he is slowly losing his mind.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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