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Thread: 2016 Presidential Elections: The Dirt thickens

  1. #61
    This is an endless pit.

    I sure hope we get jobs and people can be happy.

  2. #62


    In time, I will delete this thread.

    I find it interesting that when I mentioned the NeoCons it was like I passed bubbly gas in a classy, black tie, function: hardly noticed. It did not fit in with the conditioning displayed here.


  3. #63
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    CA, USA

    Check out my last two-sentence paragraph in post #22. I feel this is what's really happening, and all the rest is mostly smoke and mirrors.

  4. #64
    Well I assume Trump got their vote or some of it.

    Conditioning. YES. We all learned this stuff through repetition. That is potentially the only thing I like about the kids in my sons generation. I like them of course. But they have done so well with the more prevalent mix of races today.

    When I went to school there was maybe 10 black kids in HS. It was a white town. In fact blacks really were not allowed din our town. That did not change until the Regan era. My family had a the medical and home service fields. You have heard of Visiting Nurse. Predate them in Rochester anyway. Lost it all in the Bush era because of taxes. In fact we almost lost everything. Im still ****ed at that. Back to point. We used to have lots of black employees stopping by the house. Not exactly popular with the people on the street, LOL.

    "OMG they have black people at their house", LOL. Hired a few Mohawks too. And poor white people. Most started at 5 an hour. Minimum was like 3- 3.25. Nurse aids or cleaners. Home cleaning. The aids made like 8 on average. Nurses were paid more than the Hospital because they could get it. Most black females became aids. Most black men did not want to do that so cleaners.

    I think at one point we were maybe 35-40% black staffed.
    Last edited by boxerbilly; 11-11-2016 at 11:13 AM.

  5. #65
    Greetings Jimbo,

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post

    Check out my last two-sentence paragraph in post #22. I feel this is what's really happening, and all the rest is mostly smoke and mirrors.
    I did read it.

    Back in the late 1980's NYC was in turmoil because a jogger was allegedly raped by a group of black adolescent boys. Donald trump was heated about this matter and took out ad space in a local newspaper to voice it. The boys made "confessions" using words they did not have understanding of and ended up doing time. Donald Trump's stand was dependent upon the "information" he was given. Even after the boys were exonerated over a decade later, Trump's so called police contacts insisted they were guilty. My assessment is that Trump is not on the inside track with ANYONE and that is why both Democrats and Republicans really did not want him. Now, he is going to have to play some ball. I do think if he keeps his head together, he might be able to do some good things. If he lines up with the established ills as you suggested, he will get taken out with a bullet. The people who lined up with him know what is going on and are past the tipping point. They are not interested in being crossed. Trump's Presidency is a very serious moment for everyone in America.

    Last edited by mickey; 11-11-2016 at 11:59 AM.

  6. #66
    Potentially Dangerous Taxpayers, 1990s:
    The IRS initially notified the public of militants with tax rage in 1991, handing law enforcement a list of 8,800 "potentially dangerous taxpayers." The title "potentially dangerous taxpayer" may sound like a hilarious badge of honor for your tax-hating uncle, or a possible Twitter bio for Wesley Snipes, but shortly after the list came out, members of the "Tax Protest Movement" showed they were serious by stepping up violence against the IRS. Fortunately, the 1990s was an era of rampant incompetence among members of the militant tax protester community.

  7. #67
    People got on that list or similar for saying . "Im going to kill myself because I cant pay this. The PENALTIES. " Tossed in jail. Accounts froze. Property taken. Business closed. Jobs lost. All because of late fee interest. Payroll peaked at 50 grand a month. All those jobs lost because of taxes and the fines for being late. One time. It snowballed. We were not the only ones.

  8. #68
    By the way. Anyone born to a US parent , even if you never stepped foot on US soil could be arrested when you do so for tax evasion. LOL. True. You may officially still be classed a US citizen and if you worked abroad. YOU OWE !

    Oh let me put to rest that nonsense I guess even Trump was spewing to Obama haters. It does not matter where Obama was born. His mother was a US citizen which made him a US citizen and legal to become President. I was also born in Hawaii. But I could have been born anywhere and still I am a US citizen by birth because of my parents. And eligible for President but since Mickey is running I can fu--k off for a bit longer.

  9. #69

    The Clear and Present Dangers

    Live Free or Die

    Quote Originally Posted by mickey View Post


    In time, I will delete this thread.

    I find it interesting that when I mentioned the NeoCons it was like I passed bubbly gas in a classy, black tie, function: hardly noticed. It did not fit in with the conditioning displayed here.

    I keep a copy of all my posts that are in fact essays and I repost most of them elsewhere. I'm writing for myself, to advance my own research, I'm fully aware that I'm writing to a dead audience here. It is very freeing to be in such a milieu. It allows me an abstraction of the material.

    I would say everyone in this thread is doing their best to avoid the predominant issues and threats that America and that they themselves faces today, the foremost being Islamic Jihad (Both Violent Jihad and Cultural Stealth Jihad or Islamification) , the other being Cultural Marxism.To lose a delusion of Induced Identity Dysfunction is too much to bear for most people.

    Name:  Cw6VUmiXUAIWcCq.jpg
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    The Jihad stops here


    The Truth About the Trump Protests

    These are America's real enemies. They do not believe in Democracy. They ally with Islamic Fascism to try to destroy America. They are not Dem/Hillary supporters, that is a useful tool of destruction.. They are in fact revolutionary Cultural Marxists (whether they know it or not) with an agenda to destroy the entire cultural inheritance of Western Civilization and America.

    Paul Joseph Watson

    Published on Nov 10, 2016

    F.. off to North Korea, you democracy-hating clowns.
    Last edited by wolfen; 11-11-2016 at 06:09 PM.

  10. #70

    Missing the Forest for the Trees

    Somehow the big pack of dobermans in the front yard was overlooked...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post

    Check out my last two-sentence paragraph in post #22. I feel this is what's really happening, and all the rest is mostly smoke and mirrors.
    IMO, totally superficial, you addressed none of the issues and civilizational threats in post 42 and post 49.

    And if one believes in a shadow government behind the scenes that's REALLY running the show, then anything Trump does will be within whatever hidden agenda is already in place.

    The "Shadow Government" is fully out in the open it's the Globalists (power elite) who are using Cultural Marxism Terrorism , control of the media, control of media elected Progressive Leftists,. and Islamic Terrorism to attempt to achieve absolute power by creating chaos and destroying Western Nation States and Western Civilization. . Trump is a force opposing them not a force "within them". That was his election platform and why he was elected
    Of course the Globalists are not going away, Trump's struggle in office will be a struggle against them. The MSM , the Globalist owned media is already trying to destroy his Presidency.

    I find it interesting that when I mentioned the NeoCons it was like I passed bubbly gas in a classy, black tie, function: hardly noticed. It did not fit in with the conditioning displayed here.

    From that post

    "The real fight that got Trump into office is the pushback against the Neo Conservatives. And this alluded to but never spelled out. Media kept it that way. Yet, within this thread, there is so much push button rhetoric that it obfuscates the real fight. "
    Of course this is true. Trump represents a new party, a people's party, a last gasp for freedom. I have advocated over 15 years for this. I have previously and many times to many people said there is only one Party , the Corporate Party which is the voice of the power elite (now understood as "Globalists"). The Republicans and Democrats are merely two views of the same voice. For the first time ever , the people have recognized this and reacted to it.

    Now people are starting to wake up understanding what the term "Globalist" means. The Globalists are merely the top dogs of the power elite. I have been warning for many years that they would make their play for absolute domination, absolute totalitarianism. Hillary, Trudeau, Merkel , all owned by the Globalists has been that final play, the final push for a totalitarian state. . They have been defeated ..maybe, for now .. in America. All the activists on the internet know this, It is taken for granted. But perhaps most of the sheeple have not gained full consciousness of themselves.

    However, this is just background. It's just trivial compared to the issues of civilizational survival which forced the development of this new "people's party' which are not addressed here or in any "conditioning" displayed in the globalist MSM which is the only agency which is doing any "conditioning".

    Why Donald Trump Won | Bill Mitchell and Stefan Molyneux

    Stefan Molyneux

    Published on Nov 10, 2016

    Defying the mainstream media and most polling data, Donald J. Trump was elected as the next President of the United States on November 8th. How could all the mainstream polls and pundits get this so wrong? Bill Mitchell joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss how he was able to see through the manipulations of the media, the Anti-Donald bias in polling and what we can expect from the new President-Elect moving forward.

    Bill Mitchell is the host and creator of YourVoice Radio and one most influential non-candidates in social media the election cycle - with close to 150,000 Twitter followers and millions of impressions daily.
    Last edited by wolfen; 11-12-2016 at 02:31 AM.

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