Quote Originally Posted by Buddha_Fist View Post
Bruce recognized and talked about covering all ranges of combat ~5 decades ago. It took a lot of time for people to listen, but things have changed dramatically with the advent of MMA in mainstream culture.

It has been shown over and over again on TV for everybody to see since the 1990's that lack of ground game leads to an almost instant lost when dealing with people that know what to do in this arena. Whether everybody you meet in a sporadic street encounter knows grappling is a different question, but fact is that being well rounded requires you to learn proper grappling methods (no pseudo-grappling that people claim being there in Ving Tsun forms).

Now, becoming good in multiple fighting methods requires a good amount of time. But I think that in the long run, you do yourself good service to at least dabble a bit in grappling.

P.S.: Miguel, hope all is well!

What's up Emil, long time no see! Hopefully we can have lunch soon