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Thread: Xingyi and Taiji simliarities

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Oklahoma City, OK

    Xingyi and Taiji simliarities

    Just starting to delve into xingyi I am really enjoying it,
    I am finding many parralles with my Taiji training, especially since my Taiji focus has been Martial in nature. The same explosive small circle movements are in both arts, and the different Jins' are the same.

    For example the xingyi drilling fist has the same energy as our fist under elbow in the old Yang long form, this Zuan Jin is used in many other places as well. Pao chuan is also basically the first move in our cannon fist form, except we use peng jin along with the lu jin , and we do not close one of our fists.
    There are many more, I would say all of the xingyi fists are contained with the taijiquan forms, but what are your experiences? In what ways have the two arts complimented each other (taji , xing-I) I know that usually xing-I is paired with Bagua (post heaven linear sets lead into it well) but how many pair only those two together?

    Kind Regards,
    Gary Romel

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Anchorage, Alaska
    I will have the opportunity to study hsing-i with Master Zhang here in Anchorage, Ak coming August. I have heard many things of it, and it certainly sounds very effective when done properly and also complementary to t'ai chi.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Chi Town, Ill

    Different flavors

    CMA is CMA. There are many similarities in all Chinese martial arts. ie: chan su jin, five elements, six harmonies etc., etc. fists, elbows, hidden hand. The differences seem to be more in methods than in applications. I've recently begun to see more parallels between baji and bagua than I have noticed in the past. I think if you really want to have fun with your Hsing-I and compliment your Tai Chi Chuan, focus on the differences rather than the similarities. It's more about flavor anyway. Even Rocky Road from Ben and Jerry's is quite different from Rocky Road from Dreyer's but they both contain soft and hard bits, and chocalate.

    Live it or live with it.


  4. #4

    some thoughts.....

    there is a saying"tai chi chuan becomes ba qua which becomes hsing yi which becomes tai chi chuan which becomes etc....."

    yang chen fu was associated with sun lu tang a master of ba qua and hsing yi,he also knew fu chen sung a master of ba qua.

    both the wood and water elements are contained within
    deflect downward,parry and punch,when it is done from fan through the back.
    the fire element is 4 corners or fair lady works at shuttles.
    the earth element is part the wild horses mane.
    for metal look to play the pipa or lift hands.
    as in baqua,tai chi uses the same theory of the 8 trigrams,
    the footwork of the 135 degree turns of single whip and the stepping in fist under elbow can be related to ba qua.
    your research will uncover more similarities then differences,
    the two main animal forms are snake and crane.
    which are also the two main forms in wing chun.

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