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Thread: Qigong practice and detail

  1. #1

    Qigong practice and detail

    Specific define qigong based on ancient and modern

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    Specific define qigong based on ancient and modern
    Good exposition!

    I would add that modern qigong is a re-engineered deflated version of the 1950's range of neigong, daoyin, shengong, neiyanggong, etc. What was thought of as superstitious was relabelled, left out and this modern qigong is what we see today. Is it better? I am clueless but let each seek their own level of instruction and practice.
    Personally, I do instruct in a mostly New Qigong and 'modernized version of pre 1950's gong as the variation of even the simplest methods of baduanjin, 6 sounds, and yijinjing shows the ranges of practice and instruction. My most comprehensive are the patterns of Zhang Guangde but I have chosen to practice those that resonate with me. As I get older and wiser (LOL) the brain cannot remember stuff as I used to so it pays to drop the stuff that I have forgotton over time and 'simplify', I think

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