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Thread: 2016 Legends of Kung Fu & 14th World Chin Woo Martial Arts Championship

  1. #1
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    2016 Legends of Kung Fu & 14th World Chin Woo Martial Arts Championship

    The full title is 2016 Legends of Kung Fu & 14th World Chin Woo Martial Arts Championship & Cultural Festival
    July 22 – 24, 2016
    Dallas, Texas

    I'll be there this weekend. Anyone else? Want to grab a beer and plate of nachos? MK, you in?

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    They skipped last year. I think they held it in 2013 and I didn't go due to a schedule conflict.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #2
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Chinese press


    2016-07-21 中国武术在线

    SMG东方广播中心报道:7月22日-25日,第十四届“世界精武武术文化大会”将在美国达拉斯隆重举行。参与本次活动的上海代表团成员包括上海 精武体育总会的五十余名运动员、教练员及SMG东方广播中心、五星体育联合报道团已于今日(21日)上午赴 美。

    作为世界精武每两年举行一届的盛会,“世界精武武术文化大会”是架起世界各国和地区精武友会间武术文化交流 、增进友谊的桥梁。本次盛会由世界精武联谊会主办,美国国家精武总会承办,包括上海精武体育总会在内的世界 各精武友会将齐赴美国与会,SMG(上海广播电视台)为本次活动提供全方位媒体支持。

    据了解,在活动筹备期间,美国总统奥巴马、德州州长艾伯特发来贺信,预祝活动顺利举办。而从美国当地时间2 1日起,SMG还将在纽约时代广场“中国屏”投播以精武为题材、以“弘扬中华魂 共筑中国梦”为主题的《中华武魂》武术文化宣传片(为期7天),扩大“精武”品牌在世界范围的影响力。目前 ,该宣传片已提前在上海各电视台及地铁、公交等移动电视渠道播放。

    本次活动开幕式将于美国当地时间23日上午举行。除武术套路、散打、舞龙舞狮、书法、绘画、象棋等比赛外, 世界精武联谊会执委会和会长联席会议也将同期举行。

    新华社、人民日报、中新社等中央媒体,解放日报、新民晚报、新民晚报驻美站。侨报、美国中文网、等美国当地 媒体。东方早报、北京晚报、扬子晚报、深圳晶报、烟台日报等国内媒体。新浪、腾讯、中国武术在线等网络媒体 配合报道。

    “中国武术在线”将于大会期间配合SMG东方广播中心、五星体育在本网站、微信、新浪微博、腾讯微博进行全 程专题报道。敬请关注。

    googtrans here:
    Fourteenth session of the "World Chin Woo Wushu Culture Conference" July 22 was held in Dallas
    2016-07-21 Chinese martial arts online

    SMG East Broadcasting Center reports: July 22 --25 days, the fourteenth session of the "World Chin Woo Wushu Culture Congress" will be held in Dallas. Participation in this event include Shanghai Shanghai delegation Jingwu Sports Federation more than fifty athletes, coaches and SMG East Broadcasting Center, Five Star Sports joint report group has today (21) morning to the United States.

    As the world Jingwu event held every two years, "World Chin Woo Wushu Culture Congress" is set up between the Jing Wu Friends of martial arts cultural exchange and regions around the world, enhance the friendship bridge. The event sponsored by the World Chin Woo Association, the National Federation of Jingwu contractors, including Shanghai Jingwu Sports Federation, including the world Jingwu Friends Sarkozy will go to the United States participating, SMG (Shanghai Radio and Television) based event offers a full range of media support.

    It is understood that during the preparatory activities, US President Barack Obama, Texas Gov. Albert sent a congratulatory message, I wish the event well organized. And from the United States Local 21, SMG will "Chinese screen" for broadcast in Times Square in New York to Jingwu theme, to "promote the Chinese soul Build China Dream" as the theme of "Chinese Wuhun" Wushu Culture videos (7-day), to expand the "Fury" brand worldwide influence. Currently, the trailer has been advanced in Shanghai television stations and subway, bus and other mobile TV channels broadcast.

    The opening ceremony will be held 23 am local time in the United States. In addition to the routine, Sanda, dragon and lion dance, calligraphy, painting, chess and other games, the World Chin Woo Association Executive Committee and president of the joint meeting will be held over the same period.

    Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, China News Service and other central media, Liberation Daily, Xinmin Evening News, Xinmin Evening News United States for the station. China Press, United States Chinese network, the United States and other local media. Oriental Morning Post, Beijing Evening News, the Yangtze Evening News, Shenzhen Jing Bao, Yantai Daily and other national media. Sina, Tencent, Chinese martial arts and other online media with online reports.

    With SMG East Broadcasting Center during the "Chinese Martial Arts Online" will of the General Assembly, Star Sports on this site, micro-channel, Sina Weibo, Tencent Weibo for the whole story. stay tuned.
    Yeah, I'm bummed that Kung Fu Tai Chi wasn't mentioned as one of the 'other online media with online reports'.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    What fun that was.

    I just launched a new photo album on our facebook page: 2016 Legends of Kung Fu & World Chin Woo Championships. I took over a thousand photos and am sorting them now. A lot of those need to be deleted. I'll be posting them daily, in batches of less than a hundred or so.

    I did run into a few forum folk at LoKF. Most haven't been around here lately, but they all said 'hi'. I tried to convince them to come back, if only to flame y'all. You'll have to watch the fb album to see them.

    After 8th International Traditional Kung Fu Association Chinese Martial Arts Championship the weekend before, I've had a lot of traditional Kung Fu. It was very refreshing.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #4
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    random Chinese news

    Master Grace forwarded this to me, so I'm sharing. Still have a lot more photos to post on our facebook album - stay tuned.


    来源:新民网 编辑:沈小栋
    2016-07-27 14:59


      【新民晚报.新民网】7月24日,第十四届世界精武武术文化大会在美国德州达拉斯举行武术比赛期间,作 为上海精武代表团的运动员潘树明怎么也没有想到,今年会在美国第2次遇见著名武术家王子平的外孙女吴小高, 她这次带着学生前来参赛。“我们又见面了!”吴小高优雅而非常自然的亲切问候,潘树明心头一热 。

      中国近代著名武术家王子平,人称“千斤王”,擅长查拳与太极。他的女儿王菊蓉也是武术家,精通查拳、洪 拳、炮拳,通晓射箭技艺。她是上海体育学院武术教授,退休后去美国很多城市发扬中国武学。她的女儿吴小高, 也与母亲王菊蓉和外公王子平一样,自幼习武,吴小高功夫好、人长得美,为人很低调。2006年3月9日,由 上海世纪出版集团(上海教育出版社)出版的《武术泰斗教你学拳系列丛书王子平器械套路精选:四门刀、青龙剑 、查拳门》的作者就是王菊蓉、吴诚德、吴小高。潘树明今年5月第一次在美国圣何赛参加第八届国际武术比赛时 ,经武术名家王培锟老师介绍认识吴小高,王老师嘱咐潘树明要好好向她学习。因参赛两人都比较忙 ,没有机会交流和留下合影。这一次再也不能放弃求教的机会,也终于拍好了吴小高与潘树明一张珍贵的合影照片 。(通讯员 陈菲)
    "Essential" to meet the famous Wang Ziping Wushu granddaughter Wu Xiaogao source: Xinmin Editor: Shen Xiaodong 2016-07-27 14:59

    In pictures: Wang Ziping's granddaughter Wu Xiaogao (left) "Xinmin. Xinmin" on July 24, the 14th World Conference on Kingwood Wushu culture in the United States during the martial arts competition in Dallas, Texas, as a delegation of Shanghai jingwu Pan Shuming of athletes never would have expected this year in the United States 2nd met Wang Ziping's granddaughter Wu Xiaogao, a famous martial arts, she took students to participate this time. "We meet again!

      "Cordial greetings from Wu Xiaogao is elegant and very natural, a hot Pan Shuming. Wang Ziping, a famous martial arts in modern China, it is called "dead King", good at fist and Tai Chi. His daughter Wang Jurong and martial artist, master fist, hongquan, Cannon boxing, proficient in archery technology. She is a Professor of Shanghai University of sport martial arts, retired to the United States in many cities to promote Chinese martial arts. Her daughter, Wu Xiaogao, and mother, Wang Jurong and Grandpa Wang Ziping, the martial arts since childhood, Wu Xiaogao Kung Fu is good, people were beautiful, very low-key. On March 9, 2006, by the Shanghai Century Publishing Group (Shanghai Education Publishing House) teach you to learn martial arts scholar, published by Wang Ziping instrument repertoire featured boxing series: four-door cutter, Black Dragon Sword, fist author is Wang Jurong, Wu Chengde, and Wu Xiaogao. Pan Shuming in May this year for the first time in the United States when Limon, Jose attended the eighth International martial arts competitions, martial arts masters Wang Peikun teacher introduced to Wu Xiaogao, teacher Wang asked Pan Shuming want to learn from her. Entries are both quite busy, leaving no opportunity to Exchange and photo. This time, never passing up opportunities for advice, finally Wu Xiaogao and Pan Shuming photos a precious photo.
    (Correspondent Chen Fei)
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  5. #5
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    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Legends of Kung Fu Hero Grandmaster Randy K Li (1953-2020)

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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