They are just looking for Trickers and Wushu peeps. If you audition, ask for Phillip. And if you get cast, remember who tipped you off (all I want is some comp passes to your show).

This December Cirque du Soleil Casting will be holding a three-day workshop style audition in Las Vegas for athletes in the following disciplines:
Artistic Gymnastics – Trampoline – Tumbling – Rhythmic gymnastics – Diving - Acrobatic Gymnastics - Tramp-wall – Slackline – Tricking – Wushu - Acrobat Generalist – Cheerleading

Dates: 16-18 December 2019.

Location: one of the Cirque du Soleil’s theatres in Las Vegas.

The workshop is free however lodging and meals are not offered by the Casting team.

This workshop is for you if: •You are at least 18 years old
•Actively practice one of the disciplines above at a professional level
•You are ready to adapt to new environments and group training styles
•You are thinking about a career at Cirque du Soleil within the next few years.

During the workshop you will: •Experience life as a Cirque du Soleil artist
•Learn from the expertise of the resident show coaching team
•Try out different acrobatic disciplines
•Take part in artistic workshops focusing on acting and dance, turning athletes into artists
•Meet existing artists, coaches and casting advisors to find out if a career at cirque is for you
•See a Cirque du Soleil show!

Interested? Then before sending your application, please prepare: 1.Your résumé/CV
2.Headshot and full body shot
3.Video excerpts of the following elements:
•A video introduction where you state your name, background, specialty and your reasons for wanting to participate in the workshop (1 minute max)
•A recent video of your acrobatic skills, including your main specialty and other disciplines in which you have experience (5 minutes max)
•Additional talents or unique abilities (2 minutes max).
Not available immediately for a contract? No problem, apply anyway and test out what life at Cirque could be like for you in the future.

Submission deadline: November 3, 2019.

Candidate selection:
•All complete profiles (including a résumé/CV, photos and demo video) will be evaluated by a Talent Scout from the Cirque du Soleil Casting team.
•Selected candidates will be contacted and will receive further details.

General terms and conditions for applying online: 1.The profile information of candidates will be used by Cirque du Soleil and its partners.
2.By applying online, candidates who submit their material via links to demo videos agree that Casting will extract material from these links if necessary to add it to the candidate’s profile.
3.Applications may be considered for one or more roles in all our current shows and upcoming creations.

Questions? Visit our “Help” page.

We can’t wait to discover your talent! Thank you for your interest in Cirque du Soleil.