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Thread: Asian Weapons forum ?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    SF Bay Area

    Swords vs. Cars

    In case you get attacked by vehicles.

    Toward the end of this video.

    Cool that they forged the sword out of a piece of old railroad track. Traditional, haha.

  2. #17
    Name:  sks.jpg
Views: 197
Size:  100.3 KBName:  pf-98.jpg
Views: 215
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    SKS type 56 paratrooper

    PF-98 Rocket Launcher

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    I like that rifle , I wonder if Gene sells these weapons ?

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    SF Bay Area
    Quote Originally Posted by Firehawk4 View Post
    I like that rifle , I wonder if Gene sells these weapons ?
    I think he has just the aluminum wushu ones.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    SF Bay Area
    Did another one.

    Custom guard, pommel, and wrap.

    For one of the students.

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  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    SF Bay Area
    Nice translation of a dai do training manual from 1933.


    Here's the preface.

    Recently, the large saber units of our armies have repeatedly been triumphant, letting us know that the strength of “human bullets” surpasses that of artillery shells. Our Chinese nation is a vast territory with abundant resources. We have four hundred seventy million bodies of compatriots to mingle amongst the trifling number of those Japanese goblins. If everyone were to embrace the notion that death is inevitable and be resolved to die like a martyr, victory will not be difficult.

    Examining our nation’s arts of pouncing saber, shaving saber, and dragging saber, I have now made a study of a dozen postures of practical large saber techniques. Within them there is no solo set, no secrets, no branches, no styles, just “large saber techniques”. I have used none of decorative prettiness of flowery postures, the sudden back and forth of solo sets, or any of the elegant structure of a series of phony poses. Selecting the intention of advancing directly to kill the enemy, I have made use of Japanese bayonet techniques – straight stab, sliding stab, downward stab – for the role of the imaginary opponents.

    Practicing this can strengthen one’s body and increase one’s bravery. Bravery is generated from the strength of one’s self-confidence. Practitioners of martial arts have such reliable methods of fighting opponents and obtaining victory that they do not fear failure. They thereby have a solid self-confidence. With a solid self-confidence, bravery arises automatically. Simply put, by cultivating “iron Chinamen” today, we prepare “human bullets” for tomorrow, with the hopes that they will fight the enemy, achieve victory, avenge humiliation, and engender awe.

    Even though our modern army trains in large saber techniques, they do not resemble the whirling of the spring & autumn halberd, or the numerous routines of the dragging saber, decorative displays of rushing back and forth in set after set that students find difficult to remember, with techniques so lacking in practicality that, despite being deemed unusually agile, they are hardly ever suitable to the critical moments in which they would actually be needed. Furthermore, without books to verify the material, the teachings have been passed down through the generations under the influence of the need to show off, and so it has inevitably lost touch with its original version and become truly useless.

    Due to our recent defeats [during the Defense of the Great Wall (Jan 1–May 31, 1933)] at Shanhai Pass [Jan 1—3, 1933] and Rehe [Feb 21—March 1, 1933], our people are all roused in anger and sticking out their chests in defiance, knowing there has not yet been a declaration of war between us and Japan. But if war is declared and we are not skillful at matching his bayonet techniques, it will be very difficult to resist cruel Japan’s bushido, national spirit [Yamato-damashii], and human-bullet mentality.

    Now study these dozen postures of practical large saber techniques. They are not complicated or elaborate, only practical. If you practice with perseverance and maintain constancy, regular training will prepare you for whatever may come. When you someday encounter peril, activate your skill and rouse your spirit. This art can be used for destroying the enemy and for protecting the self. Whether during peacetime or wartime, it is always has benefit.

  7. #22
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    Jan 1970
    SF Bay Area
    And three articles from that period toward the end of the previous link.

    談大刀隊 李親民

    前滬淞一月餘之抗日血戰,大刀隊參加殺敵,忠勇莫倫,有口皆碑,茲述大刀隊之類別,以質高明讀 者。
    專用大刀之大刀隊,無其他武器,作戰時居步騎兵之後,迨短兵相接,衝鋒肉搏,一聲噱殺,躍出前敵,大刀砍處 所向披靡,倭人每見刀光不覺其膝之屈,或足向後轉,此輩或擇兵士訓練而成,或之民衆激於義僕而來此者,蓋皆 熱血男兒也。
    兼用大刀之大刀隊,實卽軍中之步兵也,彼輩手提長槍,背負大刀,作戰時,遠以槍擊,近則荷槍而用刀,蓋槍刺 刀,不若大刀劈殺之快利也,劉峙之第一師。前四月間由開抵京,進駐常州,吾見其軍中步兵,背際各插大刀一柄 。可知大刀隊在現代新戰術上,亦有其重要性。
    全身武器之大刀隊,大刀之外,腰懸盒子砲,及手溜彈,而腿綁布中均藏匕首,作戰時,宜用槍者,則盒子砲發如 聯珠,宜用彈者,則手溜彈投擲必中,苟敵方彈來如雨,無可避讓,則揮舞大刀,寒光閃爍,不見其人,但聞彈為 刀格,錚錚作響,不能及其身。國術中之善使刀劍者,衣白衣,舞至酣暢時,但覺刀光劍影,寒氣逼人,潑以濃墨 ,盡為刀障,迨其舞罷,白衣無半點汚痕,大刀隊殆亦具此神技歟。與敵人肉搏,每以大刀砍劈,當者立斃,若寶 刀不幸而折,則棄之而出匕首,短刀狂舞,亦所向辟易,此全身武器之大刀隊,遠射近攻,無往不利 焉。
    按大刀隊仍用古代武器而參加二十世紀之科學戰爭者,一為戰術上之臨時所必需其實謂習之有素,頗具藝高胆大之 肝胆,故能運用國術,而得肉搏時之勝利。竊嘗聞前西北軍,曾以大刀隊著,其素日所習者,卽將我國國術中之刀 術,舞得花飛,彼是以每戰勝利,而敵人聞之輒寒心云。所謂滬戰大刀隊之勝利,亦卽國術一部份之 試驗也。

    For over a month during the bloody resistance against Japan in Shanghai and at the Song River, large saber units joined in to fight the enemy. Their loyalty and courage is beyond compare, and they have been praised by everyone with a mouth. Here is a discussion of the large saber units for your edification.

    When the large saber units that exclusively use the large saber, without using any other weapon, enter into combat, they march behind the cavalry until the fighting is at close quarters, then they charge in, up close and personal, giving a holler of gleeful slaughter, jumping out in front of the enemy, their large sabers cleaving invincibly. Whenever the Japanese see their sabers gleaming, they either unconsciously go down onto their knees or spin away on their feet. These troops are sometimes specially trained soldiers, sometimes righteous citizens roused to come forth, all hot-blooded young men.

    The large saber units that use other weapons besides the large saber are actually the regular infantry within the army. They hold long rifles and carry large sabers on their backs. When in combat, they shoot at long range, and then at short range they sling their rifles and use their sabers. The stabbing of bayonets is not as efficient as the chopping of large sabers. The First Division, under the command of Liu Zhi, has since last April been fortifying Nanjing and has garrisoned Changzhou. As we see a saber handle sticking out from behind every infantryman, we can know that large saber units still have significance in modern military tactics.

    As for a soldier’s arsenal in the large saber units, beyond his large saber, hanging at his waist is a Mauser pistol and some hand grenades, and wrapped to his leg is a hidden dagger. When in combat, he starts with his rifle, then continues with his pistol, uses his bullets, then hurls his grenades. If the enemy’s bullets come like rain and there is no way to avoid them, he then wields his large saber. There are flickerings of light, but he is not seen, and there is the sound of bullets clanging against his saber, unable to reach his body.

    There are martial arts experts who can keep their clothes white by wielding a sword, moving it so fast that they seem covered in the gleam of the metal and create a cold breeze. If you splash ink at such a person, it all gets obstructed by his sword, and then when he ceases his movement, his white clothes are unstained. The large saber units have nearly this level of skill.

    When fighting at close quarters with the enemy, they all cleave and chop with their sabers, standing proud in the face of death. If their precious sabers happen to break, they throw them aside and take out their daggers, and the crazy dance of those short blades also makes the enemy run away in fear. With such an arsenal, the large saber units shoot when at a distance and then attack when close up, and thus they are successful in every situation.

    As for the large sabers units still using ancient weapons while taking part in the scientific warfare of the twentieth century, it is a temporary military tactic [i.e. a last resort in the absence of other weaponry], and which actually requires a solid foundation of training in order to possess the courage that is based on great skill. Therefore they are able to apply Chinese martial arts and gain victory at close quarters.

    I have heard that the former Northwest Army [i.e. the Guominjun] used large saber units and that it was a typical component of their training. The saber techniques of our nation’s martial arts are beautiful and fast, successful in any battle, and when the enemy hears of them, it freezes his heart. The large saber units were victorious during the fighting in Shanghai, and that has proven the worth of a part of our martial heritage.

  8. #23
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    Jan 1970
    SF Bay Area
    2nd article.

    大刀隊奏奇功於滬上 張之江

    此次滬淞戰事,我十九路軍將士,自衞奮鬥,捷報頻傳,聲威一振,外人始知中國不可侮,而尤足放一異彩者,則 我大刀隊之殺敵是已,
    初,歐美軍事專家在滬觀戰者,以彼軍火器精利過勝我軍,咸為我危,而我軍每次肉搏相接,大刀隊頗奏奇功,各 國在滬人士,咸稱我國軍奮勇殺敵,具有歐戰之精神,前之輕視我者,至是眼光一換,咸表敬意,滬上中外報紙, 曾詳載此事,固非子虛,
    在中央國術館初成立時,社會智識階級,紛紛懷疑,以為居此火器戰爭時代,何必提倡此古代陳舊之學術?然幸因 數年努力國術普及於軍隊,卒有今日大刀隊殺敵之表現。當其衝鋒直人,一往無前勇猛叱咤,如迅雷颶風,遂使敵 人馬不及旋,槍不及發,裂膚斷指,斫臂洞胸,十步之內,血流成渠,彼恃其新武器械。以為數小時內可解决滬北 者,而乃屢受挫折於巷戰之大刀隊,我固不敢以此沾沾自喜,然以事實證明,彼謂今日不必提倡國術者,其亦醒覺 矣乎,
    大刀誠國術一部份,若全部國術,普及全民,效果又當如何?同志們,同胞們,奮起奮起,願全民衆,皆國術化, 積極練習自衞奮鬥,打倒帝國主義,以博最後之勝利。

    During the recent fighting in Shanghai and at the Song River, our 19th Route Army fought to defend us. With news of victory so frequently coming in, our prestige was given a boost, and foreigners started to know that China cannot be humiliated, that we in fact demonstrate glory, and it is due to our large saber units.

    At first, the European and American military experts in Shanghai who observed the fighting considered that the Japanese firepower would be superior to our forces, and that we were in peril, but every time our forces were engaged at close quarters, the large saber units made outstanding achievements. People of every nation represented in Shanghai praised our troops for fighting the enemy so courageously, and saying that they all have the European War [i.e. World War I] spirit. Those who previously despised us now see us differently and show us respect. Foreign newspapers in Shanghai explained the events in detail, and without any exaggeration at all.

    When the Central Martial Arts Institute was established, those in the intellectual class each had their doubts, considering this to be an era of firearm warfare and that there is no necessity to encourage this antique and obsolete learning. But fortunately, due to many years of effort, Chinese martial arts has spread throughout the army so much that large saber units can be seen fighting the enemy. They charge right in, unstoppably advancing with bold shouts, like thunderclaps in the midst of a hurricane, causing the enemy to not be able to turn his horses around fast enough or have a chance to fire his guns. The blades rip open skin and sever fingers, hack off arms and pierce through chests, and within a mere ten paces, blood is already flowing enough to make a river.

    Relying on modern weapons, the enemy assumed he could decisively take Shanghai in just a few hours, but was repeatedly thwarted in the streets by the large saber units. Though we should not dare to take our success for granted, the evidence of that success is at least clear, and those who said that there is nowadays no point in encouraging martial arts are waking up to the truth.

    The large saber is truly a part of our martial arts. But if all of our martial arts were spread to our whole populace, just imagine the effect. Comrades and compatriots, rise up, rise up! We want the masses to be transformed by Chinese martial arts, to train vigorously to fight for our defense, overthrow imperialism, and achieve final victory!

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    SF Bay Area
    3rd one here.

    神勇之大刀隊 仙秀山

    違日宋哲元部在喜峯口一帶,浴血抗戰,發賊逾萬,兵士多用大刀,鋒鋩銳利,所向披靡,足見今日鍜練國術,純 然精練之所致,且宋氏對兵士訓話有,「有進無退,死而後已」之語,由是將士用命,勇往直前,而收戰勝之果也 ,當宋部開往前方時,限六小時跑步,趕百六十里之長途接防,行軍之神速,可見一斑,其對兵士講話,以烏鴉喩 飛機,烏鴉遺矢,幾會落到人身,飛機拋彈,何能傷我之散兵綫乎?譬喩可謂透澈,足以鼓勵士氣也,且倭寇雖攘 其巨砲利械,而兵士久未作戰。經驗缺乏,見大刀之劈面砍來如,飛將軍從人而卜。驚心震魄叩頭乞饒,續械而逃 ,我軍遂得砲械子彈等勝利品無算,戰勝之餘,士氣大振,斬將搴旗,以一當百,我中華民族之眞精神,為不可沒 滅也,滾滾熱血,蓬蓬浩氣,以洗我仇。雪我恥,復我河山,爭我國格,望我全國軍人,均憑勇往直前之壯氣,踏 着神勇大刀隊之血跡、衝上前去,除此日落崦嵫之倭寇,強弩之末的暴日,必能得最後之勝利,而執東亞之牛耳也 ,將拭目以待。

    When defier of Japan, General Song Zheyuan [29th Corps] was at Xifengkou Pass [during the Defense of the Great Wall, Jan—May, 1933, action at Xifengkou taking place during March and early April] engaged in bloody resistance, he delivered incredible casualties upon the enemy, his soldiers often using large sabers, sharp, keen, and invincible. This is enough to demonstrate the effectiveness in the present day of practicing our martial arts, and what can come of ardent training.

    General Song admonished his soldiers with the saying: “Keep advancing, no retreating, until you are dead.” And so they obeyed their orders, advanced bravely, and were victorious as a result. When Song set out for the front, he kept his troops at a running pace for six hours, and they ran for nearly fifty miles to relieve a garrison, moving his forces with such speed that they looked like a single stripe. He spoke to his troops using birds as a metaphor for aircraft: “Crow droppings usually land on someone. Bombs from planes could damage our lines.” The parallel was penetrating enough to motivate his men.

    Moreover, although the Japanese pirates brought huge cannons and sharp weapons, their soldiers had often not yet faced combat, lacking in experience, and when they saw those large sabers chopping down toward their faces, even the best of them fell to ground, frightened to their very souls, kowtowed and begged for mercy, laid down their arms and fled. Our forces then secured their cannons, weapons, and ammunition, countless spoils of victory. More than that, morale was boosted so high that every general killed and every flag taken was worth a hundred.

    The true spirit of us Chinese cannot be wiped out. Our blood surges and our spirit roars. We will wash away our enemies, rub out our humiliation, recover our rivers and mountains, and contend for our national dignity. I hope the soldiers of our entire nation will all have the heart to advance courageously, following in the footsteps of our brave large saber units, charging ahead. We will eliminate these Japanese pirates who want to extend their land of the setting sun to where we keep ours at Mt. Yanzi [to the far west in Gansu], reducing cruel Japan to a spent force, and we will surely be able to obtain final victory and hold the power in East Asia. Just let them wait and see…

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