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Thread: can o' worms

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Talking can o' worms

    (because it's been a few days since i've seen a post in jkd)

    I'm currently training in a small school that focuses
    on a mish-mash of jkd/jf/wc/shaolin with a bunch of
    outside influences. (some of our students have had
    training in other forms; jiujitsu, tkd/hapkido, kempo,

    Up to now, I've never really bothered looking into
    Bruce Lee's life, but as I'm trying to learn, I've been
    reading as much about what we're practicing as
    possible. Many people seem to have opinions on
    whether JKD is a separate art or if it's merely an
    extension of WC. Mabe it's just the way we're being
    taught, but it does seem that much of the mechanics
    of what we're learning as "jkd" as compared to
    what we learn as "wing chun" leans more towards
    the "jkd is an extension of wc" idea.

    Reading what of Lee's writings I've been able to
    (Tao of Gung Fu, various biographies, etc.), it seems
    that the essence of JKD was in the application
    of "whatever works for the situation". His writings
    on the concept of "non-stickiness"
    (off the top of my head) I thought backed up that
    sentiment... The phrase "there's nothing to it, really"
    kept coming up. It seemed to me that the main focus
    of JKD was "here's how you analyze your current situation
    with what you have and apply what's best" rather
    than reliance on a "formal" style of MA.

    I've read here that there's mixed feelings about
    "cross training" in styles; my question for the group
    is: For those who practice JKD: *is* there a "pure"
    style of JKD, or is it more of an enhancement of
    WC as it seems (with Lee taking what he liked of
    other styles that he came across and modifying
    his own style in response)?

    Any personal insights or opinions welcomed.

    [insert standard witty .sig file here]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Hico, Tx
    Hi Andreux. I'll say at the outset that I don't want to argue or make anyone mad. This is just my (not always humble) opinion.

    "Is JKD merely an extension of WC?"
    I don't think so. At least not the way I do it. It may be for some people. And it doesn't look to me like that's Ted Wongs way either. He was certified by Bruce, but it was towards the end of Lee's journey. (He died, thus ending it...) Wong said that Bruce was continuing to drift away from WC as he went, so I think that the answer to your original question will be answered differently by different students and perhaps depends mostly on when they studied under him. And I really think that he (Bruce) was looking to scientific principles and not just drawing from WC. Despite WC stylists claims to the contrary, WC doesn't have a monopoly on those. Just kidding!

    "Is there a pure style of JKD?"
    Oh boy, here goes... I say yes. I study JFJKD under Sifu Wong (when I can) and there is a set list of techniques. You can add to those of course and many do. My jury is still out on whether or not you need to. Wong is always repeating "refinement is simplicity" and "daily decrease". That is, what can you do without? As well as simply increasing efficiency of motion.

    All right, I'm ready to have somebody else reply and destroy my pet theories!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Royal Oak MI.
    Danger Will Robinson! Danger!

    Jeet Kune Do is a concept. (Or a goal to be reach for.) this is were all the conjecture comes from.
    How do I reach my goal? Is question.
    What did Bruce Lee do? And how did he teach it?

    That all depends on the time period, that either you or your sifu learned it from Bruce Lee.

    I believe you must first build the foundation. And once that foundation has been set, then Jeet Kune Do can be used. Not before!
    Now here's where the arguments really start.
    "Why should I teach someone to beat me." (Stated by Bruce Lee to James DeMile)
    In many ways Bruce Lee was a traditional martial artist, in the sense that he would not trust anyone to know all his secrets, so at first, he started to leave out small key element that made his technique work. And later he stopped building the foundations all together.
    His new idea was too , build on each person's own personal foundation. To use one was already there ,so to speak.
    Bruce Lee would watch you train, he would see what can do, and than he would give you what you've needed to make technique work.
    This was a brilliant idea, everyone wins. (You're happy because you can do it, Bruce was happy because there was no way you could use against him.) The problem came after his death. Suddenly those who could do Jeet Kune Do, realize that thay could not teach it.
    It's the difference between an engineer and a mechanic.
    I believe that best describes Jeet Kune Do.

    There are many great mechanic's out there in the Jeet Kune Do world. But!!! They are not the engineers who build the machine!
    It all depends on What you are looking for!?.

    Just a few thought. have a good day.
    Sincerely C.A.G.

  4. #4

    It is interesting to note how within the JKD world the search for an essence; a simplicity that is at the core of all motion, seems to be interpreted in vast fields of varying approaches. Each having found an individual strength, emphisizes such which works for them.

    The question always remains; 'What was Bruce's personal art?" Not what a few people may say based on conjecture; what really made Bruce what he was?

    Our group has an interesting take on it. If you care to, check us out.

    Good training,

    Joel 'Chihand' W
    Last edited by Chihand; 05-30-2002 at 10:33 PM.
    Stay Connected, (Internal) 'Body Sense'

    Website and Discussion Forum

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Califonia/orange county

    I belive Patrick Strong ....

    I belive Patrick Stong has great skill and knowlege . One can only make gains training with a man the caliber of Pat Strong. I only have high praise for Patrick . The founder of corejkd. A great man ...and a great person .

    Most in the "corejkd" group are reputable artist's with real skill . There's no doubt about that.

    Chihand does have a spin on JKD.

    Last edited by Rafael; 05-31-2002 at 06:22 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002


    Hey RF,
    What exactly about chihand do you find doubtful? His knowledge of the coreJKD material?

    I don't understand how you can bring anything about chihand into question, when Patrick himself (who you claim to respect) has nothing but praise for chihand's skills and character.

    Also, you say you have your doubts about 'this chihand character' as if you are not sure who he is, when most of us are aware that you know exactly who he is. Keep in mind that the scope of Patrick's teachings are not limited to L.A., and that many people worldwide are aware of who is who in the 'Little Dragon's Alliance."

    I share your respect for Patrick, as you stated, he is a talented and outstanding individual. That is why any personal disagreements I might have with his students I would address privately, and not publically. I find it very disappointing that someone who has trained with Patrick would vent a personal vendetta about a martial brother from Patrick's family on a public forum.

    Last edited by TargetAlex; 05-31-2002 at 05:45 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Califonia/orange county

    Excuse Me ?????

    You have No idea what is going on. So maybe you should stay out of it? Everything has been cleared. You may want to speak with Joel about this to get the scoop instead of doing what you told me not to do!

    You see your actions are quite hypercritical.

    I do not need any lecture from you! Please quit the holier then thou routine.

    You do not know me or what I am about. If you have a problem with me you may want to use your own advise?

    Did you see chihand himself react the way you did?

    Please Remember I have Personally Trained with Patrick and the group more then one seminar or a week like I think you have.

    Try some of your own medicine about going to the person in private!

    You do not have a clue what is going on.

    Stay out of it.

    Last edited by Rafael; 05-31-2002 at 06:40 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    If you want people to butt out of your affairs, don't go posting them on public forums.

    The attitude is not a 'holier than thou' attitude, it was an opinion on respect. If you don't like it or don't agree with it, you can simply ignore it, that is your perogative.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Califonia/orange county

    Not holier then thou ?

    You could have fooled me !

    Reread what you wrote !

    Next time heed your own advice !

    Have a good day !


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    It is not very nice to totally edit and change your post after I have replied to it, changing the structure of the conversation.

    I'm done with this conversation.

    Happy training.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Califonia/orange county


    Take your own advice.

    Consult with the persons through e-mail or phone first.

    You had no idea what was going on.

    Lets put it this way ..all is on the table. Talk to Joel if you
    want more information.

    Yes let's move on .

    Good training to you .


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 1970


    If people say that Jeet Kune Do is different from "this" or "that", then let the name of Jeet Kune Do be wiped out, for that is all it is, just a name. Please don't fuss over it.
    - Bruce Lee.

    Jun Fan Kung Fu is a different animal however.
    "Martial Arts will help lead to d@mnation – Yes, d@mnation!"

    -Bible Truths.

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