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Thread: Daily Excercises...recommendations..

  1. #1

    Question Daily Excercises...recommendations..

    What would an efficient daily morning workout for wing-chun consist of?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Chicago, IL
    You may want to check out the thread on the next page, entitled: "totally solo training."


  3. #3
    Originally posted by fa_jing
    You may want to check out the thread on the next page, entitled: "totally solo training."
    No that's not what I mean, i mean excercises....(push-ups, situps, etc, etc...)

    Excercises to build up the body, without equipment, primarily for wing chun....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia
    For basic fitness, try this:

    For something more exotic try Astanga yoga or
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    near Albany, NY
    the best thing for you to do in the morning for your wing chun would be:
    doing wing chun!

    siu lim tau

    followed by chum kiu
    followed by biu jee
    (if you know them)

    then the dummy, and the pole, and the knives

    if you dont feel like doing forms, chain punches, turning punches, front kicks, side kicks; pick out pieces of the forms and practice those repeatedly


    structure in motion

  6. #6
    Ok the things that my work out consists of are the following:

    1. 30 min bike riding(with a sweater for more cardio fat burning)
    2. 500 chain punches each arm.
    3. Dumbell bicep/ tricep. 4 reps.
    4. bench press/ military press. 6 reps
    5. Jump rope 10 min.
    6. heavy bag.
    7. pole training 5 min.
    8. Abs crunches, obliques, inclined bench.
    9. Pushups 2 sets of 50.

    The bikeing and the rope jumping will increase your stamina, and your foot work will be more nimble
    Last edited by dragontounge2; 05-31-2002 at 04:03 PM.

  7. #7
    Originally posted by dragontounge2
    Ok the things that my work out consists of are the following:

    1. 30 min bike riding(with a sweater for more cardio fat burning)

    The bikeing and the rope jumping will increase your stamina, and your foot work will be more nimble
    My understanding is that wearing a sweater will only acclimatise you to heat - it will do nothing for fat loss (you will lose more water) - in fact the extra heat will mean you can train less hard and inhibit any benefits you are getting.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    popsider is right. Sweating more does not do anything for you except help to dehydrate you. Take the sweater off and be more comfortable and you might burn more calories because you can ride longer.

    The only reason you would ever want to lose extra water is like if you're preparing for a bodybuilding contest and you wanted to dehydrate yourself. And even then it's very bad for you.

    So in conclusion, take your sweater off

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  9. #9
    Another thing to add to your training is work your hand techniques on a rice & bean bag.

    Are you possitive about the sweater because I watched this program on T.V. there was this jocky who would wrap him self in a trash bag LOL! And the put on a winter coat and then jog for like 10 miles. Because they cant exeed 90lb. Or maybe they are also trying to get rid of water weight??

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    I gaurantee you the sweater thing is a myth. The jockey was doing it to maintain a low weight but it's only water that he's losing. You can lose a lot of water weight in a day if you sweat a lot or take diuretics. By the same token, you can gain 10+ lbs of water in one day just from drinking a lot.

    Do not confuse water weight loss with fat weight loss. Losing water is dangerous and pointless. You don't want to go to the hospital for dehydration.

    If you want to lose fat, be smart about it. If you have questions, post on the training forum. Don't go by the scale, go by the mirror (unless you're trying to make a weight class or something like the jockey was) and even then, be careful.

    "If you like metal you're my friend" -- Manowar

    "I am the cosmic storms, I am the tiny worms" -- Dimmu Borgir

    <BombScare> i beat the internet
    <BombScare> the end guy is hard.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Behind you!
    Simkin: I'm with TjD. Weights are fine, but I really really like this wing chun stuff!

    Dragontounge (whatever that may be!): listen to Ironfist and Popsider. Keep your fluids up, keep your heat down, or take a short-cut to the kidney specialist !
    its safe to say that I train some martial arts. Im not that good really, but most people really suck, so I feel ok about that - Sunfist

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