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Thread: Sifu D'Agostino...

  1. #61


    Good post Ye gor!
    It is very true that one of the biggest reasons the people mentioned continued with their training is because we were hard core. As Ye gor mentioned it was not a commercialized school. I remember when Bruce joined as a business partner and did some marketing to increase students. We were packed with students and the more we got the harder the training became. Art didn't want to teach a bunch of half hearted people, he wanted the hard core guys and eventually the weak left and the strong stayed. The training was hard and he had a group of people that loved it, it is in our blood and that is why those people continued with their training.
    Pong lai has teamed up with Art and his student to do demos and Chinese New Year shows together. (LEARN KINDNESS, FELLOWSHIP AND KUNG FU).

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Nashville USA
    Hey Ye

    Wouldn`t a reunion be interesting? Just think of the stories...

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Jun 2002


    LOts of things being said . If you want my thoughts . it was I had a great group of guys that worked there ass of.kung fu if hard work and they did it .for the most part, it was one dose the work for you, if it weren't so evryone would have it.I think they love the art enough to make sure it is passed on . as for y I left WL it was time!And by the way I lost the wieght.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    "i read it plenty. and umm...worded my post appropriately."

    I don't think so.

    "Blatant bashing, and then avoidance."

    You're awfully sensitive if you think anything I said was bashing. Quote my bashing or apoligize.

    Ye Gor
    "Well, Hua Lin, I did go back and re-read the posts. I think I see the problem. A few posts back you said that what AD did for his students is train them real hard. That is true, he did. The way it was put, however, implied that the hard training is ALL the Art did. "

    I disagree. Maybe you could point out the offending remark. Glad I made you think anyhow. That was an interesting comment.

    Art D
    Maybe you could comment on Ye Gor's post about your 2 schools since I'm looking to open a school soon. I've alway felt I wanted a school like your 1st one where the serious stay and the disinterested drop off. I have a friend in New jersey that teaches Kenpo like that. That's fine if you work full time or you're rich. What I'm facing now is the need to make money with the school however the last thing I want is the after-school-babysitting-just-to-pay-the-bills program. I'm interested in hearing your thoughts.

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fort Lauderdale

    Welcome aboard AD

    Glad to have you join in our conversation. Congrats on how well your school is doing. We hope to hear more from you on this board and share your oppinions.

    Originally posted by Shadowz
    but some of the press....shamefully malicious.

    **attn: spiralstair, hua lin shr fu

    it would be of great productivity to your art and the culture that surrounds keep the lips from flappin if you aren't currently informed. Blatant bashing, and then avoidance. tisk tisk.
    if you don't plan on 'contributing' to the culture of your art, then....DON'T. **
    Correction, Shadowz, it is you who needs to keep your lips from flapping when it isnt's currently informed. Whatever you have perceived comes from way before any post about AD. It was the Pong Lai guys, sorry to say that, who began the blatant bashing and then avoidance. Not only that some went as far as to attack innoceny beggginers in WL who knew nothing about the politics (people who left for whatever reason), trying to make them leave and give WL a bad name. However we hold no ill will towards anyone. I suggest that you read more rather than show diserespect to people that you don't know about something you do not know.

    Don't go on telling me that I made this up because I was there when all of this started and I have been on here along time before most of everyone on this board (back when kfo belonged to Steve Creed [sp?] and not to kung fu magazine).

    To Yu Shan,Tainan ,18 elders, Pong Lai and anyone else in Pong Lai:

    I apologise for my words as I understand they may seem rude and inappropriate but it is the truth and it must be told to avoid any ignorance or misconceptions.

    If anyone wants to discuss this then they can do it privately by sending me a PM.


    the little green bug
    killer kung fu commando streetfighter who has used his devastating fighting system to defeat hordes of attackers in countless combat situations

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fort Worth, Texas, USA

    Mod comment

    K guys,..time to wrap this one up. Any further comments to each other on this? Please send them via email.
    How many identities does a Troll need?
    Didn't think I knew did you??
    I know a lot of things.
    You won't like me in person either.
    Confused?? Don't be.

  7. #67

    northern mantis

    Set the record straight- It was a WL'er, whitewhirlywind who started the bashing.

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Well, it's about time to let this thread die. Seems like 4 or 5 pages into a thread is about the limit before it degenerates. I'll kick off a new one based on my question/comment to Art D.

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Hua Lin Laoshi

    Are you sure you want to open a school and remain in WL?
    It seems opening a school is the first step to being kicked out for most students. Not that that would happen to you but it seems the trend.

    As far as your comments of keeping only the serious and loosing the disinterested, The way I would work this (If I ever had the desire to open a MA school which I don't and since it is a business) is to keep as many students as you have room for. Then, have an advanced class for the hard core, the people you want to bring to another level. Not to make more money per se but to satisfy your desire as a teacher to produce good students. After all, money is money and business is business. This way you have the best of both worlds, the casual MA who want to be healthy and the hard core who eat, drink, and breath KF.

    Just some comments from the outside.

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Nashville USA
    in closing, it`s all good.

  11. #71
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Orlando, Florida

    I only trained with Art a few times (worthwhile experiences).. more importantly, i count Art as a friend.. without interest in the "who screwed who" gossip, Art is, by my experience, worthy of the title "Sifu".. I met Art usually at Temple social functions, tournaments and occasional training sessions at the Temple.. in each instance he was gracious, considerate and always willing to share insights and knowledge.. Any Sifu or student that adds value to CMA deserves a cheer.. Cheers, Art..
    TaiChiBob.. "the teacher that is not also a student is neither"

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