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Thread: 2016 Presidential Elections: The Dirt thickens

  1. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Faux Newbie View Post

    Oh now I understand. Okay. Only some white people helped you.
    I don't believe 'I' ever entered into the equation. What and who helped me is not germane to allowing political extremists, no matter their race, to gain undo traction in our election process.

    My reply was if that is even a LEGITIMATE CONCERN then what did you do to cause this. You said nothing. Okay. Then what did other people do to cause it.
    I already explained exactly this before you even responded to me. Trump's courting of the alt-right gave white nationalists a political power they did not have before. Even David Duke is saying as much. As is the American Nazi Party and virtually every white nationalist, white supremacist, nazi and klan organization. As is the members of the alt-right themselves.

    Because according to you white America is looking for some mother---ers to stomp out.
    No, this is what YOU just said. I do not confuse the lame dicks of white nationalism with most whites, because most whites want nothing to do with them.

    Twist it anyway way you like. I got ****ing one moron posting his WE WIN Hollywood has to leave because they said so and another fu--tard parroting Van Jones nonsense. If your baby was crying this morning it may be because you got no money and cant buy him the newest video game. But you can blame whitey is coming.
    Dude, I didn't know who Van Jones WAS before you put up his name before. I still haven't watched that video, it's some guy with a video that's making the rounds on facebook that you don't like, that's the sum of my knowledge of him. Again, you brought that into the conversation. If you confuse a finite number of white nationalist organizations under alt-right with you, that's you twisting things.

  2. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by boxerbilly View Post
    I had to pull the racist trigger first buddy. You wanted to on me. Sorry, beat you to the draw !
    Considering that the closest thing that occurred to me calling anyone racist was basically saying a narrow group of white supremacists are racist, your persecution complex that makes YOU equate attacks on two-bit nazis with attacks on YOU is YOUR issue.

  3. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by boxerbilly View Post
    I asked my son to review this thread for me because I was unclear why Rett asked me twice to explain myself. In fact I was upset because I thought I had done so.
    I'm sure it was because I'm out of touch with how the debate is framed over there these days and/or am dense. Anyway, thanks again.

  4. #49

    Cleaning the Augean Stables: Step One

    Internecine Distractions while Jihad eats us from within

    The Future Belongs to Those Who Bother to Turn Up for It.

    Name:  Cw83sg3XcAAJfNg.jpg
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    Cultural Marxism 101 - use the minorities to destroy the majorities

    Name:  fight with cudgels.jpg
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    "Fight With Cudgels" - Goya

    Meanwhile, back at the Jihad ranch...The First Most Urgent Step needed to regain control of National Security

    Egyptian MP: Trump’s Election Means ‘Dark Days for Muslim Brotherhood’

    Name:  muslim-brotherhood-supporters-egypt-file-photo-AP-640x480.jpg
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    Muslim Brotherhood Supporters in Egypt

    An Egyptian lawmaker celebrated Donald Trump’s victory in Tuesday’s U.S. presidential elections as “a strong message against Islamists.”

    Mustafa Juneidi said he was sure Trump was going to win, and said that “dark days are awaiting the Muslim Brotherhood and their allies.”

    He also said that Egypt’s relations with the US “will improve, as Trump already named President [Abdel Fatah] Sisi as a hero and a strong ally who was shunned by the Obama Administration.”

    He further said that Trump’s victory signals the victory of social media over the mainstream media that was biased in Hillary Clinton’s favor. “Trump’s election means that people no longer believe what the media tells them.”

    Jamie Glazov Moment: Trump’s First Step vs. Muslim Brotherhood.

    The Glazov Gang

    This is a quick summary of the Holy Land Foundation Trial and former CIA Director's Eric Holders' betrayal of America. He stopped and blocked the prosecution of CAIR, ISNA and the Muslim Brotherhood.

    It was done by order of Obama ostensibly for PC correctness but only Obama can answer why and he has never accounted for this. During that trial, CAIR was found to have financial links to the terrorist organization HAMAS.

    To this day CAIR remains unindicted in conspiracy though there is still every reason to indict them. All of these groups are involved in Islamic Jihad within America and their stated aim is Civilizational Jihad operating from within America, Since them they have done enormous damage to America's internal security defenses, undermined many other American Institutions such Education, Justice, Police Services, , etc and co-ordinates Cultural Jihad with Terrorist Jihad for the ultimate purpose of imposing Islamic Law and conquering America.

    (Something similar is happening in Canada courtesy of the Liberal opportunist , Trudeau.)

    Essentially This single event has made America virtually defenseless to Islamic Jihad and has opened the door for Jihadist Infiltration to the very heart of America's Defense Institutions. If this is not reversed, America is finished.

    I have never heard the MSM say the word "Islamification", and yet this is the foremost threat to America today.

    This should be President Trump's absolute first priority and will be the litmus test for his Presidency.

    Stephen Coughlin
    Stephen has many videos on the net , notably the "Red Pill Briefings" and they are rich with information. None of it exists in the MSM.

    Name:  coughlin-cover-NEW2-Recovered-683x1024.jpg
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    Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad

    After the events of September 11, 2001, Stephen Coughlin was mobilized from his private sector career to the Intelligence Directorate at the Joint Chiefs of Staff to work in Targeting. Thus began his education in terrorism. In the years that followed, Coughlin earned recognition as the Pentagon’s leading expert on the Islamic-based doctrines motivating jihadi groups that confront America.

    He came into demand as a trainer and lecturer at leading commands and senior service staff institutions, including the National Defense University, the Army and Navy War Colleges, the Marine Corps-Quantico, the State Department, and the FBI. So effective were his presentations that some in the special operations community dubbed them “Red Pill” briefings, a reference to an iconic scene in The Matrix. It’s an apt metaphor: Once the facts and doctrines are properly explained and understood, there is no going back. This was more than our enemies – and, it seems, our leaders – could tolerate.

    Beginning in 2011, the Muslim Brotherhood convinced the White House to ban Coughlin and put an end to his briefings. The move was in keeping with shariah concepts of slander that seek to blindfold America to certain realities that render us defenseless against a threat made existential by the very ignorance it gets our leaders to enforce. In times like this – when the White House’s former counterterrorism strategist can declare it unconstitutional to allow national security analysts to look to Islam to understand jihad – there’s an urgent need to pull away the blindfold so we can see and confront the threat. Such is the goal of Catastrophic Failure. The book, drawn heavily from Coughlin’s “outlawed” briefings, is a comprehensive assessment of Islamic law and doctrine known to form the basis of hostile threat strategies directed against America and the West, the challenges they present, and the ideologically induced breakdown of fact-based decision making that is nothing short of professional malpractice by our national security elites.

    The Glazov Gang-Stephen Coughlin on “Catastrophic Failure.” (youtube Video)

    Stephen Coughlin - Catastrophic Failure. Blindfolding America in the name of jihad (Part 1) (Youtube Video)
    Last edited by wolfen; 11-11-2016 at 04:03 AM.

  5. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by Faux Newbie View Post
    Dude, in post 19, I was clarifying my position. If that is baiting to you, that's on you, not me. And again, you brought race into the entire thing. I specified exactly which SELF PROCLAIMED white nationalists I was speaking of, which never, in fact, was cited to be you, but a specific group of alt-righters who self describe themselves as white nationalists. I even specified that I figured Trump did not actually hold their positions and was likely to dump them at the first available opportunity.

    In fact, the only reason Trump came up in my part is in my criticism of enabling them to gain traction politically. Not his voters, these white nationalists are not nearly enough people to elect him, but them specifically and the role they played in his campaign, not their role as voters.
    Like I said Obama did real good on race issues.

    Hopefully Trump does better but in the end. I has to be you and me and everyone else.

    White Nationalists again. Are they a real threat ? Their vote was likely inconsequential. But every vote helps. But again you see how all this crap can be twisted. Oh it is okay for black radical groups to openly support a black president but god help us if White Nationalist ( NAZI- hey you put the word out there ) openly support a white president. You see. I know you are likely no more racist than I am. Mostly biased and hugely insensitive in words and descriptives we choose.

    I did not bring race into this thread buddy. I responded to it. I was not speaking of you when I said Im easily baited. I never answered that to you.

    Most white Americans did not vote for race. We need MONEY ! JOBS !

    Have a great 3 day weekend everyone.

  6. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by SKM View Post
    "White nationalist" is a code word for anti-white.
    No, it's a code word racists, white supremacists, use for themselves.

    You are saying that because you do not like white people.
    No, I like white people just fine. I don't particularly like racists, which is what people who call themselves white supremacists are. By coincidence, neither do the vast majority of white people.

    53% of white women voted for Trump. If you call them "white nationalists", by your own PC standards you are being misogynist.
    Since I didn't call white women who voted for Trump white nationalists, you don't have a point. I called the alt-right, especially their founders and their major voices, white nationalist, BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT THAT SPECIFIC GROUP OF PEOPLE CALLS ITSELF.

    If you actually read what you were responding to, that would help...

  7. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Faux Newbie View Post
    Considering that the closest thing that occurred to me calling anyone racist was basically saying a narrow group of white supremacists are racist, your persecution complex that makes YOU equate attacks on two-bit nazis with attacks on YOU is YOUR issue.
    Stupid white people. Dude, its fine. This is the stuff whites and black keep doing. Race issue went backwards.

    Do I like whites that want to kill other Americans ? NO. I have a mixed family. Do I like racist blacks that want to kill other Americans ? No.

    Do average blacks and white **** one another off because we don't get it ? Yeah , we still do. Just turn on a tv. There is Van Jones. You may have never heard of him but lots of people have. Sparking fear and that sparks hate.

    You can thank people like Van Jones white and black for putting everything we say and do under a microscope.

    Stay off radical racist sites as much as possible. I do. Id never heard of breitbart until this thread.
    Last edited by boxerbilly; 11-11-2016 at 07:23 AM.

  8. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by boxerbilly View Post
    Like I said Obama did real good on race issues.

    Hopefully Trump does better but in the end. I has to be you and me and everyone else.

    White Nationalists again. Are they a real threat ? Their vote was likely inconsequential. But every vote helps. But again you see how all this crap can be twisted. Oh it is okay for black radical groups to openly support a black president but god help us if White Nationalist ( NAZI- hey you put the word out there ) openly support a white president. You see. I know you are likely no more racist than I am. Mostly biased and hugely insensitive in words and descriptives we choose.

    I did not bring race into this thread buddy. I responded to it. I was not speaking of you when I said Im easily baited. I never answered that to you.

    Most white Americans did not vote for race. We need MONEY ! JOBS !

    Have a great 3 day weekend everyone.
    No, the alt-right(and, let me be clear, so that there is no confusion, I'm not talking about anyone but them) is not dangerous as a voting bloc, they are dangerous because they have gained inroads to the election process by way of how they aided the online electioneering for Trump with the intention of carrying this out for other candidates in the future. Including(not sure if I posted the link to this earlier) hacking and harassing a Republican vet who considered running against Trump and Clinton as a third party candidate, including sending pictures of his adopted daughter in a gas chamber to his family, that sort of stuff.

    I'm not talking about you, or normal Republican or libertarian voters or any voters, only and specifically the alt-right people, and only insofar as this helped them gain power, and I don't think that's good for anyone. That's why it concerns me. And I'm not actually labeling anyone a white nationalist, I'm referring to people who call themselves that, like the founder of the alt-right movement, and all its major players. They are the ones saying that they are white nationalists.

  9. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by boxerbilly View Post
    Stupid white people. Dude, its fine. This is the stuff whites and black keep doing. Race issue went backwards.

    Do I like whites that want to kill other Americans ? NO. I have a mixed family. Do I like racist blacks that want to kill other Americans ? No.

    Do average blacks and white **** one another off because we don't get it ? Yeah , we still do. Just turn on a tv. There is Van Jones. You may have never heard of him but lots of people have. Sparking fear and that sparks hate.

    You can thank people like Van Jones white and black for putting everything we say and do under a microscope.

    Stay off radical racist sites as much as possible. I do. Id never heard of breitbart until this thread.
    I understand. It's the development of 'stupid people who just got a lot more political power, and basically are known for hacking and anonymously harassing anyone they don't like, Democrat or Republican, and hacking and harassing their kids, family, ad infinitum' that I think should be dealt with.

    I do not imagine that stupid people will cease to be.

    Anyway, that's been what I was trying to get across.

  10. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by SKM View Post
    "White Nationalist" is just a code name for anti-white. You are saying that because you do not like white people. If you would read what I am responding to, that would help. You still have not answered the question: Do you want a unified people?
    So, these white people are calling themselves white nationalists because they are anti-white?

  11. #56

    This thread has meandered into something strange yet, interesting. The issues presented here have largely beens stoked by the matrix of media. It has nothing to do with the sad issue of race at all. And if Blacks feel the need to place their arses in the line of fire, they deserved whatever is coming to them. I am happy that the white nationalists have sided with Trump even if they cannot stand people that look like me. The real fight that got Trump into office is the pushback against the Neo Conservatives. And this alluded to but never spelled out. Media kept it that way. Yet, within this thread, there is so much push button rhetoric that it obfuscates the real fight. The white nationalists/racists have a very good idea about what is going on and I am happy they are stepping up. As far as racism is concerned, I prefer that it be out in the open so that there are no delusions about the direction this country is really going in. If I lived in Louisiana, I would actively campaign for David Duke. Put all the social ills out there if it means putting America back on track and stepping forward as a strong and united nation.

    I will be running for President in 2020 if I am not seen running for my life before then.

    Last edited by mickey; 11-11-2016 at 08:34 AM.

  12. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by mickey View Post

    This thread has meandered into something strange yet, interesting. The issues presented here have largely beens stoked by the matrix of media. It has nothing to do with the sad issue of race at all. And if Blacks feel the need to place their arses in the line of fire, they deserved whatever is coming to them. I am happy that the white nationalists have sided with Trump even if they cannot stand people that look like me. The real fight that got Trump into office is the pushback against the Neo Conservatives. And this alluded to but never spelled out. Media kept it that way. Yet, within this thread, there is so much push button rhetoric that it obfuscates the real fight. The white nationalists/racists have a very good idea about what is going on and I am happy they are stepping up. As far as racism is concerned, I prefer that it be out in the open so that there are no delusions about the direction this country is really going in. If I lived in Louisiana, I would actively campaign for David Duke. Put all the social ills out there if it means putting America back on track and stepping forward as a strong and united nation.

    I will be running for President in 2020 if I am not seen running for my life before then.

    Hey Buddy,

    That's why said America is a white country. By numbers. The white race is massive. 80% of the US.

    Radicals do not need to grow any larger. It would be very bad . I have no doubt there are white people on the fence. I did mention I believe race issues took a step back. It all looked fine and dandy but underneath there is enough animosity to cause issues in certain areas of this country. It s so easy to spin hate of another race when things look bleak. So easy to twist comments and say a ha. Well you accuse white people of doing what blacks just did. Same the other way around. The radicals understand the numbers game. Its a simple concept. It works.

  13. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by SKM View Post
    You are calling white people "white nationalist" because you do not like them. You still have not answered the question so I will take no answer as 'no'.
    Again, I did not call 'white people' white nationalists', I referred to a specific group of white people who CALL THEMSELVES white nationalists by the term, because I assume, when they call themselves white nationalists, they are white nationalists.

    And I did not answer your question because a discussion involves some back and forth, versus you simply assigning false meanings to my statements.

    Only a naive fool believes that a functional coalition that includes minorities can also include white nationalists with carte blanche to anonymously harass people in support of candidates they are helping get elected, without minorities and any who support them becoming among the chosen targets.

    In short, you cannot form coalitions with both white nationalists and minorities, it has never worked, it has always been at the cost of the minorities in American history.

    Since you are choosing a disingenuous approach to discussion, I believe I have said my piece.

  14. #59

    Quote Originally Posted by Faux Newbie View Post
    In short, you cannot form coalitions with both white nationalists and minorities, it has never worked, it has always been at the cost of the minorities in American history.
    This is not true. You can have alliances if you face a common foe.


  15. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by mickey View Post

    This is not true. You can have alliances if you face a common foe.

    In U.S. history, when open white nationalism had any power, the only reason this ever happened was either coercion of the black Americans by threat of force, or because they were not supporting the South, but the federal government, with the purpose of gaining equal rights.

    Having white nationalists in some places of power again will give the impression that no matter what they do, it does not matter.

    Never mind what the majority of white people think of having white nationalists anywhere near the mechanisms of government. Many Republicans are not actually happy about it, Democrats aren't, minorities aren't. Most voters aren't aware of the connections yet, but that won't last if he keeps those connections or other radicals in the GOP make use of them.

    The Republicans, for the most part, voted along party lines, with slightly less than last time. Most have no idea of the courting of white nationalists, that it is an actual thing. Most voters will not think much of that. Assuming no sweeping changes to our form of government, he probably can't count on that twice, given that a fair number of Republicans voted for Hillary, someone they hate, because they thought she was the lesser of two evils.

    Find some 'common enemy', and you find someone that minorities will say, 'Oh, so white nationalists hate them? Kind of like us? Gosh, let's do this."

    No, the idea of such a coalition is naive in the face of our history.
    Last edited by Faux Newbie; 11-11-2016 at 10:02 AM.

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