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Thread: China Survey PAK MEI form in the tape who is it?

  1. #61
    CLOUD ONE Guest


    Nicely put.

    What is your beef with us F.T?
    Why do you not live up to your challenges?
    You make out that it was me who challenged you.
    Go and re-read this thread.
    Your quite right I don't know jack about YKM.
    Has it got anything to do with Pak Mei?

  2. #62
    BIU JI Guest
    Oh you got it all figured out , haven't you clown 1. So NOW you say you don't know anything about YKM, before you're all fired up for taking FT out , obviously with the delusion you know what it is about . Make up your mind you do or you don't know!

  3. #63
    fiercest tiger Guest

    bui ji

    yes daddy's boy is confused, hongkong is a small world, tell me where you are staying clown one i will come to you!!! i dont have to ask permission to go out and fight so prepare yourself. clown one all you have done is try to insult me and my system, im not chinese if you think i am WRONG, so stick your email up your arse, "if you win i kow tow 100, and dont teach pak mei to non chinese". say this to kwong man fong, dr wong, sifu andy troung. they are all vietnamese ,chinese if you have a problem with these people teaching whities then. racist pr!ck...

    anyways you know where to find me!

    you still havent said what style you are? whats wrong you affraid little boy. :D


  4. #64
    CLOUD ONE Guest


    When have I said I know What you did F.T?
    This thread was about a Pak Mei tape.(not a YKM)
    You'll find out soon enough what I do.
    I don't make idle threats.

    Did you or did you not say that you did Pak mei?
    Why is it on your profile?
    Your nothing more than a con man.
    What Pak Mei do you do if you cannot generate this kind of power?(probably a B/S made up one)
    Don't worry I will get to see this corresponding course from Andy Truong.
    From his Web site though it seems it is a different one to I am accustomed to.
    You don't need to ask your Grandmaster. Which means you don't respect where your line of Kung Fu comes from!!!( no wonder your students are like that)or did you make up YKM?

    I gave you respect by calling you LIMP-GING, but now your just GING-LESS, FORMLESS, MINDLESS, DISRESPECTFUL, and of couse a big bad TIMID *****CAT THAT DOESN'T DO KUNG FU BUT PRANCES ABOUT IN HIS PYJAMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. #65
    fiercest tiger Guest

    con man! yep

    what is the difference between your bak mei and sifu troungs bak mei, there are different versions idiot! ykm has bak mei in it and yes, i do know bak mei kung fu...

    if you have this ging what ive seen then ill f@cking come and train under you so please dont talk **** to me because im not interested in your girly games. so what was the reply from sifu troungs email :D loser.

    respect, you have given none you toss, go and blow your trumpet else where. you are full of sh!t thinking your the end all be all of bak mei. go and jerk off else where, i guarentee that you are not as good as you think you are. post up a vid of yourself doing this ging or send me something so i can pick the sh!t out of it. we all have flaws so stop big noteing yourself fool. this for discussion not politics or arguing who can do what better.

    grandmaster limp to you! NOW GET BACK DOWN ON YOUR KNEES.


  6. #66
    tnwingtsun Guest

    Cloud one

    If you are a well versed Bai Mei man,ie. history,practice,concepts and theory you will
    know that YKM is an off shoot or a branch of Bai Mei,although different in small ways it is considered a sister system to Bai Mei,its roots
    run strong in Bai Mei,you should know this.
    To make threats is one thing,
    to try and take away a mans livelyhood and
    corner him is playing with fire.
    You could get burned,very bad,and for what??your pride?
    Pride is a horrible offence
    Everybody knows its not wise to corner
    At least some of us

  7. #67
    Buby Guest
    MoQ :confused: - RESPECT? I wouldn't even go there if I were you.

    Everyone who has crossed paths with me knows that I've given them the same respect they've given me. Not that I really need to defend or explain my actions to you or anyone else on here.

    Sui-Fuw - I take it that the statement you made about other MA's finding it funny was directed to me. Well, I'm happy that others found it funny, but I still find your humor dry. I don't know maybe it's me, maybe I don't understand your jokes. Nahhh, I think it's cause your jokes are just flat dry, cause I'm a funny guy.


  8. #68
    MoQ Guest
    "MoQ - RESPECT? I wouldn't even go there if I were you."

    If you were ME I think you'd be about twice your age and wondering why this kid is being such a pill...

  9. #69
    BIU JI Guest


    I'm laughing so hard at you, the cr@p spilling from you is actually quite amusing, for someone who proclaims to know so much can say something like"did you make YKM up", **** , whos arse have you had your head up all your life(beside your own).
    Go do some homework s**thead.Why don't you tell us what style you do or do you plan on keeping us all in suspence until the moment when you fill us all with a sense of awe when you wip out your super secret I'm one of few who knows kung fu.

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