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Thread: The existance of Squirrel Kung-Fu?

  1. #31
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    Under Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel I determine. I have determined. It is other than O.K. to hurt for fun. It is acceptable to appreciate the beauty of exercising awareness on a Human with a bad attitude. Hopefully one would do other than deliberately hurt~ another person~.

    Someone was interested in my says about Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel. Person would listen to my new ~exercises~ Would ask questions and point things out. This went on for years. Person saw promise in my says. But person was practical minded looking at my says from a how can I use this in a fight perspective. This taking part of my say for purely fighting-ish has been sadening. But it was good for my database. So, (needle and thread) it seems as though it ends with me. But this is allowed for. In Ernie Moore Jr's Kung-Fu Squirrel it states that Enie Moore Jr. will make certain of the possible notices of things to do and will branch off into the discoveries of choice variations. I'm going to do what I find that I like. I can only leave a guide for others to find the Squirrel that's them. -ish

    Thankfully Squirrel can't be beaten with Squirrel techniques. And using Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel exercises for purly fighting-ish fighting-ish, one doesn't get any~ of the other benefits-ish of the exercises; and the fighting ability won't develop beyond meager. compared to someone who doesthe exercises for the sake of it or for Fun-ish.

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  2. #32
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    I think we all do it for fun on some level

    But perhaps we should work on how you define fighting. Is it fighting another human? fighting a wild animal (like a rabid squirrel)? fighting a microscopic animal (like disease)? fighting malaise? fighting inattention? My most violent fights have been against inattention - check out my ez-ine article Shaolin Trips - epsicode one for more on this...
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  3. #33
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    I read-ish your article at the E-zine that you mentioned just above. I like talk of Tamo. And mention of a the most feared (type of thing) referred to as Yama, would be the light through that crack under that door except there is no darkness so there wouldn't be any light. I've heard that there is no sound. It smells as if there is no scent. It tastes as if there is no flavor. It feels as if there is no touch. And yet there could be each. I No_Know-ish :~> However, dust has no home~ for there is no mirrorstand upon which dust may alight. (Nifty thingie~; not recalling the whole story).

    Person's thinking of fighting was as in when they attack, beat them-up.~

    Likely use of fighting relevant to Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel, would be whatever was applicable about what ever was being talked. When a word is used All possible meanings must be allowed to comprehend. Perhaps some-such.
    Last edited by No_Know; 03-26-2002 at 08:06 PM.
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  4. #34
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    The 6th patriarch

    No mirror for the dust, yes, yes, but that response can only be made after the mirror is mentioned. His poem was in response to the first poem. That's the paradox of nirvana - extinction. Before duality, after no duality, and no after. Yama is not the light until there is no after. It can drive you nuts, squirrel or not.

    Beat them up or beat them down? This is a trick question.

    Word Sound Power
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  5. #35
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    I might not recall the Whole story. But I do recall that I liked it. I was aware that it was in response to the first say. Therefore when I said it to you, the mirror was mentioned before (in the story), as the story remains the same and the mirror comes before that say, in the story.

    "Yama is not the light until there is no after. It can drive you nuts, squirrel or not."

    And with every moment being unique unto itself, that makes for a lot of light. And yet not everyone notices. Ya ma Yama Yama Yama Yama chame...le..on...:-)

    I No_Know Yama as you mention. I won't talk of Yama if you don't talk of my Ma. No horsing. :-)
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  6. #36
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    So if you become the 6th patriarch...

    ...what's your platform? Tree house?

    I jsut read another version of that Yama/Huike story where he was visited by ten lords of Yama. YamaYamaYamaYamaYamaYamaYamaYamaYamaYama
    How's that boy, george?

    I love Yama. He's so gothic. I have a beautiful thanka of a Yama manifestation in my living room. And he's riding a mount. Yama's horse has eyes on his butt. Always liked that
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  7. #37
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    Platform? It was unlikely to get to use that Culture Club song line in normal discourse again, so I took it. Position of no position-ish

    Related to me are references to Ta Mo and the word spelled y a m a but not in the Chinsese language. It was interesting to see them being used together.

    One called Yama seems interesting~.

    As to beat up or beat down, person meant to win a physical confrontation in which his health or well being or family or property had the promise of being damaged.~
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  8. #38
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    You come and go, you come and go-oh-oh-oh

    The sixth patriarch is connected to the platform sutra - a Buddhist reference I'll admit, but you opened the door wide open with Culture Club - that was a good one. Very good.

    You know I'm not sure what Yama translated into in Chinese. I'm sure there a name, but I don't know what it is exactly. Let me get back to you on that one.

    One of the first precepts of Tamo is to suffer injustice. How does that figure into your promise of being damaged?
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  9. #39
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    I was not registering the sound yama as being other than Japanese (yes, even with that Hindu type poster pic in the E-zine). The sound yama, I understand to be Japanese for mountain. So (needle and thread), I was hearing yama and thinking it means mountain in Japanese and that Mountain in Chinese is different from the sound yama. And that you were using Yama as a Chinese name (just really sinking in that it was for some god-type big wig; and Yama not seeming Chinese nor Indian...looks like I No_Know).

    The sixth patriarch I didn't pick-up on at all.

    "Culture Club - that was a good one. Very good. " :-)

    "One of the first precepts of Tamo is to suffer injustice. How does that figure into your promise of being damaged?"

    I No_Know that I was relating the two; however, when someone seems intent on hitting you to hurt you, when someone seems to be intent on breaking your car window, when someone seems intent on physically abusing your little sister...these might be considered as promises to damage. Getting your window replaced might take away from the flow of the planned things in the rest of the day or tomorrow or next few days---so to speak (shake a can), a major pain. Some people might not like bleeding or getting bruised or hurting. To accept getting hit (hurt) when one could avoid being hurt by trouncing the assailant could make one feel, I could prevent this but I'm not going to-I feel bad. It is a prison of helplessness--could help yet can't. And when your parents are violent and intimidate you, you could distract them and save her for twenty more minutes or an hour. Your parents' need, to project might wear-off and you got her a night without a beating. Perhaps they beat you instead. Deliberately suffering unjustly~.

    People seem to have boundries; some instilled, some self imposed, at least some Self maintained. When we think two things are Right but only allow one (save my sister; keep from me getting a beating~) Shame, confoundedness...regret--suffering for doing A Right thing--suffering injustice (unjustness).

    I could hurt you into not hurting me. You learn Might is Right. You maintain those guys were right, hurting others is Good! Self preservation instinct (Spite factor; Vengece urge) says Don't allow me to take the attacks without retaliation. Yet, I die if the people that make-up the societies upon which I depend have thinkers of these mentalities. Self preservation with retrospective foresight suggests don't attack, now. I havn't taken it much if any further than that if at all further.

    Perhaps some-such some might say...~
    Last edited by No_Know; 03-29-2002 at 08:48 AM.
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  10. #40
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    Yama mountain

    You are right about Yama meaning mountain in Japanese. But that's a different language. Gun means stafff in Chinese.
    I'll try to keep my buddhist references to a minimum.

    Now of course there are obvious situations of violation that must be remedied - such is the warrriors way. But where do you draw the line? Breaking a car window? Cutting you off on the highway? Taking 10 items in the 9 item express lane? Stealling your nuts? Whre's the line for squirrels?

    Not sure about your parents reference - could you clarify that?
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  11. #41
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    The line for Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel's practitioners is don't go beyond Comfort. And you think about various situations. You think about the consequences of your reactions not only to that minute or that person, the ripple effect of the actions of the people around you and their connections, your connections, the people you know, their reactions...of everything relateable with everything else relevant. When you've gotten passed several ripples and several variations of Each initial ripple and subsequent variations, you would be able to see beyond the blinding state of the heat (or other blinding~ factor) of the moment. Usually this results in choosing some humbling of Self action. Something embarassing. Usually a noble gesture (act).

    The lines must remain undefined, as they are drawn by that moment and all that went into the making of that moment and the undetermined moments that might follow. Those moments include one's Will, conviction and Convictions. Comprehend the possible results which you are able, Consider with what you are willing to live. Then, Be.

    The parents reference, was in reference to looking for a situation in which a person could have a little sister who could be physically threatened with physical harm (Damage), and you could save her from physical hurt but only as a compromise of self-well-being...suffer physically unjustly, following the letter of the situation--you are not in the direct way of Harm~; or suffer inwardly (mentally/emotionally), Regret--punishing oneself for ( or continually thinking about) Not following one's keep-another-from-Harm instinct/wearing the mask of Blaming one's Self to distract one from facing self preservation(survival) is a bad thing and my selfishness lost some of me that made it O.K. to be Human; there is something more than surviving to survive. And I should think of more than me.

    The parents reference was merely a convienient~ vehicle.

    "Taking 10 items in the 9 item express lane?"

    Once you realize this (before being rung-up, leave the lane. If you're being rung-up, if the cashier is almost through, say that you didn't realize you had ten items. Then go with however the cashier decides. These seem to be the prefrred ways for this situation, in general, basically.

    "Stealling your nuts?"

    If you are in a Justice mode, then begin to take them back. Otherwise, accept that they are gone and appreciate what remains. Or do something else.
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  12. #42
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    Ok I lied about the buddhist references

    Comfort zone is really tricky when you start considering ripples. If you bring ripples into it, you have to consider all of your actions and how they might lead to suffering. Let's take an easy one like eating meat. Ripples are sent into the rainforest by buying a Mcdonalds hamburger. Now squirrels are vegetarian, yes? Then you can take it to the level of Jains, mindful of each step or breath that might kill a bug. This is far out of my comfort zone.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  13. #43
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    LoL. Feeling comfortable seems different than being within Comfort. I have been told that killing is not to be done, yet plants are living and I fill-out applications and receive paychecks and eat vegetables. Many peoples called Americans live on deception-mindedly/under-handedly appropriated land. Were the land to be returned to the descendants of it's stewards...It seems that wrong things are done knowing that to rectify it would be another not nice thing. And if we were to not eat what is not alive or kill to eat we'd best lose spirituality which might dictate that all things have a life or some-such. And carbon being an indicator of life we couldn't even eat at least some rocks.

    It seems like a urrent that can take one to safe shores or further from safe shores. And as one drifts one decides which direction to take. Yet, even being in the current might have one as too distant from possiblly attaining safe shores. Some to many to all directions might be futile. However, whatever discomforts one might have about situations, it might be nice to when working not work too hard. When stretching, not reach too far. When moving not too hard, not too soft not too fast not too slow, not too long not too short...moving within Comfort was something to which Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel refers. If applicable to more than just the physical then very very. Some-such.
    Last edited by No_Know; 04-03-2002 at 09:27 AM.
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  14. #44
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    so funny, so comfortable

    That was the title of an article I was planning to write when I used to write for Hong Kong Film Magazine. It was a reference to a weird translation that appears in many of the adult Hk movies, usually said by a topless actress engaged in a sexual act. I've alwasy thought it was one of the funniest translations I've heard.

    That really has very little to do with our conversation here, or does it? This is an odd one to follow and I wonder if anyone else lurking really knows what we're talking about. Maybe that'll distract them a little more...

    It's that old your are what you eat, yes? This issue is more about sentience not life. Life is a process and death must occur to continue that process. But the death need not involve suffering. To suffer, one must be sentient. So there's another line to draw - plants probably aren't sentient, but are clams? What about ants? Cows? Republicans? So are squirrels the golden mean then?
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  15. #45
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    Druids might think that plants (at least trees) Are sentient. Ants, clams, cows, Republicans...sentient is such a formula evader. Ants (and uncles), clams, cows and Republicans operate in common to some extent perhaps, but might seem to operate differently. Theoretically, they are all operating within their own parameters. Visible light is a way small section of the Electro-magnetic spectrum yet inconceivable-ish that there is more to sight than color~. I am not to dis-allow for a thing~ to be sentient.

    Ernie Moore Jr. looked to comprehend. Hopefully the techniques andpractice of Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu would lend comprehension to perhaps almost any practitioner of Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel.~
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