Quote Originally Posted by LFJ View Post
Actually, they met up to exchange ideas and this was Obasi showing his after Kevin shared some drills and he insisted. Kevin wasn't even trying to defend or counter attack at all, obvious given the many opportunities. All he did was passively try to roll and allow Obasi to show him his method. Obvious if you look at it.

At the end Kevin said "this isn't our chi-sau" which shows they were just comparing ideas, not "fighting" or whatever uninformed people assume or imagine was going on.

Obasi then uploaded it as a "challenge match" apparently to make himself look good. Stupid because Kevin doesn't even believe in competitive chi-sau so wouldn't have been involved in such a thing.

But honestly, against someone not even defending at all, Obasi just showed how lousy he is, almost falling on his face all by himself. Kevin did fine maintaining his stance and balance given the fact that he wasn't supposed to be defending or counter attacking at all, and Obasi is younger and physically much stronger.
I can tell you this, not too long ago what Obasi did would have been greeted with a "demonstration" of what WC really is.
Just saying.
This isn't a slight against kevin per say, just that when ANY MA touches hands with another there is ALWAYS a possibility of it becoming a real fight and EVERY MA must be aware and prepared for such.