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Thread: The existance of Squirrel Kung-Fu?

  1. #661
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    Inspired...To Make New Footwork Or Look And See If Any Old Footwork Might Be Workable

    265 lbs (nights ago)

    Saw a Youtube movie portion and the boy was noticed for a know set of footwork. I flashedish to what foot work Can I do also should I invent footwork. As an aside all my stuff now could be Cripple Squirrel, as Monkey with Master Pauley Zink--T'ai Shing Pek Kwar has five variations of Monkey(Tall, Stone, Lost, Wood, Drunk).

    Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu Squirrel has a Drunken Crane move/technique, however I can't do that particular footwork part which causes affecting the body work part.

    I'm calling Squirrel my family System so I can feel better about keeping it since I actually joined a legitimate School and have to go by that System. It's comforting to go over the techniques. I get concerned continuing to practice won't do me any good and then I can get distracted. They say Kung-Fu do or do not do. I used my breathing I got from Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu attempt Squirrel as well as how to locomote and rethink to do the same stuff but in different ways-momentframes.

    I started a contraction exercise. I would like to have a business and I might be able to market to do exercises since I can't teach...No_Know Kung-Fu. To teach it is different from the doing of it. I'd like to say two hundred doings for each section of the exercise. More sections might mean less doings of per.

    I'd like to incorporate Squirrel Scouring the Bone and Squirrel Muscle Washing.

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  2. #662
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    23 July 2018A: Fall Resetting Me-Expected Pain To Breathe ThroughEMJ

    273 or 279 lbs (two nights ago 278 lbs)

    Three weeks ago I was coming off of a wet porch and to get up the step the crutch angled out. My legs went under the stormdoor; and caught myself with my forearms. This slip and fall I had a knee on a chair and was swinging my leg under a table, looking down at the table to where I was going. The crutch moved My face went to the table corner area, the chair flipped--I was still holding on as it flipped so when the floor stopped me I was on my knee and the table was tilted at the corner somehow.

    I spoke-up, and said I was O.K. Told the person who said are you alright. " I'm O.K.."...but it's as though there's a tear in my hip. It's sensitive and is a yellow hurt, high pitched. My tricep near elbow stressed.

    I don't get why I'm not hurt worse. I felt solid getting to the seat but moving over, I began to comprehend excruciating. And now I'm set except slight moves-readjusting and concern how this will go now on my normal attempt to ambulate.

    I'm tight(ening) and am moving arm parts before the stone sets in--my hands ( I must have landed on and my re stressed back of the left arm took a brunt of the landing, which was pretty even- I'm thinking I landed on both knees too).

    I Was working with a concept of BaguaChang and earlier with Taijiquan of being one piece. That's all that makes sense as to how I was together and why my heads fell with my body and my face could have tipped the table corner. [the tables tilt ****her away from center when pressed]

    I No_Know how this is going to work, I just have an urgent feeling to think it through, attosecond by attosecond and re-evaluating. I am contemplating much pain and getting new understandings of breathing or applying older ones with practicality.

    I No_Know
    Last edited by No_Know; 07-23-2018 at 12:57 PM. Reason: The 8 didn't seem to need to be there.-EMJ
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  3. #663
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    falls suck, brother.

    I fell out of a tree in 2013 and the repercussions will be with me the rest of my life; completely changing what I am capable of doing.

    getting old sucks fat, nasty hooker-ass.

    I hope you continue to ambulate as best you can.
    "George never did wake up. And, even all that talking didn't make death any least not for us. Maybe, in the end, all you can really hope for is that your last thought is a nice one...even if it's just about the taste of a nice cold beer."

    "If you find the right balance between desperation and fear you can make people believe anything"

    "Is enlightenment even possible? Or, did I drive by it like a missed exit?"

    It's simpler than you think.

    I could be completely wrong"

  4. #664
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    Thanks Reply To Oso And Inform Others

    Lets say 274 (4 days ago) [might be 272 one scale; 269.6(268.6) [please-nobody multiply this]

    Thanks Oso.

    O.K. so the first two days I was into studying my new alignment... You see I was trying for the way I Wwwaaaasssss doing it Before the fall [Not Adam nor Adam--God Made two men-it is written...] I might refer to it as a Pull. I merely lost all items between me and the ground. And when my face might have slowed down catching the table corner [I was looking at that corner for several second before the Pull]. The table gave as if kneeling (No disrespect because no one who kneels offers disrespect...that's like been the case for eons type-of-thing).

    Oso et Al, I'm back op to my low grade level of ambulation as was before the Pull...Kind of. I can be sitting and how I handle sitting or how I handle gettingback-up reset my muscle groups and compressed they have to fill back out or my leg has to reshape. And the ... it seems like bellyaching. Also there's a lot going on it seems but to expla... and you shouldn't-ish tell others if things are wonkey...

    But sometime people care or are curious or it is informative...

    I figured I was hurting because I realigned. So walk differently to accommodate the new alignment. A week or so later I realized to re realign my leg/muscle groups. Hands-on adjustments and micro flexing so there was signal running through there--letting my leg know it's alive. And to me repetition begets strength.

    I'm more comfortable using two crutches for now...a decline in upper body or this stuff is wearing on me...

    I have Squirreled by changing my gait--smaller steps--my feet under me better support me.

    I mind the pace of crutch to foot. even one two three (four) tepid, up-tempo. and one two drag-up

    I went for a day with less eating and I think I cleared some stuff between muscle and skin. But now I cramp more easily. And since I used to cramp on purpose because in Squirrel that is a developmental tool I understand it can be forty minutes in a cramp. But note these cramps like from picking-up/reaching for something on the ground from my seated position in a chair cramps my latisimu dorsi and rectus abdominus--my gut-tummy sides-rib areas cramp.

    I learned to break a beginning cramp. It's a small window...

    I worked at it. It got back to my normal bad though perhaps slight differences.

    Crutch technique and using the closeness of my muscles such as with Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu (attempt), Squirrel: Pa Kua Chang (Ernie Moore Jr.), and a core developing exercise I designed when someone said they were targeting that area--posture...and something with gorging within the size of my stomach and going without--water-beverage-chocolate kisses and grape juice, (if I actually get ate it)let's see.

    Not very Squirrel to tell all like this. Perhaps I'll try [which means not saying try :-> )...

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  5. #665
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    South FL. Which is not to be confused with any part of the USA
    hey, man...some days all you can do is just keep on keeping on.

    i did some decent kung fu earlier this week...killed a tree and two palms I didn't like so I can plant some bananna.

    'twas hot, 'feels like: 102' according to weather channel.

    "George never did wake up. And, even all that talking didn't make death any least not for us. Maybe, in the end, all you can really hope for is that your last thought is a nice one...even if it's just about the taste of a nice cold beer."

    "If you find the right balance between desperation and fear you can make people believe anything"

    "Is enlightenment even possible? Or, did I drive by it like a missed exit?"

    It's simpler than you think.

    I could be completely wrong"

  6. #666
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    Almost Understanding Losing Weight

    277 lbs (276.2 lbs tonight)

    Squirrel thinks of changing shape, more than losing weight. I use poundage as a way to see what's going on with me in a way.

    Recently helping others concerned with weight loss I recalled a webpage to which I forgot the password. about breathing as a fuel. Coupled with Squirrel's scouring the bone and Squirrel's muscle washing [yes kypped for the more famous one]

    Got to 283 ish, then this weekend passed-278. Next day 276. Next day after that 274. Then 271 lbs all consecutive. It seemed I could loose point six to point four pounds in a night or during sleep time. But Yesterday then tonight...something like 274, 275.2 or 275.8 and flavor eating chicken before weighing-in 276.2 which I am rounding-up to 277 lbs.

    There's like six parts to be done and I left out some the night I got gain again.

    Weight loss cannot happen by exercise. Full movements develop that skill but to weight loss shorter moves to increase the quantity of muscle activation--short bursts. Multiple muscle groups count individually. Six calories burned in one minute done in seven muscle groups is forty-two calories burned in a minute. And possibly different areas of the same muscle group.-Ernie Moore Jr.

    The minute can happen after the agitation. As if there is a momentum to addressing a muscle. Short but big agitation to larger muscle areas can work while one sleeps.

    But I'm working with pressing the muscle to bone and as cloth on a washboard kneed-out tired and muscle gunk--muscle seemd to get cobwebs-ish if not addressed in a while--invigorate muscles, breathe shallow and repeatedly [checking first with your heal care provider general practitioner, family doctor or physician or the such first]EMJ: rest then agitate as swordmaking.-Ernie Moore Jr.

    I'm still eating. but we'll see if I can trim the muscle with breathing and shaking-agitating. It kind drains to manipulate these. But also can feel nice-I feel thinner. I regained but it's about maintaining and recovery.

    I once ...getting sleepy keystroke slow compared to thoughts...ued to only eat potato chips-ish and Coke-a-Cola. No longer do as much soda, and completely avoid Coke-a-Cola. Also, a muscle grabbing exercise design...tweeking.-dock_sitter

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  7. #667
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    Weight-in Check EMJ

    272.6 (this morning)

    Point 6 gone over night. Whewwww. Yet no rest I have to keep at it for this to work if it will keep on working I No_Know.

    My recent years best has been like 243 or 242 ish lbs. I was asked for more like 180 ish I might be a heavy person and can't get lower numbers passed a certain healthy below 200 lbs Let's see my health-fitness-Body Mass type index by 220's.

    .4 times 7 is 2.8. .6 times 7 is 4.2. This is weekly over night loss. Physical on-take of food a day... rice and chips(out of potato chips; been doing fish fillet (breaded) [10] and started shrimp [I tried six but four gives me taste and is a Good amount] so 3.5 actual physical food weight pounds per day is reasonable [if I get to eat that much that day--food not a given factor], but add two to five pounds with Popeye's special. 3 times 7 is 21 +Popeyes 21+4 is 25 per week. How much does Squirrel's scouring convert (to energy). I No_Know It needs to knock off more than 21 lbs accumulated over seven days. We'll see.-Ernie Moore Jr.

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  8. #668
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    274.6 lbs this morning

    Last night weight was 275.2. Gained about two point five with my eating choices and slacking off on scouring or washing. I was somewhat active, yet wouldn't do shallow breathing other moments. And my ability to breathe deeper improves, so confused about the rapid breathing part--it takes longer to breathe deeper and more rapidly. I am going to the place of it's the quantity that fuels the weight change. Deeper is more cool, and nifty, yet...stick to the point--do the technique is the philosophy.-Ernie Moore Jr.

    I'm eating heavy right now. yesterday I avoided my finger of peanutbutter for protein and did not eat shrimp...we'll see.

    No_Know...If I get to 277 I'll consider being more diligent. Now, I'm thinking this is silly and some might not matter like avoiding Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu (attempt) Squirrels Stance--Setting the Torso has dropped for days but readdressed today at least twice.

    I No_Know
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  9. #669
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    Stupid Eating: Life Should Not Be Training

    275 lbs this morning

    I realized I could be regimented, but as I dropped regiment at the start of Squirrel Techniques, I'd like my shape at a lower weight, but not at the expense of free eating. trying to lose weight seems losing experiencing living free ish.-Ernie Moore Jr.

    Weighing-in I look to be naked. This morning I realized emptying out by urination and defecation would be good before weighing-in.-Ernie Moore Jr.

    Today I gave-in to flavor interest, But realized I could try to not eat and my body feels a shutdow and trying for what I want gets me the other end. I ate...and ate-when eating in public the cutesie positions to help digestion don't go-over well socially, so one might be inhibited eating in public to practice a physical regimen of eating to reshape and reduce poundage.-Ernie Moore Jr.

    I must have three pounds more looking dimly. and not doing reduction stuff. Perhaps it will be more worth while for me when I see climbing numbers.-Ernie Moore Jr.

    Stuff to do. We'll see.-Ernie Moore Jr.

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  10. #670
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    Same Poundage End-of-Day As Beginning EMJ

    274.4 lbs this morning

    Going backwards: I was 275 last night. Yesterday, I started eating pacing--I'd take a bite or two. Chew that good. swallow in portions and jiggle my belly/stomach/manbreasts and or or scour my ribs. Later early afternoon I began eating protein-healthy food food, but in public no jiggling. in stead I might muscle contract-especially the stomach. Somehow all day neutralized I literally regained my start weight for that day.-Ernie Moore Jr.

    Small eating accompanied by scouring the bone and muscle washing and or or jiggling convert at a rate that negates the Gravity-Mass of the food taken on. And when that digests is critical lynch-pin point--the quality of the food -beverage fuel powers-up the revving motor of early digestion, slows or stops the revving motor of digestion. Or just doesn't do much for it so it goes as it was going.-Ernie Moore Jr.

    Learn how food fuels or hinders your digestion. Eat low volume of powers-up food...I looked at having the same weight at end of day as beginning of that day. There's exciting muscles--jiggling-contraction-release, there's using the muscle--exercise like weight training stuffs. Because I did not do much with short move reps but started heavy on the jiggle during eating, paced my eating to portions my motor could get it out of the stomach and convert it. Mightbe emptied out some (urinated, but less than a quarter pound I'd think). And quality ramped-up the motor. It balanced out.--Ernie Moore Jr.

    Exciting the muscle inside ANd outside (exercise--short-high-rep moves) and jiggle-scour, motor revving quality, shallow rapid breathing, food parcing and pacing. The most I should hope for is balance. Because I have reliably gotten weight loss over night from point four (.4) to one (1) pound even within 5-7 hours.-Ernie Moore Jr.

    Day before yesterday [Forward] gained .4 lbs (went to 275.4) end of day. Lost .4 lbs (went to 275.0) overnight. And yesterday started at 275 lbs. end of day was 275 lbs. (all of these are basically naked poundage). Today 274.4 over night conversion -0.6 lbs (or loss of .6 lbs)-Ernie Moore Jr.

    I No_Know
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  11. #671
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    270.4 lbs tonight

    Last night I went down one pound to weigh 273.4 at the-end-of-the-day. Over night I was down by point eight (0.8) pounds (lbs). which would mean the morning this morning weight was 272.6 lbs. I registered I had not seen that number in a while. But Holding numbers with mnemonics...If I lost what the point number was I had the loss over night for sure. And with end of day remarkable one below zero, I can do the math. I got naked tonight just to weigh. 270.4 lbs. Just saying.

    Weekends is when I can pull ahead when I can do without looking out for the social opinions. And I so far have consistently done something overnight--the other pull-away point. But there's no congratulations. It's a daily thing and in effect, every second I can I should be doing several somethings. We'll see.

    Feel tired coming-up, no preaching for this Now. 178lbs. is at least or a range of a hundred days. Four months is dreaded done day-by-day. And given a propensity to drop when it seems to work. I No_Know. We'll see.-Ernie Moore Jr.

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  12. #672
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    Spend To Earn Money; Eat To Lose Weight EMJ

    270.4 lbs tonight (8th)

    I backed off eating. No sausage biscuit. Just a sandwich bag of B-B-Q-ish potatochips in the morning. Pecked at the plate of rice. And picked-at two chicken wings. Held off eating chocolate covered vanilla ice cream on a stick until after weighing-in Even wouldn't taste Mtn Dew [someone indicated sda puts weight on you]. Wiped my back [top and lower] wiped my face and front torso head and neck before weighing in [so I could eat the rest of the night and not have concern the scale will show even more poundage. And I was heavier by .4 lbs.-Ernie Moore Jr.

    Except I'll be eating I can usually take off .4 lbs So, in a way I could be O. K. with weight gain so small because I might compensate and match that in loss.-Ernie Moore Jr.

    Up and down with small victories and balance is good in a long term endevour.-Ernie Moore Jr.

    I'm going to presume I did not have fuel enough to run the digesting-converting machine. Plus a lack of through-out the day jiggle scrub. So that's cute I have to eat to lose weight. a few enjoyable bites [because of the size of my stomach] throughout the day. Holding back might have signaled a storage routine. If so, I would need to eat enough to get the engine startede, else food gets wet but not processed. Unprocessed digested food goes to storage perhaps.-Ernie Moore Jr.

    I didn't want to be afraid to eat anyway. I'll change the volume, pace, frequency, types. The day I lost nearly two pounds during the day, I had two separate servings of seasoned fries, three breaded shrimp, was eating potatochips several times. Had my finger of peanut butter. But did all day swigs, of Sunny D (elight) and 100% grape juice.-Ernie Moore Jr.

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  13. #673
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    Eating Half A Box of 3 Piece Chicken Can Gain You Point Six Pounds (not money pounds)

    273.2 lbs.(this morning)

    Last night no weight-in. I'm up .6 lbs. from yesterday mornings 272.6 lbs. Noticing the periods of not eating might help. So, eat small quantities paced with seconds to a minute between next few bites. agitate the stomach and scour the ribs, jiggle the tummy to excite the bowls. Be hungry some. Fluid yourself to carry the waste from the muscles. Pee before weighing in. Pee during the day to reduce starting material.Know the significance of hard work-exercise-tensing relaxing muscles.-Ernie Moore Jr.

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  14. #674
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    Latest Video: Bench Press Advice

    271.8 lbs weeks ago
    270.2 lbs at night
    270.6 lbs waking next day
    days to a week or so later... 265. something lbs
    then days to a week or so later 260.2 lbs

    Jiggling and speed breathe occasionally. Two to four moments really hungry but no food made or accessible or affordable-bank over draught thing snatched thirty plus dollars. Went from target budget of twenty dollars at grocery store to three dollars spending ceiling. Store brand Root Beer and Store brand Party pack of potato chips Or Store brand Butter Pecan...$1, $2 items.

    A person had wrist hurts. I listened and had opinions to help with technique made videos. most

    Squirrel Bench Press EMJ: a Beginning-Alignment

    Squirrel Bench Press EMJ: Second Part-Alignment

    Squirrel Bench Press EMJ: Third Part-Alignment

    Squirrel Bench Press EMJ: Fourth Part-Alignment

    Squirrel Bench Press EMJ:


    Oh yeh, I fell days ago...edge of rubber stopper is smooth and angled enough when I was getting trash liner from trashcan, it slippedout from under. I had been reviewing Taijiquan Ward-Off b/c saw incomplete or not right for what I understood. Yet used that action as I comprehend it in revers to tuck/curl expecting to hit the weak table [which broke through as hand (palm heel) landed (Humorism:Look Ma! I Can! Break boardsENDH)] expected to hit the edge corner of the table but it folded-leaned away on board break. Only noticed muscles seemed fragmented in right thigh and some neck shoulder (back part). Work offable. My pretty normal Cripple self. Ernie Moore Jr.
    Last edited by No_Know; 05-31-2019 at 05:32 PM. Reason: link for 3rd was same as for second.-EMJ
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  15. #675
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    Weeks And Weeks

    260.8 lbs yesterevening

    260.0 earlier that day or the day before. Weeks ago I had 262.4 lbs.; then next day 263.4 lbs.

    My arm is not showing bruised, but the triceps are still inflamed and hampering. The bone around the elbow seems bruised to the press.

    Been reading-up on some Taijiquan techniques to see standards, because I think they might have changed.

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