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Thread: How do you get your arse in gear when you really have to get something done?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sharky - the way I do it is to DO IT.

    I am THE laziest person for doing stuff I hate. I can practise my guitar or do my Kung Fu for hours, but work - I'm f*cked.

    The trick is to DO IT. Stop thinking. Just open the book and start.


    If I think about it I find myself negotiating between the part of me that wants to stay on the couch watching KISS waiting for Beyonce or Holly to come on, and the part that wants to pass my A-levels. The trick is just to force yourself to work. No conning yourself that "5 minutes won't hurt" or "As soon as I'm back from the pub". That fails.

    Unless you're a guy who can do excellent time management, this is the only way. Trust me.
    "Martial Arts will help lead to d@mnation – Yes, d@mnation!"

    -Bible Truths.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Los Angeles

    sak it up and have some discipline!

    I assume you're in college. I am too altho i'm graduating soon. Dude, show some discipline. Trust me, i train alot too but if you train more than you study then i hope your goal is to make it as a professional fighter or something! Unless you're carlos newton training should not take precedence over school work. No offense but i think yer being a total slacker. Don't use training as an escape from getting your stuff done cuz that's just lame. Wasting work time in the gym does not make you a bada$$, but it WILL make you a loser. If you wanna be a bada$$, go to all your classes, go to work (if you have a job), go to the gym and train (if you have the ballz and the dedication) and then come home and study your a$$ off for the rest of the night and ace those midterms. If you do that then you the fukkin man and deserve respect. On the other hand, if you d1ck around on the internet all day and then use the gym to hide from your responsibilities that's just weak and immature. The rest of your life depends not just on your grades, but also on the maturity, work ethic and sense of responsbility you develop as you prepare to get out into the real world.

    As for how to do this, mostly you should just sak it up and do it. But it also helps to schedule out your day so that you have some sort of structure to use as a point of reference. manage your time and do not let yourself waste any of it. I don't want to sound like i'm lecturing you, but you did ask the question Good luck

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    xebby is no more, his creator dwells elsewhere
    I am the lazy master and im happy with it
    "If you're havin girl problems i feel bad for you son
    I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one"

    "If you can't respect that your whole perspective is wack
    Maybe you'll love me when i fade to black"

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, NSW, Australia
    1. Break your task up into small parts.
    2. Allow yourself a reward for completing each task by a given time e.g. a few minutes training, a chocolate, etc. Do not use rewards such as watching TV, playing computer games etc. - it is too easy to get stuck doing those for longer than you should allow as a reward.
    3. Do not think about how large the task is, think of each individual small task and how easy it is to knock over.
    4. Take regular breaks.

    I am assuming you are talking about studying for an exam? I used to do it the way I outlined above. I particularly found that breaking it up into smaller subject areas helped. I also used to study for 45min - 1 hr, then break and do 10 minutes of training, usually forms. That usually cleared my head enough to continue.

    Using this method, I could easily put in 14-16 hr days studying before exams .
    Behold, I see my father and mother.
    I see all my dead relatives seated.
    I see my master seated in Paradise and Paradise is beautiful and green; with him are men and boy servants.
    He calls me. Take me to him.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia
    d@mn - who woulda thunk it joe good advice mate

    Peace is not the product of terror or fear.
    Peace is not the silence of cemeteries.
    Peace is not the silent result of violent repression.
    Peace is the generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of all.
    Peace is dynamism. Peace is generosity.
    It is right and it is duty.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Karin Tower
    think you're a really bad dude don't cha Sharky? heh talk about someone being full of themself. or is that just your sig? eh either way.

    How do I get MY* arse in gear when I really have to get something done?

    practice of course!
    Last edited by Yajirobe; 04-23-2002 at 05:32 PM.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    thanks guys, really useful stuff given, thanks joe and others

    yaji - um... eh?
    All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

  8. #23

    Here is some advise that you might not like.
    I am also lazy, but at the same time I am a perfectionist. What a combo.
    One thing I learned in life is "Success".

    Everybody wants to be successfull, don't we.
    Be good at MA, have a good GF, Wife, Family, earn a good Salary, have a nice Job.
    Yeah, we want it all, but in order to get it all we need to give 100% to all those things.

    So when you study give 100% to your study, when your with your GF devote 100% to her, in the Kwoon give 100% to your MA. and so on.

    But at the same time you must also realise that time is previous and you need to allocate time for each part of your Life.

    For me success is about the Quality of Life.
    Could I be a Manager by now, you bet.
    Could I be a better MA you bet.
    In order to be a Manager I would need to spend less time with Family and my MA practice.

    But my decision is to have a good Job and have a good Family while living in comfort and still continuing with my MA study.

    Work pays for my MA study, my MA study benefits my work by giving me health and strong mind it also relaxes me to take care of stress in both Family and work.
    On the other hand my family supports my MA study as I am a decent provider for their security and comfort andnot stessed out at home.

    It all interlinks and works together to create my form of "Success".

    Just something to ponder.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Karin Tower
    CONFUSED? good

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Thanks red_fists. I did start my project write up today. As per usual ii found that it wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be. So much work involved though. I am basically telling myself that after this month and a half i will have a longer summer of dossing about doing whatever i want, training 24/7 or sitting watching the simpsons or making new tracks or whatever!

    I just need to get through next week first then i can worry about exams.

    Thanks guys, i'm goin to bed!
    All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    and i too am a perfectionist but am lazy
    All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, NSW, Australia
    Laziness is a virtue in a programmer
    Behold, I see my father and mother.
    I see all my dead relatives seated.
    I see my master seated in Paradise and Paradise is beautiful and green; with him are men and boy servants.
    He calls me. Take me to him.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    near Albany, NY
    i try and play up my arrogance/perfectionistism

    if i need to do something i want to do
    the mere fact that i dont want to do it i look at as a sign of weakness; which will make me want to do it

    kinda like reverse psychology on myself

    thats my last resort
    if that doesnt work i agree with prana and a few other people

    i just quit thinking about it and do it


    structure in motion

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    xebby is no more, his creator dwells elsewhere

    You stop thinking about it and dont do it
    "If you're havin girl problems i feel bad for you son
    I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one"

    "If you can't respect that your whole perspective is wack
    Maybe you'll love me when i fade to black"

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    right here.
    sell drugs and pay someone else to do the work.
    where's my beer?

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