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Thread: I believe it was you Tae Li

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fairbanks, AK, USA

    I believe it was you Tae Li

    I believe it was you Tae Li that asked what my religion was. I am a Bahai. Sorry about not getting back to you sooner, I was caught up in the game of life.
    'i have a new found respect for crowbars now'


    'atleast it wasn't about sex'

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    That's ok, thanks, i wondered cos of the words you have at the bottom of all your posts. Interesting. Thanks again.

    Tae Li
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    -Tae Li.

  3. #3
    Stacey Guest
    What is a bahai

    gate gate paragate parasamgate bohi svaha.

  4. #4
    Bahai is a modern religion which teaches about uniting of all religions/philosophies (this is my idea)
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    I do not necessarily stand behind all of the statements I have made in the past, in this forum. Some of the statements may have appeared to support a biased view of reality, and may have been offensive. If you are a moral person and were hurt by comments that I made, you can PM me about it and I will apologize if I find your cause reasonable.
    -FC, summer of 2006-

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fairbanks, AK, USA
    well, i guess that is a semi good broad description. except for the part about unity of 'all' religions. the prophest of my faith are as follows, Baha'u'llah, The Bab, Jesus, Muhommad, Moses, Krshna, Abreham, Zoroaster, and Buddha.
    'i have a new found respect for crowbars now'


    'atleast it wasn't about sex'

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fairbanks, AK, USA
    "We are Bahá'ís - members of the Bahá'í Faith, the second most widespread of the world's independent religions, established in 235 countries and territories throughout the world. We come from over 2,100 ethnic, racial, and tribal groups and number some 5 million worldwide.

    For more than a century, Bahá'í communities around the globe have been working to break down barriers of prejudice between peoples and have collaborated with other like-minded groups to promote the model of a global society. At the heart of our belief is the conviction that humanity is a single people with a common destiny. In the words of Bahá'u'lláh, the Founder of our Faith, "The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."

    Bahá'u'lláh taught that there is one God Who progressively reveals His will to humanity. Each of the great religions brought by the Messengers of God - Moses, Krishna, Buddha, Zoroaster, Jesus, Muhammad - represents a successive stage in the spiritual development of civilization. Bahá'u'lláh, the most recent Messenger in this line, has brought teachings that address the moral and spiritual challenges of the modern world. "

    lol, you can tell that was ripped from a introduction webpage, but that is a pretty good answer to the question.
    'i have a new found respect for crowbars now'


    'atleast it wasn't about sex'

  7. #7
    Stacey Guest
    Hey, I was a Bahai and didn't know it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fairbanks, AK, USA
    lol, i wish that was so
    'i have a new found respect for crowbars now'


    'atleast it wasn't about sex'

  9. #9

    Being's the devil's advocate again

    A couple of problems about this religion.

    (1) isn't it a paradox of the religion to believe that each of those great men to be a messenger from "god" ? I mean, in order to do so, you much presuppose that some kind of a deity exists. But for example. buddha does not go along with that idea.

    (2) Just to follow up from the last point, how can you unite religions which has a difference ultimate goal ? Pantheism and Monotheism is also running at opposite ends.

    Bring peace between them I can understand. But to unite them under one banner............ I just think that ideal behind it and the goal of it is a paradox.

  10. #10
    I don't think religion should lose its cultural heritage or roots.
    I think the variety of religion and beliefs are important, and should be kept going for what they are. However, people respecting religions and understanding that some religions work better for different people is a good step in the right direction.
    But obviously some philosophies have holes in them, so you should be able to challenge certain claims too. But not in an arrogant or disrespectful way.

    My 2 cents.
    (not commenting on Bahai at all, this was just a generalized statement on religion in general..)

    sniff sniff....hmmm I smell a religion thread coming up...

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  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Pin it down before it breaks loose!!!!!!
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