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Thread: Internal pills

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Internal pills

    Sorry for all the questions tonight.

    They say the Iron Vest program won't work without a certain kind of pill that you must take for the first 100 days. What does the pill do? I'm not really interested in starting this type of training, I'm just curious how a pill can mean the difference between getting nothing out of training vs. developing invulnerability in the solar plexus after 100 days?

    "If you like metal you're my friend" -- Manowar

    "I am the cosmic storms, I am the tiny worms" -- Dimmu Borgir

    <BombScare> i beat the internet
    <BombScare> the end guy is hard.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Boise Idaho
    Green Dragon Studios?? Well some additional information is needed for anyone dealing with them. Frsit as I understand it they are no longer functioning, I could be wrong, but thats the inside word. They have no publicaly listed phone number, so no calls. Often time they will never return mail corraspondence. Sifu Allen is like a Military Drill Instructor for the Chinese martial arts, harsh and often time needlessly critical, but he does back up a lot of his opinons. His people are very well conditioned and indeed very good at the styles they practice and will fight you if you went to their school, however there is rumor its been closed for sometime soon, again that hasn't been confirmed to me.
    Green Dragon Studio comes mainly from Freedmen Eng and I know Gene Chicoen (sp) of the American Shaoi Choi Association is involved with them since he is the guy teaching the Iron Shirt on the green dragon tape. The pills are essentialy blood cleansers, an herbal detox program, the method WILL work without the pills.
    There are also other stipulations like no cold drinks, nothing sour, no shellfish etc, silly "taoist" rules about as ridiculous as the things written in this forum, but whatever... to each his own. Its is decent Iron Shirt progrsm snd doess alot of what it promises, its long and the reps get very, very high number but if its importnat to you you do it and reap the benefits. There isn't some magick power then stops it if you do less reps, they just want to in grain in you the seriousness of dedication.
    Earth, Air, Water, Fire, in the circle we conspire.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Boise, Idaho? You wouldn't happen to answer to the name RedWyrm33, would you?

    "If you like metal you're my friend" -- Manowar

    "I am the cosmic storms, I am the tiny worms" -- Dimmu Borgir

    <BombScare> i beat the internet
    <BombScare> the end guy is hard.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Boise Idaho
    lol yep...LLLLOOOONNNGGGG time ago, whats up Steve, how you been?
    Earth, Air, Water, Fire, in the circle we conspire.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    You got mail.

    "If you like metal you're my friend" -- Manowar

    "I am the cosmic storms, I am the tiny worms" -- Dimmu Borgir

    <BombScare> i beat the internet
    <BombScare> the end guy is hard.

  6. #6
    Ever heard of the concepts of Nei Dan and Wei Dan? seems to me that this would be Wei Dan (external) and should not be needed in internal training? But what do i know?
    Cheers. //42
    "There are only 2 kinds of taiji: Good taiji and Bad taiji"
    -- Dan Docherty

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Slightly OT

    Couldn't resist posting this here.

    Life Arts 1/6/2019 at 16:19:30
    The Tai Chi Pill
    By Ethan Indigo Smith

    Copyrighted Image? DMCA

    Tai Chi is one of the most efficient forms of self-development, for healing, for strengthening, for consciousness expansion, and potentiation in total. The Tai Chi Pill is a Tai Chi potion made up of paradigm motions and notions. Relax and enjoy.

    The placebo effect is the ability for consciousness triggers to cause healing processes. A recent study by Harvard University's Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, the first study of its kind, examined the placebo effect in a new way. The study was focused not on a particular medicine with a placebo sugar pill included alongside, but a placebo pill specifically. The 2009 study concerned those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. Some of the participants, to their surprise, received a pill bottle on which was clearly marked PLACEBO. The placebo experiment, instead of noting that the trigger takes place with the belief of the participants that they were ingesting medicine, instead informed the participants that what they were taking had no active ingredients.

    The results of the study found that even when participants knew they were ingesting a placebo pill it still helped their symptoms. In fact, the placebo pills that were known to be made up of no active ingredients had similar healing effects of two IBS medications used at the time.

    This and other studies found that the color of the pill impacted its effect, white kills pain better, blue sedates better. Further evidence indicated the manner in which the physician carried himself was of pinnacle importance. The more caring physicians equated to more healing effectiveness of the placebo pills.

    The results compellingly suggest many things, among them that people want a pill to work so much that it will! The main important factor relative to The Tai Chi Pill is that we can flip the switch, trigger sentiment anew at will - to our benefit and detriment. We can trick ourselves and even when we know we are tricking ourselves we can just as easily be tricked by ourselves. We can trick ourselves into falling into bad patterns and trick ourselves out of them. The best way modern medicine has found to insight the consciousness trick to heal is through ingesting a pill while quite often in a defeated posture desperate to try any remedy.

    The Tai Chi Pill uses a change in our perception and a refinement of our posture instead of mere swallowing of sugar pills. Tai Chi and The Chi Pill instigates healing and strengthening in a more conscious manner, and in a more empowered state, and thus the potential is greater for healing and strengthening, among all participants.

    There is another trick to the placebo effect in total and it reasons one of the first questions often asked of new Tai Chi practitioners. With placebo pills research suggests it is important a gentle bedside manner is instituted and the patient is informed what the effect is. When people take placebo pills, knowingly or unknowingly, they are told, or tell themselves, 'this pill is to cure X.' The first question I always ask new practitioners is, 'why do you want to learn Tai Chi?' I ask for many reasons but in part it sets the stage for their practice.

    'I want to learn Tai Chi to obtain balance in the chaos,' some people might say. And I have always responded with positive affirmation that Tai Chi can help such a process. And I am not trying to lie nor promote Tai Chi in for water it does not hold. Tai Chi enables you to be a bettered you.

    "Why do you want to learn Tai Chi?"

    "I would like to develop better balance and heal." Might be the response.

    "It is helpful for that."

    "And now let's relax, and smile!"

    After the seed is set that Tai Chi can help for that, and more, it is important to simply relax, and smile. The doctor instructs one to take the pill and relax. In Tai Chi we swallow the concept, and relax. We do not try to enhance the effect of the pill, or better digest it, we simply let it happen. This is how we practice Tai Chi.

    In the process of meeting some new friends of friends the discussion of their physical ailments came up. Eventually one asked me what I was taking. She essentially asked me, 'what pills are you taking and for what ailment?' I barely had time to say I don't take anything before our mutual friend spoke up and said, 'He practices Tai Chi.' The group nodded in conclusive understanding. I take The Tai Chi Pill, I thought.

    I take The Tai Chi Pill. I take The Tai Chi Pill as an adoptogen, a preventative, a natural curative, and a healing/strengthening nutrient, all without adverse side effects. The Tai Chi Pill basically requires a mind/body paradigm, and conveniently provides for it. Tai Chi requires relaxation, and also enables it.

    The Tai Chi Pill requires almost as much energy devotion to oneself as an allopathic prescription requires devotion to physicians and prescriptions. Everyone wants to be able to take a pill to make them feel better, often enough the flip of the switch in taking a sugar pill will be causation enough to feel better. The Tai Chi Pill works in the same manner, except that the energy we would devote to obtaining prescriptions and changing our lifestyle to take prescriptions and survive them we devote time and energy to practicing Tai Chi.

    Saliva swallowing is often deemed a moderately esoteric meditative practice in Tai Chi. The idea is to imagine our saliva is imbued with golden light energy and swallow it. We follow the saliva with our attention down into the system to instigate healing and strengthening. When we swallow the saliva pill, so to speak, we imagine it sinking into our system and activating the system from our very center, the dantien. The dantien is our energy and physical center just below our belly button. Comprehension of the placebo effect brings new enhances the Saliva swallowing idea.

    Tai Chi is a fantastic form of rehabilitation for healing. Tai Chi is also the Grand Ultimate form of re-habitualization for strengthening. That is to say, that sometimes we may be in a pattern or habit which no longer suits us and is hurting us and Tai Chi enables awareness and ascension beyond set patterns.

    If you'd like to explore this concept further, check out Ethan Indigo Smith's latest book, The Tai Chi Pill, from which this article was excerpted.
    Maybe someday this thread can be about waidan.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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