Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
John F had an attempted tackle pulled on him by "Osiris". Nthing came of it and by all views, John F had locked Osiris up and he could do nothing.

Omar was there to fight anna trocity, a wanabe at the time who many thought was a dude playing a girl in order to get higher ma points, anyway, nothing came of that and Anna and Osiris an their friend all piled back into a truck and sped off after the Osiris vs Springer confrontation.

Rudy was rocking the guy and then someone thought that it's ony fair if Rudy was at a disadvantage.

In all cases, none of that meant anything.

You did watch those videos right?
Hold up, a meetup actually happened, with bullshido trolls and CMA types? And there's videos? Links please. They will amuse me.