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Thread: Strength Training Links

  1. #226
    Join Date
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    Pound Town
    Quote Originally Posted by Raipizo View Post
    Off the topic of that, but over at and making a custom protein powder. My question being, say I add whey, casein, and brown rice, would that be a complete protein because I know you often have to add rice and beans together to make a complete protein or would also adding hemp or pea protein be needed? I also suggest taking a look over that site, pretty good stuff for much cheaper than anywhere else.

    I eat powder when i really cant have food but best food is real food

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  2. #227
    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post

    I eat powder when i really cant have food but best food is real food


    Guy in link fails to tell the supplements he uses, LOL. Like Winny and Nandro.

    Bodybuilders eat like CRAP most of the time until a few months out. Then they clean up the diet and cut the amount they eat. That is also when they tend to use things like protein powder. Or when cycling- your body will use the excess protein for muscle when you are on. Get the protein without the calories.

    Just go to a vegan site about what needs to be combined with what to make a complete protein. It is sort of crap. Because you do not need to eat that combo at the same time but most already do anyway. Like beans and tortillas. Burrito. I like meat so I don't even worry about it.

    First guy that I know of to say supplements were a joke- Arthur Jones. He was probably not the first either.
    Last edited by boxerbilly; 01-03-2016 at 10:58 AM.

  3. #228
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    He goes into great detail about his cycling habits in other videos; also covers the reasons people have for bodybuilding, including body image issues, feelings of inadequacy, etc.

    But yes, supplements are nice, but not essential... usually. I universally recommend zinc/magnesium, fat (usually Omega 3, or coconut) and protein. That's to cover the nutrient-deficient lifestyles my clients lead.
    BreakProof Back® Back Health & Athletic Performance

    "Who dies first," he mumbled through smashed and bloody lips.

  4. #229
    Quote Originally Posted by Vash View Post
    He goes into great detail about his cycling habits in other videos; also covers the reasons people have for bodybuilding, including body image issues, feelings of inadequacy, etc.

    But yes, supplements are nice, but not essential... usually. I universally recommend zinc/magnesium, fat (usually Omega 3, or coconut) and protein. That's to cover the nutrient-deficient lifestyles my clients lead.
    Yeah on the zin/mag and I also like cal. Ive tried fish oils across the board. I pass . They make my skin dry out always. Fish is fine with my system. I don't think coconut oil is any better than any other oil and in fact the healthiest oil may in fact be canola oil. What do you believe is enough protein ?

  5. #230
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    Hong Kong
    Dear Destrous9,

    First of all, I largely agree with your training method. My story is that from 2016-17, I have tried to build up more muscles. And two years are more than long enough to reach the conclusion that the training method did not work. In Sept 2017, I was weighing 56 kg. My goal is to reach 60 kg. So starting from that time, the change in my training program was instead of one BB session per week, I added 1/2 BB session. And I also started to take more protein rich food daily, and protein supplement in training day. It has worked slowly, and I am now at 59 kg. The guy in the mirror also looks bigger and more ripped in his muscles.

    P.S. Would you mind to tell us why you have quitted BB?


    Hong Kong

  6. #231
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    kung fu training

    My joints are at their worst when I don't train. It seems (appears) that the muscle strength remains, while the tendons become soft, or weaker at a much faster rate. I think this can cause problems.

    When the muscle is far stronger then the tendons, and the muscle is used, I can notice it.

    I do have horrible tendonitis in my elbows, but only on pulling motions. For the first five years of my training, I used to train pushing motions much harder than pulling. So the tendonitis is my fault, not the lifting.

    kung fu schools

  7. #232
    Join Date
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    kung fu training

    My joints are at their worst when I don't train. It seems (appears) that the muscle strength remains, while the tendons become soft, or weaker at a much faster rate. I think this can cause problems.

    When the muscle is far stronger then the tendons, and the muscle is used, I can notice it.

    I do have horrible tendonitis in my elbows, but only on pulling motions. For the first five years of my training, I used to train pushing motions much harder than pulling. So the tendonitis is my fault, not the lifting.

    kung fu schools

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