Im not sure where you are coming from. I never even implied I am better than anyone. Someone asked if being vegetarian is good, and I just told about my experience. I do understand the negativity around vegetarians though, because I have also met allot of people who become vegetarian, and then go off on everyone who eat meat or who wear leather products. I know, that’s not cool, but vegetarians have the same problems with people always harassing them on why they become vegetarian. Let all just be what they want to be.

I became vegetarian for very specific reasons, and I am not insecure about my beliefs. I don’t have to justify to anyone, why I made this choice, and I don’t condemn people who are not vegetarian. I respect and support every body’s beliefs.

If my son grows up and he wants to start eating meat, I will allow him to do so. At the moment, I decide for him, but I have no problem if he decides otherwise when he gets a little older. Tell me, did your parents force their beliefs unto you?

Veg protein is always found in many body building supplements. I have a transcript from a study from a University in Australia which compares soy protein, whey protein and meat protein. When I have time, I will type it all out for you to read. It mentions some pretty interesting facts. I have also seen some transcripts of studies which tried discovering if a vegetarian diet will be beneficial in case of chemical warfare as it is difficult to alter the biological structure of plans in such a way. Non conclusive, but so was the counter studies.

About vitamin intake and veggies, well, the proof is in the science. A good athlete needs a combination of various nutrients. Protein, Potassium, Vitamins, Iron, the list is endless. All of which, can be found in different veggies. If you have a balanced vitamin c / iron intake, you will not have to eat 50lbs of plants to supplement iron. Iron, can be found in many plant veggies. I have not yet seen any conclusive proof that indicates if vegetarians are all pale, sickly looking, crazy people. I have not seen any medical, scientifically evidence, that tells me that people who does not eat meat are less healthy than others. What does meat contain, which veggies don’t have?

Perhaps we should try see what makes a good athlete? Maybe we could type out one’s nutritional needs, and see which veggies could supplement it. This way, we could have people decide for themselves. Until then, your comments about vegans or vegetarians being sick and crazy are pure nonsense.