FT,I wanted to get it right before my reply,I just watched Kwong Man Fong's tape and realized that the set they call "Sub Jee Kuen" is the set we call "flower",he(and his about to have a heart attack student) has left many things out,why I don't know,perhaps not to give this knowledge away to the public,these are some I noticed missing.
Double Eagle Claw
Double Tiger Claw
Bong Sao-followed by a heavy open back hand
Not trying to down his student,he just left out more than his sifu and sacrficed speed for focus,or perhaps he was told to be misleading,I'll make sure I get you a tape of the "Sub Jee" I learned,we once put on a demo,there were Japanese TV crews there,Dr.Wong did "Flower" and mixed it all up into something that it was not.
When I asked him,hmmm, Dr.Wong,that kind off looked flower,but you added and took away alot.
His reply was,"I didn't want the Japanese too see the real thing,my people suffered enough at their hands,my father was a General and fought against them"