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Thread: A True Definition Of MMA: A Very Unpopular Opinion

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  1. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Corner of somewhere and where am I
    Quote Originally Posted by Hakaider View Post
    I will not always reply against rabid MMA fans as I used to be one. I know there is very little reasoning with them.
    Translation: I don't have anything to back up my claims so I'm going home. And genetic fallacy.

    About TCMA guys getting beaten up by MMA guys. It's great marketing and supports MMA as a financial institution. No different than the other fighting fads or crazes of the past claiming to be the pinnacle. Here is why you are incorrect in your assessment.
    No, its ****ing demonstrable reality. Don't be an idiot.

    1. Masters of Ancient War

    In ancient times, soldiers fought on a battle ground using kung fu as a very formidable science.
    Nothing you have done in kungfu is adapted for battlefield use. Civilian self defense and warfare are two totally different things. Neither of which do you seem to know jack **** about.

    They were jacked and extremely skilled. One man killing 10 with hand to hand combat.
    If you want to talk about your larper fantasies or world of Warcraft, take your **** to the off topic forum

    I believe these masters would destroy most MMA fighters with precision. But, that comparison doesn't make too much sense as MMA fighters are not trained or focused on such things. Additionally, a lot of fake Kung fu fraudulent schools have moved away from their combative roots and sciences. If they ever understood them in the first place...
    You're pleading. And look stupid.

    2. Geographically and historically, it's an illogical statement.

    In order for your statement to be true, that means somehow MMA fighters travelled to Asia, located and beat down every Kung Fu Master and Hybrid Kung Fu practioner like philipino, malaysian and vietnamese masters. There are hundreds of different styles with tons of sub-systems with kung fu at their core or are influenced by them. So, I haven't seen all these guys destroyed. Until, this is the case... your statement is full of lies and fluff. But, it is marketable.
    Moving the goal post and argument from ignorance

    3. Getting into and becoming an MMA fighter doesn't have some high criteria or benchmark to meet.
    Then larpers should be all up in the cage. Funny how that isn't the case... This is also irrelevant to you opening argument.

    Kimbo Slice has deep combat knowledge like Ms. Piggy has anorexia. Dada 5000 had a heart attack moving around in a ring.
    And both of those people have done what 99% of traditional, martial artists never do, BEFORE they stepped into an actual cage.

    Connor Mcgregor is only a brown belt in bjj
    Only.... and also, still irrelevant

    and is looking for a big pay day to get out of the sport asap. RR was clearly someone who may have had a few hand picked fighters or cans.
    And I take it, you regularly go up against people that are the objectively demonstrable best fighters around in whatever biological designation you happen to be?

    John Jones said it best: "The best guys are not in the octogon. The guys who train me are far skilled than I am."
    Clearly you totally missed is point.

    Combative science goes far deeper than making someone tap.
    No one argued against this. Interestingly, YOU are the moron trying to build a myopic strawman to flail against.

    Since, the skill level of fighters in MMA is all over the place to quite low, it further solidifies the idea that MMA isn't a martial art in itself and can't really measure a form of high level combat competence.
    In what ****ing world does joining the red with the blue make a logical statement? You know, your apparent inability to demonstrate basic reasoning is the best evidence you've presented thus far that you actually have experience getting punched in the head...

    If the green is true, then kung fu is far worse.

    4. Random Youtube videos don't mean much...

    When I was an MMA-fanatic, I had very limited knowledge of what was really out there. I always showed the videos of guys getting killed by MMA fighters. Me and my buddies would laugh and wear our UFC shirts. Many around me were quick to say all TMA were frauds. Upon doing further research, I realized there are a lot of frauds in existence, but there quite a large amount of legit combative guys out there. Unfortunately, many legit guys got a bad and unfair label because a few childish challenges. On the flipside, there are plenty of MMA frauds in existence now because MMA is a cash cow. With my skill set, I could probably hurt a few people. I can film it and put it on youtube and then write: Kung Fu beats MMA. I wouldn't do that because it would make me a tool, MMA is not a fighting style and the entire business community of MMA would hate me. That action in itself would take away potential customers from McMMA gyms by presenting MMA as not the end all be all. Even the Kung Fu community would probably dislike me for bringing unwanted challenges as a swarm of MMA knuckleheads may be looking to beat up the first "kung fu master" they see to regain dignity. Yet, none of this proves anything... Why? Those videos and skills can be produced rather easily to portray anyone as a badass. At the end of the day, those videos don't really mean much or prove much.
    You're pleading again.

    5. I fought and won. Nuff said.

    I come from a traditional backgroud. I am proud of my heritage.
    So does everyone else here, you're not special.

    I didn't say I was an MMA fighter, when I fought in MMA matches.
    No one gives a ****.

    [quote]This irked some people, but I didn't care./quote]
    I doubt they lost sleep. You're not that important.

    I proudly stood up for my art and adapted my skills to fight againt MMA fighters and I won.
    So says every other larper that shows up here.

    It proves that you don't have to throw your traditional style under bus and start calling yourself MMA in order to gain respect.
    Another strawman

    I don't even have beef with MMA fighters or their community.
    No one ****ing cares. You're attempting to qualify your opinion by appealing to emotion rather than just simply making a ****ing logical argument.

    I still train with my best friend who is an MMA guy.
    I'm not racist, I have a lot of black friends but......

    I just don't respect guys who are lazy, got punched in the face, lacked the diligence to obtain deep knowledge and suddenly threw their entire style under a bus and say, "I'm MMA" as if it denotes they are untouchable now.
    Yet you seem to be the only one making this case....

    I won several matches. I learned to adapt and deal with various types of resistence using my style as a base. I rep my style and I build upon it and explore it scientifically. I may not line the wallets of the MMA business machine by doing that, but I don't care. They have enough cash anyway...
    Want a cookie?

    scientific method
    You keep using this phrase like you ****ing think you know what it means. As an actual, experienced scientist, you don't ****ing understand the 1st thing about empiricism and hypothesis testing. If you did, this idiotic thread wouldn't have been started and you'd be out training with all these fighters you supposedly know, rather than coming here to make yourself look like an idiot.

    MMA is empirical (science). STFU and go do it. Or go take your larp ass off to play age of wushu.
    Last edited by SoCo KungFu; 02-08-2017 at 02:11 PM.

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