Xu Xiaodong bludgeons another kung fu ‘master’ as Chinese MMA fighter leaves 56-year-old looking like he’s trying Bird Box challenge
‘Mad Dog’ shatters Tian Ye’s nose in seconds with brutal elbows in one-sided mauling
Outspoken Xu toys with 56-year-old and mocks him before vicious TKO
PUBLISHED : Tuesday, 15 January, 2019, 6:43pm
UPDATED : Tuesday, 15 January, 2019, 7:30pm
Nicolas Atkin

Xu Xiaodong, the outspoken mixed martial arts star who has made it his mission to expose “fake kung fu”, is back doing what he does best.

The man known as “Mad Dog” took on another kung fu “master” in China last weekend, this time under kick-boxing rules, and left his latest victim heavily bandaged and bruised.

A Chinese tycoon reportedly put up 30 million yuan (US$4.4 million) in prize money for 56-year-old Tian Ye if he could defeat Xu, who has outraged many in China and caused debate in the traditional martial arts community with a series of brutal knockout wins in fights against practitioners of kung fu.

Tian was guaranteed 3 million yuan even if he lost. But while his name may translate as “Wild Fury”, he could offer anything but that as 40-year-old Xu toyed with his opponent and mocked him before finishing him in the second round.

Tian started the fight off by throwing a flurry of punches, which Xu barely even bothered to defend against before exploding with a brutal combination of elbows to the face.

Xu Xiaodong lands an elbow that breaks Tian Ye’s nose.

Blood began to pour from Tian’s clearly broken nose as the referee pulled the fighters apart with barely 30 seconds gone.

Xu turned away and shrugged his shoulders, and Tian went over to his corner to be treated by his team. His trainer then appeared to wave to the referee that his fighter could not continue, with Tian’s nose flattened.

Xu began showboating and dancing in the ring as Tian got bandaged up, before slumping over looking bored in the corner and pretending to fall asleep.

But Tian re-emerged heavily bandaged with his eyes and nose almost entirely covered, looking less like a professional fighter and more like someone trying their hand at the “Bird Box Challenge” – a trend inspired by the hit Netflix film – where people blindfold themselves and do dumb things.

Xu Xiaodong pretends to sleep.

And taking on Xu when you’re 56 years old and have evidently had very little MMA training is certainly a dumb thing.

Xu could have ended things quickly but instead of further pulverising Tian’s face, he took mercy and reeled off some brutal leg kicks.

Tian Ye is bandaged up.

“To me, he was a very nice person to do that,” wrote one commentator on YouTube. “If he was nasty, he would have just kept attacking his nose.”

Tian came out swinging again but Xu continued to shrug off his offence. Some more kicks took away Tian’s leading leg before Xu dropped him with an overhand left.

Xu Xiaodong floors Tian Ye.

The referee checked Tian out and somehow cleared him to continue. Xu then threw a spinning back kick and turned his back and casually walked away, as Tian comically tried to punch him from behind, before the bell sounded.

The fight went into a second round, and in more farcical scenes, the ref then got hit by a stray right hand from Tian and was knocked backwards with his earpiece falling out.
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