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  1. #1
    mantis7 Guest


    Hey if you are looking to delete non informative topics get rid of the MY MY Is that a challenge... OR maybe the formal apology....or maybe the swift kill julio what ever post ... I dont jump on anybody or troll but fair is fair..... Sub jee who ever that may be should be treated right..... the post I just mentioned are at this point useless right???? or do you feel they serve some purpose..... Making fun of PAUL KOH ( WHICH HE DESERVES LOL only kidding) or making fun of the so called shoalin master..... Being a moderator gives you control do it wisely or dont do it at all...... If I am wrong I am wrong but this is how I feel and I hope u dont censor me

  2. #2
    illusionfist Guest

    Well you have your opinion...

    I'm not going to defend what i moderate and what i dont moderate. Yes you are right about some of the threads, but your opinions about some of the wing lam threads are off base. I have deleted many of those obvious "bait" threads. Most of words threads ,although annoying, were worded in such a way that they were geared towards discussion. I know that some of them were not, but a good amount were. Many disagreed with Words comments about other sifus, but i never once heard anybody disagree with who he thought was good.

    As for the Shaolinmaster stuff, you know nothing of what has happened, and the actions (or lack thereof) that i have made were done for a reason.

    But fair is fair, like you said. If you feel that i am not doing my job right, then just say so. Hell, we'll even vote on it. I'll make a vote thread so everybody can post their results.

    Peace :D

  3. #3
    MoQ Guest


    I think it's a good idea to make "MOD Notices" when situations emerge, or when an action is taken(or NOT taken as it may be).

    You know, just to let people know what's going on to avoid misunderstandings like the SubJee thing and my apologies to all the wonderful folks at TC Media!

  4. #4
    phantom Guest
    I think MoQ has just given very good advice. Peace.

    [This message was edited by phantom on 01-27-01 at 01:48 PM.]

    [This message was edited by phantom on 01-27-01 at 01:50 PM.]

  5. #5
    mantis7 Guest


    IT is true I knw lil of the shoalin master situation... but I did know of word just because it was set in a rethorical wording he was still baiting and was trying to do damage.. he just went about it in a round about way.. sub jee just was out and groth right .. which I rather have than a sneak and word play... I have no doubt in your moderating I was just making a point to all.. who can deem what is post worth and what is not..... some do not have the eloquince to right like word (LOL) but a troll is still a troll.... I just wanted to be put forth that fair is fair... U see I was trolling with what I put forth in a way,,,,, and since it was put against a moderator instead of a famous (charlatan) like james lacy it wasnt censored.... Y is that.. I was still challenging the way you did things.. the same way sub jee was challenging Mr laceys actions... no thing more nothing less... I was just trying to make a point... nuthing against you or your moderating skills....

    Victor ;)

  6. #6
    billy_pilgrim Guest
    Did you actually read any of the sh!t that "SubJee" posted after his thread got yanked? Whatever you think of Illusionfist's motives he was CLEARLY right. Subjee proved this on his own after the fact, so what are you still going on about?
    There is a huge difference between a misguided kid like "word", and someone who pops in periodically using a different handle each time with no point other than to cause trouble and make a spectacle of himself.

  7. #7
    mantis7 Guest
    hey billy you are right and wrong.. Word isnt a misguided kid he is just very smart in the way he puts things.... Sub jee is just blunt and not very smart in the way of word boxing.... I am playing devils advocate I just didnt think it was fair and I think I am entitled to my opinion... free speech is for all and not just the small cliche that hangs here... Its kind of like the cool kids that hang with each other keeping out the strange kids... but like I always say who am I to judeg but hey I just did so I cant say that no more aww dam I need a new line....

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