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Thread: #metoo (An Open Secret: Hollywood - Please Watch)

  1. #91

    Feminism is a Soft Genocide

    Feminism is a Soft Genocide implemented by ideologues to gain power for their ideology IE It's a weapon of Progressive Leftists, Marxists and communists to wreak havoc on society by weaponizing women to gain political power for Statism.

    There is no defense against "allegations", there is no way to disprove them. Many of the Hollywood accusations may be by made by paid opportunists and championed by the paid provocateurs of the MSN. Especially beware any woman who has gone to a University in current times, they have all become SJW Indoctrination camps. Forget about dating women at Uni...It's a trap!
    Even women that you have vetted can suddenly turn against you.
    Jordan Peterson says things are going to get worse for men, much, much worse.
    Not even nerds are safe.

    WEAPONIZING WOMEN by Stefan Molyneux

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    Hair Color = Predatory Warning!

    Gad Saad has a theory of why SJW Women dye their hair bright colours. It's based on the study of evolution and lizards. Lizards often have developed bright flaming colours as a way of making themselves fiercer than they are in order to scare their enemies.

    Why Do Social Justice Warriors Have Colored Hair? (THE SAAD TRUTH_505)
    Youtube Link Here:
    Last edited by wolfen; 02-11-2018 at 02:04 AM.

  2. #92

    The War on Men - Marxist Social Engineering

    The #metoo movement has been co-opted into vilifying masculinity and demoralizing men

    It's Marxism rebranded - an old marxist trick - Divide and Conquer.

    The War on Men - Paul Joseph Watson

    Jordan Peterson says he foresees all aspects of male masculinity coming under the legal control of the State..

    Watch out for the SJW's, they will think Kung fu is a prime example of toxic masculinity - Be careful out there!

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    They are here already... Yes, It's the Okinawan Karate School of Crying... one of the 36 Stratagems in the Art of War.

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  3. #93

    America's White Bone Terror

    This is not much different than Mao's Cultural Revolution. He created the Red Guards to destroy his enemies. In America, The Globalists ae using the SJW's to destroy American Nationalism and American Identity. It's for the same reason - to achieve power. When the Globalists achieve total economic power, political power will be meaningless.

    Jordan Peterson says its' going to get much worse.

    Matt Damon's Career is under serious attack.

    Matt Damon Attacked By #MeToo Harpies

  4. #94

    METOO's War on Women - The End of the Grid Girls

    The #METOO movement gets thousands of women fired, ends their careers and destroys an entire Industry.

    Get ready for a drab and dreary world.

    Feminists Pick The Wrong Target #GridGirls

  5. #95

    A follow up on the Grid Girls

    Interviews with fired Grid Girls and commentary.

    It looks like #METOO is going after all modeling and models.
    No group could hate women more than the feminist #METOO movement.

    Epic Levels of Leftist Hypocrisy

    Also there is commentary on "World Hijab Day" a subversive propaganda misogynist campaign.

  6. #96

    Ontario: A Sexual Deviant's Paradise

    I didn't think any place could be worse than California in terms of corruption and sexual abuse but here it is: Ontario, Canada!

    Here Faith Goldy describes the mass sexual abuse of Ontario Schoolkids and how they are groomed for sexual predators. Their educational program being constructed by child pornographers, lesbian activists etc. the Premier herself (Hizzen-self?) being a role mode for Caligula's decadence.

    Hollywood has nothing on this.

    This is the Bogeyman, MARXISM at work. A very vicious, deadly and real bogeyman.

    The Absolute State of Ontario

    Other than the dubious point of the existence of God, Faith is spot on here.

    There are four things I know in this life to be true:

    God exists;
    Europeans are being replaced in their homelands;
    Western schools are communist indoctrination camps;
    And Ontario is a s***hole province.

    In the wake of Patrick Brown's 'sex scandal,' I consider the real sexual deviant: Our Premier Kathleen Wynne.

    Wake up, Ontario: We're broke, unemployed, without a reasonable prospect of ever owning our own homes… Taking orders from Orville Redenbacher’s lesbian twin, who takes orders from a child pornographer — all of whom now have the legal authority to teach our children their diabolical values & if we dare to teach them otherwise, we might never see our offspring again.

  7. #97

    Nigel Farage on the Gird Girls

    "A New Puritanism Sweeps the UK"
    Quite so, and it should be noted it is quite Sharia (Islamic Law) compliant.
    This again is the Red-Green Axis at work.

    Nigel Farage REACTS to Feminists Getting Formula One Grid Girls SACKED

  8. #98

    The Deep State at Work

    This is the Deep State at work. Not the Deep State in quotation marks nor the Conspiracy Deep State but the actual Deep State, the Democrat appointed Judges and administrators who have a political agenda.

    The judge here had the authority to uphold the charges, he did not. The FGM mutilator of at least 100 girls went free. America follows Europe where Muslim rapists murders etc get reduced sentences, go free or are simply never charged. The political reason is the nothing must be allowed to criticize Islam so that the polices of unrestricted Islamic Immigration can continue. Those immigration policies will give absolute power to the Progressive Leftists as they change the demographics of Western Countries.
    This is what has already happened in California which is now more than 50 percent Hispanic and a one party State.
    For political power a policy of genocide is being waged on the old stock citizens of all Western Countries.
    The Globalists and their stooges in the MSN and Hollywood are 100 percent to blame for this.

    Feds drop bombshell: Up to 100 girls may have had their genitals cut in Michigan
    Tresa Baldas, Detroit Free Press

    A federal prosecutor dropped a bombshell in court Wednesday, telling a federal judge that the government estimates that as many as 100 girls may have had their genitals cut at the hands of a local doctor and her cohorts.

    Assistant U.S. Attorney Sara Woodward disclosed the information while trying to convince a judge to keep a doctor and his wife locked up in the historic case. It involves allegations that two Minnesota girls had their genitals cut at a Livonia clinic in February as part of a religious rite of passage and were told to keep what happened a secret.

    "Due to the secretive nature of this procedure, we are unlikely to ever know how many children were cut by Dr. (Jumana) Nagarwala," Woodward said, referring to the lead defendant in the case, later adding, "The Minnesota victims were not the first victims."

    Judge dismisses 1 charge in Michigan female genital mutilation (FGM) case

    Friedman ruled that Dr. Jumana Nagarwala and Dr. Fakhruddin Attar didn’t commit conspiracy to transport a minor with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity. “The facts alleged in the indictment do not support this charge because, as a matter of law, FGM, while a prohibited criminal act, is not `criminal sexual activity.”‘ The clitoris is the female sexual organ – the source of human female sexual pleasure. This is sexual crime.
    The Judge dismissed the charges. Say what!

    Unlike male circumcision, female genital mutilation has no health benefits for girls and women.

    Female genital mutilation (FGM) involves partial or total removal of the clitoris, causing injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons.

    Female genital mutilation procedure has no health benefits for girls and women. It removes all possibility of sexual pleasure. It is the worst kind of misogyny.
    Doctor denies crime was committed

    Nagarwala was arrested in April. She is accused of cutting at least six girls at Attar’s clinic in Livonia, just west of Detroit. The two Minnesota girls were brought to Michigan by their mothers, who are also charged in the case. The girls were 7 years old at the time. Their mothers are also charged in the case.

    Nagarwala denies any crime was committed. She said she performed a religious custom on girls from her Muslim sect, the India-based Dawoodi Bohra.
    Under Sharia Law it is not a crime and is encouraged. This is the problem , the Deep State has brought in an entire body of immigrants that do not respect American Law ands wish to replace American Law with Sharia Law.

    More than 500K in U.S. Risk Female Genital Mutilation, Say Feds

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that “more than 500,000 women and girls in the United States are at risk of or have been subjected to FGM/C (Female Genital Mutilation or Cutting).”

    The CDC says that some of these half million women and girls are cut in the United States. Others are sent abroad for mutilation.

    Today is the International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM, and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and other U.S. agencies are calling on the “global community” for an end to this abuse.

    In the United States, FGM/C is a serious crime and officials have prosecuted individuals who performed the procedure.

    FGM/C is also a form of child abuse.

    Those who engage in this criminal procedure can be convicted and serve prison time. There are also immigration consequences.

    Last April, three people in Michigan were charged in connection with the crime. Breitbart News reported that Dr. Fakhruddin Attar and his wife Farida Attar was arrested in the Detroit suburb of Livonia, Michigan. Dr. Jumana Nagarwala was arrested the week before. The arrests represented the first prosecution of FGM/C in the U.S.
    ..and..the charges were dropped And about those charges, prison time and immigration consequences ...nothing <crickets>

    How many young girls have suffered FGM in the USA, we don't know because the MSN and the authorities have done their best to cover it up.
    As well, nobody wants to be a "racist" you know..just like in Rotherham.
    Last edited by wolfen; 02-19-2018 at 04:23 PM.

  9. #99

    Forget it Jake, It's Chinatown

    Forget it Jake, It's Hollywood

    Complaining that there is injustice in Hollywood? that's like complaining it's hot in Hades. California compares politically to Communist China. It is a one party State with a Stalinist monopolistic media, a fertile manure pie of corruption and it will only get worse under the ambition of the Globalists who created it. In 2014 by means of illegal and unrestricted immigration the Globalists achieved their goal - California's population achieved a majority of Hispanics, now they are trying to flood the rest of America with the same and achieve total power over America at the expense of the American people themselves.

    A very extensive article here detailing the California Dystopia.

    The Illegal-Alien Crime Wave
    Why can’t our immigration authorities deport the hordes of illegal felons in our cities?

    Some of the most violent criminals at large today are illegal aliens. Yet in cities where the crime these aliens commit is highest, the police cannot use the most obvious tool to apprehend them: their immigration status. In Los Angeles, for example, dozens of members of a ruthless Salvadoran prison gang have sneaked back into town after having been deported for such crimes as murder, assault with a deadly weapon, and drug trafficking. Police officers know who they are and know that their mere presence in the country is a felony. Yet should a cop arrest an illegal gangbanger for felonious reentry, it is he who will be treated as a criminal, for violating the LAPD’s rule against enforcing immigration law.

    The LAPD’s ban on immigration enforcement mirrors bans in immigrant-saturated cities around the country, from New York and Chicago to San Diego, Austin, and Houston. These “sanctuary policies” generally prohibit city employees, including the cops, from reporting immigration violations to federal authorities.

    Such laws testify to the sheer political power of immigrant lobbies, a power so irresistible that police officials shrink from even mentioning the illegal-alien crime wave. “We can’t even talk about it,” says a frustrated LAPD captain. “People are afraid of a backlash from Hispanics.” Another LAPD commander in a predominantly Hispanic, gang-infested district sighs: “I would get a firestorm of criticism if I talked about [enforcing the immigration law against illegals].” Neither captain would speak for attribution.

    But however pernicious in themselves, sanctuary rules are a symptom of a much broader disease: the nation’s near-total loss of control over immigration policy. Fifty years ago, immigration policy might have driven immigration numbers, but today the numbers drive policy. The nonstop increase of immigration is reshaping the language and the law to dissolve any distinction between legal and illegal aliens and, ultimately, the very idea of national borders.
    It is a measure of how topsy-turvy the immigration environment has become that to ask police officials about the illegal-alien crime problem feels like a gross faux pas, not done in polite company. And a police official asked to violate this powerful taboo will give a strangled response—or, as in the case of a New York deputy commissioner, break off communication altogether. Meanwhile, millions of illegal aliens work, shop, travel, and commit crimes in plain view, utterly secure in their de facto immunity from the immigration law.

    Police commanders may not want to discuss, much less respond to, the illegal-alien crisis, but its magnitude for law enforcement is startling. Some examples:

    • In Los Angeles, 95 percent of all outstanding warrants for homicide (which total 1,200 to 1,500) target illegal aliens. Up to two-thirds of all fugitive felony warrants (17,000) are for illegal aliens.

    • A confidential California Department of Justice study reported in 1995 that 60 percent of the 20,000-strong 18th Street Gang in southern California is illegall; police officers say the proportion is actually much greater. The bloody gang collaborates with the Mexican Mafia, the dominant force in California prisons, on complex drug-distribution schemes, extortion, and drive-by assassinations, and commits an assault or robbery every day in L.A. County. The gang has grown dramatically over the last two decades by recruiting recently arrived youngsters, most of them illegal, from Central America and Mexico.

    • The leadership of the Columbia Lil’ Cycos gang, which uses murder and racketeering to control the drug market around L.A.’s MacArthur Park, was about 60 percent illegal in 2002, says former assistant U.S. attorney Luis Li. Francisco Martinez, a Mexican Mafia member and an illegal alien, controlled the gang from prison, while serving time for felonious reentry following deportation.

    Good luck finding any reference to such facts in official crime analysis. The LAPD and the L.A. city attorney recently requested an injunction against drug trafficking in Hollywood, targeting the 18th Street Gang and the “non–gang members” who sell drugs in Hollywood for the gang. Those non–gang members are virtually all illegal Mexicans, smuggled into the country by a ring organized by 18th Street bigs. The Mexicans pay off their transportation debts to the gang by selling drugs; many soon realize how lucrative that line of work is and stay in the business.

    Cops and prosecutors universally know the immigration status of these non-gang “Hollywood dealers,” as the city attorney calls them, but the gang injunction is assiduously silent on the matter. And if a Hollywood officer were to arrest an illegal dealer (known on the street as a “border brother”) for his immigration status, or even notify the Immigration and Naturalization Service (since early 2003, absorbed into the new Department of Homeland Security), he would face severe discipline for violating Special Order 40, the city’s sanctuary policy.
    There is much more to the article detailing the damage The Globalists with the use of their stooges in Hollywood and the MSN have done to the American people and to Californians.

  10. #100

    Nowhere to Run

    What happens when there is nowhere left to run? In Europe there is nowhere left for the original Europeans to run. There is no escape from their extinction, In 2030 the Muslim population of Germany, Belgium and several other countries will be over 50 percent. Imagine how tolerant the new rulers of Europe will be.
    With less than seven percent Muslims the UK is already a dystopian nightmare. The Religion of Peace forgot to bring their peace suitcases to Britain.
    2030 is the Death Date for Europe according to many. What is the expiry date for America, I wonder?

    U]Sanctuary city policies are ruining California — here’s why I left [/U]

    The verdict in the Kate Steinle murder case is a slap in the face to every law-abiding American citizen.

    Years of California leaders harboring illegal immigrants have led to this willful and awful occurrence in San Francisco — a killer walking free despite being in this country illegally, being deported five times, and despite being a seven-time convicted felon.

    San Francisco’s “sanctuary city” policy is bringing shame upon the once-Golden State in a turn of events that President Trump called “disgraceful.”

    The worst part? It could have all been avoided.

    To understand how we got here, one must understand how liberal politics have played out in California.

    Progressives in California over the last 10 years have increasingly placed the so-called “rights” of illegal immigrants over the public safety of its residents.

    San Francisco Mayor Edwin Lee once called illegal immigration “part of the DNA of the city.”

    Even California’s Attorney General Xavier Becerra — the man responsible for upholding the law — is ironically for actually breaking federal immigration law.

    Their choices have proven to have deadly consequences.

    Whether it’s the case of Kate Steinle who was shot in the back while showing her dad the beautiful piers in San Francisco, or whether it was high school football star Jamiel Shaw’s life ending on the sidewalk in front of his house in South Central Los Angeles, California leaders have blood on their hands.

    Public safety is the reason I left California at the end of 2012.

    As Democrats promoted sanctuary city policies and Gov. Jerry Brown began his early prisoner release program of convicted felons, drug dealers and other offenders, I no longer felt safe as a single female walking home from work in California.

    Now in California, 13,500 inmates are released early every month due to overcrowding. That’s an increase of 34 percent over just the last few years, according to the Los Angeles Times.

    All of this comes at a time when illegal immigrant criminal activity is drowning the state’s resources. Already, approximately one-fourth of the prison inmate population are illegal immigrants being housed on the taxpayers’ dime.

    While liberals often suggest that the illegal immigrant population is relatively low and therefore no threat to public safety, federal crime statistics show that a heavy percentage of inmates, criminal offenders and murderers are illegal immigrants. According to an op-ed earlier this year at The Hill, “a population of just over 3.5 percent residing in the U.S. unlawfully committed 22 percent to 37 percent of all murders in the nation.”

    In the Kate Steinle murder case, we knew so little about the violent illegal immigrant offender that he was actually indicted under another name. Initially, he was reported to be Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, but the name under which he was just acquitted last night is Jose Ines Garcia Zarate. It begs the question, if we can’t even verify a person’s true identity, should they really be in our country walking our streets among the public?

    The evidence clearly shows that illegal immigrants's criminal activity increasingly places law-abiding American citizens at risk.

    That an entire state would allow its residents to be placed beneath the rights of illegal criminal immigrants is a travesty. The fact that liberals even suggest that those who have no legal claim to residence here even have “rights” is a laughable premise to begin with.

    The sad news is that with California now becoming a “sanctuary state” this problem will continue to grow, and the public safety will continue to be placed at risk.

    When not corrected, history will repeat itself.

    So, who will be the next Kate Steinle?

    We don’t yet know her name, but you can bet that this scenario will undoubtedly and ever so tragically play out again on the national stage.
    Last edited by wolfen; 02-19-2018 at 08:54 PM.

  11. #101

    Don't Look at the Moon Look at the Pointing Finger

    To paraphrase Bruce Lee.
    None of the MSN Globalist propaganda rags giving us the news about sexual abuse in Hollywood have any legitimacy for protecting women.

    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    Gotta hand it to TIME for their 2017 Person of the Year... ...should we post that article? Well, here's a link: THE SILENCE BREAKERS
    Bad Blood video. And her testimony seals it:
    Time Magazine Gives Space to Hamas-CAIR Chief to Distort Martin Luther King’s Legacy

    The unmitigated gall of this guy is just astonishing. Martin Luther King’s position on Israel and the Jewish people was quite clear, and it was the direct polar opposite of that of Nihad Awads and the Hamas-tied Council on American-Islamic Relations. The complete opposite.

    Martin Luther King would be spinning in his grave if he knew how he was being exploited by the bigots, Jew-haters, racists, demagogues he fought so hard against. If only those who so egregiously use him would heed his words and wisdom.
    CAIR is an un-indicted Conspirator with HAMAS , the brutally misogynist Islamic Terror Group in the Holy Land Trial which was terminated by Obama without cause which had the effect of protecting Islamic Jihad and Islamification in America. CAIR funnels funds and support to HAMAS. CAIR = HAMAS = Islamic Jihad.
    So here are The Times in Bed with Islamic Jihad ...the Red-Green Axis at work

    Rolling Stone coverage

    (RE: Steven Seagal)

    "Is the thrill that'll gitcha when you get your picture
    On the cover of the Rollin' Stone"
    Getting your picture on the cover of the Rolling Stone is not meritorious. It's the same thrill as getting your head shot off. The Rolling stone hates Americans and America, it's history, everything it was and is and everything it stands for. The Rolling Stone is run by Progressive Leftist Marxists and a review of their articles shows an absolute hate on America. They are another arm of the Red-Green Axis

    Rolling Stone Warns Us About Nazi Amerikkka

    Here Bill Whittle reviews a Rolling Stone article reviewing Films and how Rolling Stone thinks America is run by Nazis.
    Last edited by wolfen; 02-19-2018 at 09:56 PM.

  12. #102
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Faith Goldie is a hack and generally considered a loon.

    I think the giant glaring problem is the attempt to make people think in a certain way.
    That's nonsense. We can all think what we like.
    If there is a need for change, legislate to it and enshrine it in law.
    If that can't be done, then too bad.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  13. #103

    Bill 89 and The Canadian White Boned Terror

    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    Faith Goldie is a hack and generally considered a loon.
    For Your Information? Actually that is not information, those are just two ad hominems. It does express a personal dislike of Faith but does not refute her video. More likely, or as well, she is a political enemy and this is a just a tactic of dealing with a political enemy. This usually happens when someone wants to avoid the actual content probably because there is is no legitimate argument against the content.

    Everything that the "hack loon" said is apparently true, and corroborated. I imagine this is the sort of information that the MSN does NOT want distributed because it exposes their lies and deceits. This is why the Globalists are doing their best to shut down the alternative news and shut down people like Faith Goldy.

    Who is spearheading the "generally considered"? The Globalist controlled MSN? Those who have been emotionally manipulated or lied to by the MSN? The Canadian MSN have no credibility or legitimacy, they are the enemy of Canadians. Whatever the MSN "generally considers" we can be sure it is not in the interest of human beings. Faith Goldy is very popular on social media with conservatives and anti-Marxists.

    What is happening in Canada and Ontario is what has already happened in California and Sweden and is a process being completed in the rest of Europe. Ontario and California are extremely similar in their Marxist orientation. Ontario also has sanctuary cities for criminals and illegal immigrants at the expense of genuine Canadians. California already tipped the demographic balance in 2014 when Hispanics became the majority. Trudeau is hoping to do the same thing in Ontario and the rest of Canada with his replacement un-Canadian, anti-Canadian, Liberal voting migrants. When the Liberals achieve their goal Canada like California will become a one party corrupt totalitarian State, or actually more so than it already is.

    Some of the Globalist Marxist Program pursued by the Left with the full help of the MSN
    • Racism = power + privilege (only whites can be racist)
    • Intersectional stack (most oppressed wins, least oppressed needs to check their privilege)
    • The west is an oppressive patriarchy that needs revolution
    • If you're not an ally+activist you're a bigot/racist/sexist
    • The world needs equity of outcome in everything, everywhere as opposed to equality of opportunity
    • Feels > reals
    • No biological differences between men and women.
    • Destruction of the Family Structure and replacing it with State "parenting"
    • Reprogramming of Children's Sexual Development to make humans as drones, to destroy and confuse natural human motivation , ambition and drive.
    • Yada yada

    This all leads to extreme abuse of citizens and especially child abuse as the Marxists especially target children in an attempt to re-program their basic identity to basically dis-empower their humanity..
    Which leads us here and now to Bill 89 in Ontario It's a double whammy, it helps destroy the Family and enables child abuse by school "educators".

    The following video shows how Bill 89 was implemented to destroy Canadians and it shows how conservative politicians are too terrified of the media to be able to oppose Marxist oppressive legislation or stand up for the human rights of Canadians. Even though their party principles opposed the Bill they were too afraid of the media to stand up as individuals and be counted. They are totally terrified of the MSN, of being labeled racist, bigoted or sexist and having their live sand careers destroyed. They do not dare legislate any change or oppose any legislation that is MSN backed.
    The Canadian people have been sold out by cowards.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    I think the giant glaring problem is the attempt to make people think in a certain way.
    That's nonsense. We can all think what we like.
    If there is a need for change, legislate to it and enshrine it in law.
    If that can't be done, then too bad.
    Actually the MSN has been completely successful in brainwashing large groups of people and making them think in certain ways. Justin Trudeau was elected by the Globalist controlled Canadian MSN conglomerate. The Globalist Corporations are firmly in control of the electoral process, in absolute control of the MSM and in control of what people think so long as those people do not have access to and learn from alternative media sources.
    The idea of red-pilling those who have been lied to is to simply show them what the MSN has not told them or to expose the myriad of ways the MSN has manipulated them. Once a person wakes up from the Matrix they never want to go back Once a person is free from the control of the media they are free to think any way they want to but most are unaware of how much the are emotionally manipulated and deceived. Nor are they aware of how they are being corralled into either physical or civilizational extinction.

    Yes, we can all think what we like but the MSN has carefully manipulated many with their power and technological control to think exactly what the Globalists want them to think.
    Yes, people can all think what they like but for the most part they must hide it and cannot say it, especially in Canada.
    Try having the wrong opinion on Canadian Campuses will get you failed or expelled or fired if a professor. Over 20 percent of Professors at Uni identify as Marxists, There is no diversity or freedom of thought at the universities Having the wrong opinion on any Globalist controlled media will get you censored or banned. The wrong opinion gets people fired, beaten up, socially or legally persecuted or criminally charged.
    The ironically labeled Canadian HRC (Human Rights Commission) has destroyed the lives of many Canadians who erroneously thought they had the right to think they could say what they think. The HRC is the opposite of what it pretends to be.

    An individual that advocates against the importation of Islamic hatred, Jihad (both cultural and violent) , Islamification, replacement immigration etc will need to be rich enough to have bodyguards , protective housing compounds and deep pockets to pay extensive legal bills for the lawfare that will be waged against them. Not to mention how the deep state, judicial system etc will persecute them at every turn. Just look at the abuse and slander heaped on Faith Goldy a person who recognizes a "need for change".

    Yes, it is too bad that Canada is becoming a near absolute Stalinist Dictatorship, yes it is too bad the Globalists have absolute control of the MSN and control and terrorize the masses like herds of sheep, yes it is too bad that Canadians are being replaced by a foreign migrant population so that the Liberals can change the demographics and have absolute permanent power. Yes it is too bad a Civilization that was fought and died for for several Millennia is all coming to an absurd and ridiculous self wrought extinction. Yes it's all too bad.

    To the victor the spoils. Mother Nature apparently will be the victor and yet exterminate another civilization that is unfit for survival.
    It's too bad Canadians simply have what is often a common medical diagnosis: an inability to thrive.
    Last edited by wolfen; 03-02-2018 at 04:19 AM.

  14. #104

    A Glaring Problem: Canada Erases Itself

    <Originally Posted by David Jamieson>
    I think the giant glaring problem is the attempt to make people think in a certain way.
    That's nonsense. We can all think what we like.
    If there is a need for change, legislate to it and enshrine it in law.
    If that can't be done, then too bad.
    Yes it's too bad, too bad, all too bad. Canada, we hardly knew ya!

    Canada: A Nation Crashing with NO SURVIVORS

    The Radical Transformation of Canada

    Some Points in the Video
    • Three Million new immigrants in three years - 440 Million Dollars Cost
    • By 2036 Stats Canada predicts 30 percent residents not born in Canada - Another 20 percent only one parent born in Canada
    • In twenty years no white majority. (Don't worry the new imports will be as tolerant as we are )
    • A Nation of Monocultural neighborhoods
    • Canada a massive haven for Tax Fraud and Tax Evasion
    • Chinese Government has control of Canada's Housing market and Real Estate (RCMP report and Chicoms recent seizure of Billions) First Home buyers locked out
    • Canada being bought out by foreign money - process complete in 20 years
    • CANADIAN SUPREME COURT KILLS LAST HOPE FOR FREE SPEECH -Even stating factual information will be met with state oppression.
    • Book : Canada In Decay: Mass Immigration, Diversity, and the Ethnocide of Euro-Canadians

    BPS Research Notes Here:

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    Last edited by wolfen; 03-02-2018 at 04:05 AM.

  15. #105

    Media Control: ME TOO, ME TOO, ME TOO


    The media has been going out of it's way to control the blowback of the Weinstein situation by, in many ways, making it look like "It is just what happens around here, too everybody."; hence, the "Me Too, Me Too" song that is being shared throughout media. Hollywood pedophilia has been hurriedly swept under the media rug. I hope more former child actors step forward.


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