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Thread: Lululemon

  1. #1
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    This is somewhat true for me...

    Everything You Wear Is Athleisure
    Yoga pants, tennis shoes, and the 100-year history of how sports changed the way Americans dress
    OCT 28, 2018
    Derek Thompson
    Staff writer at The Atlantic


    In 1997, a retail entrepreneur in British Columbia named Chip Wilson was having back problems. So, like millions of people around the world, he went to a yoga class. What struck Wilson most in his first session wasn’t the poses; it was the pants. He noticed that his yoga instructor was wearing some slinky dance attire, the sort of second skin that makes a fit person’s butt look terrific. Wilson felt inspired to mass-produce this vision of posterior pulchritude. The next year, he started a yoga design-and-fashion business and opened his first store in Vancouver. It was called Lululemon.

    As a spiritual practice, yoga has been in existence for more than 2,500 years. But in strictly financial terms, Chip Wilson’s 1997 session may have been the most consequential yoga class in world history. In the past two decades, Lululemon has sparked a global fashion revolution, sometimes called “athleisure” or “activewear,” which has injected prodigious quantities of spandex into modern dress and blurred the lines between yoga-and-spin-class attire and normal street clothes. According to one survey, the share of upper-income teenagers who say that athleisure stores like Lululemon are their favorite apparel brands has grown by a factor of six in the past decade. (Incongruously, athleisure has grown in popularity among teens at the same time that American youth sport participation has declined significantly.)

    As someone who doesn’t attend yoga or spin classes, my interest in athleisure doesn’t have much to do with practicality—or style. I’m a fairly boring jeans-and-button-up kind of guy. But for years, I’ve been wondering what athleisure’s rise says about modern culture and the way groups decide to embrace one idea and discard another. Yoga’s been around for millennia. Stretchy fabrics have been around for decades. So, what made athleisure take off so suddenly?

    Deirdre Clemente has an answer. A fashion historian at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, she says athleisure is the culmination of three long-term trends. First, technological improvements to synthetic fiber have made products like spandex more flexible, durable, and washable than natural materials. Second, the modern fixation on healthy appearance has made yoga pants an effective vector for “conspicuous consumption,” Thorstein Veblen’s term for products that confer status—like “extremely healthy person”— upon their owners. Finally, the blurring of yoga-studio fashion and office attire snaps into the long decline of formality in American fashion.

    “One hundred years ago, you would have day clothes for the street, dinner clothes for the restaurant, theater clothes, and so many genres of dress,” Clemente said. “Those barriers have come down. Athleisure is the ultimate breaking down of barriers.”

    To Clemente, the athleisure story doesn’t begin in the late 20th century, with the birth of Lululemon. It begins in the late 19th century, a sort of Cambrian Explosion moment for basic fashion when sports changed the way young people dressed—both on the field and in the classroom.

    In other words, when I asked Clemente to explain the sudden rise of athleisure, my request was one word too long. There is nothing sudden about the influence of sports on the way Americans dress. In fact, it is hardly an exaggeration to say that all modern fashion is athleisure.

    The late 19th century was transformative for two reasons.

    In 1892, the U.S. Rubber Company began producing shoes with rubber soles, and its target consumers were athletes. The friction of rubber offered superior grip for fin de siecle sportsmen in lawn sports and on tennis courts; hence, the name tennis shoe. (The long-standing alternative sneaker allegedly refers to the fact that rubber-soled shoes don’t click and clomp on hard surfaces, which allows their wearers to sneak up on people.) Although the popularity of tennis has been declining for decades, today almost all of the best-selling shoes in America are sneakers. Like yoga pants, tennis shoes are sportswear that have transcended their sport.

    Around the same time as the invention of the rubber sole, intramural sports took off at American universities, Clemente told me. That meant more young men playing tennis, golf, polo, and croquet. But lacking the means or inclination to fill their wardrobe with non-sports clothes, many of these men simply kept their athletic attire on for class. Athleisure dropped the prefix and became, simply, leisure.

    Let’s look at a couple of specific examples beyond tennis shoes: sport coats, polo shirts, and shorts. For each item, the influence of athletics sticks out like a popped collar.

    The first sport coats were adopted by 19th-century Europeans and Britons who enjoyed hunting or horseback riding but found such activities difficult in a typical suit jacket. Young American students borrowed the style with a few tweaks, sometimes pairing sport coats with non-matching pants to play outdoor sports like golf.

    What we call a “polo shirt” was originally known as a “tennis shirt.” In the 1920s, the Frenchman René Lacoste was a Grand Slam–champion tennis player who was dissatisfied with the era’s typical athletic garb, which featured long sleeves. To make it easier to scamper around the courts of France, he designed a short-sleeved cotton shirt that could be loosened by unbuttoning part-way down the front, with a starched collar that players could turn up to protect their necks against the sun. (Most recognizably, Lacoste, who was known as “the crocodile” on the court, emblazoned the left breast of the shirt with an image of his nickname.) The shirt was a hit. Other companies, like Brooks Brothers in the United Kingdom, adopted a similar design for polo players, who sought the same breathable shirt. When Ralph Lauren launched his clothing line in the 1970s, he put an image of a polo player on the breast pocket. Thus, a shirt designed for French tennis was co-opted for British polo and gobbled up by preppy Americans, who now use the term polo shirt to describe, without a second’s thought, an everyday article of clothing that is as athletic in its origins as “yoga pants.”
    continued next post
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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    Defying gravity

    Nov 13, 2018, 08:00am
    Why The Athleisure Business Continues To Defy Gravity
    Richard Kestenbaum

    Mika Yoga Wear Product COURTESY MIKA YOGA WEAR

    It’s been about 20 years since lululemon first introduced what are now known as “yoga pants.” Although yoga is ancient, today it seems inconceivable that yoga would be practiced without the relevant apparel. Active bottoms and leggings alone are now a $1 billion industry according to NPD Group analyst Marshal Cohen. But lululemon and other makers of yoga-related fashion aren’t limited to yoga, they've expanded well beyond that and most of what they now make isn’t used for yoga at all. For tapping into that trend and expanding it, lululemon has a total company value of about $15 billion.

    I recently caught up with my colleague Kim Karmitz who has been doing work with related companies. She explains that lululemon is not alone in benefiting from growth in the yoga business. “It’s not just the big players like adidas, Under Armour and Nike that have grown with yoga,” Karmitz says. ‘“There’s a plethora of smaller companies that have grown up in the same market. They have spawned a much bigger industry than just yoga pants and that’s what we now call ‘athleisure’.”

    Karmitz says the athleisure market is different from almost anything that has come before it. Often in the fashion business, when a new product class is created it explodes with growth. That goes on for a while and eventually the market becomes saturated. Then growth slows, competition becomes tougher, prices and profits feel pressure and competitors combine to become more efficient. We’ve seen this pattern over and over in the fashion business. But Karmitz says that’s not happening in the athleisure market, “This market hasn’t slowed. Even after all this time, the big players and the smaller ones continue to expand.”

    Karmitz told me, “there’s one word that explains the continued growth of athleisure: wellness.” She explains that wellness isn’t about your health in a strictly medical way, although it’s related. Wellness is more about your state of mind. Wellness products like yoga pants give the wearer an association with a healthy activity, whether they’re actually doing the activity or not. It’s a look that expresses an aspiration for health and positive thinking. Wellness is a very broad term and its definition is expanding all the time as more products and services become associated with wellness or try to. There are juices of course, and now there are “ingestibles,” products that aren’t medicine but something you drink, eat or apply to make you feel better and strengthen your confidence, particularly about how you look. Companies like Goop, Moon Juice, Keeps and Dirty Lemon have grown rapidly selling just such wellness products.

    “A large part of the big beauty companies like L’Oreal, Estee Lauder, Revlon, Shiseido and others are very focused on the wellness business,” Karmitz told me. She explains that they’ve been selling products for a century that are focused on giving consumers confidence that flows from looking healthy. So far, they have stayed in the traditional boundaries of the beauty industry and don’t describe themselves in wellness terms. They aren’t expanding into ingestibles, fashion products and travel experiences that relate to wellness the way other non-beauty companies are. Karmitz is not expecting the big beauty companies to move more deeply into wellness than they already have with their existing products. But if growth in the beauty business ever slows, Karmitz thinks they will have to take another look at it because the strategic similarities are so strong.
    continued next post
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  3. #3
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    Continued from previous post

    What does the growth in wellness that is driving the athleisure business mean for the future? Karmitz brought me into conversations with some impressive founders. Here are some interesting ones:


    WONE (pronounced “one”) – WONE was founded by Kristin Hildebrand, a Nike alumnus who wanted to use better fabrications than a big company like Nike could permit. Their leggings sell for $350 and according to Hildebrand, “are the best athletic apparel on the planet…it does more, it breathes better, it doesn’t pill and it’s good through 50,000 washes.” They have had only one collection so far, sold only online. It wasn’t just a big hit, you had to apply to the company to buy it and not every application was accepted. Their second collection is coming out soon and will be available online and at high-end retailers including Barneys.

    Onzie Product COURTESY ONZIE

    Kimberly Swarth, the founder of Onzie (pronounced OWN-zee), told me, “there’s a feeling when a great [athleisure product] or color or fabric comes on your body and that is part of wellness. I feel healthy, alive, powerful, that’s especially important for women.” Onzie is sold in Nordstrom, Neiman-Marcus, Equinox and Dick’s, but it’s also sold in almost 2,000 boutique work out studios for yoga, spin, and all creative workouts. “That’s how we started and how we stay connected to our core customer through her workout …where [our customer] is in her body…The enthusiasts and instructors are the evangelists for our product.”

    Glyder Product COURTESY GLYDER

    Glyder founder Stuart Solkow says his business is “seasonless.” Their key demographic is 28-34 year olds and they are growing through multiple channels including online, subscription businesses, gyms, studios boutiques and resorts. That works because they say their business is “all-around health and wellness.” They are being asked to do men’s all the time and the demand there is substantial but there’s so much opportunity for them in women’s that they’re not up to doing men’s right now. Their focus is on the quality of their product, fabric innovation sets them apart. They “try to set a high bar with our fabrics and design while keeping the value equation right for our customer. Every customer, large or small, retail or wholesale, gets 100% of our attention.”

    Tasc Performance Product COURTESY TASC PERFORMANCE

    Tasc Performance is focused on “the modern lifestyle.” Founder Todd Andrews told me they believe their “consumer is looking for clothes that do more for them, that aren’t just single-purpose products and are wearing across [activities] as we have busier lives…and they’re looking for technology and expect [it] in everything they do.” Their differentiating factor is their fabrics. They say they deliver “natural performance without using chemicals and not just using synthetics to get performance.” We are about “comfort with performance.” They are now developing fabrics using cotton and bamboo. Tasc opened their own store in New Orleans in 2017 and have targeted other cities for future retail expansion.


    Girlfriend Collective is about sustainability. Founder Quang Dinh saw other brands making products that are petroleum-based and set out to make a product that is socially and environmentally impactful out of post-consumer plastic. Girlfriend Collective is the only non-major athleisure producer that chips down its own plastic bottles and makes its own yarn. Its imagery is focused on inclusivity. The product is primarily available online and recently at Nordstrom and Reformation. The founder told me that with consumers getting health, food and lifestyle information on their mobile device constantly, they need athleisure product with comparable social values to the vitamins and beauty products they are buying.

    Mika Yoga Wear Product COURTESY MIKA YOGA WEAR

    Mika Yoga Wear was an early entrant to the athleisure market. But the market is competitive and to remain successful founder Laura Costa says they can never rest on their quality/value equation. They are focused on designs and the trends they’re seeing are mesh products, high waists, crop tops, biker shorts that are longer and layered, off-the-shoulder tops. Most of their business is online direct-to-consumer and their largest marketing channels are Facebook and Instagram. They have over 250,000 Facebook followers.

    Terez Product COURTESY TEREZ

    Terez is hyper focused on wellness. Founder Zara Terez Tisch told me that as a society, “we spend on health and wellness more than ever… people want to feel that they’re a part of a…community because we’re [driven] apart from each other with screens and politics…we are here to help women and girls stand for themselves and uncover their joy of empowering their self-expression… we happen to use athleisure…[but] we care about them as people and we are about what they care about.” She acknowledges that with its philosophy, Terez can be more than products and can expand into a “multitude of different divisions.”

    Where This Goes

    Karmitz says the growth in wellness shows no signs of abating and that's supporting continued growth in athleisure. It's that growth that's attracting entrepreneurs to create a constant stream of new companies without the pressure on margins that usually occurs after a product class has been in the market as long as athleisure has. She thinks that will provide a platform for expansion into related products that can be sold as wellness-related alongside athleisure products. Because each of the companies above and the many others in the athleisure business are each so different, Karmitz believes they will each find different ways to grow into other product lines. As long as wellness continues to be an interesting state of mind for consumers to aspire to, athleisure and other related businesses are going to continue their growth.
    Ya know, I just don't think I have the booty for atheleisure. My booty surrenders to gravity. It doesn't defy it.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Lululemon ftw

    Lululemon just had one of its best years ever, and it proves athleisure isn't dying anytime soon

    Mary Hanbury 3h

    Lululemon reported one of its strongest years of growth to date on Wednesday. Facebook/Lululemon

    Lululemon reported fourth-quarter and full-year 2018 earnings on Wednesday. CEO Calvin McDonald said this was one of its strongest years to date.

    Lululemon's success signals that the athleisure trend has no signs of fading out just yet, and it continues to be a market leader despite increased competition in the market.

    New brands such as Outdoor Voices, Hill City, and Bandier have cropped up in the market, offering their own take on athletic wear.

    Lululemon is on fire.

    The athleisure powerhouse reported strong fourth-quarter and full-year earnings for 2018 after market close on Wednesday, sending its share price soaring.

    After adjusting for currency fluctuations, same-store sales were up 17% for the year, making it one of its strongest years to date, CEO Calvin McDonald said in a call with investors on Wednesday afternoon.

    Lululemon's success shows that the athleisure trend has no signs of fading out just yet and that it continues to be a market leader despite increased competition in the market.

    New brands such as Outdoor Voices, Hill City, and Bandier have cropped up in the market more recently, offering their own take on athletic wear.

    Lululemon is not resting on its laurels, however. The store is looking to its menswear business to drive growth and attract new customers.

    The company told investors in a recent earnings call that it was on its way to achieving its goal to grow the men's wear category into a $1 billion business by 2020.

    Lululemon has also been testing membership plans to keep customers loyal. In December, it announced that it had been testing these programs in Edmonton, Canada, and later, in Denver. For a $128 annual fee, members were treated to a pair of pants or shorts, access to Lululemon's classes and events, and free shipping on online orders.

    On Wednesday, the company said it plans to expand this service to additional US cities in 2019.
    Would Kung Fu be more marketable if we wore athleisure?
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  5. #5
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    New Lululemon thread

    I just copy&pasted some of the Lululemon posts from our Athleisure thread because Lululemon really deserves its own thread. It's the heart of athleisure.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  6. #6
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    “Be Spring”, featuring Michelle Yeoh and the theatrical dancers of “Wing Chun”

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  7. #7
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    The making of “Be Spring” - a film for the Year of the Dragon ft. Michelle Yeoh

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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