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Thread: Cheung Hung Sing: Founder of Hung Sing Choy Lee Fut Kung Fu

  1. #151
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    Info about Monk Ching Cho. "ching cho monk. When the temple was built in bat pai san he became a monk at age 56 under the monk heng yan whom was the head instructor of the 36 chambers of shaolin"

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    Hung Sing Boyz, we gottit on lock down
    when he's around quick to ground and pound a clown
    Bruh we thought you knew better
    when it comes to head huntin, ain't no one can do it better

  2. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by hskwarrior View Post
    Thanks for posting that, Frank.

    I remember reading a book (was it DFW's?) that said the 'Fut' (Buddha) part of CLF was added to the name to pay homage to the art's Buddhist roots, but it made no mention of a Fut Gar connection. Which IMO always seemed a bit odd. Your info absolutely makes sense.

    BTW, I'm still looking forward to your book! The world needs a really good book on CLF.
    Last edited by Jimbo; 11-28-2016 at 08:55 AM.

  3. #153
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    Thanks for posting that, Frank.

    I remember reading a book (was it DFW's?) that said the 'Fut' (Buddha) part of CLF was added to the name to pay homage to the art's Buddhist roots, but it made no mention of a Fut Gar connection. Which IMO always seemed a bit odd. Your info absolutely makes sense.

    BTW, I'm still looking forward to your book! The world needs a really good book on CLF.
    Thanks bro.

    Until a recently, For Chan family CLF it was always Choy & Lee with Fut meaning buddha. For Cheung Hung Sing's lineage we have Choy, Lee, and Fut Gar Kuen. IMO, CLF wants to remain relevant so they adopted our Fut Gar meaning on Fut. i've also noticed chan heung schools changing their style name from CLF to Hung Sing CLF. Chan Heung didn't create Hung Sing CLF. Cheung Hung Sing created Hung Sing CLF.

    When i post things on the Green Grass Monk, it's to demonstrate that Cheung Hung Sings lineage did not concoct the Green Grass Monk to elevate ourselves. we have always just told our own story the way we know it.

    my book had to be put on hold for the moment in order for me to navigate through this mess i'm going through right now
    Hung Sing Boyz, we gottit on lock down
    when he's around quick to ground and pound a clown
    Bruh we thought you knew better
    when it comes to head huntin, ain't no one can do it better

  4. #154
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    Thanks, Frank.

    Well, I hope everything resolves itself for the best. Whenever you're able to get around to the book is all good. I'll buy one whenever it becomes available, regardless.

  5. #155
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    Personally I think when the term "Fut Gar" is used with regard to CLF it really is referring to "Buddhist Family" and not necessarily the style "Fut Gar". Same goes with Choy - from Choy Fook. People use "Choy Gar" but I think they are just paying homage to Choy Fook using it in that way and again not necessarily the style "Choy Gar".

    For me the "fut" refers to Buddhist roots and thus the connection to Siu Lum Gee.

    Just my 2 cents.

  6. #156
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    right, your roots are more chan heung than Cheung Hung Sing. from that side it's always been said the FUT in choy lee fut was intended to honor the buddhist roots (not the style of Fut Gar). As far back as i can remember, Cheung Yim's lineage claims we put the FUT in choy lee fut (meaning the fut gar). Choy Lee Fut's usaged of "Fut Gar" is a recent issue claiming it came from chan yuen wu. However, many chan fam people have documented he (chan yuen wu) taught "Hung Kuen" later the claim was it was "Fut Gar" now it is called "Hung Fut".

    Hung Kuen Mention: "At the age of seven, his uncle, Chan Yuen Woo, taught him in the art of the Hung Fist."

    Fut Gar mention: "and his uncle Chan Yuen-Woo 陳遠護who taught him Fut Gar"

    Hung Fut Mention: 陈远护乃少林俗家弟子,骠师出身,曾师从广东肇庆鼎湖山庆云寺的“独杖禅师”,为“洪佛拳”高手,
    Hung Sing Boyz, we gottit on lock down
    when he's around quick to ground and pound a clown
    Bruh we thought you knew better
    when it comes to head huntin, ain't no one can do it better

  7. #157
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    HO YEE - Hung Sing Kwoon

    作者: 来源: 发布时间:2016年02月01日 点击数: 60

      何义,(1900—1976)南海狮山人,为人正直,少年时代即拜鸿胜祖馆二传黄四(1868—194 8)为师,学习鸿胜祖馆的蔡李佛拳械,对师傅黄四,生养死葬,(因黄四终生无结婚)极尽弟子之礼 。
    我很小的时候,就听老一辈的人说,黄四师公拳脚十分了得,特别是他的软硬佛掌、腿脚功夫,与人过招,从无对 手;棍法造诣也很深,佛山一带的泥墙屋,墙厚坚实,黄四演练棍法时,一招四平枪棍,棍嘴能插进泥墙里,放开 双手,插在墙上的棍还震颤不停。黄四师公跌打医术十分精湛,我母亲幼年时曾跌仆,双手骨折,是黄四师公帮她 治好的,此后几十年从未复发过。何义师傅是黄四师公的首徒,能尊师重道,勤学苦练,所以,武术和跌打伤科, 尽得真传。
      黄四仙逝后,每年清明,何义师傅必与师弟霍康一起,前往石湾鸿胜馆的墓地拜祭师傅黄四以及鸿胜馆的先贤 ,小儿子何锦华稍懂事,即携其一同前往拜祭,直到文化大革命,造反派破四旧把墓地摧毁才只好作罢。并终其一 生,不遗余力教授鸿胜蔡李佛拳械,所授弟子无数,深得同辈和后人称颂。
      何义师傅从十九岁开始任助教,协助师公黄四教授鸿胜蔡李佛拳术。二十世纪初,师公黄四的师兄陈盛主持鸿 胜祖馆,与当时追随官府的义字派拳馆势不两立,鸿胜馆的狮队与义字派的狮队每逢佛山有甚么神宫诞,秋色,或 元旦、春节巡游,两派狮队相遇,必定打得不亦乐乎。上世纪二十年代初,有个时期,陈盛认为醒狮队惹事,在鸿 胜馆所有分馆暂停醒狮活动,停止教授醒狮。师公黄四则认为武馆不能没有醒狮,于是在石角栅下成立了螺涌社, 黄四牵头,以徒弟何义、霍康为骨干,既教授武术又大力发展醒狮队。(当时叫鸿胜馆外围狮队)时间不长,祖馆 又恢复了醒狮队的活动,使鸿胜馆的传统醒狮得以延续和发展。
      上世纪二三十年代,何义师傅除了帮助师公黄四教授弟子外,还在佛山三圣宫、惺台宫、烈圣宫即螺涌社任主 教练,门下弟子众多。一九二七年四月十二日,国民党在上海杀害共产党人,发动反革命政变,四月十五日,国民 党当局即来查封佛山工代会、农协会、鸿胜祖馆和各个分馆,何义师傅被迫停止活动,回乡下南海狮山大涡塘继续 教授蔡李佛拳械,后又应南海大榄村的邀请,到该村任教,弟子有九十人。至一九三七年卢沟桥事变后才回佛山公 开复馆招收徒弟。一九三八年十月,广州、佛山相继沦陷,在那个兵荒马乱的时期,何义师傅又应陈盛的徒弟绰号 皮蛋面(因师傅没说他的真名)的邀请,到香港帮教蔡李佛拳术,直至太平洋战争爆发。有个时期,崔章师傅在广 州开了几家拳馆,一个人忙不过来,于是邀请何义师傅到广州帮教,与崔章师傅结下很深的友谊。
      当局后来查封佛山工代会、农协会、鸿胜祖馆和各个分馆,何义师傅被迫停止活动,回乡下南海狮山大涡塘继 续教授蔡李佛拳械,后又应南海大榄村的邀请,到该村任教,弟子有九十人。至一九三七年卢沟桥事变后才回佛山 公开复馆招收徒弟。一九三八年十月,广州、佛山相继沦陷,在那个兵荒马乱的时期,何义师傅又应陈盛的徒弟绰 号皮蛋面(因师傅没说他的真名)的邀请,到香港帮教蔡李佛拳术,直至太平洋战争爆发。有个时期,崔章师傅在 广州开了几家拳馆,一个人忙不过来,于是邀请何义师傅到广州帮教,与崔章师傅结下很深的友谊。
      师傅教授我们拳术时,非常严格,一招一式都很认真,已教的招式练不好,就不教新的,现在我还清楚记得, 师傅已年近古稀,穿着上世纪六十年代的硬底塑料凉鞋,滑溜溜的,但走马标马却十分稳固,出手快速有力。师傅 的软鞭也十分了得,夏天,师傅喜欢光着上身,肩头搭条高丽巾,有一次,师傅演练软鞭给我们几个师兄弟看,只 见他挥动手中的高丽巾“啪啪”两声,高丽巾瞬间在吴伯泉耳旁两边飞过,吓得吴伯泉紧闭双目。师傅还把馆传十 诫文口授给我们,并详细解释其中的含义,师傅口授的十诫文是:“一、得师,二、苦练,三、当头手不善,四、 节色,五、补食,六、六步雄推标打力,七、长气,八、发响,九、久敌棋逢手不让,十、日久多磨推不动。”师 傅还教导我们:学武术首先要学武德,要尊敬师长,师兄弟之间要互相帮助,待人接物要礼貌,针对我们几个徒弟 年轻气盛,特别强调不许打架惹事生非,如果谁在外面打架了,就不认谁做徒弟,所以我们几个同辈师兄弟,都能 遵循师傅教导,到现在几十年了,从来没有在社会上惹事打架。
      何义师傅不单武术底子深厚、全面,而且跌打医术也十分精湛,医德高尚,我们跟随师傅学艺时就多次看见很 多伤病患者上门求医,师傅问了发病原因,察看伤势后即口授处方,患者记下,或汤剂,或洗方、敷方,让其到药 店自行配药,师傅分文不取,求医者无不交口赞誉。我们几个顽徒,师傅也传授强身健体的单方给我们,令我们终 生受益。

    佛山鸿胜祖馆 黄镇江
    Hung Sing Boyz, we gottit on lock down
    when he's around quick to ground and pound a clown
    Bruh we thought you knew better
    when it comes to head huntin, ain't no one can do it better

  8. #158
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    Until NOW, there seemed to have been a identity mishaps in regards to the person known as Tong Sek of Choy Lee Fut. the photo below effectively clears up any confusion to whom Tong Sek was. Doc Fai Wong's Tong Sek is found in the picture on the left, not the right

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    Hung Sing Boyz, we gottit on lock down
    when he's around quick to ground and pound a clown
    Bruh we thought you knew better
    when it comes to head huntin, ain't no one can do it better

  9. #159
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    Tong Sek of the Fut San Hung Sing Kwoon (My Di Sigung)

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    Hung Sing Boyz, we gottit on lock down
    when he's around quick to ground and pound a clown
    Bruh we thought you knew better
    when it comes to head huntin, ain't no one can do it better

  10. #160
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    Hung Sing Boyz, we gottit on lock down
    when he's around quick to ground and pound a clown
    Bruh we thought you knew better
    when it comes to head huntin, ain't no one can do it better

  11. #161
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    Chan Sing my ancestor

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    .................................................. ...............
    Hung Sing Boyz, we gottit on lock down
    when he's around quick to ground and pound a clown
    Bruh we thought you knew better
    when it comes to head huntin, ain't no one can do it better

  12. #162
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    one of my designs

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    Hung Sing Boyz, we gottit on lock down
    when he's around quick to ground and pound a clown
    Bruh we thought you knew better
    when it comes to head huntin, ain't no one can do it better

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    Hung Sing Boyz, we gottit on lock down
    when he's around quick to ground and pound a clown
    Bruh we thought you knew better
    when it comes to head huntin, ain't no one can do it better

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    Hung Sing Boyz, we gottit on lock down
    when he's around quick to ground and pound a clown
    Bruh we thought you knew better
    when it comes to head huntin, ain't no one can do it better

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    Hung Sing Boyz, we gottit on lock down
    when he's around quick to ground and pound a clown
    Bruh we thought you knew better
    when it comes to head huntin, ain't no one can do it better

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