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Thread: Successful Street Applications

  1. #301
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    CA, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    Learning to fall in judo remains one of my most important martial skills.
    Last December, while out on an early morning walk, I tripped on a bump in the street. It caught both of my feet at the same time, and I fell forward fast. I instinctively used a Judo front fall and landed safely. No injuries except for abrasions on my hands and a bit on my knees. It could have been bad; the street in question was very rough, with lots of little rocks mixed into the asphalt, and I use my hands for a living. Not knowing how to fall properly could have resulted in a broken wrist(s), arm(s), shoulder or facial injury, etc.

    I haven't practiced Judo since 1979, yet that breakfall was automatic. All that time we spent practicing breakfalls at the start of classes really ingrained them into the nervous system. IMO, breakfalls are the most important aspect of Judo that I learned, and they're especially valuable as you get older.
    Last edited by Jimbo; 05-26-2016 at 10:09 AM.

  2. #302
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Jimbo, that happens to me ALL THE TIME...

    Judo is a great starter art. Those falling skills are priceless and grow even more valuable with age.

    Meanwhile, here's a non-descriptive news item:

    Three Men Jump Martial Arts Expert
    A martial arts expert uses his technique on a group of men who tried to rob him.
    By Hannah Hilyard |
    Published 06/08 2016 06:37PM Updated 06/08 2016 06:37PM

    PEORIA, Ill.

    Three men try to jump a martial arts expert in Peoria’s East Bluff early Wednesday morning.

    A man says the suspects approached him while he was near the intersection of Broadway Street and Virginia Avenue. One of the suspects kicked him.

    That's when he says he kicked back and performed what he calls a ‘hip toss’ on another suspect.

    He tells police he punched him in the face and is certain he knocked some teeth out.

    Because it was dark, the man says he was not able to get a good look at any of the suspects.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  3. #303
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    Oct 2004
    When I took Ninjitsu they taught us to roll real good like in a combat situation .

  4. #304
    Join Date
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Zhang Xiaowu

    Chinese kung fu master honoured after nearly 30 years as crime-fighting Good Samaritan
    PUBLISHED : Monday, 13 June, 2016, 5:47pm
    UPDATED : Monday, 13 June, 2016, 5:46pm
    Stephen Chen

    A Chinese kung fu master has been honoured by a city government for his efforts as a Good Samaritan after helping police to catch 30 criminals for nearly 30 years, mainland media report.
    Zhang Xiaowu, who teaches tai chi in the city of Guangzhou, was presented with an award by the Guangzhou Good Samaritan Foundation in recognition of his efforts in helping others, the Guangzhou Daily reported.
    He had used his martial arts skills since 1989 to rescue many victims of crime in the city and also subdue a number of suspected rapists, robbers and thieves before handing them over to Guangzhou police, the report said.
    On one occasion, a gang of thugs had surrounded him and attacked him with knives and iron bars, in retaliation for him detaining some of their colleagues and handing over to the police, the report said.
    Zhang, who suffered a knee injury while fighting off the gang, said he had no regrets about what he had done.
    “To the good, you must be tender; but to the evil, you must be hard,” he was quoted by the newspaper as saying.
    Zhang, who was born in Jiaozuo, in Henan province in the 1960s, had been encouraged to study martial arts by his mother as a way to boost his poor health after suffering from illness as a child, the report said.
    Odd story. Wish there were more specifics.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  5. #305
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    SF Bay Area

    Successful Elevator Application

    For your entertainment.

  6. #306
    Join Date
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Score another for Kung Fu

    'She's empowered': Little girl, eight, 'uses Kung Fu move to fight off would-be kidnapper who tried to carry her out of the house'

    An unidentified eight-year-old girl in El Cajon, California says a man broke into her house and tried to kidnap her
    She and her mom say the little girl used a karate move to fight the man off
    He dropped the girl and ran from the house
    'She's learned some tools that will last her a lifetime,' the mom said of her daughter's Kung Fu moves
    The suspect is five-feet-eight to five-feet-ten, was wearing dark clothes and a dark backpack, and smelled 'like garbage'

    PUBLISHED: 09:56 EST, 11 July 2016 | UPDATED: 09:59 EST, 11 July 2016

    A little girl's karate moves may have saved her from a would-be kidnapper.
    A feisty eight-year-old girl woke up around 4am Sunday morning to find a strange man picking her up out of her bed and carrying her down the stairs in her El Cajon, California, home, say police, according to Fox 5 San Diego.
    The little girl's six-year-old brother was in the same room, according to San Diego Union Tribune.
    The girl's mother told Fox 5 San Diego that the little girl and the man were almost to the bottom of the stairwell when she applied pressure to his throat, using a technique she learned in Kung Fu class.
    The stranger then ran from the first floor of the condo in the 1300 block of Hawk Lane, say police.

    The unidentified mom of an eight-year-old girl in El Cajon, California says her daughter fought off her attacker with Kung Fu

    The emotional mother says her feisty daughter is 'empowered' now that she knows self defense

    The mom broke down as she said she never imagined her children would be in danger while they slept: 'Their supposed to be safe while they're sleeping' she cried

    The mother, who remains unidentified, said the spirited girl claimed the man then came back in her bedroom after a few minutes, but when he saw she was awake, said, 'Dang, shoot' and ran back out.
    The mom says they found the front door open.
    Cops say he gained access through a window, and they found a screen removed on another condo in the building.
    The girl's proud mom says her daughter had been learning self-defense and martial arts moves in a class.

    Cops say the suspect broke into this condo complex on Hawk Lane and entered the family's condo through a window

    'I'm relieved that this is the story I get to tell - that she's in my home, here and safe,' her mother tearfully told the outlet. 'My kids are supposed to be safe while they are sleeping.'
    After the girl said she fought the man off, she awoke her parents and told them what had happened.
    She described the man, who hasn't been found, as a tanned adult wearing jeans and a backpack with many zippers and with dark 'fluffy' hair, thin build and was between five-feet, eight-inches to five-feet, ten-inches tall. She also said the man smelled of 'garbage.'
    The victim was not injured and nothing was taken from the home.
    The mom says she has now installed surveillance cameras in the house, along with an app that lets her monitor activity.
    'This is proof, there could be a chance that you might need to [use self-defense moves],' the mom said. '[He] could have taken my TV, anything, but [he] wanted the most valuable thing we have.'
    The emotional mother is grateful that her daughter was taking Kung Fu.
    'She's scared but she's also empowered. She's learned some tools that will last her a lifetime, she's okay, but she's going to be safe because we're going to protect her even more now,' she said.
    Police are asking anyone with information to call the police at 619-579-3311.

    Good story. There's a vid too, if you follow the link.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  7. #307
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Score one for China SWAT

    There's a quick vid clip if you follow the link. It's a textbook disarm, perfectly executed on the street.

    Female SWAT team officer disarms knife-wielding man with brutal kung fu move
    FOOTAGE of a female SWAT team officer disarming a knife-wielding man has gone viral.
    By Simon Green / Published 19th July 2016

    The clip begins with a man – who had reportedly consumed drugs according to news station CCTV – brandishing a knife in the middle of a busy road.

    Two police officers hover nearby before one – the female SWAT member – decides to take him down.

    With an impressive skill of agility, she creeps up behind the bloke and twists the knife-wielding arm around.

    BRUTAL: The female SWAT team officer took down the knife-wielding man

    She then throws him to the floor as two other officers come in to arrest him.

    A man in a green shirt can be seen pinning the bloke to the ground as he is finally arrested.

    According to the YouTube video, the 5ft 9ins tall female officer has a reputation for being extremely agile.

    HERO: She is reportedly known for her agility

    The incident occurred in the city of Dongguan, China and the video has been doing the rounds on social media.

    And viewers were left impressed at the clever kung fu move.

    One wrote: “Excellent. She knew just how to grab him. He had no time to react.”
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  8. #308

  9. #309
    It happens to the best of us, sometimes.

  10. #310
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Karate vs. Bear

    On the same level as Karate vs. Shark & TKD vs SHARK!

    63-year-old Japanese man fights off bear with karate
    11:03 a.m. ET


    Most people don't respond to charging bears by fighting back. Yet rather than run from a snarling Asian black bear, one Japanese man decided to put his karate skills to the ultimate test.

    Atsushi Aoki, 63, was fishing in the mountains when the bear attacked him. "The bear was so strong, and it knocked me down," Aoki told Tokyo Broadcasting System. Aoki took up a karate fighter stance, putting his right fist in front of him, and punched at the bear's eyes, which made the beast retreat.

    "I thought it's either 'I kill him or he kills me,'" Aoki said. After fending off the bear, he was able to get back to his car and drive to the hospital to treat the wounds on his head, arm, and leg.

    "[Aoki] drove himself to the hospital and even remembered to grab the fish that he had caught," a police officer told Agence France-Presse. Jeva Lange
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  11. #311
    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    On the same level as Karate vs. Shark & TKD vs SHARK!
    That only works with black bears. Don't try that with a grizzly or polar bear. Better to play dead which you likely will be. Or so Ive read Canadian and Alaska horror stories.

  12. #312
    That seems to depend on the situation and sheer luck, too.

  13. #313
    It is nice to read those stories of people who survived Grizzly and Polar bears. Few do and my money is on the bear. Polar bear is extremely rare. But they do roam parts of Ontario, Canada. Couple of years back there was a black bear roaming a main road in my township. Not sure when the last time a bear was around here. Scared people but the cops let it go on its way and issued tv and radio warnings. Thankfully no grizzly, brown bears or polar bears in this area. In fact, I don't think in NY. Black bears have been wandering into the county as we expand. The surrounding counties and the edges of most of Monroe is rural , once farms or still farms. Where I live it was almost a fluke a bear would come this far inside the county. Anyway, no deaths and the bear left on its own.

  14. #314
    Join Date
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    CA, USA
    On a different forum, there are many posters who claim that knives are 'poor weapons because it's easy to take a knife away from someone'. Wrong. Even here, where the Jujutsu(?) guy is clearly the physically superior of the combatants, it certainly wasn't "easy" for him to take the knife away. It took work for him to get it away. Now consider if the knife-armed man were someone who really knew how to use it and was fully committed. Or if he (the knife man) had help. Many MA guys do not give knives their due respect. In close quarters, a knife is every bit as deadly as a gun, and in some cases even worse.

    Last edited by Jimbo; 09-10-2016 at 03:06 PM.

  15. #315

    Canadian Martial Arts Guy Chokes Out Islamic Jihadist Trying to Behead Student.

    This probably should go in a Martial Arts Heroes thread...maybe this is it.

    University of British Columbia female student nearly beheaded by Saudi Muslim student in her dorm room

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    A young University of British Columbia student, Mary Hale ) from Oregon had her throat cut and came close to being beheaded in her dorm room by Thamer Almestadi, an 18-year-old Muslim from Saudi Arabia who was enrolled in Vantage College, a special program for first-year international students.
    Adam Casey, 18, was on his way to check his mail when he heard about the attack from the frantic witnesses and wasted no time running to Hale’s aid. The instant that Casey saw Almestadi, who had already begun to cut Hale’s throat, his martial arts training kicked in. Casey pounced on the Saudi student and placed him in a chokehold.
    Said Casey, “I tried to get his hands off her neck that he was holding pretty tight, so I resorted to actually going after him,” said Casey. “He was pretty determined. He wasn’t letting go easily.”
    While Casey was attempting to subdue Almestadi, fellow student Luca Berg heard the commotion and and joined Casey in wrestling Almestadi away from his victim, forcing him to drop the knife in the process.
    I'm assuming Casey's training is in MMA considering the language he used and the first action he took. He prudently did not reveal where he studied martial arts.

    Saudi Jihadist Thamer Almestadi

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    The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule.
    Crazy or not, the Saudi was committing an act of Jihad. And we could call it all crazy but who are we to judge?

    'I put him in a chokehold': Students stopped attack in UBC dorm

    UBC confirmed it has banned Almestadi from returning to campus.
    Sounds a little ridiculous right because why would he be free to wander the streets? Unless you consider how soft the Canadian Justice System is on criminals, the guy might be out walking around anytime soon. Especially Islam gets a pass in Canada because the elite's policy of enforced Islamic immigration and the corruption of the Justice system with Islamification policies.

    “International student” … “One of their own” … “I didn’t think there was anything really wrong with him” … “No one could predict” … That’s funny. Leftist media is a constant source of entertaining stupidity.

    “Some strange behaviors … Noticed him pacing” … How many times have we heard of that pre-attack behavior? Hundreds? Thousands?

    No one could predict, huh? Except every person (that has not been brain wiped by the MSM).
    Interesting comment from the free web. Typically the people at the Uni "saw something.. and didn't say something".
    Maybe they were afraid of being called "racist" or the MSM has done an effective job on their minds of whitewashing Islam.

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    David Wood in the Jihad Triangle has identified the three essential steps that are needed for a Muslim to become an active Jihadist It's well worth taking note.

    1 One must believe in Islam
    2 One must have knowledge of what the Quran teaches (Most American Muslims don't which is fortunate for the Kaffir(Non-Muslims) )
    3 One must be obedient to the knowledge they possess from the Quran

    With all three factors in place you have an Active Jihadi

    In the meantime Canadians should flock to get MA training now that the Hijra and Islamification is in full swing in the West . They say Canada will be Sweden 2.0 These first attacks are like drops of rain against the window before the storm.

    Luca Berg (left) and Adam Casey (right) managed to subdue Almestadi until police arrived,

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    Last edited by wolfen; 10-07-2016 at 11:11 PM.

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