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Thread: Are MA really useful for Self Defense?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Denver, CO
    I still fail to see the difference. Combative skills include self defense...being the definition of self defense defending ones self against an attack (ok, I know that I used the term in its own definition, but come on... I think we know where I am going).
    Any time you are attacked, you should be on the defense in some regard, if you can turn that into offensive manuvering, so be it.
    practice wu de

    Actually I bored everyone to death. Even Buddhist and Taoist monks fell asleep.....SPJ

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    uh-oh, I hope no one quotes me on that....Gene Ching

    I'm not Normal.... RD on his crying my b!tch left me thread

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    One question have you ever been mugged or similar?

    I have and it does not happen as shown in the movies.
    IME, there are two types of muggers:

    1.) Who do it do survive, those tend to be rather harmless. Most of those are opportunists and are only interested in money or maybe goods that they can sell cheaply.

    2.) Those that mug for a "BOSS" or are part of a group and have to bring in a quota or similar, those will just a happy slice you as spit in your face.
    These guys tend to operate in groups and there tend to be more than you see.
    They know exactly what they are after CC, Car keys, Guns, etc.

    I still tand by what I said that STANDARD MA training does not incorporate much on the SD side, as those arts were designed to fight other MA.


  3. #33
    Join Date
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    Denver, CO
    2.) Those that mug for a "BOSS" or are part of a group and have to bring in a quota or similar, those will just a happy slice you as spit in your face.
    Geez, didn't realize that the mob was into mugging still.....

    I've never been mugged. I've been jumped, and my martial arts training has definitely helped me there, being able to throw punches, know where to grab, and know when to run. If you are talking about the affects of adrenaline taking away your training, or similar, that is one thing, but to say it doesn't train in self defense at all is way too general. I see it as this, if you know how to block, that is a self defense technique, every time you practice this it is practicing self defense. Now defending against a mugger is usually just dumb, so in that sense I hope at one point in time that someone has said to you to "Just give up your wallet, go home, cancell you credit cards." This is defending yourself from getting shanked, so that would fall under that broad stroke too.....
    practice wu de

    Actually I bored everyone to death. Even Buddhist and Taoist monks fell asleep.....SPJ

    Forums are no fun if I can't mess with your head. Or your colon...
    uh-oh, I hope no one quotes me on that....Gene Ching

    I'm not Normal.... RD on his crying my b!tch left me thread

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    I never give people reason to jump me.

    AFAIK, unless you meet a psychopath there should not be a reason for anyone wanting to jump you without provocation or cause.

    The one time I was jumped I used Gun-Fu, but most of the times having plenty of buddies wearing the same logo on their leather jackets tends to dissuade that type of behaviour.

    For muggings I practice Insurance-Fu.


  5. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Another question:

    Do you guys feel that your TMA training covers thinks that:

    Darren Laur
    Tony Blauer
    Marc MacYoung

    and similar talk about.

    Looking forward to an interesting discussion.


  6. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    The vast Martial Arts wasteland of central US

    Well, I agree with you.
    Despite my "big balls attitude"--ha,ha,ha-that was good!

    I think SD means being able to run, evade, position, talk, posture and avoid even more so than being able to get out of a situation using violence.

    Of the arts I've studied and the ones I've played with, it was all technique and theory and those were derived from the fighting style. Of the SD I've been shown, it was mostly unrealistic and worthless.

    Regarding Laur, Blauer and MacYoung: Could you specify this somewhat? I'm not sure what the unifying principle is that each offers and how it relates to the others. It's probably my ignorance in regards to same, so please excuse my stupidity in advance.
    Last edited by 1renox; 05-07-2003 at 02:11 PM.

  7. #37


    If someone attacks you, punching, kicking, and grappling will not protect you.


  8. #38
    Join Date
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    Upstate NY
    "Do you guys feel that your TMA training covers thinks that:

    Darren Laur
    Tony Blauer
    Marc MacYoung

    and similar talk about."
    No. but then I've got Darren Laur
    Tony Blauer Marc MacYoung to talk about that stuff.

    WTH? Is a sifu supposed to know everything? They're supposed to know the art they teach, thats all. Caveat emptor.
    -Thos. Zinn

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    Nor let unreason'd tempers rise
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  9. #39
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Originally posted by ZIM
    WTH? Is a sifu supposed to know everything? They're supposed to know the art they teach, thats all. Caveat emptor.
    OTOH, if they claim to teach effective SD and street effective methods than they should know it.
    But I agree a Sifu should know his/her art on inside and outside.

    I for one go to my Sifu to study his version/interpretation of Chen TJQ, and not to learn to defend myself in the street or be street lethal.

    Sounds like a contratiction, not really.


  10. #40
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    Upstate NY


    I for one go to my Sifu to study his version/interpretation of Chen TJQ, and not to learn to defend myself in the street or be street lethal.
    not a contradiction at all. I go to learn the art... how I choose to apply it is mine. If the sifu sez: "you can't apply it that way" I say: "What business is it of yours?" If I *really* know the art, it takes care of me [if I took care of it. heh]- if not, not.

    Which is all just another way of saying the ole 'technique is not the art' thingie...
    -Thos. Zinn

    "Children, never fuss or fret
    Nor let unreason'd tempers rise
    Your little hands were never meant
    To pluck out one anothers eyes"
    -McGuffey's Reader

    “We are at a crossroads. One path leads to despair and the other to total extinction. I pray I have the wisdom to choose wisely.”

    ستّة أيّام يا كلب

  11. #41
    Join Date
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    Sydney, Australia

    Thumbs up

    I for one go to my Sifu to study his version/interpretation of Chen TJQ, and not to learn to defend myself in the street or be street lethal.
    great answer

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  12. #42
    Join Date
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    Commerce City, Colorado
    Originally posted by norther practitioner

    I see it as this, if you know how to block, that is a self defense technique, every time you practice this it is practicing self defense. Now defending against a mugger is usually just dumb, so in that sense I hope at one point in time that someone has said to you to "Just give up your wallet, go home, cancell you credit cards." This is defending yourself from getting shanked, so that would fall under that broad stroke too.....
    Agreed. I had some one mug/car jack me New Years Day. He swung and I deflected it with a simple inner block. He then discided to leave me behind and just take my truck. He got about $120 out of my purse, and they found my truck wrecked the next day, but I was not hurt. My truck was easilly fixed and the money replaced. But healing is hard work, because it is both physical and mental.

  13. #43
    Join Date
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    Chandler (Phoenix), Arizona
    I don't see why traditional kung fu training and realistic self-defense training need to be different from one another.

    I'm a kung fu teacher, and I consider myself traditional to the core. That said, we train for modern day scenarios using modern day weapons. I don't even carry swords or spears in my school because you don't walk around with those weapons nowadays. Our goal is to keep the practitioner alive, regardless of method.

    There are schools of kung fu who dedicate themselves to preserving the lineage exactly the way it was taught by previous generations. I honor and respect that. But not all kung fu schools function that way.

    The human body only moves so many ways. And regardless of the weapons or circumstances, a fight is a fight. The parameters may change, but little else does.

    So far, some of my students have been forced to use their "traditional" kung fu in real modern day combat scenarios. Afterwards, they would come and tell me what moves popped out on their opponents.

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Originally posted by HuangKaiVun
    I don't even carry swords or spears in my school because you don't walk around with those weapons nowadays.
    There is still a chance that you might get attacked with one of those though.
    In the last few years there have been a quiet a few incidents in which traditional weapons (swords) were used for attack and some of those ended fatally.

    One thing I was once taught:
    "How can you defend against a weapon if you are not familiar with it's usage?"

    Also many styles and system use traditional weapons to finish off unarmed training, and some rely on them for power and/or strength training.

    While those weapons might not be useful for SD purpose, but than I don't think they were carried a few hundreds years ago either as a SD weapon.
    Kwan Dao, Double swords, hook swords, etc.

    Actually most warriors were trained in "non-weapon" forms in order to handle unarmed encounters.
    japanese tessen "Steel fan" as NO weapons were permitted at court, etc.

    The parameters are still pretty much the same. I don't see a YLC or any of the other great MA head to the local eating establishment fully equipped either or go for a stroll carrying plenty of weapons.

    Martial Arts were developed for the Battelfield more than for SD purpose, SD was always a side-benefit and not the prime purpose.


  15. #45
    Join Date
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

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