Quote Originally Posted by Faruq View Post
But how could Cheung Lai Cheun become so dangerous and such a great fighter all of a sudden without learning new stuff from someone with drastically more knowledge and skill?
He trained with a collection of great Hakka teachers. And developed his own material.

It has nothing to do with his ability to fight or not.

Anyone who has been trained can figure it out. There are only so many ways the human body can move.

Chicken or the egg issue most of the time.

Rumor is that Li Siem Si, the successor to Som Dot, met with many people over the years. Li was the mysterious monk many SE Chinese martial arts systems mention. He wandered and taught much. Guangdong was a hotbed of martial arts activity at the turn of the century.

Again, who cares?

Can you use it and make it work.

The only paradigm that means truly anything.