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Thread: #metoo (An Open Secret: Hollywood - Please Watch)

  1. #76
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    Continued from previous post

    Photo: Faviola Dadis/Instagram

    TheWrap spoke to Dadis’ mother and her ex-boyfriend, who corroborated her account. Her mother, Ute, said her daughter told her what happened about a week later.

    Dadis is currently being represented by civil rights attorney Lisa Bloom.

    Both Dadis and Simons share an agent, but said they did not discuss their accounts before deciding to come forward. They said their agent introduced them to each other after learning from each of them, separately, about their accounts.

    Seagal has been spending time in Asia and Russia, where he is a passport-carrying citizen and enjoys a cozy relationship with Vladimir Putin.

    He has been previously been accused of harassment and other misconduct by actresses Portia de Rossi, Julianna Margulies, Katherine Heigl, Eva LaRue, Rae Dawn Chong, Lisa Guerrero and Jenny McCarthy. (A rep for Seagal told The Daily Beast of McCarthy: “Her claim is completely false”).

    Seagal has also been accused of sexual misconduct by several ex-assistants: Patricia Nichols, Kayden Nguyen, Blair Robinson, and an unnamed assistant.

    Marty Singer, Seagal’s lawyer at the time of Nguyen’s accusations, called them a “complete fabrication without a scintilla of truth.” Singer also said Seagal had “no knowledge” of Blair.

    Singer no longer represents Seagal.
    Seagal's 'at it again' may finally be catching up to him at Hollywood's Open Secret gets exposed. I wonder if this will affect his latest film, China Salesman. I doubt they could pull a Plummer/Spacey swap on that one.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #77
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    Rolling Stone coverage

    Steven Seagal Accused of 1993 Rape
    Two women have levied allegations against the actor, who has also been accused of sexual misconduct by Portia di Rossi, Jenny McCarthy and others

    Two women have accused actor Steven Seagal of sexual misconduct, including one alleged rape. Vyacheslav Prokofyev\TASS via Getty Images

    By Kory Grow
    3 days ago

    Two women have accused Steven Seagal of sexual misconduct, including a rape that one of the women claimed took place in 1993. The accounts, first reported by The Wrap, describe an alleged pattern where the actor would invite women to places where they expected to find multiple people, only to allegedly see only him; he'd then allegedly advance on them. The women said they both filed reports with the Los Angeles Police Department.

    "I have a platform that I will continue to use to amplify those who don't have a voice," writes actress and activist

    Regina Simons, 43, said she first encountered Seagal at a casting call for what would be the 1994 film On Deadly Ground. The production was casting Native Americans, and the actress, who's of Navajo and Sioux descent, borrowed regalia from her family. Seagal allegedly spotted her and introduced himself, inviting her and her brother, who'd accompanied her to the audition, on set. When she said she had a headache, she said the actor offered her a massage that included rubbing her hand and neck – which she felt was odd.

    After she shot her scene, Seagal allegedly invited her to what he described as a wrap party at his home. When she arrived, she said no one else was home and that he took her into another room. "He took me into this room and then just closed the door and started kissing me," she claimed. "He then took my clothes off and before I knew it he was on top of me, raping me. … I wasn't sexually active yet. People always talk about fight-or-flight. But no one talks about the freeze." She claimed she cried the whole time. Several people, including her mother and a bishop, corroborated that Simons had told them about the assault.

    Another woman, Dutch former model Faviola Davis, told The Wrap she'd gone for a "private audition" in 2002 for a Genghis Khan movie that ultimately was never made. Davis said she had expected a casting agent and a production assistant to be there, but when she arrived, she said she found only Seagal and a security guard. She'd been instructed to wear a bikini for the role, and Seagal allegedly asked her to disrobe so he could see her figure and then asked to act out a romantic scene.

    "I expressed that I was uncomfortable with that especially since I was in my bikini," Dadis told The Wrap. "And then he started pinching my nipples and grabbing my crotch area with his other hand. I quickly yelled, 'This audition is over!'" She attempted to leave but the guard reportedly blocked her exit; she claimed Seagal motioned that it was OK for her to leave and she did. Multiple people, including Dadis' mother, said she'd told them about the alleged incident, which she also described on Instagram.

    A rep for Seagal did not immediately respond to Rolling Stone's request for comment.

    LAPD reps said they were not able to speak about Seagal and Dadis' complaints. A spokeswoman for the police told the site that it was investigating a separate case regarding the actor that allegedly took place in 2005.

    More than half a dozen women in Hollywood have accused Seagal of sexual misconduct, including Portia de Rossi, Julianna Margulies, Katherine Heigl and Jenny McCarthy, among others. Similarly, several ex-assistants have levied accusations against the actor. A rep for Seagal told The Daily Beast that McCarthy's claim was "completely false," and a lawyer addressed two of the assistants who've accused him, saying Kayden Nguyen's accusation was "complete fabrication" and that the actor had "no knowledge" of another woman's claims. The Wrap reported that the lawyer no longer represented the actor.
    "Is the thrill that'll gitcha when you get your picture
    On the cover of the Rollin' Stone"

    Thread: Seagal is at it again
    Thread: An Open Secret: Hollywood - Please Watch
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  3. #78
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    40 percent of these claims are false

    Steven Seagal Says Accusers Have ‘Lied and Been Paid to Lie About Me Without Any Evidence’
    TheWrap reported last week on a woman who accused Seagal of rape in 1993
    Tim Molloy and Itay Hod | Last Updated: January 15, 2018 @ 6:56 PM

    Steven Seagal responded to sexual misconduct accusations against him by saying women have “lied and been paid to lie about me without any evidence, any proof, any witnesses.”

    “This is just a complete tragedy,” the action star told “InfoWars” host Alex Jones on Monday. “This isn’t just me but hundreds of people around the world,” he said, adding that “many of those people are completely innocent.”

    “I can tell you that 40 percent of these claims are false,” he added, without elaborating on how he arrived at that particular figure.

    “There is a whole force of people gathering around the world now putting in lots of money and lots of time investigation people who are coming are coming after us,” Seagal added in a remote interview from Japan. “The people who are being paid to lie and the people who are paying them to lie are going to be exposed.”

    Seagal did not respond to attempts to contact him last week when TheWrap reported the account of Regina Simons, a woman who said Seagal raped her in 1993 while she was an extra on his film “On Deadly Ground.” Her mother, a bishop at her church and a therapist, among others, corroborated that Simons had shared her story with them.

    Seagal chose Jones’ conspiracy-minded “InfoWars” to break his silence. In a lengthy interview, which covered everything from Vladimir Putin to the “deep state” to the so-called “gay-mafia,” Jones claimed that he was contacted by “former high-level people in the CIA and others, saying, ‘Hey Steven Seagal wants to talk to you and we need to get him on to counter the narrative.'”

    TheWrap first reported Thursday that the Los Angeles Police Department has opened an investigation into Seagal on a separate sexual misconduct case from 2005. The department declined further comment.

    Simons and another women recently filed complaints against the actor with the LAPD. Simons said Seagal invited her to his home in Beverly Hills in 1993 after she appeared as an extra in his movie “On Deadly Ground.”

    “He took me into this room and then just closed the door and started kissing me,” she told TheWrap. “He then took my clothes off and before I knew it he was on top of me, raping me… I wasn’t sexually active yet. People always talk about fight-or-flight. But no one talks about the freeze.”

    Simons is one of more than a dozen women who have accused Seagal of sexual misconduct, but she appears to be the first to publicly accuse him of rape. Dutch former model Faviola Dadis told TheWrap she filed a report about Seagal with the LAPD in the last month. Dadis said he groped her during an audition in 2002.

    The LAPD detective who Seagal and Dadis said they spoke to declined to comment, citing confidentiality.

    On Monday, ex-Bond girl Rachel Grant accused the actor of sexual assault in 2002 during a film rehearsal in Bulgaria.

    Through his lawyers, who spoke with the BBC, the action movie star has denied Grant’s assault accusation as well as another claim by the actress that he tried to expose himself.”I want to share what happened to me, so people will hear it and others might come forward,” Grant told the BBC.

    You can watch the full interview with Seagal above.
    I didn't watch the vid. If anyone does and wants to post the time codes for the best parts, be my guest.

    Thread: Seagal is at it again
    Thread: An Open Secret: Hollywood - Please Watch
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #79
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    CA, USA
    I watched part of it, but I cannot sit and listen to Alex Jones for very long. He grates on my nerves.

    Do I believe there are conspiracies? ABSOLUTELY. It's not all 'tinfoil hats'. But every one of the pundits out there has an agenda, including Alex Jones. I don't believe there are ANY truly 'good guys' in Washington, and that includes Trump. It doesn't matter how politically correct they are or not. IMO, they're all 'bad' to varying degrees, and at the least butt-kissing enablers, if they want to play the game. Kinda like a Tarantino film, where everybody is a scumbag to some degree or other.

    I also believe that there are some false accusations out there. I would hope not, but it's what's trending now. However, accusations against Seagal have been ongoing for YEARS, long before this #metoo movement ever took root. Long before Trump was president. Since long before Seagal ever began publicly discussing the 'deep state'.

  5. #80
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    Jan 1970
    I thought we had consensus that Steve was a creepy lech for a long time?
    Not to mention, he's a weirdo of the highest order.
    Way up there in his blues lama bubble wafting his own f@rts into the room.

    Kung Fu is good for you.

  6. #81

    Yes, Lets All Get Outraged!

    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post

    A source with knowledge of the situation, said: (REF:Stan Lee)
    Yeah, I know about this unknown source, . he was responsible for the "Russian Hooker Dossier" and told us all about Al Capone's Vault and as I was reading yesterday he was around in Wu Zetian's day getting rid of her political enemies. He's called "The Oracle". CNN, the MSN's premier conspiracy Fake News outlet, keeps him doped up on crack in a back room somewhere.

    The Producers - "I'm hysterical!"

    Yeah, lets all get outraged.
    I'm outraged.
    I'm very outraged.
    This is beyond insufferable!
    We are all going to die!
    Trump's a RACIST!
    Down with Stan Lee!
    Down with the Gang of Sex!
    (BTW Trump is insane)

    I suppose the idea of the "Conspiracy News" , the MSN, the propaganda arm of the deep state, is that we are supposed to get upset by this jumped up distorted trivia and ignore existential threats like the War in Europe and the Red-Green assault on our civilization. Generating faux or exaggerated outrage and hysteria is one of their main political tools in manipulating their audiences.

    Stan Lee had a run in with the Clintons, so perhaps he is a target of the Globalist MSN propaganda machine or just a convenient tool for progressive leftists to wage war on Western society.. I get the impression they are happy he got robbed, there was no sympathy there.

    I've taken care of relatives in long term facilities. I know the score there. The nurses have seen just about everything and they are tough beyond measure.
    Furthermore the system, the practices, take away the dignity and the rights of the clients. They insist on taking over their basic human functions "for their own good" and if they give them trouble , they dope them up if they can get away with it.

    They would have no trouble knocking Stan and his minder into the middle of next week. And note they had to manufacture the role of a minder because obviously complaining about a frail 95 year old won't wash.

    If there was anything there it probably was a power struggle between Stan and an authoritarian nursing operation that wanted to decide things for "his own good". It looks like Stan won. Good for him. You need to have 50 million dollars to call the shots when you get old or you will be treated like garbage.

    But as yet no police complaint has been made and no lawsuits filed.
    Exactly! But lets not let the facts stop anyone from being outraged. That way we can forget about the grenade attack by Muslims on a police station in Sweden yesterday or the fact that Bill Clinton was a brutal Serial rapist who was kicked out of Harvard for raping an 18 year old.
    (What!!! No outrage from the MSN?)

    You'd think with $50M, he could just buy some hookers.
    Maybe he does, who knows? If he does, he's in admirable health.
    Hookers at 8 PM , Medication at could work, the nursing staff would just have to incorporate it in the health plan.
    Last edited by wolfen; 01-19-2018 at 01:19 PM.

  7. #82

    TheWrap is Warped

    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    I didn't watch the vid.

    (RE; The Alex Jones Interview)

    Thread: Seagal is at it again
    Thread: An Open Secret: Hollywood - Please Watch
    This is the problem right here Ie those doing the so called "news reporting". They are in fact spearheading hit jobs.

    This is a part of the Hollywood Globalist Lying Propaganda Machine. The News-Entertainment Industry is owned by the Global Elite, only a few families. They are obvious economic mafia, yet they seem to have the population hypnotized.

    In this very article claiming to describe the Seagal Interview are several lies and deceits.

    40 percent of these claims are false

    In the Alex Jones Interview, Seagal said that about the "100's of people in Hollywood accused" NOT "people around the world" as misquoted in the article. Taking it out of context as it was presented it sounded like he was absurdly saying that just about the claims made against him.
    “I can tell you that 40 percent of these claims are false,” he added, without elaborating on how he arrived at that particular figure.
    Oh yes he did. He cited Michele Malkin who has made numerous detailed studies of this issue complete with many facts and observations. Seagal believes that is is underestimated according to his experience in Hollywood and estimates 60 percent and he qualifies it as a guesstimate.

    Seagal chose Jones’ conspiracy-minded “InfoWars” to break his silence.
    Oh yeah, present it negatively. Which is worse, a website which has a mix of real news and titillating conspiracy suggestions or an outright lying conspiracy machine like TheWrap?

    Seagal did not respond to attempts to contact him last week when TheWrap reported the account of Regina Simons, a woman who said Seagal raped her in 1993 while she was an extra on his film “On Deadly Ground.”
    Yeah well what idiot would talk to fake news organization that was attempting to destroy him with innuendo, and unsubstantiated allegations from 25 years ago?

    TheWrap first reported Thursday that the Los Angeles Police Department has opened an investigation into Seagal on a separate sexual misconduct case from 2005. The department declined further comment.
    Not an arguemnt and nothing to see here but innuendo.

    So I watched most of the interview. Alex is annoying, he frequently interrupts his guests and he likes to infer conspiracy innuendos. He is in the entertainment business. But Alex is honest and has a good heart unlike the venomous MSN News Anchors who ARE the conspiracy and lie 24 hours a day 7 days a week to pursue Globalist agendas. I recommend watching Alex's other news reporters - they ar every straightforward and usually concentrate on social issues without the conspiracy angle.

    There was really nothing much in the interview except that Seagal denied the rape charges and said of one the women he had never even talked to her. He said that the women or others contacted his producers trying to get him fired from various projects and contacted his children trying to alienate them and ruin him etc.
    He described ti correctly, it's a freaking hit job , nothing to do with law or due process.
    The Globalists or whatever their allies or minions took down Judge Roy Moore in an election, now it's open season to use the same techniques and allegations true or untrue, they don't care, to take down their enemies or just to destroy the fabric of American Society which is the Mission of the progressive-Marxist Democrats.

    He said that ...
    ...100's of people were being accused in Hollywood, his evaluation 60 percent completely innocent including him. There is no idea of due process. Most of the other cases are 20-35 years old , no witnesses and they are ruining people's lives.
    And in the bigger picture it is ruining America. ...
    And this last part seems to be true. It is the agenda of the progressive left to attack and destroy faith and trust in American Culture to make it easy to install totalitarian laws. This Globalist agenda using the Cultural Marxist method is proven true over and over everywhere in every aspect of Society.
    Seagal tried to spin some baloney IMO saying that he was part of the investigation into this treason and also into pedophilia. To me he sounds like a stoner trying to take credit for the efforts of others.
    The one thing they talked about that made sense to me , that I wasn't quite aware of before, was the connection between Globalist owned Hollywood in 'One Party Marxist California' and Communist China
    They are all the same animal! They are in alliance.
    No wonder they hate Russia. Russia went Capitalist and Christian.

    Segal may look like a sleazy weasel but it's just another hit job of someone or some people trying to destroy his life most probably because he is a Trump supporter, the hit crews are riding the wave of the METOO movement and he makes a good target.
    But why would any sane person care! The MSN trying to take him down are far more evil and they are responsible for the rape sexual assault of millions of Americans because of the policies they have advocated and put into place with their politicians and their subversive marxist social infrastructure .
    Their colleagues in Europe have made that continent a Rape Empire, and that is the future they have in mind for!

    So the Seagal versus TheWrap Issue is a Sleazy Guy versus Satan.
    Frankly Scarlet Press, I don't give a darn.

    Beware the Rape Allegation Bandwagon By Michelle Malkin

    women have flooded social media with their own long-buried accounts of being pestered, groped or assaulted by rapacious male predators in the workplace.
    Count me out.
    No. I do not believe every woman who is now standing up to "share her story" or "tell her truth." I owe no blind allegiance to any other woman simply because we share the same pronoun. Assertions are not truths until they are established as facts and corroborated with evidence. Timing, context, motives and manner all matter.
    It is irresponsible for news outlets to extrapolate how "commonplace" sexual abuse is based on hashtag trends spread by celebrities, anonymous claimants and bots. The role of the press should be verification, not validation. Instead of interviewing activist actresses, reporters should be interviewing bona fide experts.
    Published research has documented false rape and sexual assault rates ranging from 8 percent to 41 percent.
    Rape is a devastating crime. So is lying about it. Ignorant advocates and lazy journalists can be as dangerous as derelict detectives and prosecutors driven by political agendas instead of facts.

    Stan Lee accused of sexual misconduct (and no one buys it)

    No news here, just an opinion. The opinion is "what you see is what it is" - unsubstantiated claims, an obvious hit job by a proven dishonest media, allegations of behaviour that doesn't match a public personality well known for a long time and a possible extortion attempt gone wrong.
    I guess we do know "what sexual assault is all about" - Hollywood Lies and Marxist Politics.
    Last edited by wolfen; 01-25-2018 at 04:20 AM.

  8. #83
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    This interview is from 4 years ago, and the subject of pedophilia in Hollywood, particularly against boys/young men, is STILL being ignored. This whole #metoo movement means NOTHING if it doesn't address the ENTIRE spectrum of criminal sexual abuse, as opposed to only the obvious 50% of it.

    Last edited by Jimbo; 01-25-2018 at 09:33 AM.

  9. #84

    #MEtoo - Feminist Sexual Assault Complicity

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    This interview is from 4 years ago, and the subject of pedophilia in Hollywood, particularly against boys/young men, is STILL being ignored. This whole #metoo movement means NOTHING if it doesn't address the ENTIRE spectrum of criminal sexual abuse, as opposed to only the obvious 50% of it
    What do you expect? The #metoo "movement" is marxist fakery. It has nothing to do with protecting women, it has to so with using women as a weapon to destroy Western Culture. It doesn't even address 5 percent of Criminal sexual abuse in North America let alone Europe.

    Where was metoo or the MSN in Edmonton yesterday? Where were they in Michigan last week in the FGM trials? Take a good look what the feminists are ignoring In Edmonton. This is going on in Europe times 100,000 full tilt boogie. Assaults, rapes, FGM , honor killings, The Marxist Deep state ignoring it, refusing to arrest the criminals, arresting and silencing those who complain, letting the criminals go scott free or with light sentences even if they do get charges pressed.
    Welcome to the "METoo - Feminists being responsible for Criminal Sexual Abuse Movement" or
    "METoo - I was sacrificed as a Sexual Assault victim to advance the cause of Feminism".
    Call it #MEFooledTOO

    It is Europe's present nightmare and America's tomorrow. Under the Marxist Sharia Compliant Trudeau, Canada gets it in the neck first.

    Sheila Gunn Reid: Girls testify at Edmonton Mall "refugee" sex assault trial (Day 3)

    "The feminists of the metoo movement? They are not here for these girls. They are doing it all on their own."
    Last edited by wolfen; 01-25-2018 at 01:57 PM.

  10. #85
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Focusing on Kelly

    Woman accuses film star Steven Seagal of rape in 1993
    Updated 9:40 pm, Friday, January 26, 2018

    Photo: Ivan Sekretarev, AP
    FILE - In this Sept. 22, 2015, file photo, actor Steven Seagal speaks at a news conference, while attending an opening ceremony for a research and development center in Moscow, Russia. A once-aspiring actress has alleged Seagal raped her at a wrap party for the film “On Deadly Ground,” claiming he undressed her and assaulted her on his bed while she focused on a photo of Seagal’s wife on the nightstand. Regina Simons called the alleged assault “very predatory, very aggressive and traumatizing” during an interview that aired Friday, Jan. 26, 2018 on “Megyn Kelly Today.” She was 18 at the time.

    NEW YORK (AP) — A once-aspiring actress has alleged Steven Seagal raped her at a wrap party for the film "On Deadly Ground," claiming he undressed her and assaulted her on his bed while she focused on a photo of Seagal's wife on the nightstand.

    Regina Simons called the alleged assault "very predatory, very aggressive and traumatizing" during an interview that aired Friday on NBC's "Megyn Kelly Today." She was 18 at the time.

    Seagal's lawyer did not immediately return calls for comment Friday.

    Simons said she was surprised to find that she was the only one invited to Seagal's 1993 party to celebrate the end of filming. She had been an extra and said "before I knew it, he was on top of me and I couldn't move." She says she froze and "felt like I left my body."

    During the alleged attack, Simons said she remembers looking at a photo of Seagal and "the lady from 'Weird Science.'" At the time, Seagal was married to Kelly LeBrock, who starred in "Weird Science."

    Simon said she reported her allegations to Beverly Hills, California police, where the incident occurred.

    Other women have accused Seagal of sexual misconduct. Jenny McCarthy said the action star sexually harassed her during a 1995 audition, while Portia de Rossi accused Seagal of unzipping his pants during an audition.

    A Seagal spokesman denied McCarthy's accusations to The Daily Beast. McCarthy told the same story to Movieline in 1998.
    Thread: Seagal is at it again
    Thread: An Open Secret: Hollywood - Please Watch
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  11. #86

    The Silence of the Scams

    The MSN Lying Machine and the #METOO movement have plenty of unsubstantiated, politically motivated, slanderous attacks, with paid accusers, on prominent Hollywood Stars, like Steven Seagal but they are totally silent on the epidemic of rape, murder and abuse of women in Europe.
    Not only are they silent about it, they are part of it, they are responsible for it. They are the Stalinist Propaganda Lying Machine that used its power to get the politicians elected that are implementing the polices that do this and are responsible for the slow, (not so slow anymore) agonizing death of Europe.
    This is the fate of America, and what you will hear from the MSN Lying machine in America is silence, the same as the silence you are now hearing from them about Europe and about abuse from Islamification currently in America.

    It is the Silence of the Scams.
    Always look at the source. If it is the MSN and about politics remember they are a lying machine, and they have blood on their hands.

    Name:  eropa o1.jpg
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    #120dB The Truth Behind European Immigration


    Young German girls victim of migrant rapes start to find their voice and raise the issue that the media and government across Europe are trying to play down and keep quite.

    Ten of thousands here in the UK have suffered from these rape gangs and even more across Europe as a whole have suffered at the hands of Muslim men using Sharia Law as a justification as under Sharia Law the victims are to blame not the offenders.
    Name:  europa 00.jpg
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    From the Comments Section:

    You have no idea how brave this german girls are. For showing up in that video left wingers will try to get them fired from their jobs, they will never be able to work in any way for the government, their cars or homes may get burned by left wingers, you have a good chance to get physically attacked on you way home by Antifa and so on. Showing your face for such a topic instandly ends your normal life.

    (Some of the Women talked about in the video)
    Mia (15 years old) german girl butchered by one of angela merkels muslim refugees, RIP,
    Maria Ladenburger,student raped and then drowned in a river by one of angela merkels adopted muslim children, RIP,
    Maria M, land lady (70 years old) butchered by one of angela merkels muslim children, who scrawled "infidel" on her wall RIP,
    Jolanta K (20 years old) pregnant polish woman sliced open with a machete on busy street by another of angela merkels muslim children refugees RIP,
    Ebba (11 years old), deaf swedish girl deliberately driven over and killed by another muslim refugee RIP,
    Batalan Nightclub, 89 french teenagers,both male and female, held captive and shot to death in a nightclub, many of the victims were sexually abused and tortured to death with knifes,eyes gouged out and with their sexual organs cut off and mutilated and placed in their mouths RIP
    Governments are out of touch with the public, we're losing all national pride, people are being treated differently by the establishment n law depending on religion or colour of skin. They are true fascists. Can't go in a shop with your hood up, unless you're religious. That alone shows the direction we've gone in, unregistered little bylaws in society that people have to follow to continue shopping. Nobody should have their face covered then, it's this selective position that society takes why people are now joining patriotic movements regardless of how they view migration, we're being destroyed from the inside all across Europe and they said they would do this too (ISIS) so our leaders must do this on purpose.

    Also in the UK if there is a civil war and you flee the battle you'll be in front of military court, here we just let cowards in that flee civil wars, young strong men, who then go and terrorize our women just like this video shows, women are actually fearful, it's not about politics, it's about protecting our culture, daughters, grandmothers, mothers and children

    Merkel, for betraying her nation and being an accomplice in hundreds of rapes and murders of innocent German citizens deserves to be hanged in public like Mussolini. (And so do many Politicians in America who are already responsible for the deaths, rapes and mutilations of American women)
    Name:  Europa 1.jpg
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    120 decibels (#120db) is the name of their movement — after the sound intensity of rape alarms now carried by large numbers of European women.
    120db Site : 120DB is

    Women of Europe rise up against migrant sexual violence, rape jihad #120DB

    Any nation that sacrifices its girls sacrifices its future. And that is what Europe has done.

    Any civilization that sacrifices its young girls to an invading army has no future at all.

    The mass rape jihad enveloping Europe has been met with a wall of silence. One would imagine the most vocal opponents would be the (pink) *****hats. You would be wrong.
    Name:  europa 2.jpg
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    An Interview with Arianna of 120DB movement by Britanny Pettibone on youtube.

    Name:  europa 3.jpg
Views: 421
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    Last edited by wolfen; 02-05-2018 at 03:47 AM.

  12. #87
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    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.


    There's a vid of the car behind the link.

    This Is Why Uma Thurman Is Angry
    The actress is finally ready to talk about Harvey Weinstein.
    Maureen Dowd FEB. 3, 2018

    Yes, Uma Thurman is mad.

    She has been raped. She has been sexually assaulted. She has been mangled in hot steel. She has been betrayed and gaslighted by those she trusted.

    And we’re not talking about her role as the blood-spattered bride in “Kill Bill.” We’re talking about a world that is just as cutthroat, amoral, vindictive and misogynistic as any Quentin Tarantino hellscape.

    We’re talking about Hollywood, where even an avenging angel has a hard time getting respect, much less bloody satisfaction.

    Playing foxy Mia Wallace in 1994’s “Pulp Fiction” and ferocious Beatrix Kiddo in “Kill Bill,” Volumes 1 (2003) and 2 (2004), Thurman was the lissome goddess in the creation myth of Harvey Weinstein and Quentin Tarantino. The Miramax troika was the ultimate in indie cool. A spellbound Tarantino often described his auteur-muse relationship with Thurman — who helped him conceive the idea of the bloody bride — as an Alfred Hitchcock-Ingrid Bergman legend. (With a foot fetish thrown in.) But beneath the glistening Oscar gold, there was a dark undercurrent that twisted the triangle.

    “Pulp Fiction” made Weinstein rich and respected, and Thurman says he introduced her to President Barack Obama at a fund-raiser as the reason he had his house.

    “The complicated feeling I have about Harvey is how bad I feel about all the women that were attacked after I was,” she told me one recent night, looking anguished in her elegant apartment in River House on Manhattan’s East Side, as she vaped tobacco, sipped white wine and fed empty pizza boxes into the fireplace.

    “I am one of the reasons that a young girl would walk into his room alone, the way I did. Quentin used Harvey as the executive producer of ‘Kill Bill,’ a movie that symbolizes female empowerment. And all these lambs walked into slaughter because they were convinced nobody rises to such a position who would do something illegal to you, but they do.”

    Thurman stresses that Creative Artists Agency, her former agency, was connected to Weinstein’s predatory behavior. It has since issued a public apology. “I stand as both a person who was subjected to it and a person who was then also part of the cloud cover, so that’s a super weird split to have,” she says.

    She talks mordantly about “the power from ‘Pulp,’” and reminds me that it’s in the Library of Congress, part of the American narrative.

    Uma Thurman as Mia Wallace in Quentin Tarantino’s 1994 film, “Pulp Fiction.” Harvey Weinstein was an executive producer. Credit Miramax Films

    When asked about the scandal on the red carpet at the October premiere for her Broadway play, “The Parisian Woman,” an intrigue about a glamorous woman in President Trump’s Washington written by “House of Cards” creator Beau Willimon, she looked steely and said she was waiting to feel less angry before she talked about it.

    “I used the word ‘anger’ but I was more worried about crying, to tell you the truth,” she says now. “I was not a groundbreaker on a story I knew to be true. So what you really saw was a person buying time.”

    By Thanksgiving, Thurman had begun to unsheathe her Hattori Hanzo, Instagramming a screen shot of her “roaring rampage of revenge” monologue and wishing everyone a happy holiday, “(Except you Harvey, and all your wicked conspirators — I’m glad it’s going slowly — you don’t deserve a bullet) — stay tuned.”

    Stretching out her lanky frame on a brown velvet couch in front of the fire, Thurman tells her story, with occasional interruptions from her 5-year-old daughter with her ex, financier Arpad Busson. Luna is in her pj’s, munching on a raw cucumber. Her two older kids with Ethan Hawke, Maya, an actress, and Levon, a high school student, also drop by.

    In interviews over the years, Thurman has offered a Zen outlook — even when talking about her painful breakup from Hawke. (She had a brief first marriage to Gary Oldman.) Her hall features a large golden Buddha from her parents in Woodstock; her father, Robert Thurman, is a Buddhist professor of Indo-Tibetan studies at Columbia who thinks Uma is a reincarnated goddess.

    But beneath that reserve and golden aura, she has learned to be a street fighter.

    She says when she was 16, living in a studio apartment in Manhattan and starting her movie career, she went to a club one winter night and met an actor, nearly 20 years older, who coerced her afterward when they went to his Greenwich Village brownstone for a nightcap.

    “I was ultimately compliant,” she remembers. “I tried to say no, I cried, I did everything I could do. He told me the door was locked but I never ran over and tried the knob. When I got home, I remember I stood in front of the mirror and I looked at my hands and I was so mad at them for not being bloody or bruised. Something like that tunes the dial one way or another, right? You become more compliant or less compliant, and I think I became less compliant.”

    Thurman got to know Weinstein and his first wife, Eve, in the afterglow of “Pulp Fiction.” “I knew him pretty well before he attacked me,” she said. “He used to spend hours talking to me about material and complimenting my mind and validating me. It possibly made me overlook warning signs. This was my champion. I was never any kind of studio darling. He had a chokehold on the type of films and directors that were right for me.”

    Things soon went off-kilter in a meeting in his Paris hotel room. “It went right over my head,” she says. They were arguing about a script when the bathrobe came out.

    “I didn’t feel threatened,” she recalls. “I thought he was being super idiosyncratic, like this was your kooky, eccentric uncle.”

    He told her to follow him down a hall — there were always, she says, “vestibules within corridors within chambers” — so they could keep talking. “Then I followed him through a door and it was a steam room. And I was standing there in my full black leather outfit — boots, pants, jacket. And it was so hot and I said, ‘This is ridiculous, what are you doing?’ And he was getting very flustered and mad and he jumped up and ran out.”

    The first “attack,” she says, came not long after in Weinstein’s suite at the Savoy Hotel in London. “It was such a bat to the head. He pushed me down. He tried to shove himself on me. He tried to expose himself. He did all kinds of unpleasant things. But he didn’t actually put his back into it and force me. You’re like an animal wriggling away, like a lizard. I was doing anything I could to get the train back on the track. My track. Not his track.”

    She was staying in Fulham with her friend, Ilona Herman, Robert De Niro’s longtime makeup artist, who later worked with Thurman on “Kill Bill.”

    “The next day to her house arrived a 26-inch-wide vulgar bunch of roses,” Thurman says. “They were yellow. And I opened the note like it was a soiled diaper and it just said, ‘You have great instincts.’” Then, she says, Weinstein’s assistants started calling again to talk about projects.

    She thought she could confront him and clear it up, but she took Herman with her and asked Weinstein to meet her in the Savoy bar. The assistants had their own special choreography to lure actresses into the spider’s web and they pressured Thurman, putting Weinstein on the phone to again say it was a misunderstanding and “we have so many projects together.” Finally she agreed to go upstairs, while Herman waited on a settee outside the elevators.

    Once the assistants vanished, Thurman says, she warned Weinstein, “If you do what you did to me to other people you will lose your career, your reputation and your family, I promise you.” Her memory of the incident abruptly stops there.
    continued next post
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  13. #88
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    Continued from previous post

    Through a representative, Weinstein, who is in therapy in Arizona, agreed that “she very well could have said this.”

    Downstairs, Herman was getting nervous. “It seemed to take forever,” the friend told me. Finally, the elevator doors opened and Thurman walked out. “She was very disheveled and so upset and had this blank look,” Herman recalled. “Her eyes were crazy and she was totally out of control. I shoveled her into the taxi and we went home to my house. She was really shaking.” Herman said that when the actress was able to talk again, she revealed that Weinstein had threatened to derail her career.

    Through a spokesperson, Weinstein denied ever threatening her prospects and said that he thought she was “a brilliant actress.” He acknowledged her account of the episodes but said that up until the Paris steam room, they had had “a flirtatious and fun working relationship.”

    “Mr. Weinstein acknowledges making a pass at Ms. Thurman in England after misreading her signals in Paris,” the statement said. “He immediately apologized.”

    Thurman says that, even though she was in the middle of a run of Miramax projects, she privately regarded Weinstein as an enemy after that. One top Hollywood executive who knew them both said the work relationship continued but that basically, “She didn’t give him the time of day.”

    Thurman says that she could tolerate the mogul in supervised environments and that she assumed she had “aged out of the window of his assault range.”

    She attended the party he had in SoHo in September for Tarantino’s engagement to Daniella Pick, an Israeli singer. In response to queries about Thurman’s revelations, Weinstein sent along six pictures of chummy photos of the two of them at premieres and parties over the years.

    And that brings us to “the Quentin of it all,” as Thurman calls it. The animosity between Weinstein and Thurman infected her creative partnership with Tarantino.

    Married to Hawke and with a baby daughter and a son on the way, Thurman went to the Cannes Film Festival in 2001. She says Tarantino noticed after a dinner that she was skittish around Weinstein, which was a problem, since they were all about to make “Kill Bill.” She says she reminded Tarantino that she had already told him about the Savoy incident, but “he probably dismissed it like ‘Oh, poor Harvey, trying to get girls he can’t have,’ whatever he told himself, who knows?” But she reminded him again and “the penny dropped for him. He confronted Harvey.”

    Later, by the pool under the Cypress trees at the luxurious Hotel du Cap, Thurman recalls, Weinstein said he was hurt and surprised by her accusations. She then firmly reiterated what happened in London. “At some point, his eyes changed and he went from aggressive to ashamed,” she says, and he offered her an apology with many of the sentiments he would trot out about 16 years later when the walls caved in.

    “I just walked away stunned, like ‘O.K., well there’s my half-assed apology,’” Thurman says.

    Weinstein confirmed Friday that he apologized, an unusual admission from him, which spurred Thurman to wryly note, “His therapy must be working.”

    Since the revelations about Weinstein became public last fall, Thurman has been reliving her encounters with him — and a gruesome episode on location for “Kill Bill” in Mexico made her feel as blindsided as the bride and as determined to get her due, no matter how long it took.

    With four days left, after nine months of shooting the sadistic saga, Thurman was asked to do something that made her draw the line.

    In the famous scene where she’s driving the blue convertible to kill Bill — the same one she put on Instagram on Thanksgiving — she was asked to do the driving herself.

    But she had been led to believe by a teamster, she says, that the car, which had been reconfigured from a stick shift to an automatic, might not be working that well.

    She says she insisted that she didn’t feel comfortable operating the car and would prefer a stunt person to do it. Producers say they do not recall her objecting.

    “Quentin came in my trailer and didn’t like to hear no, like any director,” she says. “He was furious because I’d cost them a lot of time. But I was scared. He said: ‘I promise you the car is fine. It’s a straight piece of road.’” He persuaded her to do it, and instructed: “ ‘Hit 40 miles per hour or your hair won’t blow the right way and I’ll make you do it again.’ But that was a deathbox that I was in. The seat wasn’t screwed down properly. It was a sand road and it was not a straight road.” (Tarantino did not respond to requests for comment.)

    Thurman then shows me the footage that she says has taken her 15 years to get. “Solving my own Nancy Drew mystery,” she says.

    It’s from the point of view of a camera mounted to the back of the Karmann Ghia. It’s frightening to watch Thurman wrestle with the car, as it drifts off the road and smashes into a palm tree, her contorted torso heaving helplessly until crew members appear in the frame to pull her out of the wreckage. Tarantino leans in and Thurman flashes a relieved smile when she realizes that she can briefly stand.

    “The steering wheel was at my belly and my legs were jammed under me,” she says. “I felt this searing pain and thought, ‘Oh my God, I’m never going to walk again,’” she says. “When I came back from the hospital in a neck brace with my knees damaged and a large massive egg on my head and a concussion, I wanted to see the car and I was very upset. Quentin and I had an enormous fight, and I accused him of trying to kill me. And he was very angry at that, I guess understandably, because he didn’t feel he had tried to kill me.”

    Even though their marriage was spiraling apart, Hawke immediately left the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky to fly to his wife’s side.

    “I approached Quentin in very serious terms and told him that he had let Uma down as a director and as a friend,” he told me. He said he told Tarantino, “Hey, man, she is a great actress, not a stunt driver, and you know that.” Hawke added that the director “was very upset with himself and asked for my forgiveness.”

    Two weeks after the crash, after trying to see the car and footage of the incident, she had her lawyer send a letter to Miramax, summarizing the event and reserving the right to sue.

    Miramax offered to show her the footage if she signed a document “releasing them of any consequences of my future pain and suffering,” she says. She didn’t.

    Thurman says her mind meld with Tarantino was rattled. “We were in a terrible fight for years,” she explains. “We had to then go through promoting the movies. It was all very thin ice. We had a fateful fight at Soho House in New York in 2004 and we were shouting at each other because he wouldn’t let me see the footage and he told me that was what they had all decided.”

    Now, so many years after the accident, inspired by the reckoning on violence against women, reliving her own “dehumanization to the point of death” in Mexico, and furious that there have not been more legal repercussions against Weinstein, Thurman says she handed over the result of her own excavations to the police and ramped up the pressure to cajole the crash footage out of Tarantino.

    “Quentin finally atoned by giving it to me after 15 years, right?” she says. “Not that it matters now, with my permanently damaged neck and my screwed-up knees.”

    (Tarantino aficionados spy an echo of Thurman’s crash in his 2007 movie, “Death Proof,” produced by Weinstein and starring Thurman’s stunt double, Zoë Bell. Young women, including a blond Rose McGowan, die in myriad ways, including by slamming into a windshield.)

    As she sits by the fire on a second night when we talk until 3 a.m., tears begin to fall down her cheeks. She brushes them away.

    “When they turned on me after the accident,” she says, “I went from being a creative contributor and performer to being like a broken tool.”

    Thurman says that in “Kill Bill,” Tarantino had done the honors with some of the sadistic flourishes himself, spitting in her face in the scene where Michael Madsen is seen on screen doing it and choking her with a chain in the scene where a teenager named Gogo is on screen doing it.

    “Harvey assaulted me but that didn’t kill me,” she says. “What really got me about the crash was that it was a cheap shot. I had been through so many rings of fire by that point. I had really always felt a connection to the greater good in my work with Quentin and most of what I allowed to happen to me and what I participated in was kind of like a horrible mud wrestle with a very angry brother. But at least I had some say, you know?” She says she didn’t feel disempowered by any of it. Until the crash.

    “Personally, it has taken me 47 years to stop calling people who are mean to you ‘in love’ with you. It took a long time because I think that as little girls we are conditioned to believe that cruelty and love somehow have a connection and that is like the sort of era that we need to evolve out of.”
    Saddened to hear the Open Secret is sullying Kill Bill
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  14. #89
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    CA, USA
    CA Democratic Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia, head of the Legislative Women's Caucus and a leading figure in the #metoo movement, accused of groping a male staffer.

    Like I said, the problem of sexual harassment is NOT only an issue facing women. If true (and it sure sounds credible), this allegation is but another example of the hypocrisy of the #metoo movement and some of its most prominent and vocal supporters. The only difference is that this time, the spotlight is on an alleged female harasser.
    Last edited by Jimbo; 02-09-2018 at 09:21 AM.

  15. #90

    Snips and snails, and puppy dogs tails

    "Snips and snails, and puppy dogs tails, That's what little boys are made of." (Add choking and spitting and groping and raping)

    Disclaimer: I don't necessarily endorse any of the views in this video especially because Shapiro doesn't like Tarantino's films because I suppose he has a rod up his somewhere. However this commentary was the best I found detailing the occurrences.

    Ben Shapiro; Talks Quentin Tarantino vs Uma Thurman #MeToo Fiasco..!

    It is interesting that Quentin found he needed to take personal charge of spitting on and choking (two lead actresses). He had to do it himself and didn't want anyone else to do it. Art becomes life or life becomes Art?

    Quentin said he didn't say anything about Weinstein because he wanted to keep making movies. Lets note also that Uma didn't say anything because she wanted to keep making movies. It's a hard choice, but it's a choice, people choose their own success or the world would not run. In most hierarchical systems such as work or MA training people are often given the choice: eat a plate of someone else's bitter or walk out the door.

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Views: 414
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    “Then I followed him through a door and it was a steam room. And I was standing there in my full black leather outfit — boots, pants, jacket. And it was so hot and I said, ‘This is ridiculous, what are you doing?’ - Uma Thurman
    What did Uma think she was doing? You put on an outfit like that and you are not in Kansas anymore.

    Kill Bill is still re-watchable, except certain scenes I wish I didn't know so much about. You can't sully Hollywood anymore than it has been self-sullied, Every year at the Oscars each actor on stage dumps a bucket of sully on themselves by being the bought and paid for rabid propagandists of the Globalists.
    Last edited by wolfen; 02-10-2018 at 05:21 AM.

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