Quote Originally Posted by Cataphract View Post
By common convention it is the other way round. It is laid out neatly in the book "Body by Science" which I can only recommend to everyone. They do something like 45-60 seconds under load until complete muscle failure once a week (or something like that, will look it up) for the big muscle groups. Thus every fiber group will be evenly stressed for hypertrophy in minimal time.

I don't think that's entirely true, also from my own experience. Many if not most body builders do a lot of reps. There's the sarcoplasmic hypertrophy theory.

I've just added some endurance elements in my upper body training and it feels good and it seems to help in other areas as well. I don't know, but I just call it warmup.
And......being one is doing higher reps that TUT sort of defaults. Of course there has to be at least some decent tension levels. I could rep out with 1lb weights and stay under tensions for a long time and likely not going to do a whole lot beside improve my ability to use 1lbs a long time.

Anyway, for size when I was concerned with that. 20-30 rep range worked best for me. Just used normal speed . And 6-10 sets. Half and partial reps make an apperence as the sets add up.

I myself am not a big fan of HIT or to failure approaches. But it does work well for some.