Heinz closed a plant in Leamington Ontario.
There were a lot of Tomato farmers in the area that had no where to sell their tomatoes.
Then French's stepped in and bought the tomatoes for their ketchup plant in Ohio.

Some guy then went on a rail about Heinz being jerks and how all of Canada should support French's because they bought the tomatoes.
You'd think that would be the end of it, but no. For some reason, Canadian's got on board that Ketchup train especially after one of the major food stores here started to remove French's from it's stock in order to sell it's own in house brand. The protest saw that store (Loblaws) restock it's shelves and French's is now going to start making it's Ketchup in Canada. I don't know what will happen to the Ohio plant.

It's on of those weird things that has you wonder what is up with what people fin important. there are hundreds of brands of ketchup after all.